I love UI and stuff that makes everything all woosh around. Vlambeer is to screen shake what "wooshiness" is to me.
Also, I am probably late to the party on this guy, but I found this person named Keijiro Takahashi that does
amazing work that you can find here;
His shit is inspiring, yo. He's got all kinds of stuff from particle stuff to monochrome scripts to audio responding visuals. I got the mirror/kaleidoscope effect on my game from him (and I just found out he has a sprite outliner effect which made me squee in joy)
Speaking of my game, working on backgrounds and still trying to nail down a decent look;
I'm trying to dial back on the color now, at least using two complementary colors that fade with eachother.
Damn his stuff is amazing, I read the license and think I understand it, but it's ok to use in projects that you sell? There's some nice stuff in there I could really use!
The backgrounds nice, in terms of colour I don't know if this may help?
That camera's transition looks really nice, it's got a high quality feel to it!
On another note, I finally have something to show! The focus for this week is building up my rudimentary spawn/death/respawn system into something more akin to how it is actually going to work in-game. Tonight's work was hooking up the animation for the player's "spawn tube" (If anyone can suggest a better name, I'm all ears!)
Anyway, it's still not all that fancy (and I need to sort out some positioning issues + get some extra effects in there), but I'm pretty happy with the direction I'm heading in
Here's a gif for your troubles:
EDIT: Just realised the slight camera jitter when the gif loops makes it look as though the door is slamming shut, it isn't
This makes me happy, I still wonder if it's too overdone but I thought if I make it quick and smooth enough it'd be ok! So it's good to hear it getting positive feedback!
I'd say "Spawn Pod" as a name? Because it's more pod like than tube, but that's all I've got

And even if not on purpose, I liked that slamming effect haha. How sudden it seemed made it amusing to me, but that could just be me.
I am REALLY enjoying this work at the moment, lots of problem solving and making core mechanics etc.
Today I got all of the following done (all very basic versions mind)
Most of the stuff was making the base version of future mechanics - ie the base gun blueprints will be used to make expanded child Bps for each type of gun, then childs of those for each specific gun.
Opinions on what color the ammo bar should be btw? Green worked for testing but I don't think it works well in an actual game. Colors are tough :/
Looking good! I want to say yellow/gold/bronze/copper or something to match the look/colour of bullets, as cliche as that may be.
Hello, folks!
Been working on a little exercise on Unity 5.3.x lately, trying to make a 2D JRPG console-style game. At this point, I have two test levels, a player character with stats, and basic movement (and animations), and a location tip UI at the top of the screen (which right now is based simply on the scene name).
1. How would you do things if the game were to go into cutscene mode? (As in, how you'd start that mode, and how that mode then processes its own events)
Probably want to keep things clean code/scene-wise.
2. How would you manage items and magic/skills?
3. What would be a good way to set up a "system menu" UI for the game? (As in, the menu that shows Items/Magic/Options/Save/etc...) Last thing I want is probably having spaghetti UI code.
4. Would using external text resources be a good idea instead of writing in the text right in the scenes/prefabs? Was thinking that I'd need to do it anyway as soon as I implement dialogue.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance! (Sometimes I think I'm overwhelming myself...)
I'll try and answer some of these as best I can,
2. If items are static and their values cannot change in game (think like the stat rolls on Diablo items), I would probably go for storing them as ScriptableObjects so Unity can serialize them, also giving them a unique ID. You'd then have some form of manager that knows what ID relates to what item etc in your resources. The idea behind this though is when it comes to game saving and loading, because it's a unity type and you may have references to other assets, it's very tricky to save outside of Unity. But with this you can just save the ID's and how many are in the inventory etc. So when they load, it sees they have 5 items of ID 32 for example, it requests the manager 5 items of ID 32, done. I hope this makes sense... I probably explained it poorly

This may not be the best way though mind, and there are other ways, but if you ever need to reference Unity assets with the object like an icon, then ScriptableObjects would be good for static objects imo. You would also obviously need to make an editor inside Unity to make your life easier when making new content due to the UID's etc.
3. I hate UI so much, and all my UI code is spaghetti or just bad in general. I am unfortunatly no help here when it comes to good ways :<
4. I would definitely say store it in a text file, which you can still reference from prefabs etc because Unity will treat it as a TextAsset type. But also if you ever need to translate the game, then you can source the files out without the translator needing Unity to change it too. In fact if you ever plan on translating to other languages, getting this in place asap will save a lot of headaches later on.
You are in art? And what ideas do you have?
My one circles around a WipEout-esque racing game in a Cyperpunk/Tech Noir
dystopian city where the cool kids met at the outpost using the finest
technology to program agreed tracks through the city they will blast through
... making their day out of a broken society.
I'd play that...
We just made our game's Teaser #2:
The video quality is on purpose.
Looks interesting, curiosity rising.