Cute Dragon Here
"... Because I can tell you right now, it isn't for the money. [Laughs.]"
Laughs. xD Good read. Thx for posting.
On another news:
Progress is a lil dragging on my end at the moment. Lots of paperwork again...
Paperwork? Sounds interesting and boring at the same time! Sorry, I think I'm just in the extreme excitement that is developing a game and managing to at least have something that looks like a WIP game!
Me, I think I'm almost done with the audio system in my game, and all that is left is to test out whether game and UI sound effects work. Now to think of a good way to tie the sound effects to the relevant items... Thinking of putting the relevant sound clips and calls within the script that does the UI itself and have it route the calls to the audio manager, making good use of the pre-existing connections. (Every button has a function call already, so not much of a stretch to go from there.)