Condemned did it reasonably well (first person melee).. That said.. Haven't played it in nearly a decade, I could be remembering it better than it was.
Did it? Mostly I just remember the mannequins. I wonder if the stifling nature of FPS melee is more acceptable in a claustrophobic/horror setting.
Someone give me some fresh enemy inspiration -- Anyone who's vaguely familiar with my game which is sort of Metroid-like but with a lot of dashing-with-iframes.
If I use your idea I'll credit you.
Do you need inspiration more for moveset or overall appearance? Like, is everything looking the same, feeling the same, or both?
I had a vertical lock on to experiment with a doom style view and left it on by accident. I think I need to let this one go and start over with something other than first person melee combat like you suggest. I'm still really new to programming and modeling and the scope of the game kind of got out of hand. I need to go back and try to make something more simple this time.
Thanks for the feedback.
I just want to say, re-reading my previous post to you it comes across as pretty harsh, and I'm sorry for that. I was trying to be encouraging, if you can believe it. As in "this is easily fix-able and the rest is not really your fault."
But yeah, it does sound overly ambitious for a first game. That's okay. It's really easy to bite off more than you can chew when you're not experienced working in the field. Hell, it's still pretty easy when you do have a lot of experience. And it's good that you're not afraid to try and find help!
Finally finished our Ludum Dare game a bit ago but feels like we were just getting started...
also here's a (low quality) gameplay video if you aren't able to play the game for yourself
you can find the actual game itself here:
Aww, that's so cute! ♥ I love the art style here. Good luck with the competition.