Looks cool btw. :+I'm glad you understand
Looks cool btw. :+I'm glad you understand
Ok, so I made versions for Linux and Mac of my latest prototype and I'm getting different results: some people got it working with no problems and others can't even start the game.
Seeing some of the crash reports I'm starting to think that the real problem is not the platforms but the different GPU, in the last version I changed all the ships to Physical Based Shaders (because they look much better that way) but I didn't stop to think that maybe PBR is not supported by many GPU since it seems to be a pretty recent trend...
Ugh, I don't want to sacrifice it though, what do I do?
DX9 GPU's should support PBR since it is just a shader.
Doesn't need a specific shader model or something?
Not saying it couldn't be something with the shader. Just that PBR shaders do support DX9. Marmoset's PBR shader in Unity works with DX9.
He cuts me off. "It's not really a video game at all." Then he spins around and walks away. I have dealt with this type of player before and generally it doesn't bother me, but I watched this guy walk over to another booth and noticed he was wearing it's T-shirt. This guy was a freaking dev! I have no idea how someone who knows how much work goes into making a game could say something so dismissive to another developer. I am not going to say what game he was associated with, because it's not the point and it certainly wouldn't be fair to anyone else who worked on that game.
But, jeez have some level of social awareness, guy.
To balance it out, our game drove a woman to tears and another guy called it "transfomative". I'll be there for one last stand tomorrow at the MIX/Humble Bundle booth if anyone is in Austin and wants to drop by. We are right behind the loud-as-hell Mobile MOBA booth.
Getting ready to launch our game on Steam this Thursday.
Not our first game, but I am getting pretty nervous![]()
diving into unity with a udemy course...
can you survive the keyboard cave?! gimmicky 2 minute game, with a possible buggy third room
BlastProcessing is a legit person and I think ya'll should know that. SXSW was a really interesting experience even if they did get my games name wrong at the awards ceremony
The main thing I learned on at this expo is that my game has pretty good main stream appeal, especially with kids, but I don't think there's any great way to reach that audience and the game is just a little bit too hard for most of them (the kids that is). Kinda wondering if a child friendly mode with no fail state would be a good or bad thing... Hmm, the problem is many players fail once or twice before really getting the game and I wouldn't want to encourage them to not get the best experience.
Wanted to quickly comment on this with a personal experience from last year. I was at a student game showcase, where awards were handed out. When it came time for the awards to be presented, there was a lot of hushed chatter amongst the crowd (of students trying to get jobs at the studio where I work and the others studios in attendence), where I was standing, that, "Game X was shit compared to ours, whatever," and, "Wow, fuck Game Y it didn't deserve to win compared to Game B."
Don't let any of this get to you, or at least try not to. There are tonnes of people who will think your game doesn't deserve ____ award, and even a few that will have a gaping void of social awareness and etiquette that will enable them to say it to your face. What does it matter? You won the award. Let them be upset and immature. They probably won't go far with a shitty attitude like that.
What are some other indie dev hangouts? This GAF thread and TIGSource forums are the only two that I frequent. Any other good ones?
Game looks cool - Good luck!Getting ready to launch our game on Steam this Thursday.
Not our first game, but I am getting pretty nervous![]()
Sometimes I look at code I wrote only like a week or so earlier and think, 'holy shit that is genius' I have no memory of writing it.
I don't recommend trying to skip C# scripting in Unity, Unity isn't built for that. Learning a sufficient amount of scripting isn't hard. My students have gotten the knack of it in about two weeks. If you want to do all visual scripting, maybe go with UE4 and Blueprints.Branching out from my AAA dayjob and starting some Unity stuff with my coworker. I'll be working mostly in Playmaker to script and create prefab elements.
Anyone here who has used Playmaker that does not like using it?
Is it powerful enough to do player movement and handle all player inputs?
Hoping that a good handful of stuff can be done in Playmaker as I don't know C# very well yet.
Sometimes I look at code I wrote only like a week or so earlier and think, 'holy shit that is genius' I have no memory of writing it.
Sometimes I look at code I wrote only like a week or so earlier and think, 'holy shit that is genius' I have no memory of writing it.
I don't recommend trying to skip C# scripting in Unity, Unity isn't built for that. Learning a sufficient amount of scripting isn't hard. My students have gotten the knack of it in about two weeks. If you want to do all visual scripting, maybe go with UE4 and Blueprints.
Playmaker is best used for speeding up prototyping; one of my friends who runs his own small game company says it lets him do in a day something that would otherwise take two or three. But if a project went forward he will rip Playmaker stuff out and replace it with solid code.
Awesome, congrats!psyscrolr is through lotcheck yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
Time to set a release date! Then we'll be releasing Apexicon on Steam's Early Access soon!
I'm struggling with Pixel Art, but I feel I'm trying too hard to be like other people's styles and not trying to create my 'own'. So maybe I'll just mess about freely and see what happens.
I'm in love with our new armor concepts.
getting some nice final fantasy tactics vibes from those, awesome!I'm in love with our new armor concepts.
Decided to play around with unity a while ago and yesterday I wanted to see how easy it was to export to android. I built the apk for the sample assets project(has the car and planes demo, fps/tps/ball demo, particles, and 2d demo. When I run it though only the the car and plan demo works correctly. The 2d demo's ui glitches out to nearly outside the screen so you can only move to the right. In the tps/fps/ball demo you move at a 45 degree angle when you're trying to go straight. Was wondering if this is a general issue of if theres something on my end that messed it up. I tried running it on both my galaxy note 4 as well as my nexus 7 with lollipop and both had the same issues.
I'll have to give it a look. I haven't used their UI, only tried it around 4.0ish and didn't like it ha! I'll give it a shot eventually but building my own for my needs works for me for now.I switched over to Unity's new UI system last month. It scales very good on every screen size I've tried. It's perfect for VR as well.
I'm struggling with Pixel Art, but I feel I'm trying too hard to be like other people's styles and not trying to create my 'own'. So maybe I'll just mess about freely and see what happens.
I'm in love with our new armor concepts.
Think in terms of a spaceship game where a ship might have 6 hard points on it all firing cannons at the same time, the cannon noise from each is played in sync as a result and thus amplified. My question is (although I've kind of solved the problem from what I mentioned above) is what other techniques can one go about this?
I've worked with audio designers in the past, and their solutions for this type of problem vary. One really smart one that I liked, was that you don't really need to focus on the amount of things emitting sound, but instead convey the fact that lots of sounds are being emitted. In this way, you could have 6+ cannons firing, but your brain only has the capacity to separate so many sounds at the same time, after a certain threshold they all meld together. So maybe you only use 1/2 the emitters for the amount of point sources you're using, you could get away with it, especially if you include some slight variations, as you've mentioned. This still conveys to the player that there's a tonne of weaponry firing at the same time. If you include variation and reserve certain frequencies (such as low bass freqs) for stressing certain things, that can magnify the feel you're trying to convey. 6 guns using 2 mid freq sounds, each being unique to another, and 1 low bass freq booming sound can really get across the feeling you're unloading lots of rounds at once!
In a game I worked on, multiple enemies could be firing AK-47s, but I think our audio designers capped the simultaneous weapons firing at a certain number. So, perhaps 3 guns, even if it was 6 or 7 guys shooting at the same time. They added variation, so it might sound like 3 different guns (1 M4A1, 1 AK47, 1 M16, for example), but this helped the players situate and differentiate the point sources' physical locations and it meant that the overlap wasn't bad since it was 3 different sounds rather than the same sound 3 times.
Hope this helps!
Okay so I've found myself in a situation with audio that I haven't really before.
Say you have a ship, it fires cannons. There's a time where X amount of cannons fire the exact same time and both use the same audio clip. The problem is that because there's no latency between the clips playing, they're all played at the same time and thus amplify the overall volume because all the clips are played at the same time so it sounds like just one audio clip is playing for it but just louder.
This is expected, but not what I want. I can solve it by varying the volume/pitch of each clip randomly just slightly which pretty much solves it. Another approach I guess is delaying the sounds randomly by some amount and then checking "has this played in the last 200ms?, if so, don't play), so you'd still get sounds coming through but not as amplified but I don't think it's that elegant of a solution. The problem with this is that then there's still amplification but at different levels depending on how many passed the check.
It's only a "problem" because the sounds are the same and synchronised when played, I guess adding actual variations to the audio clip itself can help too.
Think in terms of a spaceship game where a ship might have 6 hard points on it all firing cannons at the same time, the cannon noise from each is played in sync as a result and thus amplified. My question is (although I've kind of solved the problem from what I mentioned above) is what other techniques can one go about this?
I'll have to give it a look. I haven't used their UI, only tried it around 4.0ish and didn't like it ha! I'll give it a shot eventually but building my own for my needs works for me for now.
Woooo! Olympia Rising is done, so now I just have to integrate steam! Regardless, we're sending our final builds to Humble Bundle for distribution to our backers and anyone else who'd want to buy the game off our site and soon the humble store.
Feels so goood.
longtime lurker, long-time audio designer and Unity/Game Designer newbie here-
pitch variation and audio file variants can help.
Is the game 3D or 2D? If 3D, you can play around with the range/volume falloff of the sound so that the volume attenuate the further away the listener is.
You can try throttling the sounds so only a set number of the same sound can play- you might set it so that each new weapon blast has priority. Listen to a lot of older war and scifi movies and you will hear this done a lot.
The temptation is to add sounds to absolutely everything in the game- which will then sound terrible. So much of successful sound design and mixing is about reducing volumes of non essential sounds.
The other thing is EQ ing sounds the same way you would EQ instruments in music (ie removing bass frequencies from your lead guitar so you can hear the bass guitar and drums more clearly).
Lastly, when you're really advanced, you would use a dynamics processor like a limiter to make sure your volume doesn't go nuts when things get chaotic. You set a volume threshold and when you audio hits it, the volume level is reduced by a set amount. This is done to the actual audio output. Do it well and it sounds like Halo 3. Do it badly and it sounds like Halo 4.