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GAF spricht Deutsch, zumindest hier drinnen...

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How can you possibly say that! The interface was the worst of the trilogy by far. Some examples:

  • The inventory does not stack duplicate items, scrolling through it is slow, and deleting an item (convert to omnigel) takes you back to the top of the list sometimes (for attachments, I believe). There are no options to sort items, it defaults from best to worst, meaning you are always guaranteed to need to scroll for a long time to find the items you want to delete. (The scrolling was improved on PC version; I own xbox version because the PC version did not exist when I bought it...)
  • The screen which tells you that you have picked up too many items (exceeded 150 item limit) does not let you compare items to what you aleady have so you can decide which ones are the best to keep. It just forces you to delete items to make room without any information.
  • Turning things to omni-gel is Y on some pages, but X on others, for no good reason.
  • Melee attack and fire gun are the same button.
  • The Galaxy Map exit-button is the same as the "cancel" or "go back one level" button for the rest of the game, B on the xbox controller. However, the Go Back button is X on that screen. So you frequently press B meaning to go back one level, but then the whole galaxy map exists and you have to load it again.

The UI in 2 was still not very good overall, but the UI in 1 was just terrible. The stuff they BOTH do wrong is numerous as well.

I respectfully disagree. I feel that the mechanics in ME1 were unpolished and lacked from coherent design. I've posted about this many times on NeoGAF, so to distill the argument to its core, it's that the first game was far too shallow to be a good RPG, but controlled too poorly and had too many RPG systems to be a good shooter (for example, stat-based aiming was terrible in ME1).

But I don't want to fight ;_;

I want a divorce :p this is a topic I could talk about for hours.
I won't deny the things you mentioned, but I like a slightly unpolished complex game much more than a dumbed down "casualized" one. the UI in the first one took some time to get used to & was confusing at times, but at least they had a fucking inventory to store stuff (not like me2). and if the game is worth it I don't mind getting used to stuff like that at all. Investing time is part of the deal.
+ if you're critizing the "shallowness" I have to say me1 was by far the most rpg-like part of the franchise. it may be no baldur's gate but the different skill options and personal decisions were way better executed than in me2+3. plus you had much more space to roam around and do your own thing. also weapon modding actually showed some effects and the game wasn't that easy to breeze through imo. the weapon modding & stuff were back in me3 for example, but proved to be totally useless, you can play the game + invest skill points with your eyes covered and still get everything done.
combat was just way more demanding and you could get some loot and the game didn't feel like running down a tube all the fucking time.
meh ok I stop now. I want to say more, but I stop now :D

You don't even know her..
I do. she's a nice lady. she likes mass effect 1 <3
I won't deny the things you mentioned, but I like a slightly unpolished complex game much more than a dumbed down "casualized" one.

I just feel like this is a bit too simple of a way to look at it. ME1 had a lot of mechanics that were just bad. The mako controlled terribly, the inventory was awful (not just awfully implemented, but the number of items you picked up, the way that they almost all looked and felt the same just with slightly better stats), the aiming was awful etc. ME2 took a pair of pruning shears and just cut it all out. This indeed made the game shallower in the RPG sense, however the things it eliminated were all terrible implementations, and so the overall game was, in my opinion, improved as a result. There is less of almost everything, but things become more distinct. The two basic pistol types is a huge reduction from 150 pistols or whatever the first game had, but they feel more different than any of those did. The number of levels each skill has is drastically reduced, but as a tradeoff, each level feels more meaningful and has a bigger impact.

ME3 reintroduced several systems while keeping the ME2 improvements to aiming, cover system etc, and added cool stuff like the weight mechanic (which is actually very well thought out). As a result, I feel that ME3 is the best in the series purely from a gameplay perspective. ME2 has the best character stuff (Mordin and Legion <3 ), IMO. ME1 has the best story and aesthetic.

meh ok I stop now. I want to say more, but I stop now :D

Please, I don't want to sleep on the couch again tonight!
I don't think that I have ever seen her play a game besides Solitair and Wii Sports.

But she likes movies of QT like Inglourious Basterds and Django: Unchained. :D

I know, we went to see django in the cinema and even made out a bit but then she said she liked the kill bill movies more than pulp fiction and jackie brown and I just couldn't be with her anymore. still think her current facebook pic is hot though
I know, we went to see django in the cinema and even made out a bit but then she said she liked the kill bill movies more than pulp fiction and jackie brown and I just couldn't be with her anymore. still think her current facebook pic is hot though

Kill Bills were my least favorite Tarantino movies, although I haven't seen Jackie Brown yet.
I just feel like this is a bit too simple of a way to look at it. ME1 had a lot of mechanics that were just bad. The mako controlled terribly, the inventory was awful (not just awfully implemented, but the number of items you picked up, the way that they almost all looked and felt the same just with slightly better stats), the aiming was awful etc. ME2 took a pair of pruning shears and just cut it all out. This indeed made the game shallower in the RPG sense, however the things it eliminated were all terrible implementations, and so the overall game was, in my opinion, improved as a result.

ME3 reintroduced several systems while keeping the ME2 improvements to aiming, cover system etc, and added cool stuff like the weight mechanic (which is actually very well thought out). As a result, I feel that ME3 is the best in the series purely from a gameplay perspective. ME2 has the best character stuff (Mordin and Legion <3 ), IMO. ME1 has the best story and aesthetic.


I'm sorry I think it's best if I leave now
I know, we went to see django in the cinema and even made out a bit but then she said she liked the kill bill movies more than pulp fiction and jackie brown and I just couldn't be with her anymore. still think her current facebook pic is hot though

Just as me she despises FB.

Kill Bills were my least favorite Tarantino movies, although I haven't seen Jackie Brown yet.

You can watch JB next friday on German TV.
Just as me she despises FB.

that's what she tells you. she just liked my profile pic *_*

vitacola: kopp zu!


No! Come back!


aaw :( but I think me3 is the best example of what's wrong with the modern world :( I can't marry a man who doesn't see that ;_;

Ich will ARMA oder Left 4 Dead spielen und keiner spielt mit mir :(
ich würde mit dir arma spielen wenn mein pc davon nicht explodieren würde :/


Stop quoting this shit.

Doctors/medical people seem to be a weird bunch in my experience. All my former schoolmates who went in that direction seem to have gotten weirdly obsessed with dissections in university.
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