I really,
really don't want to monopolize this thread. But despite the short hiatus, this train has no brakes.
Legend of Legaia Playthrough Episode #9:
"Castle Raid"
"How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love The Zenoir"
Zopu charges Gala with a new task: to join the other Ra-Seru heroes and destroy the Mist Generator to the north-west. This causes Gala to well up with something I assume must be an over-whelming sense of pride. Before we leave Biron however, we should stop by the kitchen and check out what's available with the shops here: they now carry some new gear for Noa, Gala and Vahn. We don't have enough cash to buy out the store just yet, so some money-grinding may be in order. Maya is also here, and if we speak with her she'll give us some Healing Leaves for the mission ahead.
During our Search For More Money, we take Vahn's newest Seru Magic for a spin. Plasma Storm costs 64MP to cast (more than twice that of our other spells) and lays waste to everything on-screen with a blast of lightning. At his level Vahn will only be able to cast it once, though. Best not to waste it on lesser mooks.
Once we're done grinding and we've bought out the Biron shop, we're ready to take on the Mist Generator. On approach we can see that the Mist that enveloped Drake Kingdom is coming from the enormous smokestacks that extend from beneath the earth.
Once inside we'll be subjected to battle after battle with higher level Serus than the the ones we've been seeing elsewhere. Which is fortunate, as it'll allow Gala and Ozma to get up to speed with the other two in regards to absorbing magic, especially Vera which will prove useful soon. Gala on average has the highest Max MP and Intelligence stat (though it doesn't seem to do him much good) of the group but the lowest speed, so he doesn't get a chance to flex his magic muscles as often. Still, he should learn some spells because he won't always have Vahn and Noa around to back him up. Same could be said for the other two.
Now that we have a small stable of Arts and a long-enough Attack Bar to make use of them, it's high time we start battling more effectively. As you're in no doubt aware by now, every basic attack we use is made up of the four cardinal directions: High, Low, Arms and Ra-Seru. All Arts in this game can be combined together to form basic combos, provided you have enough AP stored up. As you can see on the Arts List, every Art ends with a yellow arrow. Yellow Arrows indicate that that part of the Art can be used as the first direction of the next Art, thereby reducing how many "blocks" you need to perform both (or more) Arts in a single turn by one "block". For instance, we're going to combine Vahn's Somersault and Hurricane Arts. Normally, we need 7 blocks to be able to perform both moves. After using Spirit however, Vahn's Attack Bar only has room for 6.
But we can combine both and make it work because the final part of Somersault and the first part of Hurricane is the High attack. So if we lay out the combo as so...
... we can increase our damage potential per turn by utilizing more than one Art even when we're short exactly one block to complete the combo. As our Attack Bar gets longer we'll be able to mix even more Arts together.
During battle I "accidentally" discover a new Art for Noa, the Bird Step, while I was comboing Arts. Hey, it happens. As we continue through the castle, one of the treasures we find is the first Thunder Book for Gala, allowing him to use his first Hyper Art the Thunder Punch.
Zenoir is a new Fire Seru that looks like a demonic Thing from The Addams Family. Once absorbed, it has an attack called Vertical Hammer where it'll first slam into a targeted enemy like a fist rocket, fly up into the air and then come crashing down on it, causing an explosion that damages other enemies nearby. We won't find a more devastating Fire spell for quite some time and it's a suitable replacement for Gimard which can only strike one enemy.
Heading down an elevator, the castle starts to look more like a twisted laboratory, with various small rooms interspersed between long hallways. Don't miss that Short Sword behind the elevator.
Just as we near the end of this dungeon, we're paid a visit by Songi, still acting cocky as shit. Gala challenges him to another 1-on-1 and Songi accepts, reminding him how he got beat the last time.
This time we'll actually be able to control Gala in battle instead of just watching it unfold. Songi attacks either by using hand-to-hand combat or firing his own brand of hadouken. Other than that, he's a pushover. Just use Seru Magic/attack with Arts and heal when Gala's health gets low.
When Songi goes down, we get the Mettle Ring as loot. When equipped, it improves that character's ability to gain AP in battle by 10%. It's a small gain, but it adds up over time. Meanwhile, Songi expresses his disbelief at losing the challenge but he doesn't seem too broken up about it. What's up with this guy?
Gonna end this here. More to come later.
Episode #9 End