The Quicktopic will have all information, but here is the short version.
You guys were right about impersonating someone else, because we are playing
The Target Game
The Rules (Short version)
In the beginning of the game, one of the players will be revealed to be a scum. Everyone will know the identity of the scum from the start.
2. However, you will all play in the quicktopic with false nicknames, so no one know who the others are.
3. You are not allowed to reveal your real nickname at any point. However, you can lie that you are the scum player.
4. Voting is done by writing
VOTE: PLAYER with bold tags. You can do bold tags in quicktopic by writing <b> *insert text* </b>
5. The day will last five irl days. It can end prematurely, if more than majority is reached (in 11-player version, it means seven votes for one person).
6. However, if majority is not reached, all votes will be reset, and we advance to a night phase, that lasts exactly 24 hours. During the night phase, you will all vote in the thread again, but you are forbidden to discuss about anything else.
What happens during the game:
1. You will mostly just have normal conversation first, while trying to deduce who the sum is. I will give you topics to talk about, if discussion dies out.
2. After a while though I will not give any discussion ideas, because you will need to start to figure out if you want to help on finding the scum, or if you want to try and act like the scum-player as much as you can.
Heres the important part:
Win Conditions
1. The Scum will win if he is not voted out of the game.
2. The others will win, if they vote out the scum.
3. However,
a player will also win, if they themselves get voted out at the end of the game
4. So in short, if scum is not voted out but another player is, the winners will be scum and the one who was voted out. If Scum is found, everyone else will win instead.
So in short,
your mission is to find out which player is the scum
while you all try act like him or her. Can you forget your playstyle, and try to play just like another player does? This is the reason why everyone had to play at least one gafia game, so that anyone can check the playstyle of the scum. And remember, no revealing of GAF nicknames. This game is not designed to be won by cheating, you know

Next I will go to RNG and decide out the scum, and tell it here. Then Ill post PMs. You cna sk questions about the game here.