It's not a lot of work to get a basic following Camera. But add in a few bells and whistles and suddenly, the amount of work required is bumped up significantly. For reference, my camera script (C#, Unity) sits at ~550 lines
Is it normal to end up basically writing lots of camera scripting code just to get your third-person (so to speak: It's a 2D project intending a "Mode 7" look) camera behave exactly as you want it?
That flying mode camera is a lot of work just to get it to feel right. Need to take care of camera positioning, rotation, sprite parts, location tracking and reorientation to make it stay 1:1. Ugh.
But I'm almost done!
By the way, for the "sky" strip of background and the fake horizon (made using sprites/images instead of actual fogging due to a desire to make it colourband), would it be better off residing on a UI canvas and have them slide programmatically by code?
Is it normal to end up basically writing lots of camera scripting code just to get your third-person (so to speak: It's a 2D project intending a "Mode 7" look) camera behave exactly as you want it?
Yes.Is it normal to end up basically writing lots of camera scripting code just to get your third-person (so to speak: It's a 2D project intending a "Mode 7" look) camera behave exactly as you want it?
That flying mode camera is a lot of work just to get it to feel right. Need to take care of camera positioning, rotation, sprite parts, location tracking and reorientation to make it stay 1:1. Ugh.
But I'm almost done!
By the way, for the "sky" strip of background and the fake horizon (made using sprites/images instead of actual fogging due to a desire to make it colourband), would it be better off residing on a UI canvas and have them slide programmatically by code?
Made the running more dynamic.
Old and new:
Also made a jump animation that should be divided into different states as Correojon, so not sure yet of anything this is such an iterative process.
omg the running animation is so adorable. Looks better too
So just started, or restarted to get back into GameMaker (since 6.0).
Just a general question. I never really liked or wanted to use the drag and drop interface.
I could just make scripts and throw all the code into the step event, right?
do it. drag and drop is meh. good for understanding and starting out but you want the versatility of the other method
Made the running more dynamic.
Old and new:
Also made a jump animation that should be divided into different states as Correojon, so not sure yet of anything this is such an iterative process.
With the main camera nested several objects deep as a child so you can compartmentalise further functions by parent objects. Like screen shake. Why bother doing the math to calculate a shake into your current follow/movement script when making the shake an object anchor and compartmentalizing it as a standalone. Anything as a child of the shake object will follow suit.
Cameras are fun because 90% of it needs to be self automated. It can get hairy at times.
On laptop, so MS paint quality imagery;
If you have three planes;
red as your player layer attached to camera and blue as a skybox layer with the middle layer as your world map, then you don't need to worry about player position as its always the focus of the camera, and you can just send it animations from your input.
Likewise the skybox layer, you can just UV scroll based on input.
You can then just use the 'terrain' layer as a 'floor' and move the camera around directly using inputs - if you put sea on the edges you can teleport the camera to the opposite face to simulate world wrap (like mode 7 games used to) (green edges as box collider triggers for example)
if you need to read exactly where on the map you need from the terain object rather than the terrain object, or you just want to be able to finesse the camera a bit more, the red dot in the image is an invisible game object you can use as your camera target
This way you decouple things from the camera that shouldn't be a part of the camera (like sprite animations)
e: and apologies for super confusing perspective in diagram - the laptop looking thing in the middle is supposed to represent camera view where you have a skewed terrain object in front of an attached to camera sky plane
e2 ugh it was annoying me
Made the running more dynamic.
Old and new:
Also made a jump animation that should be divided into different states as Correojon, so not sure yet of anything this is such an iterative process.
Great job! Love how the head moves in the running animation and the little details like the hat movement in the jumping animation. However I think the silhouette doesn´t change much and that may give you problems, I suggest you try to put the sprite into the game ASAP to start seeing if the animations and sprites are functional.Made the running more dynamic.
Old and new:
Also made a jump animation that should be divided into different states as Correojon, so not sure yet of anything this is such an iterative process.
You shouldn´t put everything in a huge script in the step event either, that way you´ll end up recoding many things that GM already handles for you in optimized ways. You must understand how GM works internally (specially the order in which events are triggered, instances are moved and collisions are checked) to use the best option in any case. For example, in a 2D platformer I´d check for collisions with the floor and walls in the step event with code, but I´d use a normal collision event for checking collisions with coins or powerUps. Also, learn about parenting, using parents you can group your objects in a manageable number of groups by similar behaviours, so you can drastically reduce the number of collisions checks in code/events.Nice. Just wondering if I might end up screwing myself for not using them.
Just thinking about drag and dropping collision checks for every object in a game sounds unfeasible.
Great job! Love how the head moves in the running animation and the little details like the hat movement in the jumping animation. However I think the silhouette doesn´t change much and that may give you problems, I suggest you try to put the sprite into the game ASAP to start seeing if the animations and sprites are functional.
Pretty cool.Okay, uh... feedback time!
This is the (currently unlisted!) video to announce/accompany the greenlight campaign I'll start later today... if you think it works. So I'm interested to know what you think!
Along with that is the planned text for said Greenlight page:
Same, feedback, all that!
Now, back to pacing anxiously.
Okay, uh... feedback time!
This is the (currently unlisted!) video to announce/accompany the greenlight campaign I'll start later today... if you think it works. So I'm interested to know what you think!
Along with that is the planned text for said Greenlight page:
Same, feedback, all that!
Now, back to pacing anxiously.
Pretty cool.
Yet at a quick glance I would put the fighting aspect a little more into focus.
The overlay font doesn't match somehow, looks odd for me, i.e. the colors,
the type, the edges (way too soft/smoothed). Doesn't stood out enough to
bring across what you wanna say about the game (in my book).
I liked the video a lot, on one hand I think it lacks a bit of impact, but on the other it conveys really well the mood of the game, so I don´t know if you should change anything, you know I´m a sucker for action XD. The text is very good too, it comes out as personal and honest. Maybe you could give some estimation of the pending time to release? Not an specific date, but some broad approximation to let people know if it´ll be ready in two years or 6 months, I really think that part came out a bit weak. Your reasons are legit and I am 100% behind them, but this is the kind of information you can´t really leave out. On the other side, I think it´s a very strong point that you give specific details about what´s left to do (the animations, etc...).
Good luck! I´ll vote it as soon as it goes up.
Novel, two trailers etc. Makes sense. Understood.Thanks! Very much appreciate your input!
To be honest, I'm not sure about putting even more focus on fighting, in regards to the actual ratio of beat'em all segments in the game - it's more of a visual novel with action sequences, not the other way around, and the first trailer already had plenty of fighty bits, so I'd like to counterbalance with this trailer to showcase more of what the actual flow/ratio looks like. Since both trailers will be available on the Greenlight page, I believe their conjunction will showcase all aspects of the game... but of course, it's all an exercice in balance. ...
It works very well in-game, I like it that way actually. But when scaled larger... As for the font, that's interesting, since it's the exact one (or at least one of) used throughout the game already, so, uh... I'm not sure, but I believe it does convey what I want, and that you think it doesn't highlights an issue I have to think hard about! ...
Throw your stuff on me. xD... (Maybe you'd like to test the current version and see for yourself?) ...
Novel, two trailers etc. Makes sense. Understood.
It works very well in-game, I like it that way actually. But when scaled larger
it somehow misses something. Perhaps making the font bold and less blurry may
make the text stood out a lil more from the game below.
Throw your stuff on me. xD
Will check it out.Throwing stuff on you via PM :-D
The font issue: I understand much better where you're coming from, and actually agree now. Not sure I'll be able to fix it this time but I'll make sure to keep it in mind moving forward!
I'll soon erase the current vid/reupload an updated one (hopefully final) - some minor fixes, mostly sound/rhythm related, but if you want to check out the current one, now's the time, it'll soon be gone!
Is the error still there when the game's size is a power of two and when youSometimes on Game Maker I seem to get some weird visual artifacts like this:
See the white column of pixels inside the square? They're not supposed to be there.
Any ideas why I get this sort of stuff? Some sort of anti-aliasing issue? Is it something to do with the way my game is stretched to full screen?
Sometimes on Game Maker I seem to get some weird visual artifacts like this:
See the white column of pixels inside the square? They're not supposed to be there.
Any ideas why I get this sort of stuff? Some sort of anti-aliasing issue? Is it something to do with the way my game is stretched to full screen?
view_xview[0] = floor(view_xview[0)];
view_yview[0] = floor(view_yview[0]);
You shouldn´t put everything in a huge script in the step event either, that way you´ll end up recoding many things that GM already handles for you in optimized ways. You must understand how GM works internally (specially the order in which events are triggered, instances are moved and collisions are checked) to use the best option in any case. For example, in a 2D platformer I´d check for collisions with the floor and walls in the step event with code, but I´d use a normal collision event for checking collisions with coins or powerUps. Also, learn about parenting, using parents you can group your objects in a manageable number of groups by similar behaviours, so you can drastically reduce the number of collisions checks in code/events.
Okay, there we go. Greenlight campaign is on, and my anxiety levels are through the roof, but... here!
And the last version of the trailer:
Dunno if this is thread worthy, if anyone feels up to relaying the news in some form or another, there'd be much love in exchange!
I voted for it on Steam. I love the visual. My only concern is that the animation seems to be a little bit slow but it's hard to tell without actually playing it.
I've read the FAQ and I understand what you are trying to convey here but you have to put a price on your work, man. Just look at the humble bundle sales. A lot of people won't give you a dollar if they don't have to.
And by the way, defining your game as a "beat'em-all", j'en déduis que tu es Français lol
Okay, there we go. Greenlight campaign is on, and my anxiety levels are through the roof, but... here!
And the last version of the trailer:
Dunno if this is thread worthy, if anyone feels up to relaying the news in some form or another, there'd be much love in exchange!
You have my vote, good luck!![]()
Nice. Just wondering if I might end up screwing myself for not using them.
Just thinking about drag and dropping collision checks for every object in a game sounds unfeasible.
The combat system is not as you would expect, it´s "weightier". You have more control over the character than in other beat´em ups and every action has consequences (recovery frames, wind-up times for the attacks...), so I felt it meshes really well with the realistic style of the game. I love fast paced action games like DMC, yet I enjoyed this combat system a lot.I voted for it on Steam. I love the visual. My only concern is that the animation seems to be a little bit slow but it's hard to tell without actually playing it.
The combat system is not as you would expect, it´s "weightier". You have more control over the character than in other beat´em ups and every action has consequences (recovery frames, wind-up times for the attacks...), so I felt it meshes really well with the realistic style of the game. I love fast paced action games like DMC, yet I enjoyed this combat system a lot.
I swear, I haven't paid him to say this!Maybe I should
Okay, there we go. Greenlight campaign is on, and my anxiety levels are through the roof, but... here!
And the last version of the trailer:
Okay, there we go. Greenlight campaign is on, and my anxiety levels are through the roof, but... here!
And the last version of the trailer:
Dunno if this is thread worthy, if anyone feels up to relaying the news in some form or another, there'd be much love in exchange!
Okay, there we go. Greenlight campaign is on, and my anxiety levels are through the roof, but... here!
And the last version of the trailer:
Dunno if this is thread worthy, if anyone feels up to relaying the news in some form or another, there'd be much love in exchange!
Looks really awesome! The visual style is something special. Voted!
Voted, good luck!
Voted as well. Best of luck!
Okay, there we go. Greenlight campaign is on, and my anxiety levels are through the roof, but... here!
And the last version of the trailer:
Dunno if this is thread worthy, if anyone feels up to relaying the news in some form or another, there'd be much love in exchange!
Put in my vote ^_^
Much appreciated :-D Amazed and humbled at all this support, you people are the best!
Dunno how much use this can be, but for future reference, (I'm about to turn in for the day), this is the current stats:
(Not exactly sure what it all means since I lack a bit of context, and I'm not convinced posting these is allowed either, so let's keep this between us - I simply hope someone else can find them of use if they're in a similar situation!)
Much appreciated :-D Amazed and humbled at all this support, you people are the best!
Dunno how much use this can be, but for future reference, (I'm about to turn in for the day), this is the current stats:
(Not exactly sure what it all means since I lack a bit of context, and I'm not convinced posting these is allowed either, so let's keep this between us - I simply hope someone else can find them of use if they're in a similar situation!)