Deluxe Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition
Excerpts compilation of Mage20
This is the KS for the Deluxe Core rulebook from the famous tabbetop RPG Mage: the Ascension.
- Pdf $ 35
- Leathered Book $ 135 (Us/Canada) / $ 160 (Worldwide)
- Quintessence Deluxe Edition : $ 375 (Worldwide)
Proposed Ultra-Deluxe Q-Edition M20 cover mock-up. Not approved or a photograph, but a working visual target that will be tweaked as necessary.
This game is inside the same "world" of Vampire Masquerade: Bloodlines that every Gaffer love
Excerpts compilation of Mage20
This is the KS for the Deluxe Core rulebook from the famous tabbetop RPG Mage: the Ascension.
- Pdf $ 35
- Leathered Book $ 135 (Us/Canada) / $ 160 (Worldwide)
- Quintessence Deluxe Edition : $ 375 (Worldwide)

Proposed Ultra-Deluxe Q-Edition M20 cover mock-up. Not approved or a photograph, but a working visual target that will be tweaked as necessary.

This game is inside the same "world" of Vampire Masquerade: Bloodlines that every Gaffer love
Contribute to help give the Deluxe M20 Edition a leather bound, embossed+, silk bookmarked, gold-edged, full-color, deluxe treatment.
We’re all mages, we Awakened Ones. Tradition wizards and Technocrats, Mad Ones and Fallen Ones and all the “ones” in between who refuse to choose a side in our demented little War. We’re ALL mages. Many refuse that title, or deny it to others, but that’s what we are: priest-kings holding the keys to reality.
Twenty years ago, a game came along that changed gaming. It was big and epic and confusing as hell. It dared folks to think outside the box – to not simply throw fireballs but to really think about how and why we do the things we do. Mage challenged people to make a difference in their world. And now, more than ever, that challenge stands.
Against the epic tapestry of an Ascension War, Mage: The Ascension, then and now, features architects of reality locked in a deadly fight to see whose future will prevail.
But within that sometimes cosmic scope, Mage asks an intimate question: If you had the power of a god, what would you do with it… and what would IT do with YOU?
Above all other things, Mage is about giving a damn. While other folks are hopeless or content enough to accept what they’ve been given, mages change the picture. They disagree, often violently, about what that picture should look like, but apathy’s not in their nature. The Awakening won’t let them sit still and accept the world as it is.
Mages are power incarnate. What they Will, will be. That power can go to their heads, corrupt them, demolish everything they hold dear… but it’s there. Mage’s dominant theme, then, is hope. Things might get bad, even tragic, but the possibility of change– that one person can make a difference– never goes away.
This amazing, thought-provoking, epic, sometimes cosmic, and always personal struggle, combined with the unwavering dedication of an unparalleled fan base, is the reason this book is being published. Mage: The Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition brings the entire World of Darkness experience full circle and will serve as the perfect anniversary milestone to celebrate two decades of gaming the war for reality.
What’s in it?
• Updated profiles of the Council of Nine Traditions, the Technocratic Union, and the Disparate Crafts... with many unexpected developments.
• An epic history of magick and its factions.
• A compilation and clarification of essential and optional rules, including martial arts, vehicles, hazards, cybernetics, the Otherworlds, and far more besides.
• Overviews of paradigms, practices and tools - the focus of your Art.
• Detailed explorations of the epic concepts involved in Mage.
• Chilling looks at the Nephandi and Marauders.
• The Nine Spheres, plus their Technocratic variants.
• Old favorites and new faces from among the Awakened Ones.
• Reality Zones, Paradox, Quiet, the "coincidental vs. vulgar magick" debate, and far, far more...
• New full color original art by Michael William Kaluta, Echo Chernik, Steve Prescott, Christopher Shy, Larry MacDougall, and other classic Mage artists, as well as classic B&W pieces carefully chosen from the earlier editions.
To learn more about Mage, you can check out our forums:
And during this past year, Satyros Phil Brucato, has been posting Facebook updates on the development and writing progress of this massive book. Please feel free dig around the Mage 20th page to learn more about the making of the book:
This Deluxe Mage: The Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition Kickstarter is designed to enable us to create a deluxe hardcover edition that stands proudly on its own as an amazing volume, or on a shelf with the Vampire the Masquerade 20th Anniversary and Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Editions. This Deluxe Mage 20th is planned as a black leatherette (with a different pattern than the previous two Deluxe 20th Editions) hardcover with an inset disk on the spine featuring the M20 round symbol, with 600+ full color, gold-edged, interior pages, and a purple silk ribbon bookmark. Embossed into the cover will be the original Mage "Dante as the Magician" tarot card as featured on all the previous editions.
Because YOU, our Mage 20th community, demanded it, we're offering backers a chance to determine whether we should make an even more magickal cover treatment. We're looking to create an Ultra-Deluxe Mage 20th Quintessence Edition that has an inset 3-stage lenticular Mage tarot card featuring three different versions of the classic image of Dante as the Magician! Each of the lenticular three card stages represents a previous edition of Mage, and are combined to represent this 20th Anniversary Edition. Each of these Ultra-Deluxe Q Editions will be signed by Satyros Phil Brucato and as many of the other creators as we can find, and features a dark purple leatherette and gold foil stamped spine and logo (as well as the embedded M20 resin disk as in the standard Deluxe version).
But as the goal to the right points out, we must have 200 backers that pledge to that tier or we can't create them as the manufacturer won't go to press at fewer than 200. It's up to you, our Mage community, to determine if we should push to create the Ultra-Deluxe Mage 20th Quintessence Edition.
As with our other successful KSs, we are posting this in order to give our backers the chance to have a say in the kind of package we'll deliver and to further foster the community of Mage fans around the world. The chapters and some of the art for M20 were reviewed and commented on by players during the Open Development Process on the M20 Blogs and the Mage 20th Facebook page, and critical changes were made based on your input. We have had a blast talking with the community during all our previous KSs and fully hope that every backer of this KS will enjoy commenting both here and on the Onyx Path Publishing site: http://theonyxpath.com/
Satyros Phil Brucato, Rich Thomas, and Rose Bailey will be posting here and in our other venues. We have a great community and want to hear from more of you, so please comment away!
It's pretty easy. Contribute any amount you want, bearing in mind the levels of contribution and their commensurate rewards over there on the right. If we hit our $70K goal, you'll get the reward that goes with your level of contribution. PDFs and Print on Demand versions will be made available first in the form of a coupon from our online sales partner, DriveThruRPG.
Deluxe Mage 20th Anniversary Edition will take multiple months from the closing date to print and ship. We will contact contributors in the upper tiers with details on their rewards.
You can Add-on the PDFs listed below to any Reward Tier pledge that already includes a Mage 20th PDF by clicking on your Reward Tier to the right, and then when you get to the pledge page that confirms your pledge amount, manually changing the amount of your pledge from the base Reward amount to that Reward amount plus the amount of each Add-on that you want as listed below :
+ $10 for the classic Horizon War Trilogy and Fragile Path PDFs.
+ $12 for the classic Technocracy Assembled 1 and Technocracy Assembled 2 collected PDFs of the original Convention books.
+ $15 for the three classic Mage Chronicle Compilation PDFs.
+ $22 for the three classic Traditions Gathered PDFs that collect the original Tradition Books that featured the first in-depth coverage of the Traditions.
+ $25 for the Mage 20th Anniversary Edition PDF.
+ $35 for all five of the revised Convention Books: the Iteration X PDF, plus the new New World Order, Progenitors, Syndicate, and Void Engineer PDFs that were released this last year.
+ $45 for all 10 of the revised Tradition Book PDFs, a bundle that contains the last in-depth look at the Traditions in the classic run of Mage: The Ascension.
+ $50 for the V20 and W20 PDFs.
Special Add-on PDF Collections Personally Selected by Satyros Phil Brucato:
+ $30 for Satyr's Choice Collection: Phil's favorite classic Mage books. Contains The Book of Mirrors, Orphans Survival Guide, Technomancer's Toybox, and the Guide to the Technocracy PDFs.
+ $42 for Satyr's Crusade Collection: Phi's favorite classic Sorcerers Crusade books: Contains the Mage: The Sorcerers Crusade core book, SC Companion, Swashbucklers Handbook, Witches and Pagans, and Fragile Path.
Important: the above classic PDFs were created using the best methods possible depending on available files stretching 20 years back. Therefore, the image quality of PDFs of the older books in particular may not be as good as PDFs for newer books.
You can also add on individual physical copies of the Deluxe Mage20 book to any pledge that already is shipping a physical book by manually adding the appropriate amount on the pledge page:
+ $125 for a Deluxe Mage 20th (US/Canada)
+ $150 for a Deluxe Mage 20th (non-US/Canada)
You can Add-on individual copies of the Ultra-Deluxe Mage 20th Quintessence Edition to any pledge that already is shipping a physical book by manually adding the appropriate amount on the pledge page:
+ $350 for each Ultra-Deluxe Mage 20th Quintessence Edition
You can also upgrade your Deluxe Mage 20th to an Ultra-Deluxe Mage 20th Quintessence Edition by manually adding this amount to your original pledge:
+ $225 for each upgrade from Deluxe Mage 20th to Ultra-Deluxe Mage 20th Quintessence Edition
You can add on the Mage20 Storyteller's Screen to any reward tier that offers a physical book:
+ $15 for the Mage20 Storyteller's Screen, a sturdy three-panel screen featuring the beautiful collage of Mage20 art on the outer side, and on the inside there's a selection of charts and other info to make the Storyteller's job a little bit easier.
If we have contributions beyond our target number, we've planned many added rewards for contributors. Our range of possible Stretch Goal awards includes The Book of Secrets- containing material cut from Mage 20th, multiple Mage Character Packs, Truth Until Paradox 2- a Mage 20th fiction anthology, a free copy of the Sorcerer's Crusade PDF, an expanded art budget, a Mage 20th novel, The Art of Mage, and even Ascension by Rote: A 20-Year Compendium of Magick. Let's get started with this one:
At $85,000 of contributions, once the Deluxe Mage: The Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition KS is over, we're going to offer a KS Mage 20th shirt on our new RedBubble store for sale at the deepest discount they'll let us do it for a limited time after which we'll change the design- and we'll tell you folks about it first so you can order one if you want. We estimate that you'll be getting about a $10 discount.
At $100,000 of contributions, every backer who pledged for a reward containing a Mage 20th PDF will receive a copy of the Ascension Warriors: Mage Character Pack I PDF. This illustrated 25,000+ words selection of characters from various Mage 20th factions and sects is designed as a handy resource for both examples of Mage characters and NPCs.
At $120,000 of contributions, every backer who pledged for a reward containing a Mage 20th PDF will receive a copy of The Catastrophe Ballet: The Mage 20th Quickstart PDF. This illustrated 60,000+ words Quickstart adventure sourcebook focuses on Catastrophe, a wild counterculture festival, and the many groups struggling to tear it apart or take it to the ultimate level. In addition, by passing this goal we will include physical versions for game stores participating in Free RPG Day.
At $135,000 of contributions, we will increase the art budget and bulk up the new beautiful full-color art in the book by 15% and make it even more of a visual treat.
At $160,000 of contributions, every backer who pledged for a reward containing a Mage 20th PDF will receive a copy of the "How do You DO That?!?!" Practical Guide to Sphere Magick PDF. This illustrated 60,000+ words game-system overview of common magicks and the rules for running them successfully.
At $180,000 of contributions, we will add two more silk bookmarks for a total of three- with a book this size, you are going to need them.
At $200,000 of contributions, every backer who pledged for a reward containing a physical copy of the Deluxe Mage 20th will receive a copy of the M20 Book of Secrets I PDF. This illustrated 60,000+ words compendium of material we couldn't fit in Mage 20th may include such things as characters, Traits, influence, subsects, mage tricks, and more extended rules and advice.
At $225,000 of contributions, once the Deluxe Mage: The Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition KS is over, we're going to offer a range of Tradition T-shirts featuring the beautiful Echo Chernik art on our new RedBubble store for sale at the deepest discount they'll let us do it for a limited time- and we'll tell you folks about it first so you can order one if you want. We estimate that you'll be getting about a $10 discount.
At $255,000 of contributions, every backer who pledged for a reward containing a Mage 20th PDF will receive a copy of the Familiar Strangers: Mage Character Pack II PDF. An illustrated 40,000+ words assortment of familiars, spirits, and beasts.
At $290,000 of contributions, every backer who pledged for a reward containing a Mage 20th PDF will receive a copy of the Truth Until Paradox 2 fiction anthology PDF/eBook. In addition, we will open up a Reward Tier to allow backers to submit their character's name for inclusion in the text of the stories.
At $310,000 of contributions, you will enable Onyx Path to give the creative team a +15% bonus to what they were going to be paid for their magickal contributions to Mage 20th.
At $333,000 of contributions, every backer who pledged for a reward containing a physical copy of the Deluxe Mage 20th will receive a copy of the M20 Book of Secrets II PDF. This second illustrated 60,000+ words compendium of material we couldn't fit in Mage 20th may include such things as characters, Traits, influence, subsects, mage tricks, and more extended rules and advice.
At $350,000 of contributions, once the Deluxe Mage: The Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition KS is over, based on the feedback we've received here, we're going to offer a range of Tradition Symbol T-shirts featuring large Tradition symbols on the front (the subtle option #1 for those who responded) on our new RedBubble store for sale at the deepest discount they'll let us do it for a limited time- and we'll tell you folks about it first so you can order one if you want. We estimate that you'll be getting about a $10 discount.
At $375,000 of contributions, every backer who pledged for a reward containing a Mage 20th PDF will receive a copy of the Gods & Monsters: Mage Character Pack III PDF. An illustrated 50,000+ words assortment of powerful demons, totems, godlings, and Bygones.
At $385,000 of contributions, you will unlock the Ultra Deluxe Mage 20th Edition book Reward Tier and Add-ons. This Quintessence Edition will contain all of the interior content of the standard Deluxe along with a signed bookplate, and will feature on the cover an embedded lenticular Mage Tarot card that transforms from the original depiction of Dante as the Magician, to a flaming card, to the burned, battered but undefeated card and then back again.
At $444,000 of contributions, every backer who pledged for a reward containing a physical copy of the Deluxe Mage 20th will receive a copy of the all new M20 Book of the Fallen PDF. This illustrated 100,000+ words volume gives the modern-day Nephandi a sourcebook of their own. Be afraid- be VERY afraid!
At $450,000 of contributions, every backer who pledged for a reward containing a Mage 20th PDF will receive a copy of the Infernalism: The Path of Screams PDF. The perfect classic Mage: The Sorcerers Crusade counterpart to M20 Book of the Fallen. For mature minds.
At $475,000 of contributions, every backer who pledged for a reward containing a physical copy of the Deluxe Mage 20th will receive a copy of the M20 Book of Secrets III PDF. This third illustrated 60,000+ words compendium of material we couldn't fit in Mage 20th may include such things as characters, Traits, influence, subsects, mage tricks, and more extended rules and advice.
At $490,000 of contributions, we will combine the previous three Character Pack projects into single 115,000+ word book called Gods, Monsters, and Other Familiar Strangers: An M20 Character Compendium that contains all the subjects described as appearing in the previous Character Packs, plus additional material as well! Instead of the three individual Character Pack PDFs, backers who have pledged to a Reward Tier containing the M20 PDF will receive this combined PDF.
At $505,000 of contributions, we will recreate the original Penny Dreadful fiction as a PDF/ePub/PoD on DriveThru. This could be a bit of an involved process as the files for Penny have been damaged or are missing. Every backer who pledged for a reward containing the M20 PDF or the classic Mage fiction PDFs will receive a PDF/ePub copy of this restored Mage classic.
At $520,000 of contributions, we will combine the previous three Book of Secrets projects into a single 180,000+ word book called M20 Book of Secrets that contains all the subjects we expected to cover in the individual BoS PDFs, plus additional material as well! Backers who have pledged to a Reward Tier containing a physical copy of the Deluxe M20 will receive this combined PDF instead of the previous three.
Estimated Delivery Dates:
Most importantly, the "Estimated Delivery" dates have been extended late through the year much further than we hope to be delivering. Experience has taught that it is better to extend far past our expectations.
We've Included PoDs:
We are including the Print on Demand version of Mage 20th in the form of a link to DriveThruRPG that enables you to purchase the PoD version (your choice of either Standard or Premium color) for as close to cost as we can give it to you. Because the PoD printer adjusts their pricing for PoDs as they need to, we can't provide a solid $$ amount of what you'll need to pay, but it will be less than a non-backer ordering one. This inclusion is because many backers want a physical version while their Deluxe versions are being traditionally printed.
Shipping Changes:
We will be using different shipping fulfillment services than with our previous Kickstarter ship-outs. While we have not settled on the specific company we will be going with, all four fulfillment companies we have spoken to so far have multiple well-rated Kickstarter ship-outs under their belts, have other positive reviews online, and most importantly for many of our backers: they all provide emailed tracking numbers.
Shipping Charges:
We also have been forced by the multiple overt shipping charge increases that have occurred this last year to include that cost in the Reward Tier pledge amounts. We continue to have US and non-US reward tiers so that the specific shipping costs for physical rewards can be built into the pledges, as there was just too much confusion when we tried to leave it to folks to manually add shipping. We do not, however, try to add in or calculate each country's VAT. That amount, if any, will be an extra charge between you and your customs officials.
Retailer Tiers:
We are continuing to include two Retailer Reward Tiers, one US and one non-US, because we want to be able to support all the great Retailers out there who have supported WW for these past several decades. We have a special reward price just for Retailers (someone who owns a store that would sell Deluxe Mage 20th) and anyone thinking of pledging to those Retailer Reward Tiers needs to contact me: richt@theonyxpath.com to confirm that you are operating or representing a store before pledging, please. Any pledges to those Retailer Reward Tiers which do not have confirmations of status will not be honored when sending out Rewards.
Risks and challenges
Risk: This book isn't created at all even though the goal is reached.
Solution: We have fulfilled five Kickstarters worth of Rewards, one more Deluxe book is at the printer and another is being prepped for press, as you read this. All those books have taught us how the various pieces of the process works, sometimes painfully, and we have increased our ability to judge the various stages of delivery better with each KS. The creators of the Deluxe Mage: The Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition have over a century of combined experience in the writing, art direction, developing and layout of beautiful tabletop RPG books. The text for the book is written, it going into the development pass where not only Satyros Phil Brucato but Bill Bridges, also a vastly experienced exMage developer, will be tightening and tweaking the raw text. We are awaiting three pieces of art from Echo Chernik, and the finished full-page color pieces from Michael Wm Kaluta. All the other illustrations are in our hands.
Risk: Shipping costs soak up pledges that were meant to enable the creation of the Deluxe Mage 20th.
Solution: Shipping costs have skyrocketed this last year, but we are aware of that and were able to find ways to work with multiple shippers to bring down those costs - unfortunately, only to some extent as we have also needed to raise the shipping charges- both methods allowing us to be sure that shipping doesn't eat up the pledge money supposed to go to the actual creation of these Deluxe editions.
Risk: The books will take a long time to produce and anger the backers.
Solution: We've learned many, many lessons with our previous Kickstarters and we're becoming much better at estimating the various pitfalls that will delay a KS project. We were able to deliver the PDFs for our Demon: The Descent KS several months before the estimate, and are ahead of the game for the physical book as well. That being said, backers need to be aware that they are enabling a process, and not a pre-order opportunity, and things do sometimes run slower than we want or anticipate with that process. We've found that an open flow of communication between us and the backer community is vital so once the project funds we will deliver Updates on progress twice a month (or more, as needed) via Kickstarter as well as in our regular, weekly, Monday Meeting Notes blog at www.theonyxpath.com-