Wait the fuq. I just read that whole "There's another something out there!" after the results for Cthulhu.
My gawd.
My gawd.
Hi everyone, let me know what you think of this setup:
This is something I might like to run once I get more familiar with this site. I need to clean it up and add flavor but before I do some opinions would be nice.
.some simulations I ran seem to imply this is more or less balanced.
.worst case scenario for town is lylo D3. A LOT has to go wrong for this to happen.
.best case scenario for town is D3 win. A LOT has to go right for this to happen
.GF has the ability to Power Vote to prevent a weird situation where if the GF is alone, town can rig Power Votes to make a mafia win impossible.
Wait the fuq. I just read that whole "There's another something out there!" after the results for Cthulhu.
My gawd.
You didn't think it'd be that easy, did you?
We've only just begun.
Call of Cthulu: Blindly flailing toward victory!
Real talk, we did a lot of flailing, but I'm proud of what we accomplished today. I was feeling really down about the game and practically ready to throw in the towel, but I managed to compose myself and do some work just in the nick of time.
Call of Cthulu: Blindly flailing toward victory!
Share a drink?
I think Blarg should join again.
It'll be just like old times! Although I suppose we'd have a distinct lack of the wind...
No hard feelings, mate. You were right all along. Have solace in that.
Yoo I don't have any sort of photo editing skills, but it seemed nobody was making a picture about the (bloodthirsty battle) the release of NX, I decided to make one in paint by myself. And by that I mean this pic should be thrown into trash when someone actually cabable makes a real one.
Pic used: And sorry bats, since you didn't have an avatar, I made a stickman instead.
And if someone says that is a Harry Potter book I'll just pretend I ain't hearing.
You also hold oaths of wingmanship for eternity too right?
You love me
I am literally shaking with rage.
You love me
Seems like a fun set up! I'm actually not at all familiar with Mafia setup and moderating, so someone else can probably give you much more informed feedback. But I like the idea of secret power votes and day time kills! It sounds like this type of game would end pretty quickly if mafia can use a one-shot kill as well as their usual NK. Things could get fun/confusing because nobody will be sure who has which power during the night. Also, regarding the Mason role - what if you accidentally choose a mafia buddy? Wouldn't that defy the point of being masons?
I'll put you down as a replacementI'm too late to Czar's game, right?
I feel like Zatoth is going to Mod-Kill the next person who posts in the Cthulu thread.
I can't wait until some very confused gaffers come into the thread thinking it actually is a thread about how Nintendo should launch the NX or something like that![]()
like any nintendo will ever mention the wii u again once they announce the NX
Real talk, we did a lot of flailing, but I'm proud of what we accomplished today. I was feeling really down about the game and practically ready to throw in the towel, but I managed to compose myself and do some work just in the nick of time.
Missed the end of the archer game, but glorious stuff.]
Also Gorlak, I think you pretty much lost me when you used your predecessors as proof of you being town. Live and learn, I guess?
I can't have been the only one that thought that was a very weak argument!
thats my talk over, not my fault you decided to do all of this when I was sleeping, you bastards.
Now I know how Yeeny felt >:C
I can't wait until some very confused gaffers come into the thread thinking it actually is a thread about how Nintendo should launch the NX or something like that![]()
Guys ! No game talk ! And what the hell is it with this onwu games ?! This thread is filled with filler.
If you mean I would love to kill you and dispose of your broken corpse? then yes.
Everything in this thread is fluff.
VOTE: Everyone
Hahaha the good old fluff. God i fucking hate that term.
Real talk, we did a lot of flailing, but I'm proud of what we accomplished today. I was feeling really down about the game and practically ready to throw in the towel, but I managed to compose myself and do some work just in the nick of time.
Missed the end of the archer game, but glorious stuff.]
Also I remember you all for the HDS release last year, are we always the same guys buying Nintendo stuff?
Also, don´t believe on swamped, she told me she just wanted to hang out the last time I was in line for the Fat Pikachu amiibo exclusive to 7 Eleven and she punched me in the balss seven to eleven time to take my place and get the last one they had.
No no, that was my...errr twin sister...But she promises to be nicer if you can get her one of those limited edition Hermione Granger Amiibos.
If anyone wants a link to the NX dead / spectator thread, PM me. Soon your bookmark bar will be filled with QT links!
Comrade Chat
Kark's Krematorium feat MattyG
ONUW 4 - Spectator Thread
Crab's Crypts
Happy Home Chat
Razmos Chat
Hutt-Mob Discussion
RetroGamer42's Room
Mazre's Chatr
That'd get me to actually buy an amiibo!
I own two amiibos
If anyone wants a link to the NX dead / spectator thread, PM me. Soon your bookmark bar will be filled with QT links!