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GAF Plays: Legend of Legaia | Memories of TORNADO FLAME

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess

Game: Legend of Legaia
Genre: Console-style RPG
Developer: Contrail (before they got absorbed into SCEI)
Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment
Platform: PlayStation
Release Date: Oct 19, 1998 (JP), Mar 17, 1999 (NA), May 27, 2000 (EU)
PSN? No. Sorry. :(
This is the first installment in the Legaia games. It may not have the pedigree of many other console-style RPGs at the time, but it’s a good game with an interesting battle system. The script was written by Hidenori Shibao, whose credits include both Lennus/Paladin’s Quest games. Kazushiro Kobayashi directed Legend of Legaia, and given that it’s difficult to actually find what else he’d done outside of Mobygames credits and how common the name seems to be, it seems as though he’d also done some work on Lament of Innocence (effects). The game’s producer was Takahiro Kaneko and it’s much easier to find his credits considering that he is still active today (executive director on Demon’s Souls, for example). Noriyuki Watanabe worked on battle programming (whose other credits include Legaia 2 and Nekketsu Tairiku: Burning Heroes). Prolific composer Michiru Oshima (Ico, Arc the Lad anime, and Little Witch Academia) worked on the music, with the exception of Cara’s Theme which was composed by Kohei Tanaka for Alundra (called “Requiem” in that game).

I guess you could say that the game is almost by-the-numbers. It takes place in a world called Legaia, where humans could use objects called Seru to make the world more convenient for them. Seru were used for transport, the ability to fly, enhanced strength, etc. Civilization thrived until one day 10 years before the game started where Seru first came into contact with the Mist. The Mist drove the Seru mad and they attacked humans. Humans who wore Seru became possessed by them. The game follows three children—Vahn (voice: Wataru Takagi), Noa (voice: Sachiko Sugawara), and Gala (voice: Jin Yamanoi)—as they try to revive humanity’s hope in the form of the 10 Genesis Trees to vanquish the Mist that envelops Legaia.

I think most folks would agree that the best/most well-known aspect of Legend of Legaia is its combat system. It’s turn-based, and at the beginning of each round the player must input commands for each character. The order of action is determined by, as usual, the speed stat. What’s different about this system is that it’s called the Tactical Arts System (TAS) whereby the player doesn’t just select attack at each turn to fight, but rather, they must input a series of commands in order to execute combos and specify the location of the attack. Each direction will have different ranges of effectiveness depending on the enemy’s equipment or height.

Strings of attacks can execute combos called “Arts”. These combos can deal more damage than a standard attack string. AP is needed to execute Arts, and the player can charge this up by using the Spirit command (essentially the “defend” option). Arts can be divided into regular arts (regular combos), Hyper Arts (elementally-based), Special Arts (chained combinations of regular arts), and Miracle Arts (the characters’ ultimate attacks).


The amount of attacks that the player can execute is determined by the character’s action bar. If you level up, your action bar will naturally increase. You can also increase it by selecting the Spirit command, but it will only increase up to its maximum potential for the character’s level reached so far.


Legend of Legaia’s magic and summoning systems is essentially the same thing. When a Ra-seru-wearing character defeats a Seru, there’s a chance that they’ll absorb the Seru to gain a new spell/summon. These spells can be leveled up by using them more often.

Gimard as an enemy:


Gimard as a summon:


Legend of Legaia also has some cool minigames, including fishing, slots, a rhythm minigame, a rock-paper-scissors-esque fighting game, and an arena-like competition.


So who’s in? I know that a few people are in for sure since they’ve told me that they’d like to play it again. This thread doesn’t have to go a specific way and you can post however you’d like to. Just don’t be a jerk towards other folks and you’ll be fine. What I usually do is post in a text/screenshot LP format, but other people don’t have to do it like that if they don’t want to. Just post your progress through the game, ask for help when you’d like, and share various tricks you’ve discovered! If you’d like to play on-stream, link your stream/archive/recording/YT channel for folks to watch.

Other GAF Plays threads that were pretty cool:
Himuro’s Summer of Final Fantasy
Red Scarlet’s Summer of FF/DQ
Final Fantasy I IRONMAN Thread!
GAF Plays: Ys: Book I & II
GAF Plays: Final Fantasy VII
GAF Plays: The Legend of Zelda Series
GAF Plays: Final Fantasy Games (25th Anniversary Edition)
GAF Plays: Mass Effect Series
GAF Plays: Shin Megami Tensei Games (25th Anniversary Edition)
GAF Plays Baten Kaitos: Origins (all four of us!)

THREAD DEDICATED TO NOI …because I was actually supposed to post this thread during Summer 2013 to coincide with the Japanese 15th anniversary and he’s been on my butt about it ever since.

Plus technically, this year marks the 15th anniversary of the NA release.


Absolutely loved this game. I remember trying to use the Astral Sword and convincing myself it does more damage, so it's worth it haha.


Oh man...this game...this game.
I must've beaten twice in my lifetime, and in each I'd spend hours grinding just cuz various bosses were tough as nails.
I'd join in but sadly I've got a bunch of PC games I want to finish up =/

I will be lurking this thread to read some impressions though and try to help out if I remember some of the boss battles and how to deal with them.


Is your last memory of Legend of Legaia fighting against this guy?

Heh he was a tough boss and I recall having to get some Status Ailment protection equipment to counter him.
Well, did you know that you can actually one-shot him using this guy as seru magic attack?


You're welcome!

This I did not know, is Freed gained from
the abandoned city to the east of the tower you fight Berserker in?

EDIT: No wait this Seru's name is Nighto-

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
are you fucking serious
Did you know you can do that with Lapis too, using the Spikefish flute to escape as he decreases your MP to 0 and then you can just heal MP in another battle with him to use Jedo to instakill him too?

Oh, and did you know that you can reset the Koru battle round counter to 255 by using the spikefish flute because of programmer oversight so you don't even have to only take 3 rounds/use a 9999 dmg points card to do it?

I was going to talk about this in my own playthrough, but Noi decided to show off the good stuff early!


Aw man, a replay of Legaia is so overdue for me! Mega tempted to join this, but I fear I'll drop it/get distracted by other stuff I'm involved with right now. My "always wanted to do, but will probably never happen" playthrough of Legaia involved getting 100% Treasure Chests (which includes getting to LV99 with all characters, if I recall correctly) and beating that secret boss (Lapis?) without using the points card lol!
Did you know you can do that with Lapis too, using the Spikefish flute to escape as he decreases your MP to 0 and then you can just heal MP in another battle with him to use Jedo to instakill him too?

Oh, and did you know that you can reset the Koru battle round counter to 255 by using the spikefish flute because of programmer oversight so you don't even have to only take 3 rounds.use a 9999 dmg points card to do it?

I was going to talk about this in my own playthrough, but Noi decided to show off the good stuff early!

I'm not sure if I want to jump off a bridge or see if this game is still in my garage. Maybe both.


When I was way younger, I used to think that the voice acting in this game was made up gibberish. I'm not even sure if I'd ever heard spoken Japanese before at that point in my life, with the only recognizable words being every time a character yells their Hyper Art name.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Actually, they removed some of the Japanese voice acting in the NA version of the game. Most notably the victory quotes.

Aw man, a replay of Legaia is so overdue for me! Mega tempted to join this, but I fear I'll drop it/get distracted by other stuff I'm involved with right now. My "always wanted to do, but will probably never happen" playthrough of Legaia involved getting 100% Treasure Chests (which includes getting to LV99 with all characters, if I recall correctly) and beating that secret boss (Lapis?) without using the points card lol!
You could always jump in whenever you get time! It's one of those summer games for me.

I like to remember it as the game that saved me from a summer of Beyond the Beyond.
One of my favorites, but I've got too much on my plate as is. I played it a week ago on my psp tho. I always loved how armor and weapons would visibly change your appearance while equipped. Ahead of the times since some now dont even have that.
I started playing this again last month, but put it down. I never got very far when the game first came out, and even now I just got Gaia equipped with his Seru.

I'll be picking this back up very soon.
Is your last memory of Legend of Legaia fighting against this guy?

Well, did you know that you can actually one-shot him using this guy as a seru magic attack?

You can even do this with the infamous optional boss Lapis. You're welcome!

You have just blown my mind.



I'd kill for a PSN release, but I hunted down a disc version of this on eBay some months ago. I own it and the sequel (the sequel had the best voice acting ever......). Love the hell out of them both.

Maybe I'll join in on this...


Actually, they removed some of the Japanese voice acting in the NA version of the game. Most notably the victory quotes.

You could always jump in whenever you get time! It's one of those summer games for me.

I like to remember it as the game that saved me from a summer of Beyond the Beyond.

Yes, Legaia has always been one of those "summer" RPGs for me too. Along with Alundra, Suikoden, Wild ARMs and the original Vandal Hearts, my brother and I would practically restart/play these games at the start of our summer vacations back during grade/grammar school. I'll definitely consider a run this summer!

...Beyond the Beyond lol! I actually like some things about that game, but yeah, if that was potentially that "one" summer game you were stuck with back in the day...yeah...


Unlocking new arts on my first playthrough felt so amazing. It's always bothered me why Vahn never had more than 3 hits for his normal combos. It's a weird thing to trip over, but there you go. FFVII-IX, Legend of Dragoon and Legend of Legaia are games that I revisit over and over again... They never get old.


I can't believe this game isn't on psn. Did it sell poorly or something? I loved this game! The battle system was a lot of fun.
One of my favorite PS1 RPGs. Really liked how the world started clearing up when you got rid of the fog/mist. It's also one of the few rpgs where you could see the armor changes visually reflected on the battlefield. Don't like what they did with 2.


I won't join, because I don't have that game, but thanks for mentioning my old thread in the OP (and the Ironman thread).
If this is a pure Sony game nowadays, I wonder why it isn't on PSN.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
I remember playing this game freshman year of college, while waiting for FF8 to be released. Don't remember very much about it aside from the novel battle system. I should pick this up.


I can't believe this game isn't on psn. Did it sell poorly or something? I loved this game! The battle system was a lot of fun.

I remember in the early Ps1 emulation scene this was one of those games that was difficult to get running, it would always lock up in a certain place... kinda like RE2. Nowadays it runs like a dream on most emulators but there might be something that's preventing it from coming out on PSN. Too bad, it's a great game that needs to be played by more people... if just for the addictive nature of the battle system itself.

I've already started playing a bit here and there a few weeks ago when Schala casually mentioned making this thread. Now that the thread is up and running it's time to drop everything else and dedicate some time to this playthrough.




EDIT: lol @ re-reading the first few replies

GAF Plays: Legend of Legaia | "Did You Know...?"


My memory of this game is that I found it absolutly awesome before getting to the end boss.

I just stopped. He was ridiculoussly hard compared to anything before. I want to say something about a huge behemoth or turtle. I remember there was some cutscene of his grandiose entrance. Then you went into the depth of something and he was there. I may have gotten to his second phase. I just remember that he one-shoted everyone in a single round.... every time !

I meant to actually play the second game on the PS2. I don't know how well it compares to the first opus. I just hope there is no insane spike in difficulty like the first game.


I remember in the early Ps1 emulation scene this was one of those games that was difficult to get running, it would always lock up in a certain place... kinda like RE2. Nowadays it runs like a dream on most emulators but there might be something that's preventing it from coming out on PSN.

Mmhmm. Even if you have the physical disc, you still can't play the game on any PS3 because of that one lockup (which, terribly enough, happens very late in the game so its unlikely for pepple to know about it before they're knee deep into it). Only way to play the game without emulation is to play it on a PS1 or a PS2, which makes it even harder to spread the love of the game.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Mmhmm. Even if you have the physical disc, you still can't play the game on any PS3 because of that one lockup (which, terribly enough, happens very late in the game so its unlikely for pepple to know about it before they're knee deep into it). Only way to play the game without emulation is to play it on a PS1 or a PS2, which makes it even harder to spread the love of the game.
Not to mention that playing it on a PS2 might induce slowdowns or delayed quotes.

I'm not entirely sure what I'm going to use for it. I was originally planning on capturing content with my capture card via PS2/PS3 to record fights and stuff and capture images fairly easily, but seeing psxphile's webms and seeing how those look really crisp and cool, I might considering using that instead. What settings are those running with? :O

Edit: Just a note, that gif up there was created by me last year, and I recorded it from my PS3. It's okay, but man, those webms...


I'll most likely be playing on PSP, since I found a firmware setting that should make it work. And if there are any freezes, it's trivial to transfer the save elsewhere to get past them.


I played the hell out of this game back in the day. Hmm I wonder if my copy is okay. I have it a bin in the closet. Need to check when I get home.


I'll most likely be playing on PSP, since I found a firmware setting that should make it work. And if there are any freezes, it's trivial to transfer the save elsewhere to get past them.

What version of PoPS works with it?
I'll be starting this up on ePSXe but if I run into that nasty freeze I'll transfer my save file and bypass it with my PSP.. Or try another emulator.
Already did the opposite, had to bypass some lunar 2 freezes on PSP by transferring and converting the save file to be ePSXe compatible and then doing the reverse. What a pain in the butt.


What version of PoPS works with it?
I'll be starting this up on ePSXe but if I run into that nasty freeze I'll transfer my save file and bypass it with my PSP.. Or try another emulator.
Already did the opposite, had to bypass some lunar 2 freezes on PSP by transferring and converting the save file to be ePSXe compatible and then doing the reverse. What a pain in the butt.

It's my understanding that it works fine on 3.71.


Just got back from work. What'd I miss?

Is that running on epsxe or is it another emulator?

What settings are those running with? :O
Guess I should have mentioned that prior: been playing LoL on a fresh install of ePSXe v.1.9.0, using Pete's OpenGL2 Driver 2.9. My settings:

This works well for me, for the most part. Although early on I noticed I would get some weird frame dips after a bout of extended play (more than an hour) that doesn't seem to be from the game itself. It usually rights itself after a while, though. For the record, my 3+ year old comp is running Windows 7 with an AMD Phenom II Dual Core 550 @ 3.10 GHz and 4GB of ram. As for the video card, it's an ATI Radeon HD 5700. I guess I should also note that I can run FRAPS alongside the game without much of a noticeable hit on performance, which is how I managed to get some video to make those Webms. I don't have a capture card.

Mmhmm. Even if you have the physical disc, you still can't play the game on any PS3 because of that one lockup (which, terribly enough, happens very late in the game so its unlikely for pepple to know about it before they're knee deep into it). Only way to play the game without emulation is to play it on a PS1 or a PS2, which makes it even harder to spread the love of the game.
Welp. I'm a little worried now. The lock-up I was talking about (used to) happened to me right at the beginning of the game, during Tetsu's tutorial. Game would freeze up when you were forced to use an item. So you're saying it could probably lock up much later, huh? Well, ePSXe allows you to switch to software rendering mode on-the-fly with a button press (F4, I believe) so maybe it could be avoided if the issue hasn't been solved yet. This will be my first time playing the game all the way through on an up-to-date emulator: I think the last time I got very far in the game is when I played in on the PSP a few years ago... and even longer on an actual PS1.


Welp. I'm a little worried now. The lock-up I was talking about (used to) happened to me right at the beginning of the game, during Tetsu's tutorial. Game would freeze up when you were forced to use an item. So you're saying it could probably lock up much later, huh? Well, ePSXe allows you to switch to software rendering mode on-the-fly with a button press (F4, I believe) so maybe it could be avoided if the issue hasn't been solved yet. This will be my first time playing the game all the way through on an up-to-date emulator: I think the last time I got very far in the game is when I played in on the PSP a few years ago... and even longer on an actual PS1.

The Ps3 lockup in particular is all the way in
Conkram, when you go through the mirror into the past
. The console doesn't like the glowy effects in the background and will lockup every time.


The Ps3 lockup in particular is all the way in
Conkram, when you go through the mirror into the past
. The console doesn't like the glowy effects in the background and will lockup every time.

Oh okay. I'll be ready for that.

Here's some random snaps I took on ePSXe w/ the settings posted above:



Loved the hell out of this game. One of the first games I ever played where buying/finding equipment would actually change the look of your characters so by the time you were at the endgame you looked totally decked out for the final battle. Also Songi's theme is probably my favorite song in the game. I'd pay good money for an HD remaster of this classic.


Legend of Legaia Playthrough Episode #1:
"This is the Beginning, the beginning of our story..."
"Attack on Seru"

After a brief opening narration that details the relationship between the enigmatic Seru creatures and humanity throughout the ages up until the day that relationship soured, the game starts in the small podunk town called Rim Elm just off the edge of the Drake Kingdom, nestled at the southernmost tip of the world of Legaia.

Enter Vahn, a blue-haired scrub getting ready to join the hunt for the first time. You can name him something else if you want, but Vahn seems like a perfectly suitable name to me so let's go with that. Vahn will go to the town's sacred Genesis Tree to pray and then afterwards, you can explore the town at your leisure.

But not before you bump into your secret crush, Mei. She's making your hunting clothes but needs to measure you again for the sake of accuracy (right). Here the game actually gives you a choice to allow it or not, and you can actually choose to say no and suffer the repercussions for it (more on that later). But our Vahn is a good boy and the ladies love him because he's mad crazy agreeable so we'll play along. She'll head off to your home to wait for you while you finish your tour.

Besides speaking to the neighbors, learning about Memory Statues and looting cupboards, you can also meet with Tetsu down by the beach for some one-on-one training. Here you'll get the gist of the battle system, which amounts to slotting attacks on a bar and 'unleashing the beast' on an enemy. You can also learn your very first Arts, Somersault.

The Arts system is as follows: throughout the game you'll find books or people who will tell you how to perform certain Arts. However, you can also learn them at random through battle by slotting the right commands in their precise order. Even Auto Battle will eventually churn out the occasional new Arts if you keep using it. And once you've "learned" it, it's saved in your Arts List permanently. Though there's nothing really stopping you from taking a list of Arts from an outside source and inputting them in manually to learn them all except for advanced moves that require more space on the bar, and the bar gets longer as you gain levels so there *are* limitations at the outset of the journey. Still, it's an easy system to abuse. Doesn't help that the game doesn't teach you *all* of the arts, some you'll have to find out on your own.

The only Arts you can't learn in this method are Hyper Arts, which absolutely require you to learn them in-game from hidden books and Miracle Arts, which are each party member's most powerful Art and therefore one of the last moves you'll learn. And on the contrary, there's also Super Arts: a precise combination of Hyper and Normal Arts that is incredibly strong, costly in AP and ends in a unique attack. The game never teaches you how to perform Super Arts, you pretty much have to stumble on them all on your own or consult an outside source. You also can't save it to your Arts list, either.

Well, I think that's enough about Arts for now. Once you're back home an intriguing scenario takes place:

Lookit her stubby little arms. Cute little imp. :3

Afterwards Mei will finish measuring you and say things that could be... misinterpreted.

Outside, a heart-breaking sequence of events takes place.

Juno, Mei's father dies during the hunt. It is here where you can see just how badly Rim Elm has it: cut off from civilization, forced to live off the land or face starvation, constantly subjected to the terrors of the Mist.

After seeing that Mei is being watched over in her time of need, Vahn heads back home to rest. But the quiet night is broken by the sound of something big striking the Wall. As this is unprecedented, you're awakened and asked to check it out.

In the dark, a loud banging can be head coming from the great Wall. Suddenly, a mysterious man emerges from the darkness and introduces himself as Zeto. Saying he will bring "salvation", he shrugs off a direct attack by Tetsu and calls for Rim Elm to submit to the Mist.

A beast appears outside Rim Elm and obliterates its wall in a massive display of power.

Not sure what's up with the garbage during this scene, but video playback has always been iffy in ePSXe.

Immediately following the blast, a swarm of Seru invade Rim Elm accompanied by the Mist. Vahn and Tetsu fight back in an effort to save the frightened villagers still outside during the attack.

At this point it would be wise to head home, but before you do have Vahn visit Mei's house and get her out of there. Doing so will net you a useful accessory later. After leaving her at Vahn's home head to the Genesis Tree and you'll find it's been glowing since the Mist came into the town. As you approach the tree Vahn will hear a voice and a red Seru will descend from above. Calling itself Meta, it claims to be a Ra-Seru and in-corruptible by the Mist. Meta will ask Vahn to join with it and end the threat of the Mist once and for all, the first order of business being to awaken the Genesis Tree. And in order to do that, Vahn will need the strength of prayer from everyone in town.

Of course, they're going to be wary of anyone walking around with a Seru attached to his arm. Social stigmas, you see. But if you speak to the Town Elder he can convince the others to gather at the Genesis Tree.

By the by, now that Vahn has Meta this is your earliest chance to learn your first Seru magic. If you wander around town a bit before gathering everyone and kill Fire Gimards, you just might have Meta absorb one. If you need to heal you can just head home and ask Nene to use medicine on you. Oh, and if you visited the item shop during the commotion and told the inhabitants you were looking for a safe place for them to hide they'll reward you with several free Healing Leaves. It pays to discover.

The villagers pray to the Genesis Tree, and Vahn and Meta use that power to awaken the tree, pushing back the Mist and obliterating the corrupted Seru nearby.

Meta vows to continue with Vahn and awaken more Genesis Trees outside of Rim Elm.

A mournful village says good-bye to those who had lost their lives to the Mist.

Once things begin to settle Vahn is asked by the Village Elder to look for Maya, Mei's mother who had was at Biron Monastery to the north 10 years ago when the Mist first came to Drake Kingdom. As Mei's last surviving relative it's imperative she be found, that is if she's still alive. He of course forbids Vahn from telling Mei about why he's leaving, so as to not get her hopes up.

Just as Vahn is ready to leave, Mei catches up to him and gives him the Hunting Clothes she had made for him. She'll also give him Mei's Pendant if you came to get her last night during the incident and took her to Vahn's house. Mei's Pendant is an accessory anyone can wear, and raises your maximum HP by 10%. Very nice.

And so ends Episode #1. Oh jeez, that's a lot of images. I'm going to have to cut back on those in the future. But a lot happens during the game's opening and I wanted to catalog it w/ lots of nice pics.


I like how they tried to give the models that anime feel. Like most jRPGs it starts out slow-ish but it's a fun ride non the less.


Thanks for the settings info Psxphile.. Damn those are some detailed impressions there, I will probably do some lame update on how far I got and then just comment on what I think about it so far.
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