More environmental traps!
What, no ACME logo?
More environmental traps!
Ohh, pretty!
That looks great! I love seeing good destruction/break apart animations. It makes stuff feel far more tangible, not just some data points in a void.More environmental traps!
Haha! Maybe we'll have a Wile E. Coyote corpse hidden somewhere in the game with his legs sticking out from under one of these columns...though that sounds pretty grim.What, no ACME logo?
That looks great! I love seeing good destruction/break apart animations. It makes stuff feel far more tangible, not just some data points in a void.
Even better! Most games don't take the time to model more than generic gibs wnd line them up well, but I think it makes all the difference in the world to go that extra mile. It's easy to cover it all up with a big poofy smoke cloud, but that rarely is as effective.So it's actually not an animation! It's essentially just loads of gibs models affected by physics, getting switched out from the solid model on 'death'. It works surprisingly well for things like this!
Haha! Maybe we'll have a Wile E. Coyote corpse hidden somewhere in the game with his legs sticking out from under one of these columns...though that sounds pretty grim.
Yeah I've been toying around with it and for beginners like myself its pretty frustrating. This past weekend I made a little guy and tried animating him.Looks great! I wish I had the patience to learn pixel art.
So I tried making the female character base more.... feminine?
(original on the right, new on the left)
Any preferences, GAF? I may end up using both for variety, but I'm curious anyway.
The male and new female, for reference:
Love it! I can see him fitting in a charming Earthbound-style game easily.Yeah I've been toying around with it and for beginners like myself its pretty frustrating. This past weekend I made a little guy and tried animating him.
Spent a good eight hours working on animation basics today and this is the result:
So, basically halfway to a finished run cycle! Basically just stared at Mega Man and Skullgirl animations and tried to find the middle ground between them. I've got a whole new level of respect for animators, and I was already in awe of them.
Love it! I can see him fitting in a charming Earthbound-style game easily.
Thanks! This is all super helpful. Oddly enough, the rotating chest wasn't intentional, it just sort of happened five frames and I rolled with it. So, an accidental delight there.Good start! The most obvious parts you could improve are the arm, the head, and the hips.
For the head, you could do more visible bobbing (I can see the Megaman X inspiration, but that kind of limited movement works for tiny pixerl-art sprites and doesn't for higher resolution ones). The torso already rotates a bit, so you might try having it heave a bit as well (raise/lower, moving the head along with it). Doesn't need to be huge, if the design of the run is to appear lean and focused, but it'd reflect the impact of the feet hitting the ground, which is always a plus.
For the right arm, same thing: right now it randomly vibrates about, when it'd be better to have two distinct impacts for each footstep, and have it raise/lower accordingly.
As for the hips, right now they don't move at all, the legs are connected to it and rotate but they themselves are the most fixed point of the entire cycle, when they actually should be the torso part that moves the most. They should lower and raise as mentioned before, and some rotation akin to the chest would be interesting to see as well! When the legs hit the ground, the knees should bend a little, taking the hips down, while the stride has the hips at their highest point (when legs are far apart, the "jump" part of a run)
Still, a pretty good start, I can see this going places![]()
Thanks! This is all super helpful. Oddly enough, the rotating chest wasn't intentional, it just sort of happened five frames and I rolled with it. So, an accidental delight there.
Haha, and yeah, the "vibrating" of the arm is driving me crazy right now, but if I draw one more line tonight I think I might go insane, so that and the head are my next go-tos tomorrow.
Awesome, will do! I really appreciate it, as this all crazy overwhelming. But, in a fun way.Yeah, I can relate :-D There's a point during a day after which animation becomes too much! I find it's best to take it slowly and come back with fresher eyes at a later point, as you do, so good going :-D
For the arm, I'd suggest focusing on the motion of the wrist first (forget the actual arm) and get its rising/lowering motion right, then connect it to the shoulder (if need be, do the sequence multiple times over going wrist->shoulder->elbow->forearm/arm, but if you feel comfortable, then wrist/shoulder->arm is enough, and eventually, the whole thing in one go!)
I generally feel like voxel designs are at their best when they're trying to replicate as few curves as possible, and instead play up the blockiness.
That said, if you're insistent on pushing the female form, it can't hurt to bring the hips up (make the legs longer) and bring the waist in.
I also think you may want to reconsider the shading/highlights on the legs and feet.
It's not all male gaze! Here's a male butt for the ladies to ogle:
Yeah I've been toying around with it and for beginners like myself its pretty frustrating. This past weekend I made a little guy and tried animating him.
So I tried making the female character base more.... feminine?
(original on the right, new on the left)
Any preferences, GAF? I may end up using both for variety, but I'm curious anyway.
The male and new female, for reference:
Hey fellas,
After years years of disappointments, unfortunate endings, and lemons... I finally took the the leap to join a couple friends and do our own game studio thing. Hell, I don't know how it'll all work out, or how far we'll make it... It hasn't been easy and we're still figuring out a lot of things but it's nice to be able to say: here's our project (so far).
Anyway... I present: Forged of Blood our work-in-progress moonshot of a game.
We're shooting for a deep tactical-RPG in a fantasy setting that'll be played across two gameplay layers: Strategic and Tactical. The idea here is to put players in charge of taking over a large map on the strategic layer that will give them resources, quests, and further the narrative, while the core gameplay will be done on the tactical layer with small squads of heroes facing off against enemy soldiers, monsters, and the like.
We've been in pre-production and prototyping for about 6 months now and I guess it's time to peak out of our little hole for a bit:
First off, our tactical layer:
We got most of the models we'd want to use done now, and are figuring out the environments and how many maps we'd want/need. And still figuring out a lot of the animation work as well...
Our strategic layer:
Most of the quest creation data sets are ready to go, but we're still figuring out the full range of mechanics we can feasibly implement on this layer at the moment. Also.. I'm a little (a lot) late on polishing out storylines.
So yeah... what do you guys think? Any interest in a fantasy tactical RPG these days?
[TON OF EDITS: Trying to get the gifs to show... uhh, linked them for now while I figure this stuff out]
:3Is that butt smiling at me?
After studying the ZTD 3D Models, I think I've been taking the rigging thing to seriously.
I guess I'm gonna take it easy and do a basic rigging lol
I definitely get what you mean. I've posted some "higher res"/high-density voxel characters in this thread that are far curvier but aren't really suitable for gameplay purposes (though I may use them for close-ups, cutscenes, or dialog boxes, for instance).I'd just stick with the original. Seems weird to try and sex up voxel art like that. Newer ones look more like skeletal aliens or something.
just remove the v and the gifs will show up![]()
Pixel art I don't have anything for, but Draw with Jazza is a good place for some animation resources. He has some beginner stuff and also some really specific tutorials that can be helpful.Hey Gaf, can anyone recommend me a site or youtube channel that would help with pixel art and animations for absolute begginers?
I found some but it's always better if someone has actually tried and approved it.
Oh my God, I love everything about this! The presentation is spot-on. Congrats on getting uploaded to Playstation's official account as well.Haven't been here since my game's Greenlight campaign - a lot has happened since then, mainly, Lichtspeer is coming to PS4 and PS Vita. I never thought I'll actually be able to make a game for the Vita. Yay!
Oh and here's a trailer, hope you guys enjoy it. Feedback and questions are welcome![]()
Haven't been here since my game's Greenlight campaign - a lot has happened since then, mainly, Lichtspeer is coming to PS4 and PS Vita. I never thought I'll actually be able to make a game for the Vita. Yay!
Oh and here's a trailer, hope you guys enjoy it. Feedback and questions are welcome![]()
Oh my God, I love everything about this! The presentation is spot-on. Congrats on getting uploaded to Playstation's official account as well.
That trailer is fantastic, dude. Did you make it or hire somebody? Either way it's awesome and makes me want to check out your game, so mission accomplished!
Our strategic layer:
Most of the quest creation data sets are ready to go, but we're still figuring out the full range of mechanics we can feasibly implement on this layer at the moment. Also.. I'm a little (a lot) late on polishing out storylines.
So yeah... what do you guys think? Any interest in a fantasy tactical RPG these days?
After studying the ZTD 3D Models, I think I've been taking the rigging thing to seriously.
I guess I'm gonna take it easy and do a basic rigging lol
What is ZTD?
Im about to do the rigging for our characters and since they need to be rather advanced Im interested in any reference I can get.
Sorry I havent really followed this thread much, are both rigs from you?
Looks really good.
We just released a demo for our game The Adventure Pals! Check it out and let us know what you think, feedback is appreciated!
Demo: http://bit.ly/2aP1YPh
Kickstarter: http://kck.st/2aqcPQg
ZTD = Zero Time Dilemma. A VIsual Adventure for PC/3DS/Vita.
I rigged the one on the bottom. The one of the top is the one that appear on the game, and it's rather simple and it does the job.
The rig is completed. Took me quite a bit:
Hopefully this same rig works on all characters D:
Absolutely LOVE the presentation. Will have to try the demo some time after this weekend, but looks great!We just released a demo for our game The Adventure Pals! Check it out and let us know what you think, feedback is appreciated!
Demo: http://bit.ly/2aP1YPh
Kickstarter: http://kck.st/2aqcPQg
Palette stuff... original palette (246 colors) on the left, my palette (32 colors) on the right
Got possibly an easy question for some of y'all. How would I go about incorporating a laser like the one in this pic:
I'm using Game Maker, btw.