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GAF Plays: Legend of Legaia | Memories of TORNADO FLAME

I ended up ordering another copy, because the friend I thought I lent the game to doesn't have it, so I have no earthly idea where it is.

Hopefully it comes in one piece/good condition


One of my favorite games to rent as a kid! I'm going to play through with you guys on my Nvidia Shield. Was planning to start playing it again regardless, but since you're all doing it already, I guess I'll just jump into it now!

Anybody else get the vibe that parts of this game may have been an inspiration the creator of Attack on Titan?


Anybody else get the vibe that parts of this game may have been an inspiration the creator of Attack on Titan?
... maybe. Well, no not really. It's just a coincidence. The idea of a giant wall separating vulnerable humans from the evils outside is surely an idea that's been around for some time. Just ask China.


Legend of Legaia Playthough Episode #7:
"Biron's Fall"


First thing out of the ordinary we see upon our return to Biron Monastery is the air vent system that keeps the Mist out having been destroyed. We then come to find that the Mist and Seru monsters are inside and the monks have been decimated. Gala runs off to check on his peeps, which leaves just Vahn and Noa for now. What about Zopu, Maya and the others?

From talking to the dying monks, it would seem that Songi is responsible for all this... but why? How? As we search the rest of the rooms we're attacked by Seru and Noa manages to gain a new spell, but it's one Vahn already has and has leveled quite extensively by now so we probably won't get to use it much. Still, gotta catch 'em all right?

The kitchen appears to have its door barred. We knock and confirm our identities to the relief of those inside. Zopu states the obvious: Songi has betrayed the Biron Monks and sided with the Seru, even going so far as to wearing a Seru on his arm, though Zopu suspects he might be under its control. When Gala (who visited the room before us) learned about Songi he ran off in a huff.

Kin offers to teach Vahn and Noa some new moves. We'll have to bring Gala back here as well. The shop keeps are still here as well but aren't offering anything new at this point. And since the other room with the beds is occupied by monsters, we can regain HP/MP here in the kitchen by eating a home-cooked meal instead. It doesn't take long to notice that Maya isn't here in the kitchen with the other girls, and one of them mentions she was still in the woman's bedroom when the Mist came.

We find the door to the women's bedroom wide open and we rush inside and... well, shit. It takes Noa a while to realize but it seems that Maya wasn't able to get away in time during the commotion and was turned by a Seru.

Noa tries to rip the Seru off her but Terra stops her. Apparently removing the Seru when the Mist is still present will kill the host. But if we get rid of the Mist by awakening the Genesis Tree, Maya will be restored to her normal self. Enough stalling, it's time to leave and find East Voz Forest's Genesis Tree.

Before that though we spot something on the floor. It's a letter from Maya addressed to Mei. Because we're snoops and have no tact, we read it. Seems Maya was torn about leaving the Monastery and returning with Vahn to Rim Elm. She's come to regard the orphans Gala and Songi as sons and has reservations about leaving them in the state they are now. She tells Mei that she's sorry for leaving her and her father behind on that day 10 years ago but she knows that Mei has the whole town there to support her.

The letter was unfinished though and ends with her begging for forgiveness. Excuse me, I think I have something in my eye... probably Mist...

We battle some more. Also: where the fuck is Gala?

As we head out to East Voz, Gala finally catches up with us. He wants to go with us to confront Songi and revive the Genesis Tree to save those who are trapped and become Seru zombies. We agree and have him join us once more. We take a quick detour though and visit Kin again so that Gala can learn Battering Ram.

Episode #7 End


Legend of Legaia Playthrough Episode #8:
"East Voz Forest: The Final Chapter"
"And Gala as B. A. Baracus"

After a short trip, we arrive at the entrance to East Voz. Inside, Gala goes full shounen and tells Vahn and Noa to leave Songi to him when they find him. With no objections raised, we continue on our way.

Something I forgot to mention in the previous update is that Gala is currently wearing the Ra-Seru Egg we found in West Voz as an accessory. Yes that's right, what you thought was a Key Item and only existed for story progression is actually something we can equip. Legaia has a way of doing that on occasion. In this case, the Ra-Seru Egg reduces damage from Lightning-based attacks when equipped. This will come in handy a little later, especially since Gala still has nothing else to equip.

As we explore the forest we occasionally run into these clumps of Crystal Glass which have a habit of barring our way and have no means to remove from our paths. We'll be back for you later, you little bastards.

Another new Seru rears its oddly-shaped head here in East Voz: Gizam. Our first Water Seru and a good fit for Noa. Its attack hits every enemy in battle at once regardless of where they are on-screen and inflicts Venom status on them occasionally (if they survive). At higher levels it can also drop an enemy's AGL (Agility) stat.

I, uh... unfortunately don't have anymore more snaps of the rest of this dungeon due to a clerical error. And by clerical error I mean I accidentally deleted them AND THEN further deleted them by emptying the Recycle Bin before I realized what I had done. Oops. So no pics for the time being. Use imagination. :(

Eventually we find inside a chest a key item called the Weed Hammer, which we can use in this forest to smash the Crystal Grass. Now we can claim the treasures we left behind and forge our way forward. We'll even find an actual weapon Gala can use, the Survival Club.

Thanks to the Weed Hammer, we'll arrive at the Genesis Tree which is alive and well. Gala seems to think Songi might have been influenced by this tree, but before he could finish that thought Meta senses evil approaching and warns us to awaken the tree right away. However, at that moment Songi appears above us and berates Gala on his inability to do anything. Gala challenges him to battle but Noa wants to fight him too. He stops her by reminding her about what they discussed earlier and prepares to attack Songi. But Songi outmatches him at every turn and laughs at Gala's weakness. Disgusted, Songi backs off but not before dumping two powerful Thunder Seru for us to fight.

Legaia Wikia said:

Our Team is up against two Viguro who attack with their claws and a powerful Lightning attack on a single character. It would be bad if both Seru gang up on one character, so it's important to focus our attacks on just one of them until it perishes before concentrating on the other. They have a good amount of HP so it'll take several turns before even one goes down. Also as they have no discernible legs and float gently off the ground, Low attacks will not find their mark so we'll have to be careful how we craft our Arts to minimize whiffing. At least Gala is protected from their lightning thanks to the Ra-Seru Egg.

Interesting thing about the Viguro is that they're typically normal Seru enemies and you'll start to encounter them in random encounters much later in the game. As such, they have Seru magic to impart but at this point they are much stronger than your typical Seru so you would have to be incredibly lucky to be able to absorb one during this fight. If you recall, I had Vahn equipped with the Ivory Book which improves Seru magic absorption rates. Even with that equipped it's super rare to get a Viguro this early in the game, but Vahn managed it when we took out the first Viguro (also managing to disprove that the Seru doesn't have to be the last one alive in battle in order to be absorbed). Vahn basically now has the Legaia equivalent of Xenosaga's Erde Kaiser attack: it's a devastating full-screen blast (especially to anything with a weakness to electricity) and requires a huge chunk of MP but it can OHKO most enemies and maybe even some bosses before losing its edge.

After we win the battle, Songi is not impressed and leaves, but not before taunting Gala some more. Even Terra is ticked off about his behavior. Meta appears to know something about the Seru Songi is wearing but changes the subject and instructs Vahn and Noa to revive the tree. We do, and the Mist is cleared from both forests. Then the trees in Rim Elm and on Mt. Rikunora activate again in synch with the newly-awakened tree and together they manage to thin out but not eradicate the heavy Mist that fills the center valley, revealing a large structure in its center.

Just then the Ra-Seru Egg starts to hatch (good-bye thunder resistance) and a blue Ra-Seru emerges, then floats over to Gala who is visibly worried by its approach. He then asks if it chooses him, and finally he demands that it attach to him so that they can take down Songi. It does so, and introduces itself as Ozma. Our Ra-Seru Strike Team is finally complete.

Despite awakening the tree and saving the people trapped in the Monastery, Zopu still can't overlook the fact that Gala accepted a Seru and is forced to excommunicate him, angering Noa. She vows that they're now friends and she and Vahn will never betray him. Maya lets us know about the castle that appeared from under the thick Mist and asks us what we intend to do. What else? We're going to sack that castle and rid Drake Kingdom of the Mist for good.

Episode #8 End


I really, really don't want to monopolize this thread. But despite the short hiatus, this train has no brakes.

Legend of Legaia Playthrough Episode #9:

"Castle Raid"
"How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love The Zenoir"

Zopu charges Gala with a new task: to join the other Ra-Seru heroes and destroy the Mist Generator to the north-west. This causes Gala to well up with something I assume must be an over-whelming sense of pride. Before we leave Biron however, we should stop by the kitchen and check out what's available with the shops here: they now carry some new gear for Noa, Gala and Vahn. We don't have enough cash to buy out the store just yet, so some money-grinding may be in order. Maya is also here, and if we speak with her she'll give us some Healing Leaves for the mission ahead.

During our Search For More Money, we take Vahn's newest Seru Magic for a spin. Plasma Storm costs 64MP to cast (more than twice that of our other spells) and lays waste to everything on-screen with a blast of lightning. At his level Vahn will only be able to cast it once, though. Best not to waste it on lesser mooks.

Once we're done grinding and we've bought out the Biron shop, we're ready to take on the Mist Generator. On approach we can see that the Mist that enveloped Drake Kingdom is coming from the enormous smokestacks that extend from beneath the earth.

Once inside we'll be subjected to battle after battle with higher level Serus than the the ones we've been seeing elsewhere. Which is fortunate, as it'll allow Gala and Ozma to get up to speed with the other two in regards to absorbing magic, especially Vera which will prove useful soon. Gala on average has the highest Max MP and Intelligence stat (though it doesn't seem to do him much good) of the group but the lowest speed, so he doesn't get a chance to flex his magic muscles as often. Still, he should learn some spells because he won't always have Vahn and Noa around to back him up. Same could be said for the other two.

Now that we have a small stable of Arts and a long-enough Attack Bar to make use of them, it's high time we start battling more effectively. As you're in no doubt aware by now, every basic attack we use is made up of the four cardinal directions: High, Low, Arms and Ra-Seru. All Arts in this game can be combined together to form basic combos, provided you have enough AP stored up. As you can see on the Arts List, every Art ends with a yellow arrow. Yellow Arrows indicate that that part of the Art can be used as the first direction of the next Art, thereby reducing how many "blocks" you need to perform both (or more) Arts in a single turn by one "block". For instance, we're going to combine Vahn's Somersault and Hurricane Arts. Normally, we need 7 blocks to be able to perform both moves. After using Spirit however, Vahn's Attack Bar only has room for 6.

But we can combine both and make it work because the final part of Somersault and the first part of Hurricane is the High attack. So if we lay out the combo as so...

... we can increase our damage potential per turn by utilizing more than one Art even when we're short exactly one block to complete the combo. As our Attack Bar gets longer we'll be able to mix even more Arts together.

During battle I "accidentally" discover a new Art for Noa, the Bird Step, while I was comboing Arts. Hey, it happens. As we continue through the castle, one of the treasures we find is the first Thunder Book for Gala, allowing him to use his first Hyper Art the Thunder Punch.

Zenoir is a new Fire Seru that looks like a demonic Thing from The Addams Family. Once absorbed, it has an attack called Vertical Hammer where it'll first slam into a targeted enemy like a fist rocket, fly up into the air and then come crashing down on it, causing an explosion that damages other enemies nearby. We won't find a more devastating Fire spell for quite some time and it's a suitable replacement for Gimard which can only strike one enemy.

Heading down an elevator, the castle starts to look more like a twisted laboratory, with various small rooms interspersed between long hallways. Don't miss that Short Sword behind the elevator.

Just as we near the end of this dungeon, we're paid a visit by Songi, still acting cocky as shit. Gala challenges him to another 1-on-1 and Songi accepts, reminding him how he got beat the last time.

This time we'll actually be able to control Gala in battle instead of just watching it unfold. Songi attacks either by using hand-to-hand combat or firing his own brand of hadouken. Other than that, he's a pushover. Just use Seru Magic/attack with Arts and heal when Gala's health gets low.

When Songi goes down, we get the Mettle Ring as loot. When equipped, it improves that character's ability to gain AP in battle by 10%. It's a small gain, but it adds up over time. Meanwhile, Songi expresses his disbelief at losing the challenge but he doesn't seem too broken up about it. What's up with this guy?

Gonna end this here. More to come later.

Episode #9 End


Songi remains one of my fav. villains from the game. If the game had some of today's localization triats, his dialog would be more fun to read.


As a kid, Songi was my first major roadblock simply due to how unpowered Gala was at the time. I thought Vahn and Noa were the hot shit, so I barely had Gala with decent equipment or bothered with learning many arts for him. Needless to say, that bit me in the ass and it took a while before I could actually move on.
One of my most stand out memories of this game is getting stuck super late game in Noaru Valley. Once you enter the area, there's no leaving whether you backtrack to the beginning or try to use a Door of Light/Wind. I went in with almost no items and managed to fight my way up to the save point before the boss, but I just wasn't in any shape to fight him.

Knowing what I do now, I think it would be entirely possible to grind my way up if I had the right gear. I wish that save file was still around to try.


Legend of Legaia Playthrough Episode #10:
"The Mist Generator"
"Zeto's Playhouse"

As he leaps away into the rafters above, Songi warns us about Zeto and tells Gala not to lose to him. Noa warns that the next time Songi appears she'll fight him too, and Gala agrees it may have to come to that.

After another elevator ride we come to an enormous room and at the center we find the source of Drake Kingdom's problems for the last 10 years. The two hemispheres that make up the centerpiece of the Mist Generator spin in opposite directions, spewing Mist out from within. We gird ourselves to break the machine...

... when we're confronted by Jerky McJerkface, Seto himself. Talking like a deluded Seru evangelist, Seto challenges us and transforms himself into a giant crab monster. Because fuck Ra-Seru that's why.

Zeto in his beach-side restaurant delicacy form has two distinct attacks. The first, and one that he uses most often, is a two-turn move that calls forth a giant tsunami and hits our entire party for big damage. He'll waste a turn calling the wave first, which is our cue to use Spirit on the next turn to raise our defenses.

He'll then unleash the attack, which could wreck us significantly if not outright kill the team if Spirit wasn't invoked. Many of Legaia's big bosses have similar attacks that require you to defend constantly. The upside if that after taking the hit and healing the party afterwards, you'll have a surplus of AP to really let loose some combos.

His other special attack is a poisonous spray that hits one character with a chance of giving the victim Toxic status, which is a stronger version of Venom. Fortunately, status problems disappear after the battle is won, and we can thank Zenoir spam for that.

Returning to his regular form, Seto curses the Ra-Seru and namedrops whom we assume to be his boss before he breaks apart and evaporates. Meta tells us to destroy the generator right away, and we gather at the edge of the platform to fire three beams of holy light into the hidden center of the Mist Generator.

In a quick FMV, the Mist Generator stops, solidifies into stone and then crumbles apart into dust. Outside, the Mist disappears from Drake Kingdom entirely.

It seems congratulations are in order, but Noa feels something is wrong and asks Terra why she's sad. Terra only replies that it's nothing and not to worry about it.

The Ra-Seru make it clear that there's still Mist in the world, villains to bring to justice and people that need to be saved. Once our objectives are settled, we leave the decaying fortress behind.

Episode #10 End


Haven't followed this thread in a while but hope psxphile will continue with his playthrough, I've nejoyed his posts and learned about items I didn't know you could get.


Didn't know this was replied to recently.

Haven't followed this thread in a while but hope psxphile will continue with his playthrough, I've nejoyed his posts and learned about items I didn't know you could get.


Zelda E3 hype and my own desire to replay and complete several games in the series has pretty much destroyed my desire to keep going. That, and I feel super awkward being the only one posting my progress in here, not to mention basically hijacking Schala's thread to begin with.
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