Those numbers are insane! I´m struggling here with simple 32x64px animations and you are easily making stuff 6 times bigger with more frames (and better). Kudos to you, sir.
It's really two different things, though - a bigger canvas doesn't mean harder, in fact I'd argue the opposite :-D You have to make every pixel count, whereas I can afford lots of approximation!
Thx man! Yes, I'm becoming a father!!!

Six month to go... Holy!
Oh! Congrats :-D :-D
Yeah I guess I could have worded it better.
I just wanted to know the pixel size of your (idle) sprite (for your main character).
Most 2D games are either "pixel" or HD puppeteer/flash style (Vanillaware), so seeing that you choose an HD traditional animated style had me curious to your method and the technical pros and cons (outside of drawing every frame) that picking that style brings.
I read that you were using Construct and (if I'm not mistaken) that you were close to maxing out the size limit with just the main character alone. Is that because the system assumes you are making a game for mobile? If Construct is limiting, why do you use it instead of another program or is it just the program you happen to be familiar with.
Ah, I see!
Well, in my case it's really an aesthetical choice: as far as I know, there are few to no pros on the technical side to use that animation technique (and most others are designed expressedly to cover for its faults) - it's longer, it's harder, it costs a lot more... I just find the aesthetical gain to completely offset those cons and make it ultimately "worth it", but it's obvious I couldn't do this in any kind of traditional industrial setting! Very few "standard industrial" mid-size studios can afford it (in fact, I can only really think of Lab Zero these days), and I only can because I work solo, on my own schedule every day with little in the way of short-term external deadlines, and where the main pressure comes from my source of funding (french welfare system, with oversight by the people in charge of my situation) - meaning if they decide to cut me off at any point, I have nothing left, as I have barely enough to make it month to month as it is. (To be clear, I'm not complaining, far from it: just trying to answer your question as detailed as I can to underline that it's not a choice to be made lightly, and that I made it because I believe it's one of the few things I *can* do and bring to the table at this point).
Regarding C2, I've talked about it a few times and I may have been unclear: there is no actual "max memory size limit" that I know of, but the engine had a memory warning when going over an arbitrary size (1Gb of estimated RAM usage), which is what I have repeatedly complained about. After enough complaining, though, C2's devs have very recently removed this warning and the associated hassle (many thanks to them!!) meaning I'm free to stuff as many assets as I want in C2... at least, so far! Maybe I'll run up against an actual wall later down the line :-D
I'm using C2 because it's the only engine I know of that is explicitely designed *not* to rely on written code by the user. Even Game Maker expects users to know and use GML after a while, and I simply cannot learn/use proper programming syntax (spent enough years hitting my head against that specific wall to know that's a major issue for me). If I'm to work solo, C2 is the only engine I *can* use, as everything about it is accessible through visual building blocks (Unity and Unreal have some "visual scripting" plugins I know of, but in my experience, they're still very limiting and don't allow for use of the whole engine's capabilities, like C2 does).
So it's basically a "make do with what I have" situation, where I'm lucky enough that C2 can do what I want well enough! :-D
But it's true that it's primarily designed with mobile games in mind, so one has to watch out for issues specific to bigger projects that might pop up: if you intend to use C2 for your own ends, look into the trial version/other games (most notably: Yonder, Klang) that have been done with it first to see if it suits your needs!
EDIT: shoot, top of the page, I was hoping someone else would've posted something while I was typing that novel. Well uh, have one of the latest animations:
(one of the last for a while, actually, as I'll begin cleaning/coloring all of the sketches so far in the coming days and for a likely big part of the year, so updates might get a bit scarce).
Also, I hadn't posted the finished version of the illustration I had posted prior, so here it is as well for those curious/interested: