physics is slow but I know what to do.
Humble GameDev Software Bundle. Kind of an odd assortment.
Pay $1 or more!
Clickteam Fusion 2.5 Standard
Pyxel Edit (Beta)
Spriter Pro
Spriter Pro Game Effects Art Pack
Pay more than the average of $$$ to also unlock!
Clickteam Fusion HTML5 Exporter Add-on
Marmoset Hexels 2.5
Todoist Premium 1 year subscription
Spriter Pro Basic platformer, Adventure Platformer, and Run N' Gun Platformer Art Packs
Pay $10 or more to also unlock!
SpriteIlluminator Lifetime License
Spriter Pro RPG Heroes and Radius Wing SHMUP Art packs
1Password Families 1 year subscription (New subscribers only)
I think the previous cheapest was probably a year and a half ago when it was in a Humble Bundle at the top tier ($12?).that's a really good deal on Spriter Pro isn't it?
If I may, what do your sale bumps usually look like? Like clockwork, I seem to have hit the 7th DAy Snag.
They're only shown to owners? Why would you want to see games you already own highlighted on the store, unless it's a Christmas sale or something where you might want to gift them?Scarce and tied to the first days of sales (I get small upticks during paydays too).
If your game didn't blew up there's not much to do, you can make patches and try to release them at the same time of a weekly discount so you can use your visibility rounds but don't expect much. Also the visibility rounds at this moment stopped being useful for promotion because they are shown only to the owners and wishlist users.
They're only shown to owners? Why would you want to see games you already own highlighted on the store, unless it's a Christmas sale or something where you might want to gift them?
That makes VERY little sense to me, how incredibly odd.And wishlist users. I guess they wanted to stop devs from using the rounds for promoting sales because their "real" purpose is to promote the creation of big content updates.
Of course, that's just speculation. In my case, if I can't use my rounds for promoting then that makes me less inclined to make big content updates.
My idle animation wasn´t looping correctly so I made some adjustments to it, what do you guys think?
That makes VERY little sense to me, how incredibly odd.
Scarce and tied to the first days of sales (I get small upticks during paydays too).
If your game didn't blew up there's not much to do, you can make patches and try to release them at the same time of a weekly discount so you can use your visibility rounds but don't expect much. Also the visibility rounds at this moment stopped being useful for promotion because they are shown only to the owners and wishlist users.
It technically loops fine, but I have a few critiques.
I feel it's too fast for the amount of movement that's happening. Definitely slow it down some, or reduce the amount of movement. It also feels kinda linear in terms of timing. Could use better/smoother easing. Especially on the tail.
Is this still a WIP? I only ask since I'm curious why the tail has more frames of animation than the body. So I don't know whether to suggest decreasing the tails frames, or increasing the body's frames. That said, the tail could be smoothed out somewhat. Viewing it frame by frame shows that the tip is a little erratic.
Any thoughts? :3
Hi everyone!
I've restarted working on Super Night Riders, which is currently available on both Steam (50% off this week by the way!) and Xbox One, and coming to more platforms in 2017.
I'm currently planning 2 free major updates. The first one will improve on the graphics, gameplay and UI, and the second one will focus on adding more content (doubling the stage count!). Both should be released in 2017.
I've been working on the first update recently, experimenting with a new graphics style, more "current gen". Here's a WIP shot...
... and here's how the same stage looks like on the latest public release:
What do you think guys about the new look? I know that some people might still prefer the old stylized look, so I'll probably include both on the release, "Super" and "Classic" modes, tweaking the classic mode too by the way!
Any thoughts? :3
Personally I prefer the classic look.
Wow! That looks great! I have a lot of nostalgia for 90s Sega arcade games, so I prefer the classic visuals, but the updated visuals look awesome too.
Personally I prefer the classic look.
Me too, the classic look oozes personality and charm.
Thanks! Yep, late 80s to mid-90s racers from SEGA were awesome. That's the reason why I made this game :3
Can you please be a bit more specific? What do you like in the classic version over the new one? or is it some effects in the new version that you don't like, maybe the motion blur?
I prefer the newer look.
In the classic look the trees, windmills and racers are all in different styles. New look has more consistency.
EDIT: DNABro's above post wasn't there when I wrote mine so please don't take my disagreement about consistency as me trying to start shit.![]()
.It's more of that the new one doesn't really have any identity. The bottom one looks very consistent and it is obvious the style you are going for. And now with the new one it looks like you have a bunch of jaggy trees that look like a stock asset that was thrown in. I've always been in the camp that making things look more real, doesn't necessarily mean it looks better.
I remember seeing your game awhile back when you released, and while it wasn't the type of game I would buy or play, I thought it looked nice. I would personally be less interested in your product if the top was the default look. I'm not sure if your game has a bunch of different areas but I would prefer to see different looking areas, in that same art style.
Not to try and diminish your work, having both would be cool, but the bottom is more appealing.
This. In the classic one the repeated and somewhat empty scenery fits fell because it makes sense with the retro style, but in the modern one you're going for a more realistic look. Having the same trees, same mountains and nothing else makes it look like it's unfinished. The more detailed graphics ask for a more detailed environment IMO.It's more of that the new one doesn't really have any identity. The bottom one looks very consistent and it is obvious the style you are going for. And now with the new one it looks like you have a bunch of jaggy trees that look like a stock asset that was thrown in. I've always been in the camp that making things look more real, doesn't necessarily mean it looks better.
I remember seeing your game awhile back when you released, and while it wasn't the type of game I would buy or play, I thought it looked nice. I would personally be less interested in your product if the top was the default look. I'm not sure if your game has a bunch of different areas but I would prefer to see different looking areas, in that same art style.
Not to try and diminish your work, having both would be cool, but the bottom is more appealing.
Hi guys, after lurking on this topic for some time (great work y'all btw) I have a question.
I'm not exactly working on a game, but I was wondering what would be a good platform for developing a VR software for PC.
I'm mostly looking for one to build a demo/proof of concept to get more funds, so I'll probably get to Oculus/HTC later on, but for now I'd rather use something cheaper. The Razer OSVR headset seemed to be a good start, but it's not too easy to get in EU which makes it more expensive than expected. Not sure if there's a good visibility on the "cheap" Windows10 headsets announced recently either...
Any thoughts? :3
It's more of that the new one doesn't really have any identity. The bottom one looks very consistent and it is obvious the style you are going for. And now with the new one it looks like you have a bunch of jaggy trees that look like a stock asset that was thrown in. I've always been in the camp that making things look more real, doesn't necessarily mean it looks better.
I remember seeing your game awhile back when you released, and while it wasn't the type of game I would buy or play, I thought it looked nice. I would personally be less interested in your product if the top was the default look. I'm not sure if your game has a bunch of different areas but I would prefer to see different looking areas, in that same art style.
Not to try and diminish your work, having both would be cool, but the bottom is more appealing.
I prefer the newer look.
In the classic look the trees, windmills and racers are all in different styles. New look has more consistency.
EDIT: DNABro's above post wasn't there when I wrote mine so please don't take my disagreement about consistency as me trying to start shit.![]()
well it's always good to have different opinions lol.
I would say just go with your gut.
Definitely newer
This. In the classic one the repeated and somewhat empty scenery fits fell because it makes sense with the retro style, but in the modern one you're going for a more realistic look. Having the same trees, same mountains and nothing else makes it look like it's unfinished. The more detailed graphics ask for a more detailed environment IMO.
I actually prefer the older version by a lot. The motion blur is cool though.
First trailer for my game Rodas Cross.
God I've just been dealing with bugs all night and I want to bang my head against the wall.
Sometimes a good nights rest will give your brain the time it needs to come up with the answer.
I can't even say how many times i've put something down that stomped me, came back a few days later and fixed it within 30 minutes
Funny, I have worked on something similar month ago yet want to improve itfun with shaders. I found one that helps me make this interesting disturbance effect to the screen (since recording this gif I exempted the HUD from the effect).
http://i.imgur.com/szoyiRU.gifv ...
I prototype most of my stuff using Google cardboard and TrinusVR. Trinus allows you to stream your desktop to your phone and automatically split the screen into the two eyes. It's not perfect but I can develop in Unity, hit play and test on a headset relatively quickly.
Downsides are that it takes a bit of initial setup and I have to use keyboard, mouse or controller in my testing, rather than the Vive controllers.
We released the first look at one of our environments today so I got a nice way of wishing you a happy new year:
Still a wip so critique is welcome!
All of you rock, good luck with your games in 2017!
Funny, I have worked on something similar month ago yet want to improve it
much further in coupling the effect with some specific details in the game.
Guess for example you have a weapon (whatever) on the screen shooting some
rounds of high energy lighting balls. The screen will now distort for those
scanlines intersecting these balls. The amount of distortion can be controlled
by an average of the energy for the whole scanline or some smaller interval
thereof. An interesting aspect of doing so is that the distortion will follow
the cause (lighting balls etc.) and its strength will be coupled with the
decaying strength of the lighting balls such that the effect dies out in a
similar way. Hence, firing some pretty high energy weapons may as such break
the whole screen for a seconds or two (making you blindfolded), but in such a
way that you can still see some action on the screen, yet heavily distorted. I
think this will be a nice effect for letting the player feel the amount of
power/energy a give weapons has. Sure, can be used for anything else.
Thanks a lot, a Peter Pan vibe is good, was expecting a Alice vibe but as long as its along those lines it works!Wow, gorgeous! I'm getting a Peter Pan vibe thanks to the Wendy-ish girl down at the bottom... honestly my one critique is not the environment so much as the red text in the logo... it's rather messy and MS-paint looking although if that's your logo maybe changing it is not an option. <_<;;
For anyone who is working or has worked on narrative-based games... what program do you all use? I've been working in Chat Mapper for over a year now and we are using this plugin called Dialogue System for Unity by Pixelcrushers and I can't help but feel I committed to the wrong program. We'll make it through with this project but Chat Mapper can't handle all the text I've thrown into it, the program crashes frequently now that I've got so many conversations and it grinds to a halt when you have a conversation with more than 100 nodes. I've heard Tim Schafer and other pros mention they use Twine to write in and I had initially avoided it because... well, I'm not at all the programming type and even that kind of simple code is a bit confounding to me. If I have to learn it I will, but Chat Mapper was appealing to me because it's almost entirely visual and the simple bits of code there are have buttons and things to help me put them in there.
Hope you're all having a safe and lovely New Year's, wherever you are! <3 Here's to 2017 and getting all our games out or meeting our milestones on time and in a healthy way!
Thanks a lot, a Peter Pan vibe is good, was expecting a Alice vibe but as long as its along those lines it works!
Its our studio logo, you think it looks that bad? We created it in a rush (like everything else really) so its not the best but we thought it was ok....
(Just the logo, works better on black bg I think)
And while im at it might as well get some feedback on the logo for the game:
We havent really shown much jet and no fanbase to speak of so I think we should be fine if we decide to change something.
We also used Chat Mapper btw, we thought being able to export to sheets that we can use ingame as well as scripts for the voice actors would be great but we too found that its completely useless once you have a lot of dialogue unless you create multiple project files...
Sadly I have nothing else to recommend, we just moved on to writing our dialog right into the game and make separate scripts for the vo :/