Hello GAF,
I've been posting from time to time in this thread about my game The Life Ruby and
now I am at a point where I need semi-public feedback/testing. I was therefore wondering if you'd like to try my demo and give me any feedback you can.
(by the way I'd return the favor to anybody).
If you want to try it, I'll send you a download link in PM.
The Life Ruby
Genre: "Metroidvania" / "Skills platformer"
Platform: Vista / Win7 / Win8
Install: No
Milestone: Pre-Alpha
Expected Release: Hopefully before 2017 lol
- Metroidvania platformer (Super Metroid / Castlevania Symphony of the night).
- Challenge mode that plays like a "Skills platformer" (Super Meat Boy, League of Evil).
- Multiple power ups to upgrade your abilities.
- "Early 16-bits" retro style graphics.
- 8 explorable worlds/zones.
- Bosses, secrets, no useless hand holding gameplay.
- Fexible options for your convenience
(key configuration, scaling modes and sizes, play windowed or fullscreen, sound test, etc)
What's the current state of the game?
This game isn't exactly in "alpha" yet. There are still some features needed to be implemented that should happen quite soon. Let's say the versions here are early demonstrations or what will eventually become the first truly public demo. The completed game will someday be offered on the internet at a very low price point or as a "pay what you want" software. However, people participating or helping me from close or far away will all receive a free copy. (basic courtesy in my opinion)
Known Issues:
1- GameMaker 8 bug with controllers. Game will become slow if you unplug them while the game is running!
- Workaround: replug the controller or restart computer.
- State: Will Not Fix (its either that or the game doesn't support controller -- I prefer having the bug!)
Village Cowboy
Andrew's training grounds
Reaching the mountain
Slashing your knife. (oh please, not near children!!)
Slashing it at a snail's butt. (now that's better!)
Gliding peacefully
Falling into water (watch your air!)
Hopefully you have some fun, ha!