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GAF spricht Deutsch, zumindest hier drinnen...

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Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
So, I must ask you all a question. I am thinking of applying for a job in Munich. I am an American, and have only traveled out of country twice, and never been to Europe. I know this would be quite a move (if I even got the job), but how hard would it be? I know most folks speak English now in Germany, but eventually I'd want to learn some German.

I'm just entertaining the idea. :p
if me2 didn't have a somehow interesting story I wouldn't have even bothered to play it
(that many times)
same goes for the third. I've only played that one once though because it broke my heart ;_;

I don't even find the story that interesting, to be honest.
I'm about 60% through the game and don't intend to finish it.
It bores me on the same level as Assassin's Creed 3 does: Cool beginning, lousy middle part which bores me to death.
whaa? It's like I don't even know you anymore :(
me2+3 have terrible gameplay, me1 was the best in this regard D:

no I totally agree! and there are many people who think so. me2+3 were just so dumbed down gameplaywise (well not only gameplaywise really...) it's a shame.

edit2: yeah you all enjoy the sunny german wasteland
I can't say ME1 has the better gameplay overall, but damn me if it didn't have the best atmosphere of all games. I know everyone hated the rides with the Mako, but the empty and barren planets had such beautiful skyboxes, it really felt like you were in space. You and your tiny, stupid, completely meaningless existence. And instead of improving the flawed concept, they took it out. Fucking Bioware.
So, I must ask you all a question. I am thinking of applying for a job in Munich. I am an American, and have only traveled out of country twice, and never been to Europe. I know this would be quite a move (if I even got the job), but how hard would it be? I know most folks speak English now in Germany, but eventually I'd want to learn some German.

I'm just entertaining the idea. :p

Munich is just about the most touristy part of Germany. You should be able to use english if needed.
I don't even find the story that interesting, to be honest.
I'm about 60% through the game and don't intend to finish it.
It bores me on the same level as Assassin's Creed 3 does: Cool beginning, lousy middle part which bores me to death.

I just engaged on a very emotional level with all the characters I guess. plus the reapers provide some interesting philosophical themes. especially in the the very end(not counting any stupid DLC additions). there were many things wrong with the endings though^^
I can't say ME1 has the better gameplay overall, but damn me if it didn't have the best atmosphere of all games. I know everyone hated the rides with the Mako, but the empty and barren planets had such beautiful skyboxes, it really felt like you were in space. You and your tiny, stupid, completely meaningless existence. And instead of improving the flawed concept, they took it out. Fucking Bioware.


Thanks. The job says you need English, and German is a plus. Which I found odd if I were to be living in Germany. :p

you should ask Zaraki_Kenpachi, as far as I know he moved from the states to bavaria too


Neo Member
I've haven't played any of the Mass Effects. Am I missing something?
I've played demos and thought game looked and played like dog shit

Meiner Meinung nach: Das erste is cool, das zweite is nen riesiger Cliffhanger und das dritte hab ich irgendwo zwischendurch aufgegeben :/
Meiner Meinung nach: Das erste is cool, das zweite is nen riesiger Cliffhanger und das dritte hab ich irgendwo zwischendurch aufgegeben :/

es wird halt auch immer cineastischer. das erste ist noch ein anspruchsvolles game, während 2+3 eher interaktive filme mit phasenweise auftretenden gegnerwellen sind.


So, I must ask you all a question. I am thinking of applying for a job in Munich. I am an American, and have only traveled out of country twice, and never been to Europe. I know this would be quite a move (if I even got the job), but how hard would it be? I know most folks speak English now in Germany, but eventually I'd want to learn some German.

I'm just entertaining the idea. :p

A friend of mine from New Zealand teaches at the Int' School in Bonn. She get's along well, too well actually. She first attempted German classes but then just quit cause she wouldn't need any German apart from the basic stuff you catch up on anyway. Mind you Bonn is considerably smaller than Munich.


Junior Member
The first three Die Hard movies have been on repeat for a while on Cinemax. Number 3 is on right now and I just can't get past the theme of German guys playing off American accents played by British actors. Irons pulled it off better though.

Ich springe hier mal kurz rein, um zu bestätigen, dass das erste Mass Effect das Beste ist!

And now my Chrone translator extension just broke down.
The first three Die Hard movies have been on repeat for a while on Cinemax. Number 3 is on right now and I just can't get past the theme of German guys playing off American accents played by British actors. Irons pulled it off better though.

And now my Chrone translator extension just broke down.

just confirm that the first mass effect is the best mass effect.
Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like... tears in rain. Time to die.

I need to watch that movie again. <3

And trap: I find your lack of discussion culture disturbing.


Um den Missbrauch von Kinden in kirchlichen Heimen in den 50er und 60er Jahren. Finde es sehr gut. Sonst kann ich eigentlich nie was mit ARD/ZDF Filmen anfangen.
Um den Missbrauch von Kinden in kirchlichen Heimen in den 50er und 60er Jahren. Finde es sehr gut. Sonst kann ich eigentlich nie was mit ARD/ZDF Filmen anfangen.

das guck ich lieber nicht, da bekomm ich wieder lust die menschliche rasse auszulöschen...
I disagree. In my opinion the UI of ME1 was far better than that of ME2 (didn't play ME3 yet and don't intend to).

How can you possibly say that! The interface was the worst of the trilogy by far. Some examples:

  • The inventory does not stack duplicate items, scrolling through it is slow, and deleting an item (convert to omnigel) takes you back to the top of the list sometimes (for attachments, I believe). There are no options to sort items, it defaults from best to worst, meaning you are always guaranteed to need to scroll for a long time to find the items you want to delete. (The scrolling was improved on PC version; I own xbox version because the PC version did not exist when I bought it...)
  • The screen which tells you that you have picked up too many items (exceeded 150 item limit) does not let you compare items to what you aleady have so you can decide which ones are the best to keep. It just forces you to delete items to make room without any information.
  • Turning things to omni-gel is Y on some pages, but X on others, for no good reason.
  • Melee attack and fire gun are the same button.
  • The Galaxy Map exit-button is the same as the "cancel" or "go back one level" button for the rest of the game, B on the xbox controller. However, the Go Back button is X on that screen. So you frequently press B meaning to go back one level, but then the whole galaxy map exists and you have to load it again.

The UI in 2 was still not very good overall, but the UI in 1 was just terrible. The stuff they BOTH do wrong is numerous as well.

whaa? It's like I don't even know you anymore :(
me2+3 have terrible gameplay, me1 was the best in this regard D:

I respectfully disagree. I feel that the mechanics in ME1 were unpolished and lacked coherent design. I've posted about this many times on NeoGAF, so to distill the argument to its core, it's that the first game was far too shallow to be a good RPG, but controlled too poorly and had too many RPG systems to be a good shooter (for example, stat-based aiming was terrible in ME1).

But I don't want to fight ;_;
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