Matt got some shit when he first posted his aberration screens in here too, but he stuck to his guns. The people who dislike chromatic aberration are very vocal but they're in the minority.
I don't want to rehash the whole thing, but the amount of shit I got for posting my chromatic aberration -- just thinking it was a cool effect I figured out -- was bordering on bizarre. I was accused of all kinds of treachery. I think we have enough time and distance from the event that we can look back on it for historical purposes as long as we don't rehash the argument. XD
but, yeah, I changed nothing, and no one who has played the game has pointed out or complained about the effect, so I'm not worried. It mainly happens along with some disturbance -- taking damage, being stunned, the screen shaking, etc, and it goes along with sort of the 80s low fi motif of the game.