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GAF Secret Santa 2016

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I was really hoping this would happen again, I had fun doing it last year. Okay here's my basic profile for my stalker.

Consoles: PS4 only please
NWS gifts: It's okay
I like any gift that has a personal touch or effort put into it, I'm not super picky or anything and I like to be surprised so happy stalking but If you really do need help asking an elf to pm me is okay to. I only ask that the gift doesn't contain candy and chocolates or just food only.
I don't know what to think.

I am in Germany and shipping with tracking to the US (and the other way around) is usually not very expensive, it depends on the size of the gift.

that being said, if I'd like to send a gift and receive something within EU, can I say that? or is shipping to the USA mandatory for everyone?

It's yes or no for international this year. This is what Nic said in the op:

Also, I can not work with a "Yes, but only to EU" or "Yes, but not to USA". It's all or nothing folks

So you might get someone from the EU, but probably most likely from USA I suppose.
I'll be participating. It'll be my fourth year.
Last year I didn't receive a gift, but I'm not giving up on this~

Console: PS4 (PSN is PaulReoyo so you can see all the games I own)
Hobbies: Gundam model kits, bass guitar.

Handmade Gifts: Not really a fan.
Candy: Would love it if it's something local! Also, no chocolate.

Wish List: https://amzn.com/w/173779TKE9HCO

I'm glad we're back, this will be my second year.

Felt good about the gifts I gave, and received an awesome gift with Cavaliers Tickets during a championship year and other goodies. :)

Looking forward to this again!
It's yes or no for international this year. This is what Nic said in the op:

So you might get someone from the EU, but probably most likely from USA I suppose.

What means is if you say yes, you go into an all yes pile of random people from all over. If you select no, then you will go into your country's pile only. If you're US, you will be matched with a US person. If you're in Germany, you'll be matched with another German TT. More obscure/smaller countries it's best to put yes on international because there may only be a few people within your country participating or you might be the only one. Shipping international gives nick more chances to match you with some one.

International can be expensive. Weight and size of a box determine the cost. Check the website of your postal system and plug in a few variations to see price differences from say a 6x6x6 box that weighs 2lbs to a 12x12x12 weighing 5lbs. **Sometimes a pound or two differnce may not change the cost of shipping.


I am in like flynn!

Last years SS was a ton of fun and It really gave me the Christmas feels and I loved my gift. So let's do that again. And this time I will not do any spelling errors in my letter! ^^

Since I mostly lurk here, some pointers for my SS:

Games and fan articles are not my thing: I have what I want and I do not collect gaming-stuff in any way.

I love the outdoors, I just fell in love with disc golf, I like to hike and ride my bike. I love food, coffee, beer and hot sauce. I love local specialties - stuff, that is done really well in a region. I love traveling and foreign places. I am a male in my 30s. And ah, fuck it ... It really feels odd to point out this kind of stuff. This must be enough!
Definitely in :)

For my SS, if you're struggling to stalk me (which shouldn't be too hard!), Pokemon and Godzilla are super safe bets. If you're outside of the UK, a few regional sweets wouldn't be so bad either ;)

I'm also on Backloggery and Twitter.

Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
Always wanted to participate in this but never have for one reason or another so this year count me in.


Totally in like always :)


male, shirt size xl
please no candy..
love cyberpunk stuff, team ico games, sufjan, the dear hunter, vinyl (discogs)
only play on pc via steam and oculus home.


Saint Nic
Thanks for helping clarify the international shipping for me folks!

The reason I have to put that restriction on there is because the matching would be a nightmare otherwise. Putting a bunch of restrictions and stipulations on the matching algorithm is just asking for trouble.

We've already got more than 40 people signed up for this!!
Hey, I've been waiting for this thread.
Very happy to take part once again.

Male or female: Male
Current occupation: Engineer
Consoles: ps3/ ps4 / 3ds
PSN and Nintendo ID is in my GAF profile (better indicator of what games I'm playing)
Genres I'm usually playing: Action adventure (God of War, Uncharted, Tomb Raider, GTA, Arkham), Zelda (own all/most of the portable, yet to play the console ones unless on DS), EDF (there's something great about blasting those damn bugs away) Trying to get into more RPGs tho
Clothing size: L - XL
Shoe size: 10US 43EU,
Favorite alcoholic beverage: Cider...
Favorite Hobby: Geek stuff, sports(United till I die, Jets/Yankees), music (Nu Disco,Disco, Alt. RnB, Hip-hop, Soul, International House, ), Cooking, Smoking (food), Gaf(lol), Reading comics and fantasy novels.
Is there anything (not expensive) you want or need: PS4 Pro (lol)
When you travel, is there an item you always make sure to pick up (local coffee or tea, shot glass, local snack, postcard, magnet)? Something local. Whatever.
Nsfw: yes
Don't have any allergies so fire away when it comes to gifts


I´m in!

Sending PM atm.

Edit. I´d prefer not to receive games (so many of then already in my pending list). Other than that, anything would be welcome.

For my SS:

Male or female: Male
Current occupation: Network Engineer
Clothing size: XS-S
Shoe size: US 41-42 EU
Favorite Color: Red
Favorite alcoholic beverage: Gin - Martin Miller's
Favorite Hobby: Geek stuff, sports, reading, cinema, music, traveling.
Favorite movies or genres: https://letterboxd.com/mitheor
Do you collect anything: Nope; i like to try new cosmetic stuff (hair/face/beard care)
Is there anything (not expensive) you want or need: Nope
When you travel, is there an item you always make sure to pick up (local coffee or tea, shot glass, local snack, postcard, magnet)? Something local. Whatever.


Woo! Thanks St. Nick for setting it up! I'm available and willing to help in any way I can.

I'll properly sign-in later, just a quick note: in the PM sent with the address, people should add a phone number as well. It is usually required for international shipping and providing it now saves a bunch of PMs later on (and, when deadlines are close, they can be quite stressful to wait for).
Great to see that this is actually happening again this year.

I will definitely participate.

One question though: Saying no to international shipping doesn't necessarily mean that I can't get a Secret Santa from another country, right?


Saint Nic
Great to see that this is actually happening again this year.

I will definitely participate.

One question though: Saying no to international shipping doesn't necessarily mean that I can't get a Secret Santa from another country, right?

International shipping is a pool and Non-international is a separate pool (by country). Otherwise, if you selected No from USA, you could receive goodies from Germany, Japan, etc. That's not really fair to those who were willing to take on the financial burden of international shipping when you weren't willing to.
International shipping is a pool and Non-international is a separate pool (by country). Otherwise, if you selected No from USA, you could receive goodies from Germany, Japan, etc. That's not really fair to those who were willing to take on the financial burden of international shipping when you weren't willing to.

Understandable. Thanks for clarifying.


I'm in! :D

Male, age 32, medium fit

I love videogame merchandise such as plushies, figurines, artwork and t-shirts, especially Nintendo stuff. I'm also a big fan of MGS, Final Fantasy (especially VII) and Tomb Raider. Consoles I own are PS4, XBO and Wii U.

I'm a big fan of Studio Ghibli.

I also have a pet parrot (a green kakariki).

Favourite movies: anything by Tarantino
Favourite music: Led Zeppelin, Nirvana, Pink Floyd, Guns N Roses

Every game that I own here:



This will be my third year. First year was great, second year, I got a nice enough job to do the international. This year I'm excited to do it again.


I am participating. PM sent to Nico.

I prefer homemade items, local candy and stuff I couldn't easily buy in my home country.
Woo! Thanks St. Nick for setting it up! I'm available and willing to help in any way I can.

I'll properly sign-in later, just a quick note: in the PM sent with the address, people should add a phone number as well. It is usually required for international shipping and providing it now saves a bunch of PMs later on (and, when deadlines are close, they can be quite stressful to wait for).

I totally forgot about that on international shipping forms.

If you do select international, don't forget about customs fees. You'll have to list what your shipping and the value, and the receiver will have to pay a small fee to get it. If it's something of value, you should insure it and declare the full value so it can be replaced if the package goes missing.

From personal experience, even shipping to Canada from the US, it can take a few weeks at least. If you want your gift there by Christmas, ship early.


Saint Nic
I totally forgot about that on international shipping forms.

If you do select international, don't forget about customs fees. You'll have to list what your shipping and the value, and the receiver will have to pay a small fee to get it. If it's something of value, you should insure it and declare the full value so it can be replaced if the package goes missing.

From personal experience, even shipping to Canada from the US, it can take a few weeks at least. If you want your gift there by Christmas, ship early.

One of the reasons I have the date of posting what you got so late. Get your gift out on time, but don't worry if you haven't received anything considering the speed of parcels during the holiday season.


Pm sent. I've always wanted to join in on this, and this is the year.

I don't really have a wish list, but I'll share some stuff here anyway.

First of all, I'm 27, work nights and drink a lot of coffee to stay awake, I could really use a large cup.
Got a 5 year old daughter, and I welcome anything that her and I can both play with, be it a co op game, or lego (anything for Lego Dimensions would be cool, as I don't own any extra stuff for it).
I wear XL/XXL shirts, and I could use some extra shirts.

Got an Xb1, 3DS, and a Gaming PC. Quote to see Steam and Xbox profile

I enjoy almost any genre of games, but I'm not big into turn based stuff. Anything with a good story is welcome. And so are local co-op games, a game I've been wanting to get is Overcooked.

Enjoy comics, as to what I've read recently, and enjoyed; Preacher, Locke&Key, Paper Girls, I hate Fairyland, Rat Queens, Walking Dead. but nothing super hero related.
I love horror related stuff (anything Evil Dead related is awesome); figurines, movies, collectibles.
Anything 90s cartoons related, Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon stuff.
I enjoy Puzzles, and solving riddles.
Lego is always welcome.
If you happen to be from the US, I've always wanted to try Funyuns.
My favorite band is Weezer, and any Weezer merch and or memorabilia would be cherished for a long time.

I'll include my Amazon wish list as well, again quote to see;

I'm not expecting you to get anything from the wishlist, it's just something I've got on the go, but I figured you may be able to get some ideas out of it.

Hopefully that helps a little. You could always go through my post history, but I'm not sure how helpful that would be.

Lord Snow

Sounds good. I'm in.

[For my Secret Santa] Quote to see my Amazon wishlist etc since you probably won't get anywhere by stalking!

I guess I'll write down something for my Tiny Tim to stalk on, then.

First of all, I am living in Finland. If you are outside EU, shipping might take a large part of your budget. Because of that, I'm okay if you decide to use an online retailer and ship from someplace closer to Finland. I have used Amazon.co.uk myself and shipping costs are not that bad. That being said, I’d love to get a card or something that shows where you are living in. The idea we are sending each other gifts (nerdy) gifts around the world warms my heart. Also, getting something you made yourself is great. But no stress! :)

And then, wish list stuff.

My wife and I would love chocolate or some other local Christmas delicacy from where you live in, or maybe some small Christmas decoration. Also, we love our doggie and we are expecting our first child. Something for them would surely put a smile on our face.

For more nerdy stuff, I have started painting miniatures this year. So one sure way to make me pretty happy would be miniature painting stuff. Brushes and paints and miniatures themselves. I like the brushes Games Workshop makes and I prefer paints that come in a dropper bottle (Vallejo, Army Painter etc.). Maybe you live near an art store and can find some premuim brushes or this brush cleaner. For the miniatures themselves, I am at the moment collecting Tyranids (for example I could always use more of these or these) from Games Workshop and Circle Orboros from Privateer Press. For Circle I mostly just have what is in this box, so there are a lot of options. If you think a mini in either of those armies look cool, chances are I agree, so you can use your own taste. :)

I also like reading science fiction. This thread has some recommendations for comics and I haven’t read any of them. For novels, I unfortunately don’t have a list of books I have read, but I know one easy way for this: I’ve been reading some Warhammer 40k books (to go with my miniatures), but I have only read Horus Heresy stuff. If it’s outside that series, it’s a safe bet.

For games, my only platform is PS4 and my PSN name is the same as my GAF name. If you want to stalk my trophies go ahead, that should give you an idea what kind of games I’m into and what I haven’t played.

Welp, I might have gotten a bit carried a way, but hey, it’s the Christmas spirit!


I'm in! Will pm tomorrow morning when sober.

ETA- whoever I get, sorry, I don't really pay attention to wishlists too much.

PM sent! Giving gifts is the best feeling! Family, friends, and now a stranger.


I'm in again! To my ss my interests are Pokémon cards and video game posters. Handmade items are okay!
I'm in for this years festivities. I always love doing this and I'm so happy that we're able to have one this year. I'll make another post once I've pm'd with all the details for my SS.

Thank you so much Nicoga, you are definitely gonna get another card this year!


I'll be joining. Sent OP my info.

Just one question, how does the whole Secret Santa thing work? Do we choose someone to send our gift to or does the OP provide us with the info? Thanks :) Never mind, I missed that info the first time I went through the OP.
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