Thx for the kind words! Well, I'm not that much into RPGs these days but forOh shit! That's awesome, man. Congrats! I wish you the best. Gonna be even crazier from here on.
I haven't been posting here as much as I should, but I figured I'd give an update on how things are going with my game. I want to say things are moving fast, but alas. The last couple of weeks have been tough since I haven't been sleeping well, so most of my time is spent lying around and being tired. I think it's about time to solve this job issue or it's gonna kill me.
Still, progress hasn't stopped and I've managed to get the first part of the game working nicely. Cutscenes and the like aren't there yet, but the actual structure and flow is there. I have my wife run through the early story and quests to give some feedback and it's been pretty good. She doesn't like action RPGs, but seems to be enjoying herself when she plays. That's pretty encouraging, to be honest. Having a lot of fun crafting the main story and mapping out the dialogue. Took a lot of time planning the story over the years and it's been through a few revisions, but I think what I have now is pretty engaging and works well as a game. I guess the proof will be in the playing.
I posted this screen on Twitter, but for those who don't follow me there, I've posted it here to kinda join in with others who are showing their stuff. The game has come a long way from where it was, yet it still needs a bit of love. I hope to have it done this year, too. We'll see about that. I'm hopeful, though.
some others reasons, they are simply too time consuming on my end. xD However,
all the best with your job and the game. I love some of the fine details you
have put in there, but, indeed, the game needs a bit more love esp. in the
lighting department. Btw; I also think you should post in here much more, it
keeps you pushing!
Yeah. Nothing too special so far, but the coole things happen when combiningLOVE it :-D I won't pretend I understand how you got there, but I like where you end up :-D
many simple ones together. About that.