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GAF spricht Deutsch, zumindest hier drinnen...

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Das erinnert mich an den GAFer, der die Mannequins und die Krankenhausobjekte sammelt und in seiner Wohnung aufstellt. Wobei ich das auch irgendwie ein bisschen toll finde.

That reminds me of that gaffer, with mannequins and (whatever the fuck a krankenhauseobjete is) collection in their basement (?). I find that kinda hard to believe.

Er haben eine sehr interessante hobby.


My cousin's wife is studying medicine and she sometimes brings home stuff like a deer's skull she found outside to exhibit it in the living room. WEIRD


That reminds me of that gaffer, with mannequins and (whatever the fuck a krankenhauseobjete is) collection in their basement (?). I find that kinda hard to believe.

Er haben eine sehr interessante hobby.
"Krankenhausobjekte" = hospital stuff like ER lights, wheelchairs, those wall mounted lights to look at radiographs (don't know how they called). Mir ist kein besseres Wort für den ganzen Kram eingefallen :(

Aber ich such mal eben einen seiner Posts raus, damit du mir glaubst ;)
Welcome back, Jon.



Bread and cheese is an everyday thing here. Today I made grilled cheese sandwich but I didn't put the bread in the sandwich maker properly. There was cheese everywhere, a whole fucking mess. Usually there's only a little oozing out the sides.

Never tried brie though. I usually go with gouda, tilsiter, emmentaler or edamer.
I've never heard of any of those. We make quite a bit of Cheese locally (By that I mean in the state), so we usually end up with that sort of thing.


Enjoying a few small pieces of Double Brie on biscuits while finishing Das Boot.

What does Germany think of cheese?

Cheese is my favorite thing probably. Definitely my favorite food. When I grew up I basically lived of toast with old Gouda. My parents must have been so worried. But we are all cheese afficionados. My two siblings always have a pretty amazing cheese asasortment in their fridge. Unfortunately I don't have the money just yet.

Good morning! Up to 16 degrees today! Yeeeeeha
Soooooo... Bateman, how do you like Genesis?

Cause you're starting to look a lot like the real thing.

"Easy Lover" is one of my favorite songs.

Although it's "only" by Phil Collins.

Oh, and 2 years ago, I bought a Liston-amputation knife. Who knew that you could get it that easy on the web?

Cheese is my favorite thing probably. Definitely my favorite food. When I grew up I basically lived of toast with old Gouda. My parents must have been so worried. But we are all cheese afficionados. My two siblings always have a pretty amazing cheese asasortment in their fridge. Unfortunately I don't have the money just yet.

Good morning! Up to 16 degrees today! Yeeeeeha

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? Sun is here but it got a lot colder compared to last week. This morning we had around 0 degrees instead of 5 from last week. I don't mind the trade temperature versus sunshine but I guess both would be even better.

As a kid I did not like cheese at all - my mother had to put the cheese on the pizza without me seeing it. Of course I ate it and liked it as long as I did not know that it was cheese. Now I have always cheese in my fridge especially Bergkäse which is kind of hard to get in Graz but that makes every train ride from home a lot funnier if you have 4kg cheese in your backpack and start eating it during the trip ... well other passengers might be a little bit irritated.


Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? Sun is here but it got a lot colder compared to last week. This morning we had around 0 degrees instead of 5 from last week. I don't mind the trade temperature versus sunshine but I guess both would be even better.

Well, it's freezing in the morning but it's supposed to get up to 16 degrees during the day.


Endlich scheint die Sonne.

Das Schicksal beweist mal wieder seinen Sinn für Humor:
Natürlich muss ich mir deshalb am Wochenende vor dem Sonnenschein erstmal eine Erkältung einfangen und jetzt halbtot und geblendet durch die Gegend torkeln.

...und bald kommt wieder Schnee?



Käse ist super.

Ich bevorzuge Hartkäse mit etwas mehr Geschmack und kann mit den Industriekäsen (Schmelz-/Streich-/etc) überhaupt nichts anfangen. So ein schöner Bergkäse lockt mich unter jedem Stein hervor. Natürlich hab ich nichts gegen Weichkäse. Trotzdem, ein Stück Grana Padano ist in meiner Gegenwart weitaus mehr gefährdet als ein Camembert.

Ausnahme: Obatzda. Mit frischen Zwiefis und 'ner Breze.

....BRB schon wieder hungrig


Für´s Wochenende haben sie schon wieder Schnee angesagt... :(

Hier in Hamburg gab's so gut wie gar keinen Schnee dieses Jahr. Ich hab's vermisst.
Vor allem wenn die Eltern immer nur davon erzählen, wie weiß alles im Süden ist.

Nun ja, Sonne!


Hier in Hamburg gab's so gut wie gar keinen Schnee dieses Jahr. Ich hab's vermisst.
Vor allem wenn die Eltern immer nur davon erzählen, wie weiß alles im Süden ist.

Nun ja, Sonne!

Das ist der Scheiß, wenn du im Gebirge wohnst. Wir hatten/haben Schnee bis Oberkante Unterlippe.
Well, it's freezing in the morning but it's supposed to get up to 16 degrees during the day.

The weather guy told me that lie last friday. He talked about 15+ degrees and it only got colder. It was quite nice on saturday - nearly warm enough to sit outside and drink a coffee but the wind is still too strong to really enjoy it outside.


Well you can't blame NeoGAF for this one, now can you :p

I can blame everything on GAF!

Like the fact that I failed a test for the first time in my life last Wednesday(I'm 99.9% sure), and will probably fail another one tomorrow.

Das ist der Scheiß, wenn du im Gebirge wohnst. Wir hatten/haben Schnee bis Oberkante Unterlippe.

Also ich für meinen Teil bin neidisch.

Ist ja schön, wenn's jetzt sonnig ist, aber ein Winter soll Winter sein.


Nachtrag zu der Hund-Katze-Diskussion vor einigen Wochen:

Damit ist doch wohl alles gesagt.


You were banned for weeks O_O

That couldn't make up for GAF wearing down my brain for years!

Going into a field that's not really aligned with my talents, general laziness early in the semester, lack of self control, and maybe a lack of overall intelligence may have done their part too...
Guten Morgen! How's everyone doing?

My boss just brought me a cream filled donut. I think I could get used to this whole breakfast thing. :D


The vegan is gone? Alright, does anyone know if there's a place in (Northern) Germany where I can get authentic, low and slow American style barbecue?

Because I watched No Reservations: Austin last night and that shit looked crazy good.



The vegan is gone? Alright, does anyone know if there's a place in (Northern) Germany where I can get authentic, low and slow American style barbecue?

Because I watched No Reservations: Austin last night and that shit looked crazy good.


I ate this when I was in NYC:


Australia has BBQs also :)

Although it's just an excuse to cook any kind of meat you can find on a BBQ.

Germany only really knows grilling, although these days some people seem to be calling that barbecue.

I think when it comes to American foods (and beer), Germans tend to look down/dismiss on that cuisine a bit. Which leads to us missing a lot.

I was pleasantly surprised how great, different and varied the beers of a semi big brewery like Sam Adams taste. Although I think German brewers are starting to take notice. There's a young brewery in Hamburg, Ratsherrn, that calls their beer "craft beer" (in English) and that tries to emulate what those small American breweries are doing.

Sadly their Pilsener isn't all that great. They do make an awesome Pale Ale though, which I think was kinda missing on the German market.


I think when it comes to American foods (and beer), Germans tend to look down/dismiss on that cuisine a bit. Which leads to us missing a lot.

Sadly, this tends to be true about everything American.
One has to enlighten the heathens! :)
PS: You can get low´n´slow bbq on my balcony. In the summer that is. :)
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