Trust me, guys
god i hate you
Trust me, guys
god i hate you
NX is already at 20 pages. Good lord.
NX is already at 20 pages. Good lord.
inb4 RetroMG "lol at 50pp" comment
Launch and I are 100% tied on posts lol
Three hours until the superior game starts up once more
Three hours until the superior game starts up once more
NX is already at 20 pages. Good lord.
inb4 RetroMG "lol at 50pp" comment
FUCK 0-3
DIdn't even consider that until now. That's quite an exclusive club to belong to at this point. Is there some type of members-only jacket involved?
NX is already at 20 pages. Good lord.
inb4 RetroMG "lol at 50pp" comment
"Oh cool time to read the mafia thread"
"Oh, 12 new pages..."
Is this with VI again?I forgot to set up ONUW for this week. Who wants to play?
"Oh cool time to read the mafia thread"
"Oh, 12 new pages..."
I forgot to set up ONUW for this week. Who wants to play?
Is this with VI again?
Hmm, what day is the discussion going to fall on?
Probably Wednesday
If there isn't a lot of interest, I may take the week off.
Leaning toward no.
Probably Wednesday
If there isn't a lot of interest, I may take the week off.
I'd like in then, that works for me since NX will most likely be in night phase during that day.
Yeah, I think we're gonna push ONUW 5 off a week. Maybe I'll try to add in a new role.
You should add in "Th' Femme Fatale," the wife of one'a th' villagers who's vying for his inheritance and only wins if she can convince th' town to vote for 'em. It'd add anotha layer'a paranoia to th' game, as people'd have t' consider that every case made against a townsperson could just be th' FF tryin' to weasel her way to victory.
Trying to kill the tanner. If tanner dies, she and he both win
Would help the tanner team much more
Can someone save Blarg in the NX thread? I think he forgot his meds today.
I think he took it very personal when people called him out for not being quite as crazy as he normally is.
NX game is approaching deadline. Will there be more role claims!?
Tune in and find out!
NX Thread is already half of what the other big three games are right now.
Pretty sure half of the posts are Blarg votes.
Sorgian combo means lot of posts.
Bunch of jerks murdered the only new player in the thread.