Thanks, ED!
I am going to cancel mine and see what happens.
Cancel and leave the adress there?
I doubt Google will do anything about it. There isn't a way they can verify anything either way.
Thanks, ED!
I am going to cancel mine and see what happens.
I still can't decide between Unity or Gamemaker for a 2D pixel art action-rpg...
"Handle" depends entirely how you code it and Unity is a lot more flexible with C# than GM is with GML.Both are free to try, so why not try them both and see which one you feel more comfortable with.
I'm sort of wondering how well Unity would handle a Football Manager-esque Management/Simulator game. GameMaker seems decent for it, but I've never seen anything attempted in Unity like it.
"Handle" depends entirely how you code it and Unity is a lot more flexible with C# than GM is with GML.
Unity is far more robust in tools, power and scalability than GM and can serve far more purposes. I am fairly confident most who roll 2D are moving away from GM to Unity and those who roll 3D are slowly edging towards UE4 - from basic musings of indie devs on "the streets".
"Handle" depends entirely how you code it and Unity is a lot more flexible with C# than GM is with GML.
Unity is far more robust in tools, power and scalability than GM and can serve far more purposes. I am fairly confident most who roll 2D are moving away from GM to Unity and those who roll 3D are slowly edging towards UE4 - from basic musings of indie devs on "the streets".
Some GIFs:
The game's called Ice Caves of Europa. I'm using Unity 5.
Anyone doing work with Playmaker and Unity 4.6/5.0?
I've got a very UI-heavy project I'm working on, lots of sliders and buttons, and I'm just trying to suss out the best approach. Even though Unity's new built in UI system seems quite good, there are some that say using the old GuiText etc. type objects with Playmaker is still a better result. The proxy component to hook PM up to the new native uGUI control is a bit weird. Makes looking up answers convoluted.
You can do it. Game logic is the hardest part. Coding is a mere pittance in that pot.After my project is done I plan to make a concerted effort to learn Unity and C#. It's a bit scary, I don't see myself as much of a programmer, but I never thought I'd be able to achieve everything I have so far so I suppose anything is possible if the desire is there.
I believe so as well. I haven't personally compared the two, though.I did a bit of reading around after I posted this, and it seems from a memory point of view Unity would be better as GM can be a bit greedy with file sizes and consumption. I think Unity handles SQL/Database calling better too, but can't confirm if this is true. I know you have to download an extension and .dll for GameMaker to be able to do this.
Brother Ashodin is using Unity and PlayMaker for (FFS HURRY UP SO I CAN PLAY IT FFFFFUUUUUUU) Apexicon.only bump. I promise. anyone?
The game's called Ice Caves of Europa. I'm using Unity 5.
only bump. I promise. anyone?
That Ice Caves thing looks dope, nice work Drone
What's the question homie?
That's me. And thank you for posting it!This has probably been mentioned, but Wildfire Kickstarter is live. I remember that one of you guys were working on it.
I was looking at my unlisted videos (of which there are quite a few) and I can't remember if I ever showed you guys this or not.
This video demonstrates some of the trickier enemies in the depths of the "bug tunnels", a largely optional type of area in the game that is intended to be difficult. These enemies actually have a few additional moves (including kind of a "frenzy" mode) that they didn't get a chance to do in this video.
I made the placeholder sounds myself, intending to demonstrate the kind of unnatural "howling" I wanted them to do, which isn't the type of sound you'd normally expect from a crustacean looking thing.
Adapt to Survive
Among the Stars
An Unconventional Weapon
Creatures of the Night
Day and Night
Deeper and Deeper
Edge of the World
Four Elements
Hidden World
Indirect Control
It Spreads
Take One, Leave the Rest
You are the Power Source
Just wanted to give some positive feedback based on those GIFs.
What is the main gameplay element? mastering the controls?
Yeah I would setup the energy meter as the master check, making the other FSMs "look" at the variable of "energy" it has and making sure that it is >0. If it is, then the Slider should be allowed to move, otherwise, make an event that if the player tries to move the slider, it returns it to the original spot being moved from and implement a message saying "no energy left".
If you're using buttons to click, just have the buttons update the energy level when clicked on individually. I'm thinking you could possibly work it so each whole system distribution is one huge button, then segment each "clickspot" is a separate invisible Label or something that when clicked on, changes the state of the button as a whole, possibly reducing draw count (having lots of little buttons).
Up to you really.
That's blender right? You should select each group of four verts and fill them to create a face. Now I don't remember if selecting all six verts will create 3 faces or just one big face (which is not good IIRC). If you only join the four verts like in the first pic you'll end up with a face that's separated from the four inner verts, an it'll mess up the shading.To the 3D modellers, I have a question. Say I need to fill a face, do I need to select all vertices for the face or just the amount that will allow me to fill the face? I'm a programmer and really never done any 3D modelling before (I'm trying to learn, it's quite fun so far)
To demonstrate this rectangle:
Should I just select these four corners?
Or should I select all of them like this such as loop select?
That's blender right? You should select each group of four verts and fill them to create a face. Now I don't remember if selecting all six verts will create 3 faces or just one big face (which is not good IIRC). If you only join the four verts like in the first pic you'll end up with a face that's separated from the four inner verts, an it'll mess up the shading.
Edit: You can use Bridge Edge Loops (Ctrl+E) to easily join them and have three faces in one move
Great this makes sense and yep it's blender. Yeah it does make one big face by selecting all six.
Didn't know of bridge edge loops, it's much more useful for what I'm trying to do now - thanks. So many tools in these 3D modelling programs it's difficult to get to know all of them. Takes time/practice to explore everything I guess. With the bridge edge loops I got what I want easily:
Didn't know of bridge edge loops, it's much more useful for what I'm trying to do now - thanks. So many tools in these 3D modelling programs it's difficult to get to know all of them.
Blender is amazingly powerful, and an absolute bastard to learn, because almost everything is hidden away, and its bowing under the weight of its own legacy.
For example, this seemingly calm, well thought out, rational and sympathetic video by a well known Blender user created an absolute shitstorm amongst current users, many of whose arguments basically boiled down to "I had to learn Blenders uniquely bastard-hard ways of doing things, and I don't want anyone else having an easier time" which is absolutely mental.
Turns out that particular proposal had several problems, despite its good intentions, and lacked flexibility. And basically, despite the 2.5 improvements, Blender still feels like its interface is a huge hurdle to overcome for new users, but existing community also seems to be actively hostile to the prospect of further ease of use improvements.
I really like Blender, and after almost an year of using I'm pretty decent too. But I'm thinking about switching to Maya/3DSMax because some things seem to be better organized/more streamlined.
I haven't done it yet only because I know lots of shortcuts in Blender already. lol
I really like Blender, and after almost an year of using I'm pretty decent too. But I'm thinking about switching to Maya/3DSMax because some things seem to be better organized/more streamlined.
I haven't done it yet only because I know lots of shortcuts in Blender already. lol
What about Maya LT or Modo? Imho Maya/3DS Max are just way too expensive and they are subscription only starting this year :s.
The price can't be beat though.
I get a three years license for free as a student. Might as well use them.![]()
I was looking at my unlisted videos (of which there are quite a few) and I can't remember if I ever showed you guys this or not.
Those of you making a Metroidvania or Zelda-like game: what's your approach to determine in which order the player will find the upgrades/weapons/items that'll lead him to overcome all the previous obstacles? Do you sort them by the power/grade of the upgrade? Do you look to other similar games? Do you wait till you have all the layout for all your levels and then choose acordingly?
Friends in AliasxD![]()
Started working on may user interface again....
You should share moire often!
Hopefully I'll have something substantial to show IndieGAF soon. My mediocrity will be known to all![]()
That was intense.
Those of you making a Metroidvania or Zelda-like game: what's your approach to determine in which order the player will find the upgrades/weapons/items that'll lead him to overcome all the previous obstacles? Do you sort them by the power/grade of the upgrade? Do you look to other similar games? Do you wait till you have all the layout for all your levels and then choose acordingly?
I'm getting a bit tired of overly relying on this sort of "can go here or can't based on a power" metroidvania stuff, though. I mean, it's fine sometimes, but designing the whole game around this I feel is getting kind of old. Something often feels kind of stale or artificial about this (for me) when it's overly relied on as structure.
For me, that depends on how useful the power is outside of gating mechanisms. Dashing and mid-air jumps are great powers that enhance mobility in almost all situations, so they're great for that. What I don't particularly care for is "this bomb/weapon isn't the right type to break through this door/rubble", because then it's no better than a lock and key.
Different strokes for different folks. Certainly "every item is awesome" is limiting as well. This is the trap that Bloodborne fell into, and a lot of people prefer the diversity of items in Dark Souls even though much of that is wading through shit.
Not that I'm saying make shit power ups, but they don't all have to be the awesome. The game I'm working on has three power ups in total, earned between the four worlds (compare to the warp rooms in Crash Bandicoot 3), whereas a game like Axiom Verge has a couple dozen different power ups. Then you have a game like Ori which has five main powers I think and a couple dozen optional powers.
There are lots of valid routes to take.
I like variety and items/equipment of varying levels of usefulness. That's something I actually love. Gives you options, ways to express yourself, ways to play the game how you want. Makes the world feel more real.
I'm just sort of growing weary of Metroidvanias and how I feel so many of them feel as if they allow fake freedom. You can go where you want, but not really, you really have to go along this predetermined path that is orchestrated by the order at which you acquire the power ups and the highly arbitrary way they're utilized in the level design. Again, I'm guilty of this too in my game, but next time things will be approached a bit differently.
How does Ori And The Blind Forest put together a world this big with seemingly no barriers between areas to load into? How do you approach that?
edit: Sorry for double posties!