Boss Doggie
all my loli wolf companions are so moe
My only gripe is that you need to grind in this game for levels... and it's slooooow
If you play it on an emulator you can speed up combat if you want.
My only gripe is that you need to grind in this game for levels... and it's slooooow
Only level grinding you might need to do would be for the Seru, if you're just looking to get by. That's really not too bad either since you don't need to max them or anything.
I personally wouldn't advise grinding much unless you just want to steamroll everything, most bosses (if not all) have equipment or strategies that make them manageable at pretty much any level.
A unique aspect of Legend of Legaia that you rarely see in jRPGs is that all equipment you wear are rendered and applied to your characters during the battles scenes. So here's Vahn decked out in the latest fashions of Rim Elm, including his Hunter's Clothes that were stitched with love. Baller.
Without the Mist hanging around, there's only the regular monsters to have to deal with outside of town. Biron Monastery is due north, but the river impedes our path. Following the path west, we come to a giant spring where several of Rim Elm's hunters have gathered. Here you'll be introduced to Lezam, an emissary from Drake Castle who was only just recently freed from being a Seru slave. Turns out he was on his way to warn Rim Elm of the Mist 10 years ago when he was caught by the quickly advancing Mist and turned. Now that he's free, he pleads to Vahn to free the rest of Drake Castle which had succumbed to the Seru. But before you head out, you can sip the spring water here to replenish your energy and examine the statues near the back for game tips.
As you approach Drake Castle west of the spring, you'll see that the influence of the newly-revived Genesis Tree stops just short of clearing the Mist here. The Waterway here controls the flow of the water, closing it is the only way to get across the river. But to do that, we'll need its key. The King of Drake Castle should have it, but with the way things are...
Inside it's like a scene from a nightmare. Lezam mentioned that King Drake tried something desperate to save his people when the Mist came. Whatever he did, it turned all his people into Seru monsters and imprisoned behind barricades. During random battles here we also finally absorb our first Seru magic from the Gimards. Burning Attack is your basic fire spell but it gets the job done, and at this point is much stronger than melee attacks on the enemies here. Once leveled up it can also drop an enemy's ATK stat down by a certain percentage as a secondary effect.
As you head deeper into Drake Castle you're progress will be barred by several doors that require keys, those keys can be found in one of the many adjacent rooms. In those rooms you'll see more citizenry locked up in cages and wearing Seru. The notes and letters left behind by King Drake and the castle inhabitants suggest that everything was done on purpose to save them from a worse fate: just before the Mist came they determined that wearing corrupted Seru stops time for the victim... and with no time left King Drake decided on a plan to save his people by having them don Seru and wait behind cages for the day someone comes to save them.
In the same room you find Fire Book I you also find a bed you can sleep in to rest. Sometimes dream sequences will occur when you rest, like here with Vahn and Meta which only occurs if you absorb the Seru Gimard. Once rested, we head out behind the throne room and past a gate to reach the other side of the castle. From here it's just a short walk to Mt. Rikuroa. As we enter, Meta senses the presence of another Ra-Seru in the vicinity...
Yes. Especially when you level them up. I like using the ice ones a lot, myself. We even cited examples of the instakill ones as being incredibly useful with bosses.Speaking of which, are non-healing Ra Seru even that useful?
It's not hard at all. Use buffs/spirit. Don't be afraid to use your seru, either.Speaking of which, how hard is it to beat the game without level grinding? I'd always level grind in this game, but don't recall if I've ever played it by just going through the game.
Ha, how did that happen? At least it seems the composer from Alundra worked on Legend of Legaia, so they didn't steal it.
For the moment we leave Vahn and Meta and focus on two new characters: a young girl called Noa and her wolf guardian and teacher Terra. Noa (whose name can be changed if you like) has just experienced a very strange and upsetting dream (which I seem to have neglected to get snaps of...): a voice calls to her from the darkness, calling itself mother and pleading for Noa's help. But Noa instead is woken by Terra, who after saying something philosophical about how dreams are ways of foretelling the future tells Noa that it's time for training.
Terra will lead Noa to a room with Red and Black Piuras hopping about and have her fight them for experience. The Reds are pushovers but the Blacks will put the hurt on you unless you play it smart and use 'Spirit' to increase your Attack Bar (Noa's is noticeably longer than Vahn's and will stay that way for pretty much the remainder of the game) and to defend from attacks.
You'll have to take out a few Piara's before Terra allows you to stop. You can talk to Terra if you need to heal HP, and if you do so after you win your first battle it'll also teach you Noa's first Art, the Lizard Tail. You can continue fighting the Piuras for more XP but Terra will eventually end the training after a while.
Just as you're finished training and about to head back Snowdrift Cave shakes violently. They suddenly feel a chill wind in the underground followed by the Mist, and Terra surmises that an exit has appeared somewhere in the cave that leads to the outside. As there are now dangerous Seru and other monsters running wild inside the cave Terra joins you in battle and will auto-heal Noa if her HP drops too low. Heading back the way they came, they manage to find a way out of the cave through a new opening. Terra convinces Noa to head south towards Mt. Rikuroa: it's time for them to find the Genesis Tree.
To the east through a small path in the mountains lies a valley completely saturated in Mist. Despite Noa's impulses to rush in there Terra begs for her not to go: beyond lies the Mist Generator that has been polluting Drake Kingdom with Mist for years, but it's too dangerous for them to enter now. They must continue onwards to the Genesis Tree atop Mt. Rikuroa.
Once at Mt. Rikuroa Noa and Terra will need to traverse a series of collapsing caves and monsters to get to the summit. But just before they make it out, a Golem blocks their path. But with Terra's healing Noa won't have too much trouble taking him down: just Spirit and attack until dead.
When they finally reach the summit Terra recounts how one day it awoke from inside the tree and found a child crying nearby. Because little Noa was too young for a Ra-Seru to attach itself to her, Terra instead choose to join with a wolf stalking nearby (*!*).
... but is struck down quickly by Caruban. Noa is left to fend for herself as Zeto gloats that she's powerless to do anything before disappearing.
Meanwhile, we return to Vahn and Meta's sides as they climb up the opposite side of Rikuroa, fighting against the Seru monsters and picking up some new gear and Seru Magic along the way. They manage to make it to the top and...
... lol wut? A girl and a giant lion-thing flitting about frantically? Terra feels the presence of Meta and implores both it and Vahn to save Noa.
Even with the two of them, Caruban is a tough customer. It's fire breath can strike the both of them simultaneously and it uses it pretty often. As Noa will naturally be the weaker character at this point - completely lacking in protective armor, it's best that she uses the Spirit command every other turn to reduce the amount of damage inflicted by Caruban. Fortunately Vahn can rely on Seru magic for this fight: Gimard to attack and his newest spell, Vera, to heal party members with Mystic Care (and its potency rises with its level: eventually it can also heal status effects). However, as Noa will probably get the first turn every round it might be better to have her use those Healing Shrooms she's been hoarding and leave Vahn to do the bulk of the fighting. Whatever we choose, Caruban will eventually fall.
Meta and Vahn awaken the tree, and the Mist is cleared from the surrounding area including Drake Castle. Its citizens revert back from Seru slaves to free-thinking humans, including their king.
The wounded Terra is quickly carried to the trunk of the tree to begin the transference. Terra joins with Noa and recounts their sworn mission: to find and awaken the Genesis Trees. The old wolf saunters off, and Noa instinctively moves to follow... having thought of it as a parent all these years. But Terra tells her that the old wolf is looking for a place to die and should be left alone. With that, Noa introduces herself to Vahn and asks if they can join him and Meta on their journey. They then make plans to return to Drake Castle.
I put that detail in the op... >.>
Together Vahn and Noa (and their Ra-Serus... it's always implied, this isn't Kingdom Hearts II) enter Castle Drake from the rear entrance and are greeted at the gate by King Drake the Third himself.
As Noa has been cooped up in her cave all her life without anyone but a surrogate wolf to talk to, everything outside in the real world is strange and unusual to her. A lot of the humour in Legend of Legaia is derived from Noa's interactions with everyday things others would probably take for granted. Like overly-elaborate nose hair. And pimps.
Back in the throne room and after Vahn and Noa fill him in about what's been happening, King Drake III quickly surmises what we're here for and relinquishes the Water Key we need to close the Waterway. The king then pleads for the two of them to work together to solve the mystery of the Mist and rid it from the neighboring lands. From here we're free to explore the castle once more.
In the same room where King Drake was imprisoned, you can find a unique item called the Platinum card if you check the opening along the left-uppermost corner. Having the card in your inventory allows you to see a shop's secret goods, which are listed in blue text. For instance, if you return to Rim Elm w/ the Platinum Card you'll see that the shop now has two new items for sale you wouldn't be able to see otherwise.
As we venture out of the castle Noa is surprised to see so many people all in one place. That place, of course, being this hastily-built bazaar at the front gates. She gets excited and runs off to explore, leaving Vahn to himself for the time-being. Just don't try to ditch her or she'll get depressed. And that's not cool. Also ya'll miss out on free stuff.
You'll find Noa checking out the latest fashions at some guy's stall. After the peddler shows her the Fighting Robe she believes it's hers to take and runs off with it. The shopkeep stops her and explains she needs to pay for it first, a concept of which she doesn't have a clue about.
Naturally you're given the choice to fill her in or feign ignorance. The first two choices has Vahn explaining it, but you'll want to go with the "I don't know shit about nothin'" response, which prompts the peddler, after lecturing us on how money makes the world go round, to gift us the Fighting Robe for free. Finally, some defensive gear for Noa!
Legaia OST: Noa's Dream
After leaving the castle head straight for the Waterway and use that key to close it, thereby allowing you to cross over the now dry riverbed. Be sure to grab the Wind Book I from the chest here and use it on Noa to learn her first Hyper Art, Frost Breath.
Here's what Noa looks like with the Fighting Robe and other gear gained from Drake Castle equipped. And some shots of her Hyper Art in action.
Along the mountains north of the river we find two more entrances to the mist-riddled valley beyond and some treasure. We still won't be able to enter until Vahn and Noa find and awaken another Genesis Tree.
If you head back to Rim Elm you can meet with Tetsu and have him teach Noa a new Art. Vahn gets nothing, though (the fuck?). And you can introduce Noa to Mei and vice-versa. Absolutely nothing bad can come from this!
Once you're finished with preparations and generally going around ruining relationships it's time to go find Mei's mom, Maya. The entrance to Biron Monastery is due north of Rim Elm where the Mist still lingers.
She was never that cool anyway.bob's_burgers_ohmygod.gif
Her words are like "How sweet!" but her face is all like "You're on thin ice, mister."
Fine by me. If you were to focus on the battle engine and the game's ost more that would be swell, 'cause I seem to be doing a bad job showcasing either. And those are the best parts!Anyway, you're doing a good job so far psxphile! I'll try to make my playthrough a smidge different to reduce redundancy. I think Noi's streaming it but I dunno if he changed his mind.
Well, it's hard to compete with Noa who is simply just more fun to have around. And apparently Noa is only 12 (*!*), so that's like a double-slap to the face right there.She was never that cool anyway.
I loved dual saga more then this one.
Maybe i'm alone.![]()
Doesn't hitbox archive?I'm doing a test stream tomorrow to see how the game looks like with my current stream settings and I'll roll with it if it's adequate. Just have to judge if I'd rather have an actually watchable stream on hitbox or archives on twitch.
And Vahn's 14, while Mei's 16, iirc.Fine by me. If you were to focus on the battle engine and the game's ost more that would be swell, 'cause I seem to be doing a bad job showcasing either. And those are the best parts!
Well, it's hard to compete with Noa who is simply just more fun to have around. And apparently Noa is only 12 (*!*), so that's like a double-slap to the face right there.
Doesn't hitbox archive?
As we enter, we come to a small room with two doors, air vents and a lever. Flipping the lever turns on the vents which dispels the Mist and opens the inner door, alerting the Biron Monks that they have visitors. Vahn and Noa are greeted by the Elder of Biron Monastery, Zopu. The young man in blue, Master Teacher, however is visibly displeased about all this and chastises Noa for her un-intentioned slight against his master.
Zopu also takes note of our Seru, but decides that as we the first humans to come to the Monastery in 10 years, a celebration is in order. Songi, the man in red, is quite the opposite of Master Teacher. He is intrigued by our Ra-Seru and seems to have a bit of a power lust. Noa makes an accurate assessment of his nature.
Tetsu back in Rim Elm already made mention of it, but speaking to the monks here really drives home that those who follow the ways of Biron are against the wearing of Seru and prefer to train their bodies and minds to the peak of human condition. You also learn how the monks managed to eke out a living here confined to the monastery and about the civilians who were trapped here along with the monks.
As you head up to the next section, you're stopped by a very much alive and well Maya. She excitedly greets you and then runs off to prepare for the party. In the next room Noa will get a chance to have some private girl-to-girl time with her and we'll learn from the monks that Maya has been like a den mother to the them since she's come to live here, especially to Master Teacher and Songi who she treats like her sons.
It becomes quickly apparent that Songi and Master Teacher are rivals despite once having been the best of friends, to the bewilderment of Zopu and Maya. And while Master Teacher despises Seru and with good reason, Songi would like nothing more than to use one despite the teachings of Biron to beat Master Teacher once and for all and become the undisputed number one student. Shit is about to go down, yo.
In another room are two peddlers where you can shop. The only significant thing here is the Savior Clothes for Vahn, a nice upgrade from the Hunter's Clothes but we're just shy from being to afford it. That's okay, we'll be back for it later.
After speaking to Zopu the party will start. There, Vahn breaks the news about Juno to Maya and about Mei being alone. She asks for some time and excuses herself.
Zopu correctly assumes that we had come to Biron Monastery to take Maya back to Rim Elm. He then asks for a favor: to awaken the Genesis Trees north of Biron Monastery, in West and East Voz Forests. When we answer in the affirmative, he orders Master Teacher to go with us to West Voz. Songi, feeling left out and smelling an opportunity, suggests that he should head for East Voz and secure the tree there. Zopu agrees and assigns him monks to accompany him. We then all turn in to prepare for the journey in the morning...
... except for Songi, who schemes in the night. What a dick.
The next day, Songi heads for East Voz and Vahn, Noa and Master Teacher prepare to go to West Voz.
Yeah, I was wondering why everybody was calling him "Master Teacher" too, come to think of it. Here we will have an opportunity to come up with his new name...
... but we'll stay with his default, Gala. Despite being ordered by Zopu to help us, Gala is still distrustful of anyone wearing Seru. Welp, too bad: they gave you a naming screen, that means you're in it for the long haul, buddy.
On our way out we chat with Maya. Seems she's got something on her mind, but it'll have to wait until we return.
Feels kind of lonely in here.
Since the dawn of human memory, known as history, humans lived together with creatures known as Seru. The Seru lived together with humans, always obeying them, and making the humans many times stronger than before.
When not worn by a human, a Seru looks much like a stone figure. However...
Upon touching a human, a Seru changes form and gives that human secret abilities. With a Seru, a human can lift objects heavier than itself and even fly in the air at will.
However, that era came to an end.
Appearing from out of nowhere, the Mist covered the land, bringing to an end prosperous symbiosis between humans and Seru.
After the thick Mist came, the Seru, who once obeyed humans, rebelled against them.
The Seru began attacking humans at will. Seru that attached themselves to humans controlled their minds and turned them into evil beasts.
As if forsaken by god, human civilization collapsed. It was the twilight of humanity.
Those who escaped the Mist inhabited the desolate areas and protected each other. Now, their faint hope is their only source of inspiration.
I dont know whether its the lack of access to an instruction manual, but those are some things that some players generally forget. Vahn is the most balanced character in the game, and thus he levels up slower/gets less attack slots than one character and faster/gets more attack slots than another. Another thing that some folks sometimes forget is that Vahn just sucks at water Seru. I cant count how many times Ive seen folks complain that they cant get Vahn to acquire/deal better damage with water Seru, and thats because its the complete opposite of his Ra-Seru. Every Seru has an affinity associated with a character based on its element, but Ill get into that later when I actually get one.Instruction Manual said:A young boy living with his father and younger sister in Rim Elm, a remote village whose high walls keep the Mist out. Possessing a strong sense of justice, Vahn is determined to uncover the true nature of the Mist and free the world from its terror. After his fateful encounter with the Ra-Seru Meta, he leaves his village to embark on a great adventure.
Possesses a good balance between offense and defense in combat. Parameter growth is average. Having a Ra-Seru of the fire attribute, Vahn is not very adept at summoning Seru of the water attribute - his only weak point.
Tell me about the Seru!
Old man: The Seru... The Seru are like living armour. When worn by a human, it becomes both weapon and tool. With the power of a Seru, a man could carry a stone larger than himself, run faster than a wolf. But the Mist brought an end to the age of benevolent Seru. The Seru became cursed, evil. Vahn, never touch a Seru. The Seru are evil.
Tell me about the Mist!
Old man: The Mist itself poses no danger to us. But when touched by the Mist, the Seru become demons -- horrible, murdering monsters! In the Mist, the Seru take on a will of their own and attack people. But that is not all. The person who wears a Seru as a weapon becomes possessed by Seru, and himself becomes a monster! Vahn, tomorrow you will travel outside the Wall as one of the hunters. Now listen. Beware of the Mist. We humans are no match for the Mist or for the Seru monsters. When the Mist approaches, flee! That is the only way to protect yourself from it.
Tell me about the Wall!
Old man: Rim Elm is a remote village. The Mist that covers the Earth seldom reaches this far. Somehow, we have managed to survive. However, at night, the wind sometimes changes direction, and the Mist closes in on us! To protect the village from the Mist, we have built the Wall. And for more than ten years, the Wall has protected us.
I want to hear about Biron.
Tetsu: Biron is a god of strength and love. Outside Rim Elm is a temple devoted to Biron. There, many warrior-monks devoted to Biron practiced night and day. They renounced the world's dependence on Seru and worked to polish their fighting skills. Many Biron warrior-monks also traveled the globe to spread the noble teachings of Biron. When visiting Rim Elm, I was trapped here by the Mist. But I am still a faithful Biron! I feel it is my destiny to teach the young the teachings and fighting skills of Biron.
Tell me the secrets of fighting.
Tetsu: Ha, ha, ha! There's no shortcut to success in battle! Constant training is the only way. However, I shall teach you a little secret. Use your Spirit effectively! You will be unable to attack and thus be attacked... but your defensive force rises while you are accumulating Spirit. That's not all! In your next turn, you will be able to inflict more attacks! This is a good strategy when fighting a formidable opponent.
Vahns Father, Val: I'm sorry, Mei. That Vahn - I wonder where he's wandering around.
Mei: It's alright. My father hasn't come back from hunting today yet, anyway.
Nene: I should be the one making hunting clothes for my brother.
Mei: Don't worry about it, Nene. I just wanted to help celebrate this special day for Vahn.
Nene: Um, Mei, can I ask you something?
Mei: What is it?
Nene: Mei, are you in love with my brother?
Mei: !
Nene: Ah-ha! I knew it!
Nene: What took you so long? Mei has been waiting for you this whole time! You're always wandering around with your head in the clouds. Let's hurry up and take those measurements!
Mei: Vahn, hold still. I'll only take a minute.
Mei: I knew it! You've gotten bigger since the last time I measured you. You're almost as big as my father - maybe bigger! It's amazing how quickly boys grow. Alright, I'm done. Thank you, Vahn.
Mei: Mr. Val, little Nene, if you'll excuse me, I'll be on my way.
Val: Thank you, Mei. Give my regards to Juno when he returns from the hunt!
Mei: I will!
I had to omit the original few paragraphs because of character limits:
When I was a kid, I usually saved up my allowance to get one thing I really wanted during the summer, whether itd be several books, a game, a CD, a VHS tape, what-have-you. I cant remember which summer it was, but I ended up saving my money, going to the EB in the mall with my parents, and looking through the game. I figured Beyond the Beyond looked pretty cool and the back of the box made it seem like a great game, so I picked it to play over the summer. Back then, I was enrolled in rec swimming and baseball and music lessons, and I went outside for hours at a time to play, so my playtime was usually limited.
I hated Beyond the Beyond. I basically did more stuff around the house than normal, stopped buying comics for a while, and saved up to get something at the local Microplay a month later. I ended up picking Legend of Legaia because it was about $33 and while it didnt look as neat as a lot of the other more expensive games there. Essentially, my largest deficit with respect to playing RPGs is the PS1 because we just couldnt afford much back then, and the rental places didnt carry much in terms of selection.
Legend of Legaia is something that Ill always associate with my youth, simply because I did a lot of stuff back then that whenever I play the game I reminisce about how the town I grew up in used to be. There were barely chain stores around here, way more farms and green space, and way less houses. It used to be smaller. My dad used to bring home pizza from this local family-owned pizzeria and I just so happened to have been playing Legaia at the time. I even associate the game with fireworks just because I used to hang out in the truck in the evenings when I didnt have baseball or swimming or music because it was more of a charity thing (ie: sales of fireworks for Canada Day went towards a charity instead) and dad was helping out.
My next updates are going to be shorter because:
a) Im trimming videos
b) Elgatos Game Capture has a stupid screenshot tool
c) I really don't want to spend 3-4 hours writing this up.
Im sorry this may not be up to the caliber of my Final Fantasy IV playthrough from two years ago, but at the same time, that one zonked me out. And its summer. I dont want to spend 3 hours writing these things up when I can just go out for a walk or go to the gym!
When we first get him, Gala seems more of a liability than an asset. Of the three heroes he has the shortest attack bar, only able to string two moves together at its normal length until he hits Level 3. Despite raising his attack significantly, using weapons he's not suited for (like Noa's Nail Glove as seem above) makes his weapon arm larger than his other attacks on the attack bar, which can severely limit his ability to combo effectively. This is a general rule of thumb for every party member, though. Much later in the game, we'll see a much more extreme example of this.
If we follow the river north of Biron Monastery we'll come to a cave. Currently there isn't much here to see except for this mysteriously-locked door. Seems to be someone on the other side, but they aren't opening for anyone with the Mist outside. Best to leave it alone for now. You can however take this opportunity to grind for a level or two and cash, as well as learn some new Seru magic. Once we've got the cash, we can head back to Biron and pick up that armor for Vahn.
Theeder is our first attack magic with an area-of-effect. It can strike not only the targeted enemy (sometimes twice) but those immediately on the left, right and in front of it as well. It's a spell best used on the first turn of battle, when a pack of monsters are lined up perfectly to be taken out in one casting, usually making Noa the best choice to use it. However, her low maximum MP and Turning Laser's high MP cost will keep you from abusing it too much in the early game. Theeder's secondary effect at higher levels is lowering an enemy's INT stat by a certain percentage.
Y'know, for a highly-respected member of the Biron Monastery and an accomplished martial artist with the title of "Master Teacher" Gala has very few actual moves in his repetoire. Like, literally none. But we can fix that quickly by visiting Tetsu in Rim Elm and the book guy in Drake Castle. And once he hits Level 3 and can slot 3 attacks, we can stumble on more by inputting random commands. I'm not going to do that on this run, though (well, not on purpose). I prefer to have the game "reward" me with new Arts as I continue.
You can actually illicit a response from Mei if you speak to her after selling/discarding/losing the Hunter's Clothes. Any answer will get you the same reaction.
West Voz Forest is a simply-designed maze. It's basically a linear path with the occasional fork leading to some chests. The most interesting thing we'll find here is this Fertilizer, which we'll need to continue; and the Noa Feral for Noa.
Along the way we'll make sure to have Noa absorb Vera for healing purposes and at least one Nighto absorbed by whomever... because why not? Count me in as one of those who had no idea just how useful Nighto could be.
Hell's Music isn't what you would call attack magic, as it doesn't cause any direct damage to the enemy. Rather, it can cause the Confused status or in rare cases, annihilate the opponent completely. Or if you're unlucky, it does nothing at all. Raising its level decreases its chances for failure. Naturally, it's not supposed to work on bosses but apparently there is the rare exception to that rule.
We eventually come to a small river and no way to cross. From Gala we learn that the strange sapling we see is called Bridge Grass. When fully grown it can be used to cross the stream. Noa has the bright idea to use the Fertilizer we found to speed up the process, and Gala manages to both insult and praise her in the same breath. That interlude aside, we use the Fertilizer to super-grow the Bridge Grass and cross over to the other side.
At the end of the forest we find a small glade and the Genesis Tree. However, something is off about this tree. Terra confirms our suspicions and tells us that the tree is dead, possibly from too much exposure to the thick mist from the valley beyond the mountains. Meta says there's no way this tree can be revived. Seems we came all this way for nothing. Best be heading back.
Just then Gala and Noa spot something within the tree, and Meta confirms it to be a Ra-Seru Egg that has yet to hatch. The Ra-Seru implore us to take the Egg with us, and we grab it. Looks like we'll need a healthy Genesis Tree in order to hatch it, which means we'll be taking it with us to East Voz Forest.
As we wonder about Songi's fate at East Voz, a large explosion rocks the horizon. Biron Monastery has come under attack by a powerful force, and we make haste to return there immediately.
I hated Beyond the Beyond. I basically did more stuff around the house than normal, stopped buying comics for a while, and saved up to get something at the local Microplay a month later. I ended up picking Legend of Legaia because it was about $33 and while it didnt look as neat as a lot of the other more expensive games there. Essentially, my largest deficit with respect to playing RPGs is the PS1 because we just couldnt afford much back then, and the rental places didnt carry much in terms of selection.
What was the name of this one seru you could summon, it looked like this this guy at least from my memory he does, he would lift his underside and shoot a giant laser, if he was strong enough he could 1 shot the enemy and the enemy would be "annihilated" turning them to dust.