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GAF Indie Game Development Thread 2: High Res Work for Low Res Pay

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Unity 2D games are actually (mostly, with huge caveats) Unity 3D games faking it, so there's a lot of ways to do 'tiles' - the built in easy way would be to just use Quads rotated to face 'up' snapped to a grid with one big ass invisible box collider representing the 'floor' of the available play space. This would be pretty boring to do much work with, so you'd probably want to make some sort of custom editor for 'painting' tiles though.
Or if you don't actually need 'tiles', you could just draw a map in an art package of your choice and export that as a big ass texture and use a single Plane to do much the same thing.

An actual honest to god Tile solution would be to use Tiled with Tiled2Unity (both free)

Um, what? Unity has had 2D sprite support for, like, 2.5 years now... No need to mess with textured 3D quads and planes, and all that.

They're also working on a built-in tile editor that looks really sweet, but unfortunately it keeps getting pushed back. So, yeah, Tiled is probably a good solution in the meantime.


Um, what? Unity has had 2D sprite support for, like, 2.5 years now... No need to mess with textured 3D quads and planes, and all that.

Yeah... but "2D mode" is still demonstrably a 3D engine. Its why I said mostly with huge caveats.
For a zelda style game using 3D assets (ie "2.5d"), 3D mode with ortho camera is the way to go, if only because you get 'free' Z-depth and can easily do things like bridges that are walkable over and under.


A while ago I made 2 general scripts, one for vertically moving platforms and the other for horizontal ones, so by passing the id of the passenger (the player, a powerUp or an enemy) it would carry the passenger correctly while accounting for collisions against walls, ceilings, floors or other platforms. Yesterday I created a circular moving platform, defined it´s movement and made it call both scripts just to see what happened...and it worked!! I´m now able to include any kind of moving platform in minutes without having to deal with collisions and stuff, just program the way it´ll move, call the scripts and let them deal with everything.

Thanks past correojon, you will be remembered fondly :)
A while ago I made 2 general scripts, one for vertically moving platforms and the other for horizontal ones, so by passing the id of the passenger (the player, a powerUp or an enemy) it would carry the passenger correctly while accounting for collisions against walls, ceilings, floors or other platforms. Yesterday I created a circular moving platform, defined it´s movement and made it call both scripts just to see what happened...and it worked!! I´m now able to include any kind of moving platform in minutes without having to deal with collisions and stuff, just program the way it´ll move, call the scripts and let them deal with everything.

Thanks past correojon, you will be remembered fondly :)
I do something similar except I don't use horizontal or vertical. I just set the start and end positions and lerp the vector over time either with a speed curve or linear. Set the start position, end position, time to travel, wait times before initial move or at either end, then hit go. Since it's based in transform it can move in any direction. Timing is great, too. This way I can make sure everything is flawless for speedruns and create time-sensitive areas you need to knock out perfect or add seconds.

For rotating I use a different script but it can incorporate pauses, make a carousel-style rotation or whatever I like. Same principle as above.


Been learning C++ in my spare time and during downtime at work etc. I never thought I'de be able to program a damn thing, but I'm genuinely happy with myself in how I'm getting the grasp and fundamentals of C++. Only been writing simple console based games and applications but the concepts of it are coming quickly to me, can't wait to do my own stuff in UE4.

If anyone is interested, I started off on this website www.learncpp.com and enrolled in a course in Udemy for C++ UE4 programming, I'll share the link for it soon but I believe it was posted in here a few pages back. Really recommend it! I've only ever dabbled in a bit of C# before this so I'm really happy with my progress thus far.
Been learning C++ in my spare time and during downtime at work etc. I never thought I'de be able to program a damn thing, but I'm genuinely happy with myself in how I'm getting the grasp and fundamentals of C++. Only been writing simple console based games and applications but the concepts of it are coming quickly to me, can't wait to do my own stuff in UE4.

If anyone is interested, I started off on this website www.learncpp.com and enrolled in a course in Udemy for C++ UE4 programming, I'll share the link for it soon but I believe it was posted in here a few pages back. Really recommend it! I've only ever dabbled in a bit of C# before this so I'm really happy with my progress thus far.

Well done! C++ can be a bit of a beast to get started in. Have you encountered pointers yet? When I was learning they held me up for a little while!


I do something similar except I don't use horizontal or vertical. I just set the start and end positions and lerp the vector over time either with a speed curve or linear. Set the start position, end position, time to travel, wait times before initial move or at either end, then hit go. Since it's based in transform it can move in any direction.

For rotating I use a different script but it can incorporate pauses, make a carousel-style rotation or whatever I like. Same principle as above.

For platform movement itself I´m using finite state machines which basically allow me to define any type of movement, even long complex sequences. But anyway, as I want the game to have an editor like Super Mario Maker I´ve decided to make predefined platform types with only a small set of parameters and values. I think user levels work in SMM because everything is very standarized: you see a moving platform and you know how long it will move, what speed it has...If users had freedom to set the platform speed or movement length it would be a chaos (more than it already is :p) and it would also be much harder to make enjoyable levels: the most basic rules could change several times through a level. Anytime you came across a moving platform you´d have to take a few moments to study how it moves,, thus creating constants breaks in gameplay, but as it is now everyone already knows this so they can jump right into action and kick up the pace of a level if they want to.


Well done! C++ can be a bit of a beast to get started in. Have you encountered pointers yet? When I was learning they held me up for a little while!

Not directly messed with pointers yet but I have done a bit of research on them and their uses. Sounds like it might take a while to get comfortable with them, can't wait though!
i'm still interested in finding an artist to develop smaller vr games with. would prefer to use unity and target gear vr, oculus, vive, and eventually playstation vr. i have a comp sci degree, work as a developer, and have game dev experience. pm me if interested :)


Hey all, I need to make a trailer for my game. I've seen some of you put out excellent looking trailers, so I figured I'd ask here:

Does anybody have any recommendations on software, tutorials, etc to get me started? I'm looking for anything / everything. Best capture software, proper codecs to use, editing software, places to buy music, etc. Any tips at all!


Whoa man that looks awesome, I love Fire Emblem so this is right up my alley. I don't know the first thing about doing trailers or PR but if there's anything I could say needs improvement I think the enemies should react a bit more to getting hit, the slowly swaying back and forth looks a little off.

Thanks! And yeah, I've gotten some feedback about the improving 'hit' motion before. I'd love to do entire hurt animations, but at this point that's a pretty big chunk of work with all the game's classes and I'm doing my best to stay lean considering it's just me at the moment and will likely stay that way in the future. So, https://youtu.be/dEOzU8fWtlk?t=3m24s I'm working with a nod towards Ogre Battle right now, but it's something I'd like to improve in the future.

Hey all, I need to make a trailer for my game. I've seen some of you put out excellent looking trailers, so I figured I'd ask here:

Does anybody have any recommendations on software, tutorials, etc to get me started? I'm looking for anything / everything. Best capture software, proper codecs to use, editing software, places to buy music, etc. Any tips at all!
I used OBS and Adobe Premiere Elements, which are basically the caveman tools of video editing, but they serve my purposes just fine.

Is there a general consensus for the best time to send PR out? For instance, if I'm launching a Kickstarter on a Tuesday (the dead of night on Monday, to be accurate), I've been told that it's best to get PR out as early as Thursday, so that outlets have time to get around to it. On the other hand, I've also been told that they sometimes don't hold coverage until the Kickstarter launches, which means even if you get a write-up, you've got no where to direct readers -- so some people say that it's best to send PR after the campaign has gone live to ensure proper coverage and that your messages are on the top of inboxes in the morning.

Anyone have something solid to go off of?


Okay folks, BIG SNAG, it's peak anxiety time. For some reason, my latest test release suddenly stopped working on a Windows 8 test machine (and the previous releases stopped working as well, fun!).

I would very much appreciate it anyone willing to help me out could download this: https://www.dropbox.com/s/i70o09ptijj7blx/honey_12avril.rar?dl=0

...and report back if it starts up or not, along with what OS they have.

It's a windows x64 export, but I'd be curious to know what it really runs on, since it appears to work on a larger range that is reported in the exporter... or at least used to.

(side note: I really only need to know a startup/basic performance report, although this version contains all the content currently made for the game. If you have any interest in playing the actual game, I'd recommend waiting until future releases to play beyond the first couple of days! I just *really* need to test this specific version without trying to lock away any content, so I trust your judgement on this one.)


In Unity, can I use the navigation baking to make it clear where player characters can walk, and not just for AI movement? I'm having a 2 unit high quad box character and I want to allow him to move up and over other quad box objects which are 1 unit or less high without the need for jumping. But I can't get it to work, either because the baking don't like box colliders or because the angle slider only goes to 60 degress whereas cubes are 90? :)

Edit: I suppose it could be some conflict with our collision code or because we don't use external meshes. But I have no idea :)


I would very much appreciate it anyone willing to help me out could download this:

...and report back if it starts up or not, along with what OS they have.

It's a windows x64 export, but I'd be curious to know what it really runs on, since it appears to work on a larger range that is reported in the exporter... or at least used to.

Starts up fine for me, details: http://pastebin.com/dp0T21cv (HTPC)

So far it also seems to run on iGPU decently. Different region (Germany) made no problems either :).


Okay folks, BIG SNAG, it's peak anxiety time. For some reason, my latest test release suddenly stopped working on a Windows 8 test machine (and the previous releases stopped working as well, fun!).

I would very much appreciate it anyone willing to help me out could download this: https://www.dropbox.com/s/i70o09ptijj7blx/honey_12avril.rar?dl=0

...and report back if it starts up or not, along with what OS they have.

It's a windows x64 export, but I'd be curious to know what it really runs on, since it appears to work on a larger range that is reported in the exporter... or at least used to.

(side note: I really only need to know a startup/basic performance report, although this version contains all the content currently made for the game. If you have any interest in playing the actual game, I'd recommend waiting until future releases to play beyond the first couple of days! I just *really* need to test this specific version without trying to lock away any content, so I trust your judgement on this one.)

Downloading it now, I´m using Windows 8.

Starts up fine for me, details: http://pastebin.com/dp0T21cv (HTPC)

So far it also seems to run on iGPU decently. Different region (Germany) made no problems either :).

How did you get all that info? I´d like to get it too to send it to Pehesse.


Starts up fine for me, details: http://pastebin.com/dp0T21cv (HTPC)

So far it also seems to run on iGPU decently. Different region (Germany) made no problems either :).

Awesome!! Many thanks for the report, and good to hear!

Any other reports? I need some good news!
(No, I'm not sitting here sweating bullets and madly pressing F5 - well, not *just* that, at least)

Downloading it now, I´m using Windows 8.

Thanks! Looking forward to your test, hope it doesn't encounter any issues!


Just use windows search and check for "dxdiag", on the first tabpage click the export all information button (or whatever its called in a English system).

Edit for Pehesse

Here is my gaming rig, starts fine as well: http://pastebin.com/gL9KL9Gg

Aaaaawesome! Seriously many thanks! (though it not working would have been slightly worrying, that's one beast of a rig :-D)
Still, good to know it works on Win 10, since I didn't have any occasion to test it there beforehand.


In Unity, can I use the navigation baking to make it clear where player characters can walk, and not just for AI movement? I'm having a 2 unit high quad box character and I want to allow him to move up and over other quad box objects which are 1 unit or less high without the need for jumping. But I can't get it to work, either because the baking don't like box colliders or because the angle slider only goes to 60 degress whereas cubes are 90? :)

Edit: I suppose it could be some conflict with our collision code or because we don't use external meshes. But I have no idea :)

Worst case scenario you can just use off-mesh links: http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/class-OffMeshLink.html


So, I've just signed a contract for a new job as a game programmer! Despite having several years' worth of experience making games with Unity, it's going to be the first time I'll be working in a large-scale game, so that's going to be a great learning experience for me.

On top of that I'll be doing freelance work for an artist who was making a classicvania alongside a programmer until the other guy had something important to do and dropped out of the project, and I might lend a small local indie team a hand in a game they're working on. I'm really thankful I got the chance to work on all these things, but I'll have to see how much I get to work on these two side projects (plus a game of my own) now that I'll be working full-time.

At the very least, I'm hoping I can dedicate enough time to help the guy finish his classicvania and maybe give the other indie team a hand with GUI and other simple features, but I guess my personal project will have to be put on hold for a little while until I sort these things out.


Just use windows search and check for "dxdiag", on the first tabpage click the export all information button (or whatever its called in a English system).

Edit for Pehesse

Here is my gaming rig, starts fine as well: http://pastebin.com/gL9KL9Gg

Awesome!! Many thanks for the report, and good to hear!

Any other reports? I need some good news!
(No, I'm not sitting here sweating bullets and madly pressing F5 - well, not *just* that, at least)

Thanks! Looking forward to your test, hope it doesn't encounter any issues!

It run well, though it did take a bit to start.


There was no sound until
the sequence where Rose started walking to the ring
. I don´t know if that´s normal, so just to let you know. I didn´t play anymore, just tested that because no sound felt weird so maybe that could give you more info. Hope it helps.



It run well, though it did take a bit to start.


There was no sound until
the sequence where Rose started walking to the ring
. I don´t know if that´s normal, so just to let you know. I didn´t play anymore, just tested that because no sound felt weird so maybe that could give you more info. Hope it helps.

Many thanks!!

If I may: it took a while to start? How long? Does it still do the same loading if you restart it now?
As for the no sound: yeah, that's normal. Most sound effects aren't in yet. What's supposed to happen:
-*no sound for the pre-title sequence*
-*sound, then music during title screen*
-*sound during the walk sequence*
If that happened, it's all good - if there was no sound up to the third sequence, then it's a new issue that just popped up and I'm trying to figure out right now, but it should resolve itself if you launch the game again!



Start up is pretty fast on both of my systems. A couple of seconds black screen in the window until the Construct 2 logo shows up and then a few seconds later the game is starting.

Good to hear, that's the current target - of course, it's currently missing the custom loader graphics as it's a bottom of the to-do list priority item, but that'll be in at some point, too :-D

The initial startup time looks to be pretty dependant on graphic card memory - none of the other factors I've tested seemed to affect it quite as much. Granted, I didn't do extensive testing yet, so I'm very interested in the results we might turn up right here.


Many thanks!!

If I may: it took a while to start? How long? Does it still do the same loading if you restart it now?
As for the no sound: yeah, that's normal. Most sound effects aren't in yet. What's supposed to happen:
-*no sound for the pre-title sequence*
-*sound, then music during title screen*
-*sound during the walk sequence*
If that happened, it's all good - if there was no sound up to the third sequence, then it's a new issue that just popped up and I'm trying to figure out right now, but it should resolve itself if you launch the game again!
Sorry, I was afk.

Launched it again, started much faster this time. The first time it took almost a minute for the window to appear, to the point that I relaunched the program thinking I hadn´t clicked correctly on the icon or something...but as I said, now it starts well.

The sound thing is as you say, so no problem there either.

Glad to help :)


Sorry, I was afk.

Launched it again, started much faster this time. The first time it took almost a minute for the window to appear, to the point that I relaunched the program thinking I hadn´t clicked correctly on the icon or something...but as I said, now it starts well.

The sound thing is as you say, so no problem there either.

Glad to help :)

Ah, I'm glad to hear that! Well, not so much about the initial loading...'but I'm not sure how to fight it, and as long as subsequent ones are fine, it's within tolerable range... for now.
Anyway, thank you very much for trying it out, takes a load off my mind! Was afraid I broke everything for a minute :-D


I'm feeling more and more like a Ludum Dare minority-opinion-holder. :p I downvoted what turned out to be the 8 most popular round 1 themes, and I downvoted EVERY SINGLE ONE of the round 4 themes.

Not to mention the crazy repeats this time around (Upgrade, Upgrades, Upgradable) taking up slots.


So, guys I need an opinion on combat since this may change how my Sprites look. Cause looking at them... I'm unsure if it's fit for a top down Zelda-esque combat.

So I have this:

2 Combat Systems.


Very similar to Top down Zelda but with some combo systems added on. Otherwise very similar to Dark Souls.


A pseudo Turn-based combat. You would run into enemies on the map and depending on the enemies nearby, those are what appear in the combat area. There is multiple kind of actions:

1. Offensive – These can only be used when your action bar reaches max. Here, you press what button for what attack you wish to perform and in what order. You can even hold your attack If an enemy tries and block. However, you cannot wait forever as your action bar continues to go down. The action bar isn’t the same as the stamina bar, which goes down with each attack.
2. Defensive – These can be used both while your bar is rising and when it’s full, depending on it. Blocking for example, takes up Stamina depending on how much you’re hit, but can be used even when your action bar is down. You can block without a shield, but you will still take a little damage.
3. Items – Can only be used when your action bar is full. These include offensive, defensive, and healing items.
4. Counters – These can be performed when your action bar is full, but requires an enemy to be attacking. Since enemies action bars don’t wait for yours. These also require enemies that move up to you to attacks.
5. Escape – You must hold L1 to escape, but if you’re attacked, the bar resets. Cannot escape from bosses.

In this combat system, you would still be alone. There is no party members. Also weapons can change how many enemies you can hit. Such as Greatswords allowing to hit multiple targets. The pistol and shotgun can only damage one target but have ammo and must be reloaded which takes up an action.

Now this is a case of trying to also be unique, but unsure if unique even sounds any fun. I made this proof of concept screenshot thing:



So, guys I need an opinion on combat since this may change how my Sprites look. Cause looking at them... I'm unsure if it's fit for a top down Zelda-esque combat.

So I have this:

Now this is a case of trying to also be unique, but unsure if unique even sounds any fun. I made this proof of concept screenshot thing:


I´ve made some prototypes with similar battle systems. Some things I learned:

For Zelda based combat: if you´re going to add combos and such it is imperative to use lock on. It´s really frustrating and not funny to miss attacks by an inch, which can happen quite a lot. Locking on allows you to concentrate on combos, while also allows you to throw more enemies at the player and make these enemies use more interesting mechanics. This way you can also control at any moment in which direction you move and you attack/defend independently. Enemies can be more aggressive and combat can be very engaging. Good: Can be very flashy and look exceptionally good in trailers and such. Bad: be prepared to spend a lot of time making animations. Also, timing everything correctly and making a good combat system that feels right is really tricky...Apart from the Batman games, no other Western developer has managed to pull it off (and even Batman´s combat system is a bit too simple). P* and Capcom on the other hand make great combat systems.

For Dark Souls based combat: Dark Souls is based mainly on timing and positioning, so you have to use both of these. Timing is tricky in turn based combat: Dark Souls is based on identifying the tells the enemies show before launching an attack, but in a turn based system these become trivial. To get over this you must add cooldowns and turns to the player´s actions, so he has to plan in advance instead of just pulling back and waiting for the tell to instantly perform a dodge/parry/shield rise. Positioning also comes into this: you can add a move action which also has a cooldown. Also, due to the turn system combat becomes less action-oriented and more strategic, so it would also be a good idea to make enemies perform combos and different attack sequences, so the player has to really learn each type of enemy. Player and enemies can have attacks or actions that influence the combat system in many ways, like an attack that also moves you forward, a spell/item that reduces cooldown, an attack that hits from a distance or in a wide area (like the greatsword you mentioned), an attack that resets the enemy countdowns to the max...Good: It opens many posibilities to craft interesting equipment, like light armor that reduces movement cooldown, or a small shield with low defense but that can parry 2 turns after you launch the action instead of 3 or 4 like the rest. Bad: Balancing of all this is really tricky, so if you go this route prepare to test and repeat and test and repeat many many times! This is a complex system where all pieces need to fit together or it all falls apart: make an overpowered weapon or gear setup and variety becomes useless; make dumb enemies which can be exploited and combat becomes boring.

Good luck!
Hey, I have a weird problem that I need some help with.

My game, Wildfire, works fine on Windows 7. However on Windows 8 and 10, some players are having audio issues, ranging from either no sound at all, or only certain sounds / distorted sounds playing.

If you're running Windows 8 or 10, would you be able to download and play this and tell me how it sounds?

https://www.dropbox.com/s/ng2s60ggkl8gj7v/wildfire_alpha_newtutorialv2b.zip?dl=1 (80MB)

The easiest way to tell is if you start running and jumping and you don't hear any footstep noises at all. You should also hear some light background music.


whoo I have push blocks working. Need to animate them better and also give them a unique model, but I'm happy so far.

If you're running Windows 8 or 10, would you be able to download and play this and tell me how it sounds?
Windows 10 here. Everything sounded fine. Heard footsteps and jumping along with background music. Tested with both headphones and speakers.


whoo I have push blocks working. Need to animate them better and also give them a unique model, but I'm happy so far.

I love that this started as a simple visual effect and bit by bit is developing into a full game :)

Hey, I have a weird problem that I need some help with.

My game, Wildfire, works fine on Windows 7. However on Windows 8 and 10, some players are having audio issues, ranging from either no sound at all, or only certain sounds / distorted sounds playing.

If you're running Windows 8 or 10, would you be able to download and play this and tell me how it sounds?

https://www.dropbox.com/s/ng2s60ggkl8gj7v/wildfire_alpha_newtutorialv2b.zip?dl=1 (80MB)

The easiest way to tell is if you start running and jumping and you don't hear any footstep noises at all. You should also hear some light background music.

I´m using Windows 8, I´ll try it when I get home.


Okay folks, BIG SNAG, it's peak anxiety time. For some reason, my latest test release suddenly stopped working on a Windows 8 test machine (and the previous releases stopped working as well, fun!).

I would very much appreciate it anyone willing to help me out could download this: https://www.dropbox.com/s/i70o09ptijj7blx/honey_12avril.rar?dl=0

...and report back if it starts up or not, along with what OS they have.

It's a windows x64 export, but I'd be curious to know what it really runs on, since it appears to work on a larger range that is reported in the exporter... or at least used to.

(side note: I really only need to know a startup/basic performance report, although this version contains all the content currently made for the game. If you have any interest in playing the actual game, I'd recommend waiting until future releases to play beyond the first couple of days! I just *really* need to test this specific version without trying to lock away any content, so I trust your judgement on this one.)

Works fine here.



Hey, I have a weird problem that I need some help with.

My game, Wildfire, works fine on Windows 7. However on Windows 8 and 10, some players are having audio issues, ranging from either no sound at all, or only certain sounds / distorted sounds playing.

If you're running Windows 8 or 10, would you be able to download and play this and tell me how it sounds?

https://www.dropbox.com/s/ng2s60ggkl8gj7v/wildfire_alpha_newtutorialv2b.zip?dl=1 (80MB)

The easiest way to tell is if you start running and jumping and you don't hear any footstep noises at all. You should also hear some light background music.

No issues whatsoever.


Any of you guys a C++ beast that I could add on Steam or such just for some quick advice should I need it whilst learning C++? I posted in the programming community thread but its pretty quiet in there!


Neo Member
Hi folks. Completely forgot to mention in here, I released my Unity3D realtime volumetric cloud rendering asset on Monday. Like all my assets, I'm selling it myself outside of the Asset Store and it's free to use for non commercial purposes. This has been in dev for about 6 months now, so I'm super happy to finally get it into the hands of fellow devs.

Full details and trailer here: http://kode80.com/blog/2016/04/11/kode80-clouds-for-unity3d/index.html





For Dark Souls based combat: Dark Souls is based mainly on timing and positioning, so you have to use both of these. Timing is tricky in turn based combat: Dark Souls is based on identifying the tells the enemies show before launching an attack, but in a turn based system these become trivial. To get over this you must add cooldowns and turns to the player´s actions, so he has to plan in advance instead of just pulling back and waiting for the tell to instantly perform a dodge/parry/shield rise. Positioning also comes into this: you can add a move action which also has a cooldown. Also, due to the turn system combat becomes less action-oriented and more strategic, so it would also be a good idea to make enemies perform combos and different attack sequences, so the player has to really learn each type of enemy. Player and enemies can have attacks or actions that influence the combat system in many ways, like an attack that also moves you forward, a spell/item that reduces cooldown, an attack that hits from a distance or in a wide area (like the greatsword you mentioned), an attack that resets the enemy countdowns to the max...Good: It opens many posibilities to craft interesting equipment, like light armor that reduces movement cooldown, or a small shield with low defense but that can parry 2 turns after you launch the action instead of 3 or 4 like the rest. Bad: Balancing of all this is really tricky, so if you go this route prepare to test and repeat and test and repeat many many times! This is a complex system where all pieces need to fit together or it all falls apart: make an overpowered weapon or gear setup and variety becomes useless; make dumb enemies which can be exploited and combat becomes boring.

Good luck!

Thanks. I think I may do this. It will require some major changes to my game though.

I think for the movement there could be something like... 5 square "move" spots that you can move. You start in the middle for each fight. A red square will show where enemies will hit and you must move out of the way before they attack. However, the further you move, the longer it goes on cooldown. So if you were on spot 3 and enemies were attacking 3, 4, and 2, then you must move to 1 or 5 to dodge it. Yet, that makes it go on a longer CD then if the enemy was just attacking 3 and you moved to 4 or 2.

Also maybe some enemies can move as well?

I will say... I also thought about doing this cause... Well, it's more unique, you know? I don't know if there is any Dark Souls-like games that have a combat like this. I guess you could say Darkest Dungeon, but that's more traditional turn-based with some untraditional mechanics. Plus that has a party system where this you won't.

And yeah, the animations thing is also a huge factor in this. I think I might be able to make my animations work better for combat for this than for a zelda combat.

Also how does this work for movement controls. Using the analog stick in combat, switches what target your looking at. What if holding L2, makes you switch to movement tiles?


Hey, I have a weird problem that I need some help with.

My game, Wildfire, works fine on Windows 7. However on Windows 8 and 10, some players are having audio issues, ranging from either no sound at all, or only certain sounds / distorted sounds playing.

If you're running Windows 8 or 10, would you be able to download and play this and tell me how it sounds?

The easiest way to tell is if you start running and jumping and you don't hear any footstep noises at all. You should also hear some light background music.

PC1: Windows 8.1 x64 - onboard audio - works with no issues
PC2: Windows 10 x64 - USB Headset - works with no issues

Your dx update in the installer works as well xD.


Small update on my issue: I finally discovered the process was blocked because of Ad Aware Web Companion... dunno if it's a common occurrence with other node webkit games/exports, but there you have it. At least, I know where it's coming from now!
Any of you guys a C++ beast that I could add on Steam or such just for some quick advice should I need it whilst learning C++? I posted in the programming community thread but its pretty quiet in there!

I'm not a beast, but It is my "main" language so I can probably help you out If you're having issues. :p

My steam activity is a bit sporadic, so sending me a PM is probably your best bet. Either way, my steam username is strikerf2.


Hi folks. Completely forgot to mention in here, I released my Unity3D realtime volumetric cloud rendering asset on Monday. Like all my assets, I'm selling it myself outside of the Asset Store and it's free to use for non commercial purposes. This has been in dev for about 6 months now, so I'm super happy to finally get it into the hands of fellow devs.

Full details and trailer here: http://kode80.com/blog/2016/04/11/kode80-clouds-for-unity3d/index.html

Looks great, I am always up for pretty clouds :).


Hi folks. Completely forgot to mention in here, I released my Unity3D realtime volumetric cloud rendering asset on Monday. Like all my assets, I'm selling it myself outside of the Asset Store and it's free to use for non commercial purposes. This has been in dev for about 6 months now, so I'm super happy to finally get it into the hands of fellow devs.
Looks great! I'm curious - are your technique and implementation general enough that it would hold up in an arcade flight combat sim where player and enemies fly through clouds, or is this designed to hold up only when viewing from afar / ground level?

Since non-commercial use is free, it might fit some of my student projects. I'll report results if that happens!


Gold Member
I have been looking around and it looks like I am going to go this way with my game development.

2D game development: GameMaker
3D game development: Amazon Lumberyard

I am trying to avoid monthly payments and royalties.
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