"Getting a rigidbody and applying force to bullets is almost certainly more than you need to do in a bullet script unless you're getting fancy and doing real world bullet physics.
If its just a generic videogame bullet - ie it moves quickly in the direction it was fired in - it doesn't even really need a rigidbody at all, you can just transform.translate 'forward'."
As an addendum to this, due to the way transform.Translate works (Basically teleporting an object from one position to the other) depending on the speed of the projectile you may also need to check if there's a collision that happened between a projectile's previous and current position or you can run into situations where a collision won't get called because your projectile teleported right past a collider and thus neither an OnColliderEnter or OnTriggerEnter event will get called.
If its just a generic videogame bullet - ie it moves quickly in the direction it was fired in - it doesn't even really need a rigidbody at all, you can just transform.translate 'forward'."
As an addendum to this, due to the way transform.Translate works (Basically teleporting an object from one position to the other) depending on the speed of the projectile you may also need to check if there's a collision that happened between a projectile's previous and current position or you can run into situations where a collision won't get called because your projectile teleported right past a collider and thus neither an OnColliderEnter or OnTriggerEnter event will get called.