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GAF Secret Santa 2016

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Saint Nic

It's that time of year again!

Saint Nic here bringing you the annual GAF Secret Santa! I'm excited to get this underway and host my 5th Secret Santa here! There was a little miscommunication, and I was under the impression that someone else was going to take the reigns this year. But fear not! I am here and ready to roll!

The Google Doc system has been abolished this year. There were too many issues that surfaced and too much book keeping to make it worth my time. Instead, we are going to go SUPER traditional. Details below!


This year is a bit different from last. Instead of filling out forms, we're going back to the basics. You simply need to post in this thread that you are going to be participating, PM me some info, and that's it!

If you don't post in this thread, you will not be allowed to participate.

With regards to what you need to PM me, please follow the below template!


  • GAF username
  • Country
  • Yes/No International Shipping
  • Mailing address EXACTLY as it would appear on your package

Make sure to title your message something with the Secret Santa 2016 in it.

Also, when it comes to international shipping, I cannot make promises or accommodate requests. For GAF members in lesser represented countries, note that you may not be able to participate if you select No. Also, I can not work with a "Yes, but only to EU" or "Yes, but not to USA". It's all or nothing folks.

If there's a conflict, I'll PM you.


GAF SS has always been an honor system experience. There's nothing I nor anyone can do to encourage otherwise. You can read my posts in previous threads, but when someone doesn't provide a gift or doesn't participate as intended, it really breaks my heart. I feel the disappointment just as much as the member that got shafted. I feel PERSONALLY responsible for everyone involved. If I could send everyone gifts myself, I would. But I can't. So please understand that signing up to participate should be something you are proud and honored to do.

The election just happened. It's a scary time for a number of reasons. As a result, please be cautious with your posting! Banned members make the Secret Santa super difficult to run!

In order to participate, you simply need to be a full member OR be a junior with at least 200 posts by the cutoff date.

Gift should be wrapped in some fashion. If you're sending just a box, indicate on the box that it's a SS gift so that your Tiny Tim can opt to open it when they receive it or wait until the holiday.

There is not going to be any leniency this year on dates. None at all.

Last year, I requested additional forms of contact juuuust in case you were banned. Turns out that this did not help. People who were dodging simple dodged my emails, too. Silly rascals. So instead, don't worry about additional forms of contact. Just bookmark this thread. If I need help contacting someone, I'll post in the thread and see if someone can assist me that way.

Maybe the most important rule:

There is a $25 gift minimum (before shipping). Do not participate if you cannot afford this.

The question always comes up about Amazon, eBay, etsy, etc. Yes, those are totally fine. In fact, sometimes someone posts an Amazon Wishlist or a very specific item that they have had their eyes on. In those cases, I have felt that sending those items directly from one of those retailers is perfectly acceptable. They even have a gift option. However, I do encourage (but do not require) that you send a hand written card or something to show that some thought and care went into your gift!

Digital goods are also acceptable. But if someone doesn't play games on Steam or has 500+ games, please make sure you do your homework. Some folks here ask for Steam games or whatever - that's wonderful! If you are one of those people, please make it very clear what games you are interested in (or provide a link to your profile).

Handmade goods are priceless. So if you choose to go that route, keep in mind the minimum. No, you don't need to throw cash in the gift. But know that if you were to make someone a Popsicle stick cross with some yarn on it like this:


It's probably not going to be perceived as a gift worth the minimum dollar amount. Be smart and courteous and think to yourself, "Is this a gift I would want to receive from my Secret Santa?"


Given the time constraints we have this year, the dates are a bit later than last year. I want to give people just over 2 weeks to join. From there, I need a week to send out matches. Once that's done, you've got 2 weeks (plus the weekend) to shop for your gift. And of course, I'm allowing well over a month to post pictures and proof of receipt of your gift.

I wanted to try and hit Black Friday here in the states, but let's be real - the sales have been pretty terrible the past few years. That paired with Amazon, Slickdeals, eBay, etc., means you can find great gifts for great prices at nearly any point during the holiday season.

  • Signups close on November 27th, 2016.
  • Matches should go out by December 2nd, 2016
  • You must ship your gift by December 18th, 2016
  • Please attempt to post a picture of your gift by January 31, 2017


Shipping has always been a weird situation. I would prefer that you PM me tracking. I know that this doesn't always happen. In fact, the past few years have shown that barely half send me their actual tracking info per my request. Having said that, I still do request that you PM me tracking.

When you do, PM me the tracking number with carrier name, as well as the name of your Tiny Tim.

Note that by selecting to do international shipping, you are committing to the cost associated with it. The cost to ship your gift is NOT to be included with the $25 minimum.

International shipping is expensive. Keep that in mind.


GAF SS is a lot of fun. But it's also incredibly draining on my soul. There's nothing worse than seeing someone send a great gift and get nothing in return. I also hate seeing people get gifts that are clearly done with zero thought. It's honestly heartbreaking to me. I feel SO responsible for those involved, even though I do not participate myself. My job is to make sure everyone has a wonderful time doing this, and that has proven to be very difficult in the past 4 years. But do note that I take EVERY issue that comes up very seriously. Even if I am not able to fix it, I honestly do try very hard to.

As with the past few years now, I'm always accepting help to PM matches or act as intermediaries! I have opted to never play the intermediary role as I have enough going on already. But someone has always been a trooper and taken on that task (Soka <3). If someone wants to help, please PM me and we'll see what we can work out. I'll have a spot at the bottom of this post to list helpers and other folks you guys can PM.

If you have comments, questions, concerns, or ideas on how to improve this thread or the Secret Santa experience, please post them in the thread or PM me. I will do what I can to get things answered in a timely fashion.

One other note...I'm going to be VERY public and vocal this year about people breaking the rules. If you have missed a deadline or something, you will be called out for everyone in this thread to see!

Please note that my inbox fills up during this event. I miss PM's or sometimes forget to respond. Do not hesitate to ping me again if it's been a day or two and you need a response. I take no offense to this and actually appreciate the reminders so that I don't fall behind!


I enjoy my role as Saint Nic more than any gift. So I have decided to not participate in the gift exchange portion for the 4th year in a row. I have a wonderful time arranging this and seeing all the happy Tiny Tim's post their gifts.

Last year, I told those who PM'd me about sending me stuff that I would graciously accept Christmas cards to show your gratitude. I don't need "stuff". I love seeing everyone else enjoy this. So, if you'd like to send me, my wife, and our two puppies a Christmas card, I would be more than happy to provide you with my address. I received a bunch of amazing hand written cards last year, as well as some delicious chocolates and an AMAZING drawing from Winterfang. That being said, I expect NOTHING, so do not feel like you have to send me a card. I really do just love doing this. :)

Thanks everyone, and Merry Christmas! Be good to one another.
I'm in. Thanks in advance Saint Nic. If I have time available, I will see if I can help out also.

Hobbies: Gaming (PS4, 360, Wii U, 3DS, Vita, and PC), cooking, working out, movies (especially horror), other geek/nerd things and traveling.

I don't necessarily have a wishlist, but things I like include:
Almost anything horror related (especially 70s and 80s horror)
Superhero movies/shows
Upgrading my PC
80s/90s action films
Star Wars
Video game clothing and paraphernalia
Graphic Novels

Favorite game franchises include:
Persona (I only have 3 and 4 Golden)
Silent Hill
Mass Effect
Saints Row (part 4 is one of my all time favorites)
Metroid (though I still haven't played 2 of the 3 Prime games)
Resident Evil
Killer Instinct


In Baby In!

Also, people: If you agree to international shipping, actually buy, wrap and ship something. Going to amazon.tinytimscountry and picking a couple things(and possibly forgetting to click giftwrap) is lazy and cheap as fuck.


I'm in.

But Nic, thanks for this. I think after everything that's going on right now, a lot of members just want to have something to take their minds off of things and in a small way bring joy to others that's within our control.

Filled this out to help my SS.

So, are you a Boy or a Girl?: Male

Age: 28

Current occupation: Senior Jeweler

Favourite Color: OCD answer: PANTONE:3242 C, easy answer: blue

Shirt size: Medium (Small if it runs large.)

Favourite Hobby: Playing games, watching anime, making models. I also collect wristwatches, collectibles from the aforementioned hobbies, and workout.

Consoles Owned: PS4, PSVR, VITA, 3DS

Favourite movies or genres: Sci-fi, Fantasy, and Animation Dork. Also love documentaries. Some movies I like are Pacific Rim, The Big Short, Real Steel, Spirited Away, Speed Racer, The Raid, John Wick.

Favourite show/movie series/franchises: Westworld, Gundam, Arpeggio of Blue Steel, Macross, Suits, Last Week Tonight, Morning Joe, Fate/Stay, Stein's Gate, VICE, One Punch Man.

Favourite video game genre: RPG's (S,J,WRPG's), FPS, Action, Hack and Slash, VN...so pretty much anything.

Favourite video game series/franchises : Persona, Final Fantasy, Pokemon, Fire Emblem, Titanfall, Deus Ex, Witcher.

Don't mind NSFW, but I don't drink but I'm on that ganja all day everyday (&#8790; &#860;&#662;&#8790;)


Saint Nic
I'm in.

But Nic, thanks for this. I think after everything that's going on right now, a lot of members just want to have something to take their minds off of things and in a small way bring joy to others that's within our control.

Glad to help create a space for people to be happy!

And that brings up a good point - please keep election talk out of this thread. There are places for that. This isn't one of them. This is about celebrating the magic of Christmas!


I'm in again! I'm hopeful that my TT last year got their gifts, but I never saw anything posted. Fingers crossed this year goes more smoothly!

Okay, editing for info stuff: I'm really horrible when it comes to wishlists or saying things that I like, but I'm really interested in traveling, so just anything from your local area is always neat for me! Last year I got some really cool stuff from Shanghai (thanks AlucarD.eq!!)

Game consoles: New 3DS XL, PS3, PS2, N64, SNES, and PC (getting a better one soon - not been able to play on mine in ages). The only thing I don't enjoy in games is first person controls (I get really bad motion sickness). Otherwise, I'm super open to trying new things!

Edit again: here are my Amazon and Steam wishlists in case they're helpful.


Gold Member
o baby!

thanks Nic.

Had more fun giving last year than receiving.

I will suggest that putting AGE down might be helpful because what wasn't as fun lsat time for me was receiving a gift from who i could only imagine was a 12-14 year old. and I'm 30.

would be good to maybe match people closer in age...

anyways! was still a blast, expecting to participate again!! loved the research part too!


o baby!

thanks Nic.

Had more fun giving last year than receiving.

I will suggest that putting AGE down might be helpful because what wasn't as fun lsat time for me was receiving a gift from who i could only imagine was a 12-14 year old. and I'm 30.

would be good to maybe match people closer in age...

anyways! was still a blast, expecting to participate again!! loved the research part too!

Agreed, the research and preparation of gifts was easily my favorite part. I've never smiled so gleefully while lurking and doing my homework. IIRC, I think one can list their age in the GAF bio.
As with the past few years now, I'm always accepting help to PM matches or act as intermediaries! I have opted to never play the intermediary role as I have enough going on already. But someone has always been a trooper and taken on that task (Soka <3)

dat shoutout
Oh, there was talk about wish lists in the last year's thread.

Some of us suggested that if Tiny Tims want to make the their secret Santa's stalking easier, we could just write down our "wishlists" here in this thread. Meaning stuff like "I will not wish any chocolate even though Finnish chocolate is awesome and I don't know what I am missing" *cough* last years *cough* Tiny Tim. Or stuff like "I'm into collecting Macguffins and wish more of them". And so on.

So how about it?

Also. Nic, if you would have me, this humble doggie offers himself for elf duty


Gold Member
Secret Santa 2016 comes with Photo-mode right? it should def be encouraged!! maybe someone can write up an easy tutorial for how people can use.

not sure this would be fun or even a good idea.. but I was thinking maybe I create an instagram account for all the SS to use. and everyone can post from it their journey of santa'ing? something worthwhile to try? just thinking of ideas to spice up the year/thread even more with more holiday cheer and pics!

I'll have to contact nic, but i may be up for Elfing this year. anyone have a breakdown of duties/time commitment?


Heyyyyyyy, I"m in!

Just PM'd him those details...are we not doing anything with interests or anything this year? The four things are just personal details and whatnot.
Woo Hoo !!!!!!

Finally something to look forward to doing. We don't really exchange gifts around here, so it makes doing this more fun.
Very much in.

Edit- Here's my list, slightly modified from last year's format:
I collect videogames, so pretty much anything game-related should be good. I have a lot though so finding something that I don't already have might be difficult!
I own most consoles and handhelds (not including NES, PS4, Vita, or Xbone, pretty much) but Steam is always an easy choice.
My Steam wishlist can be found here: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Ultimzer/wishlist/

As far as Non-Steam games go, I have a list of games that I don't have yet and intend to buy myself at some point so if you want some easy suggestions, anything from this list is great: http://vipershark.hostoi.com/gafss/VideogameList.html
Just as a note, I created this list for myself to keep track of stuff so you don't have to worry about buying complete copies or cosmetic quality or anything like that. Those are just guidelines for myself. Santa doesn't have to be anal about game quality, ahaha

I'd be cool with videogame paraphernalia in general, anime, manga, movies (dvd or blu-ray), other nerdy merchandise or trinkets, computer programming stuff, learning-japanese books, cool japanese things in general, etc.
Alternatively, something cool from your area! Do you have any kind of local candy or soda or some kind of store-bought specialty that you can't get elsewhere? I'd really like to try it!

I don't have any wishlists on Amazon or eBay but maybe I should consider putting some together sometime...

As far as anime goes, you can see what I have(n't) already seen here: http://myanimelist.net/animelist/Vipershark
My favorite anime are Lucky Star, Haruhi, and K-On! if that matters. I'm a huge sucker for slice-of-life.

What sort of things do you NOT like?
It's the thought that counts, so give your SS something to think about. If you don't want virtual goods or giftcards, here's a great place to indicate that...
I do NOT like Fruitcake, Root Beer, or Alcohol.

Additional comments or a personal message for your SS?
Hi! :)
I'm cool with pretty much anything. It's the thought that counts, right?


the piano man
I don't know what to think.

I am in Germany and shipping with tracking to the US (and the other way around) is usually not very expensive, it depends on the size of the gift.

that being said, if I'd like to send a gift and receive something within EU, can I say that? or is shipping to the USA mandatory for everyone?
BTW, 2 weeks (a little over) seems like plenty of time for people to sign up. Hopefully people keep an eye on the Off-Topic... there's always a bunch of people that pop in literally the day after sign-ups close, no matter how much time they have, bummed that they missed the sign-ups.

I guess we keep this bad-boy bumped/conversational to keep it visible for people to sign-up.
Saint Nic is here! Love you for doing this, man.
I'm in as usual and will volunteer as an elf as well as be a SS for those who get shafted and don't get a gift from theirs
In like Donkey Kong.

Update with some details:

Male, aged 27.
Software Engineer

Favourite Colour: Maroon

Favourite Hobby: Consuming content

Consoles Owned: Gaming PC, PS4, Xbox One, Wii U, 3DS (GearVR + Rift too)

Favorite show/movie series/franchises: In General - Neon Genesis Evangelion. Currently - ?

Favorite video game genre: Love it at all, but something have a great story / characters is important to me.

Favorite video game series/franchises : Halo historically, but less so in modern times. Persona, Souls series, Tetris, Picross, etc

Do you collect anything: Cool / tasteful art + posters

Personal about me: Currently taking Japanese classes.


Definitely in this year! Yay for good news today <3

I'll make a fancy wishlist later, I don't like making my Secret Santa try too hard... my shitty GAF posts probably wouldn't help much of anyone >.>
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