Woah, seit wann ist denn dieser fred so aktiv geworden?!
This is how a Deutsch-GAF Meet-up would look like:
Notice how trab is looking at Mutes, how raindoc is bored as fuck, how Fritz dreams awake, and how Bateman is so serious waiting to kill everyone..no, I didn't have anything better to do
Seit eine Sirene die Leute anlockt.
This will explain everything.
This is how a Deutsch-GAF Meet-up would look like:
Notice how trab is looking at Mutes, how raindoc is bored as fuck, how Fritz dreams awake, and how Bateman is so serious waiting to kill everyone..no, I didn't have anything better to do
There really should be a Deutsch-GAF Meet-up. I suggest Bad Hersfeld in Hesse for this. It is basically in the middle of Germany and Amazon has one of their bases their, too.
..and Amazon has one of their bases their, too.
Wenigstens KRIEGST du die Möglichkeit.
Im Bus ging n Kontrolleur durch und als ich den gesehen hab, is mir aufgefallen, dass ich noch meine 4er-Karte abstempeln musste, was ich auch gleich getan hab.
Durfte 40 blechen, weil der scheiß Kontrolleur meinte, ich hätte zu spät abgestempelt, etc.etc.
Hätte aber keinen Unterschied für mich gemacht, wo ich abgestempelt hätte, wollte er alles nich hören. 40 -> weg. War ein ziemlicher Scheißtag für mich.
So you expect them to ship me there?
there you go - just return yourself with it and thank me later.
but honestly, i don't think it's fair to dismiss austria when determining "the middle", hence we need to have the deutschGAF meeting in Mumbai.
In fact, screw it, I'll just unban milch now. I doubt he'll notice though.
When is Jon coming back?
Wir haben seit kurzem Automaten in den Straßenbahnen um Tickets zu kaufen. Und mir ist mal passiert, dass ich über zwei Stationen anstehen musste, bis ich an der Reihe war. Etwa ein oder zwei Minuten später wurde ich kontrolliert und man wollte mir doch tatsächlich einreden, dass ich erst ein Ticket gekauft habe, als ich gesehen habe, dass kontrolliert wird. Habe mich dann beim Kollegen beschwert und garantiert nichts bezahlt. Ich kann nichts dafür, dass ein Automat pro Straßenbahn teilweise zu wenig ist. Schwarzfahren kostet übrigens auch mehr als €40 - eher so um die 60.
DeutscheGAF, a question: from Stuttgart airport, how would I get to somewhere like Dettingen or Nagold? I'm guessing the train service is running, right?
Also, people will generally at least understand English, right? I'm studying German but I've been unable to commit to it for a while. Would be relying on English.
Well would you look at that, brotkasten's got a tag.
Well would you look at that, brotkasten's got a tag.
Sweet! Do I get a tag?
Are you a safe moist as dude?
Well, I guess I'm at least an unsafe hard as penguin. Does that count?
EDIT: It's interesting to see that brotkasten got a tag for a 2 year old post though. So all hope is never lost!
This is how a Deutsch-GAF Meet-up would look like:
Notice how trab is looking at Mutes, how raindoc is bored as fuck, how Fritz dreams awake, and how Bateman is so serious waiting to kill everyone..no, I didn't have anything better to do
The current banner is a bit lacking, I have to admit. I mean, there isn't even an Australian flag.
but that milchjon person everyone is in love with is missing.
why exactly is that? why is he so awesome? I mean I don't want to deny it, but why?
I also like your sweater mutes x)
but that milchjon person everyone is in love with is missing.
why exactly is that? why is he so awesome? I mean I don't want to deny it, but why?
I also like your sweater mutes x)
but that milchjon person everyone is in love with is missing.
why exactly is that? why is he so awesome? I mean I don't want to deny it, but why?
I also like your sweater mutes x)
Fuck merit.
You're aint no ordinary junior, are you?
C'mon son. You're not even that much older than us 90's kids.
I see
That shep actually looks a fair bit like you.
[quote="Milchjon, post: 48904968"]No, but I wasted a lot more years on GAF :-D[/QUOTE]
Wasted? WASTED?
There is no wasted time on GAF!
P.S. I have no idea what kind of face X) is. O_O
I think it has something to do with all the self-inflicted bans making him stronger, faster, better than a normal man.
Aww thanks. I like your... *squints*
Scarf? I think that's what that is.
P.S. I have no idea what kind of face X) is. O_O
C'mon son. You're not even that much older than us 90's kids.
meh I don't think so but if you see it...where's my fucking N7 armor? :/That shep actually looks a fair bit like you.
meh I don't think so but if you see it...where's my fucking N7 armor? :/
and garrus? (
Ahh, miaulein pu kcip. I should have known.
You're cool with sharing Garrus with me, right?
you can have alenko!
ThoseDeafMutes und trab pu ckip sitzen auf nem Baum...
eewh mass effect ... the dumb brother of kotor
ThoseDeafMutes und trab pu ckip sitzen auf nem Baum...
I never understood the praise ME got. I played the demo a few times and it was boring for me.
But well, I never got into highly praised games like Final Fantasy or Gears of War, either.
If you were playing ME1, the reason you were having trouble getting into it was because it's got bad gameplay and a UI that is a crime against humanity.
I disagree. In my opinion the UI of ME1 was far better than that of ME2 (didn't play ME3 yet and don't intend to).
I also liked ME1 more than 2.
I bet I'm the only one in the world to have this opinion.
EDIT: Hello last post of the page.
Stop talking games! !
Lasst uns lieber über das (endlich mal) tolle Wetter unterhalten.
I thought the german version was supposed to have snow instead of a tree.
If you were playing ME1, the reason you were having trouble getting into it was because it's got bad gameplay and a UI that is a crime against humanity.
Shouldn't be up so late.
I disagree. In my opinion the UI of ME1 was far better than that of ME2 (didn't play ME3 yet and don't intend to).
I also liked ME1 more than 2.
I bet I'm the only one in the world to have this opinion.
EDIT: Hello last post of the page.
Thanks, Fritz.
I never knew I was a woman!
whaa? It's like I don't even know you anymore
me2+3 have terrible gameplay, me1 was the best in this regard D:
no I totally agree! and there are many people who think so. me2+3 were just so dumbed down gameplaywise (well not only gameplaywise really...) it's a shame.
There really should be a Deutsch-GAF Meet-up. I suggest Bad Hersfeld in Hesse for this. It is basically in the middle of Germany and Amazon has one of their bases their, too.
Stop talking games! !
Lasst uns lieber über das (endlich mal) tolle Wetter unterhalten.