Work has begun on Dungeon 3. But, before I get too far ahead of myself, I thought I'd get some feedback on if it seems fine thus far.
Room 1, marked with an E, is the entrance. There are two possible ways to go, here. Upwards, to room 10, and right, to room 2. If a player goes to room 10, and then tries to go to room 9, the block puzzle there will stop them from progressing, tunneling them back into room 10, potentially 8, and inevitably back to 2. From there, the player will go from 3 to 4 to 5, where they'll see another statue like in 10, but be unable to interact with it. Up to room 6, through to room 7, which will unlock a shortcut to room 8, meaning coming back through will allow the player to go 1 -> 10 -> 8 -> 7, rather than 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
From room 7, the player can progress to room 9, and interact with the block puzzle. Just imagine there's a lantern or something behind the red block, that halts its vertical progress, but not horizontal. The player can then push the red block (which will be a statue, mind you, just a red block for the sake of design) onto either the red or blue switch. Once one is pressed, the blue block will now be accessible. The player will then backtrack to room 5, push it through to room 9 and onto the other switch. This will open up that blue path in room 4, leading to the second wing of the dungeon.
This is an incredibly QUICK design, just meant to get the ideas out there. These won't be empty rooms, they'll surely have their own puzzles, enemies, etc.
Dungeon 1 was designed in such a way that there was only one instance of backtracking throughout the entire dungeon, everything else was following that "circular design" concept I posted a while back. Dungeon 2's first wing had some backtracking in that one path was blocked off until you interacted with another, but again, wasn't mandatory, and a clever player could go through the entire dungeon without backtracking, though the second wing would be much harder to do that in.
This wing in Dungeon 3 is mainly meant to really push the player to go "okay, I can't go here yet. We'll come back to this later." The hope is that by changing how the player interacts with the individual rooms (as opposed to a one-shot deal with Dungeon 1 and interacting with rooms for a very brief period in Dungeon 2), that come Wing 2, I can start to do stuff like this on a larger scale. Go down path A, unlock C. Do C, unlock B. Do B, unlock D, fight boss.
The Spirit Temple in Ocarina of Time was fantastic for things like this. "I can't interact with this from here, maybe I should try and find another way."
Although, I also fear that this may be too sloppy, due to my inexperience. But, that's why I'm posting for feedback.