Unity 2D games are actually (mostly, with huge caveats) Unity 3D games faking it, so there's a lot of ways to do 'tiles' - the built in easy way would be to just use Quads rotated to face 'up' snapped to a grid with one big ass invisible box collider representing the 'floor' of the available play space. This would be pretty boring to do much work with, so you'd probably want to make some sort of custom editor for 'painting' tiles though.
Or if you don't actually need 'tiles', you could just draw a map in an art package of your choice and export that as a big ass texture and use a single Plane to do much the same thing.
An actual honest to god Tile solution would be to use Tiled with Tiled2Unity (both free)
Um, what? Unity has had 2D sprite support for, like, 2.5 years now... No need to mess with textured 3D quads and planes, and all that.
They're also working on a built-in tile editor that looks really sweet, but unfortunately it keeps getting pushed back. So, yeah, Tiled is probably a good solution in the meantime.