Nose how to spell and rede to
GJL2 is known as 'Justice League Inferior'
GAF Junior League
I kid, I kid
(if we get flights working next year it will be, lol. Level playing field this year though)
GJL2 is known as 'Justice League Inferior'
2. (Bonethug) I vote for Sunday, August 25th anytime before 10EST works for me.. Work during the week and wouldn't be available until 6 pm EST. Might not leave enough time for the person who needs it before 7pm, assuming EST.
I've only started really paying attention in prep for Fantasy, listening to podcasts and checking out mock drafts and damn people really are serious about that "RBs are a premium!" strategy this year.
If there are any openings I'm am down to play. Got some money leagues going so this will be my fun league
Most experts seem to be saying 'RBs are at a premium' and there's 'depth at the QB position'. The thing I hate about drafting 1st round RBs in fantasy football is that the top 10 is rarely the same year-to-year. The only players to consistently be in the top 10 in RB scoring from the past few years are like Adrian Peterson, Arian Foster, and Ray Rice and that's not counting the year All-Day was injured.
For those in GJL 2, what date/time would work best for you guys?[/QUOTE
Really anytime at night at 7 or 8 central. Even a little later would work.
I guess this brings up a question I forgot about: when are we determining draft order?
Team D, being me Derek Nelson, registered for L2.
Its a snake, right?
C'mon random gods, please no 1st pick!
OK I'm going to use the to randomize the draft order for GJL next Sunday (1 week prior to draft). Let me know if there's any other method you'd rather use. Otherwise, I'll see you with a suspicious 3rd overall pick next week(god help me if I actually get the 3rd pick, I swear I'll do everything fair y'all)
this is the time for draft order input.
Draft is still sept 1st 7pm est, as a reminder
any spots left?
So after looking at the Doodle schedule it seems like August 25th @ 9pm EST is the best time to get the draft scheduled for GJL2 so that's the date guys. I did see there were two people who may not be able to make it, if you are able to, please get the ESPN app. It's great and the draft works very, very well.
Arab I also need you to accept the invite for the league.
I want in on GJL3
I'm not intentionally going for it, but I want the Sacko
Rafi FTW
Hey Hey, Sign me up if you still have a spot!
Figured I'd throw this fantasy question here just to get some feedback.
I'm in a keeper league and have the second pick. Consider that it's a keeper league basically the first 7 rounds of regular players are gone, but of course, rookies are available to draft.
I was going to take Bell if he fell to me, but I don't think so any more. I want Lacy but am afraid he'll be gone number one.
My question is: Is Tavon Austin going to be a star and worth the second pick in a keeper league? Other players I could take: Pierre Garcon, Vernon Davis, Lamar Miller (but I haven't been impressed by him), Montee Ball.
arab, everyone in GJL2, you are beyond my help. Ferny is your boss now.
GJL will own GJL2!
Whoa that's freaking deep. Vernon Davis jumps out at me. I find it hard to believe anybody on the Rams will be a star until I see it. Did they get rid of S Jax? I got screwed with him as my feature back in the past couple of years. Bradford isn't even that bad I just don't trust em lol.
Edit: Lacy could be good if you got him, after living in Pittsburgh last year I can tell you that they need a RB BAD but it looks like Bell got hurt
Edit2: I would not be surprised if Montee Ball is huge. I hope so at least, good guy
We should revote on team names as I changed mine
actually I forgot that I left it as the default :/
10. I'm sorry 4 beating u!!!
I'm fucked
So I figured why wait until Sunday, you can go ahead and start planning your draft strategy while watching the games this weekend (plus OT has been killing it the past few days so I'm in a good GAF mood). This is, honest to god, how randomized our order, on the first time around:
GJL Draft Order
1. Stonking Great Hits
2. Oa Green Llamas
3. First Name Russell...
4. Only Human
5. Only Gooddell Forgives
6. Stupendous Men
7. Foster, Texian for Bier
8. Straw Hat Pirates
9. Team Gill
10. I'm sorry 4 beating u!!!
11. Pondering Deep Thoughts
12. Corporate Peezy LLC
Timestamp: 2013-08-23 20:38:19 UTC
With the LM having perfect deniability
So I guess we'll stick with that? Unless you guys have any other ideas, just holla if so. Sun Sept 1st 7:00pm EST!
We got like 6 people in GJL2 not in the draft room. Was expecting only about 2-3. Come all!
Slackers!! Get out the draft!
And I added everyone to GJL3 so far, I think you make 5 (8 minimum I think)
I'm interested in the third league.