Thanks for the feedback
Have you played Dark Souls? I'm trying to use that as a baseline for the combat and then take it from there.
1) Move speed is waaaaaaaaay too slow, imo.
You think it's still too slow? Just the walking or also the running speed?
2) -Shield feels very awkward to use. I have to wait for a 100% full reset of the animation on recovery before I can raise it again.
I wonder if you get inputLag or if you're just not used to having to wait for your anims to finish (which is what Dark Souls / Monster Hunter do) to start another action.
3) -Bumpers to attack/block are a no-no, IMO - use triggers. My fingers naturally rest on triggers and bumpers were always a bitch for me to reach - feels extremely off-putting.
Again, trying to copy Dark Souls here

RB is for normal attacks, RT is for heavy attacks. Unity is kind of throwing me under the bus right now with its stupid input system - RT might not work if you're not using an Xbox One Controller...
4) -Are you using RigidBody to move the player? There's a noticeable stutter that is consistent with a 50/sec physics update vs 60/sec framerate in character movement.
Yeah, I still need to move some stuff into FixedUpdate, will happen in the next code review pass
5) -You probably know this but I can make the character stop all walking animation and be unable to sprint by repeatedly tapping the dodge button. After several taps he stops animating and is unable to run indefinitely. I considered the endurance bar wasn't hooked up and left him idle to recover but nope. Still unable to roll, sprint or animate properly.
Yup, that happens sometimes - It's me being sloppy with the animation frame events. It's a bit fiddly to set it up, but I wanted to have it all based on animation events, so I can directly set on which frames the player is invincible, a sound effect plays, etc. - Hope I'll have that fixed soon!