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GAF spricht Deutsch, zumindest hier drinnen...

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A Piepmatz is a bird, simple as that.

"Matz" means "young cute boy", or something like that. Along the lines of "Bengel".

Never heard of this "Matz" synonymic, and i am pretty sure "Bengel" would be more in the lines of "Bully" or just a bad boy. Maybe it's just that i am from the Ruhrgebiet and you are from Hamburg?
I know the word "Hosenmatz". I think it fits for male children (age 1-2) who still wear diapers.
And a "Piepmatz" is a very small singing bird. "Matz" or "Mats" is also the short form for Matthias.
Hey I have a question, I'm applying for a job that requires knowing german and they require a cover letter for submissions, do you guys think it would be pretentious if the cover letter is in german instead of english?
hei Jungs, was ist mit dem Verb "Anfangen" ? Ich hab's neuerdings mit ein völlig anderer Bedeutung, also anders als "Beginnen", gekoppelt gesehen. "Ja, ich konnte es nicht wirklich anfangen" oder so, also bei vielen Bewertungen von etwas bzw. ein Rezension eines Videospiels.


hei Jungs, was ist mit dem Verb "Anfangen" ? Ich hab's neuerdings mit ein völlig anderer Bedeutung, also anders als "Beginnen", gekoppelt gesehen. "Ja, ich konnte es nicht wirklich anfangen" oder so, also bei vielen Bewertungen von etwas bzw. ein Rezension eines Videospiels.

"Mit etwas nichts anfangen können" bedeutet so viel wie "Unable to get into something". Also wenn z.B. ein Spiel eigentlich gut ist, aber es dir einfach keinen Spaß macht (weil es zu anspruchslos oder was auch immer ist). Es ist eher subjektiv und muss sich nicht unbedingt auf was konkretes beziehen.


hei Jungs, was ist mit dem Verb "Anfangen" ? Ich hab's neuerdings mit ein völlig anderer Bedeutung, also anders als "Beginnen", gekoppelt gesehen. "Ja, ich konnte es nicht wirklich anfangen" oder so, also bei vielen Bewertungen von etwas bzw. ein Rezension eines Videospiels.

I reckon you mean this particular construction:
Mit jemandem/etwas etwas/nichts anfangen können.

That's like something/someone is/isn't your cup of tea.
Jap das war's ganz genau. ich danke euch beide, das habe ich geahnt, aber die Bestätigung von euch ist immer am hilfreichsten.

Uebrigens was ist mit diesem Ihrzen in dem Hexer? das habe ich auch erfahren in Avatar: Herr der Elemente. Ich habe in Erfahrung gebracht, dass Ihrzen war die 'damalige' (also, wann auch immer Schwerte und Schein-Ritter benutzt werden sollen) Weise, jemanden zu siezen? Hab ich das recht verstanden?

Und noch einige Ausdrücke von jenem Spiel:

"Und ob" erscheint ziemlich Unübersetzbar zu sein, ausgehend von den "You Bet!" Uebersetzungen, die ich dafür gesehen habe

"Wie dem auch sei" (be that as it may...) Huh?

Es ist schwer zu erkennen, was in diesem Spiel als absichtlich Altmodisch ausgedrückt wird, und was halt eher normales Deutsch ist. Ich schätze dass es eben ein Teil des Lernensprozess ist


"Und ob" erscheint ziemlich Unübersetzbar zu sein, ausgehend von den "You Bet!" Uebersetzungen, die ich dafür gesehen habe

"You bet!" is correct, I guess you can't translate it literally. Depending on the situation a reassuring "Oh yes!" means the same.

"Wie dem auch sei" (be that as it may...) Huh?

"Anyways...". If you think you're done with a topic in a conversation and want to move on to the next. Actually "be that as it may" seems also valid, at least its listed at leo.org. Never heard it in english before, though.


Uebrigens was ist mit diesem Ihrzen in dem Hexer? das habe ich auch erfahren in Avatar: Herr der Elemente. Ich habe in Erfahrung gebracht, dass Ihrzen war die 'damalige' (also, wann auch immer Schwerte und Schein-Ritter benutzt werden sollen) Weise, jemanden zu siezen? Hab ich das recht verstanden?

Das nennt sich "Pluralis majestatis", der Majestätsplural. Es war bzw. ist heute immer noch geläufig, dass Adlige von sich selbst in der 1. Person Plural (=Wir) sprechen und dementsprechend auch in der 2. Person Plural (=Ihr) angesprochen werden sollten. Wenn z.B. Königin Elisabeth II "we are not amused" sagt, dann greift sie auf diese spezielle Form der Sprache zurück. Das "we" ersetzt in diesem Falle das "I".
bin ein komischer Möchtegern, da ich 'zwei' mit 'zwo' ersetzt habe?

dank Eins-Zwo. lass uns diesen Sang genießen; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzGJYFNXjj8

Dieses Pluralis Majestatis wird immer noch benutzt? also, wirklich? wo? wann? Erscheint ziemlich gut geiegnet, jemanden zu verarschen. "Was auch immer ihr wollt, euere Hoheheit"

Weiter mit "Und Ob" , kann das also mit "Nur zu" verwechselt werden? Kann ihr mir nen Beispielsatz vormachen?

und noch etwas: "(ganz) gehörig" , ist wie "reichlich" (laut Wiki) , also "ich hab gehörig was ausgebeutet" ... oder? erscheint anders anzudeuten

was soll WWG heißen? ich poste ziemlich oft bei Reddit/De und hab soeben dies gekriegt:

Da musst ich gleich mal Skinner-Box googeln. WWG.


Weiter mit "Und Ob" , kann das also mit "Nur zu" verwechselt werden? Kann ihr mir nen Beispielsatz vormachen?
"Und ob" and "Nur zu" aren't the same.

"Hat Peter den Salat gegessen? - Und ob!" ("Has Peter eaten the salad? - You bet!")
"Kann ich den Salat essen? - Nur zu" ("Can I eat the salad? - Go ahead")

und noch etwas: "(ganz) gehörig" , ist wie "reichlich" (laut Wiki) , also "ich hab gehörig Geld gekriegt" ... oder? erscheint anders anzudeuten

Yeah, it can be used to amplify an action ("Gehörig Ärger bekommen"). But "gehören" means usually "to belong".

And "zwo" is a somewhat common alternative to "zwei", because it's easier distinguishable from "drei" (which rhymes with "zwei" and can be misunderstood e.g. on radio communication).

"WWG" probably means "wieder was gelernt", never seen it before actually.


bin ein komischer Möchtegern, da ich 'zwei' mit 'zwo' ersetzt habe?

dank Eins-Zwo. lass uns diesen Sang genießen; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzGJYFNXjj8

Dieses Pluralis Majestatis wird immer noch benutzt? also, wirklich? wo? wann? Erscheint ziemlich gut geiegnet, jemanden zu verarschen. "Was auch immer ihr wollt, euere Hoheheit"

Weiter mit "Und Ob" , kann das also mit "Nur zu" verwechselt werden? Kann ihr mir nen Beispielsatz vormachen?

und noch etwas: "(ganz) gehörig" , ist wie "reichlich" (laut Wiki) , also "ich hab gehörig Geld gekriegt" ... oder? erscheint anders anzudeuten

No way, Zwo is awesome. I learned to love it doing army service. You use it so that no one mistakes zwei for drei. Eins Zwo is even more awesome!

Pluralis majestatis is only appropriate when you address a member of a ruling or formerly ruling house, like the queen of England or Ernst Haugust von Hannover. Like eure königliche Hoheit, wie geht's es ihnen? So really just in Company with the title not in normal conversation and even then it looks like your trying way to hard.

"kannst Du scrabble?" "und ob!"

"ich mach dich fertig in scrabble!" "nur zu!"

The sentence with gehörig would work imo!
Oh well...

Pluralis Majestatis kann man aber auch zum Spott hernehmen.

dachte ich mir! dieser Kerl, mit dem ich arbeitete, hat der Cheffin mal "oh bitte schön, euere Hoheit" gesagt und ich fand das halt hilarious. Er arbeitet da nicht mehr :lol (ist aber eigentlich ein Gärtner bei der Insel Mainau... krassssss)

Fritz, dein Beispiel zeigt mir perfekt, wo's langgeht mit jenen Ausdrücken. Danke!
So ehm, I'm trying to add some stuff to my resume and I figured rekindling my high school German and French (and learning Russian on the side..) would be a good thing to do, since that might be useful.

My first thing to do is a benchmark of sorts. I was thinking a particular German book or an online language test to see how much I've forgotten and how much effort it would take to get it active again.

Would anyone happen to have some pretty good ideas on where I might find this (and more)?
(I know about free online public domain material and all, but I would go for something like philosophy, so I kinda want people to recommend me something a bit more 'daily life', if you know what I mean)

Is 'der Mann ohne Eigenschaften' public domain? It's published somewhere around 1920, I believe, so it might be or not be.


So ehm, I'm trying to add some stuff to my resume and I figured rekindling my high school German and French (and learning Russian on the side..) would be a good thing to do, since that might be useful.

My first thing to do is a benchmark of sorts. I was thinking a particular German book or an online language test to see how much I've forgotten and how much effort it would take to get it active again.

Would anyone happen to have some pretty good ideas on where I might find this (and more)?
(I know about free online public domain material and all, but I would go for something like philosophy, so I kinda want people to recommend me something a bit more 'daily life', if you know what I mean)

Is 'der Mann ohne Eigenschaften' public domain? It's published somewhere around 1920, I believe, so it might be or not be.

First of, the film ought to be in the public domain. In Germany copyright is granted for 70 years after first publishing or after the death of the author. Usually the latter.

So would you be looking for recent books with a philosophical touch?


Confirmed Asshole
Musil is Austrian.


"Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften" was released in volumes. Each volume has its own copyright status.

It obviously gets weird with the final volume, since he never finished it. But by the letter of the law, Musil's notes themselves have a copyright status, and constructed final volumes going from the notes have their own copyright status.

To figure it all out, you have to look at each volume specifically, basically, apart from releases that state they're the third volume as intended, because authorship has to be distributed.

That's how I understand it.

Anyway, derivative works always get their own copyright status, albeit restrictions from the original work might reduce the set of possible configurations.

Don't ask questions like this. It makes puppies cry.
Crying puppies? By the gods, what have I become?

First of, the film ought to be in the public domain. In Germany copyright is granted for 70 years after first publishing or after the death of the author. Usually the latter.

So would you be looking for recent books with a philosophical touch?

I had no idea there was a movie. Speaking of movies, I should also look up "frau im mond", since that is the source for the idea of a countdown anyway.

But as far as books go, anything that is 'easy to read' at this point will do. 'Der Mann ohne Eigenshaften' is more of a classic that I still have to read and figured I might as well try to read in its original language. (and had hoped to be freely available...)


Crying puppies? By the gods, what have I become?

I had no idea there was a movie. Speaking of movies, I should also look up "frau im mond", since that is the source for the idea of a countdown anyway.

But as far as books go, anything that is 'easy to read' at this point will do. 'Der Mann ohne Eigenshaften' is more of a classic that I still have to read and figured I might as well try to read in its original language. (and had hoped to be freely available...)

No movie, just complete fail on my behalf. Ever since smartphones I tent to dismiss double checks!
Alright, I've received another kind reply, this time from the company that I'd written to.

The person in charge of the inquiry e-mail address identified herself as the great-granddaughter of a person with my last name who may or may not already be in my family tree. If I can confirm that my great-grandfather's father is who I'm guessing and she identifies her great-grandfather as the one in my research tree, then my great-great-great-great-grandfather is also her great-great-great-grandfather. Now waiting for confirmation on her side, at least. I also received a mailing address for a relative of hers with my last name who may be able to help.

Given the rarity of my last name and its apparent concentration in Berlin, it seems pretty likely that there's a relation of some kind and that this was my first direct contact with a German relative. Sehr spannend!
So ehm, I'm trying to add some stuff to my resume and I figured rekindling my high school German and French (and learning Russian on the side..) would be a good thing to do, since that might be useful.

My first thing to do is a benchmark of sorts. I was thinking a particular German book or an online language test to see how much I've forgotten and how much effort it would take to get it active again.

Would anyone happen to have some pretty good ideas on where I might find this (and more)?
(I know about free online public domain material and all, but I would go for something like philosophy, so I kinda want people to recommend me something a bit more 'daily life', if you know what I mean)

Is 'der Mann ohne Eigenschaften' public domain? It's published somewhere around 1920, I believe, so it might be or not be.

i'm really gonna fail to see how rusty german from high school is reallllly going to be impressive on a resume, if not completely frivolous. If it's useful to germans (the only reason that'd be on there), they'd expect a highly funcional level, with a certificate proving such. I'd imagine B2-C1 certificate certified by the Goethe Institut would be the only time German'd be helpful on a resume

das ist aber bloß mein Senf dazu ;'/

allerdings: if it will get you to learn german and more languages in general, then ihope you keep goin
i'm really gonna fail to see how rusty german from high school is reallllly going to be impressive on a resume, if not completely frivolous. If it's useful to germans (the only reason that'd be on there), they'd expect a highly funcional level, with a certificate proving such. I'd imagine B2-C1 certificate certified by the Goethe Institut would be the only time German'd be helpful on a resume

das ist aber bloß mein Senf dazu ;'/

allerdings: if it will get you to learn german and more languages in general, then ihope you keep goin

People seem to think higher of you even if you're not fluent so as useless as it practically is, it's like listing you where in a fraternity doing work with the community or something, it's just that little extra. Can you take those exams online for Goethe? I wouldn't mind getting a certificate saying how well I can speak german.
People seem to think higher of you even if you're not fluent so as useless as it practically is, it's like listing you where in a fraternity doing work with the community or something, it's just that little extra. Can you take those exams online for Goethe? I wouldn't mind getting a certificate saying how well I can speak german.

naaaaa, das Goethe Institut ist kein Witz. Man muss selber, also körperliche Anwesenheit, auftauchen und eine umfangsreiche Prüfung bestehen. Mündliche, schriftlich, etc.
Online Tests kann man schon machen, aber halt um seine ungefähre Fähigkeit zu messen

BTW: Erste Ausgabe der Postillon fernseherartigen Sendungen.


leidlich unterhaltsam imo, es taugt
naaaaa, das Goethe Institut ist kein Witz. Man muss selber, also körperliche Anwesenheit, auftauchen und eine umfangsreiche Prüfung bestehen. Mündliche, schriftlich, etc.
Online Tests kann man schon machen, aber halt um seine ungefähre Fähigkeit zu messen

BTW: Erste Ausgabe der Postillon fernseherartigen Sendungen.


leidlich unterhaltsam imo, es taugt

Ja, ich habe nicht gemeint dass es ein Witz ist aber ich glaube dass es kein Goethe Institut in den USA gibt? Ich weiss Online Tests sind nicht perfekt aber besser als nichts.

Edit: Are there any shows similar to wetter dass? I just found out they put some of the clips up on their website and I'm addicted to it.


Ja, ich habe nicht gemeint dass es ein Witz ist aber ich glaube dass es kein Goethe Institut in den USA gibt? Ich weiss Online Tests sind nicht perfekt aber besser als nichts.

Edit: Are there any shows similar to wetter dass? I just found out they put some of the clips up on their website and I'm addicted to it.

Wetten dass... Ich hab nie verstanden warum diese Show so erfolgreich war. Aber das ist wie mit der fast schon deutschen Tradition des Sonntägigen Tatort Familienabends.

Bin nicht damit aufgewachsen. Thomas Gottschalk war immer sehr souverän, aber kam mir immer sehr aufdringlich rüber.

Zu deiner Frage : Nein! Die Show war ein Unikat. (nope, i think this show was unique and will be missed by a lot of germans... (not me))
Wetten dass... Ich hab nie verstanden warum diese Show so erfolgreich war. Aber das ist wie mit der fast schon deutschen Tradition des Sonntägigen Tatort Familienabends.

Bin nicht damit aufgewachsen. Thomas Gottschalk war immer sehr souverän, aber kam mir immer sehr aufdringlich rüber.

Zu deiner Frage : Nein! Die Show war ein Unikat. (nope, i think this show was unique and will be missed by a lot of germans... (not me))

Haha, I think it's more the moronic challenges more than anything else that makes it worth watching. I'm surprised there hasn't been a show that's tried to rip it off with how many shows nowadays are just ripoffs of other shows.


"Wetten dass...?" geht doch weiter?

Naja, finde das Konzept auch schon sehr angestaubt, das ZDF könnte mal was neues machen.


Haha, I think it's more the moronic challenges more than anything else that makes it worth watching. I'm surprised there hasn't been a show that's tried to rip it off with how many shows nowadays are just ripoffs of other shows.

If your looking for moronic challenges try "Schlag den Raab"!
If your looking for moronic challenges try "Schlag den Raab"!

:lol I just watched a clip and they did american gladiators, kicking a soccer ball past someone and some normal ones and then who could unscrew 5 screws from a piece of wood over their head first. Now this is a good suggestion! :D Not the same as Wetten Dass but still good. Does Raab mean anything?

"Wetten dass...?" geht doch weiter?

Naja, finde das Konzept auch schon sehr angestaubt, das ZDF könnte mal was neues machen.

I don't think it is if it's cancelled. I didn't know that, I remember watching it a couple years ago and I couldn't fall asleep last night so I wanted to practice my german so I was watching clips on youtube and then saw they had a website with clips also.
:lol I just watched a clip and they did american gladiators, kicking a soccer ball past someone and some normal ones and then who could unscrew 5 screws from a piece of wood over their head first. Now this is a good suggestion! :D Not the same as Wetten Dass but still good. Does Raab mean anything?

The guy you have to beat in this show is Stefan Raab. He's a pretty popular entertainer and late night talker.


The guy you have to beat in this show is Stefan Raab. He's a pretty popular entertainer and late night talker.

The show's thrill comes from the fact that Raab is a SUPER average guy apart from being unbelievably competitive. So all these athletic guys keep competing against him but it's amazingly hard because he somehow wins all the time.


The show's thrill comes from the fact that Raab is a SUPER average guy apart from being unbelievably competitive. So all these athletic guys keep competing against him but it's amazingly hard because he somehow wins all the time.

He's in a huge advantage though because he is used to all that showbusiness stuff.


oh that concept is´nt known over the pond? i thought Raab Entertainment sold it to every country XD.. joke aside, i think the UK and a few other countries tried /are running copy shows

Maybe have a look at "ladykracher" by anke engelke. In my opinion one of germany´s funniest tv-folk. http://www.sat1.de/tv/ladykracher

and "die heute show" http://heuteshow.zdf.de/ZDF/zdfportal/web/ZDF.de/heute-show/2942714/5989212/b77111/heute-show.html

And yes i nearly forgot, that "wetten Dass" will be continued. But i don´t know many, that are looking forward to the new moderator Markus Lanz.
oh that concept is´nt known over the pond? i thought Raab Entertainment sold it to every country XD.. joke aside, i think the UK and a few other countries tried /are running copy shows

Maybe have a look at "ladykracher" by anke engelke. In my opinion one of germany´s funniest tv-folk. http://www.sat1.de/tv/ladykracher

and "die heute show" http://heuteshow.zdf.de/ZDF/zdfportal/web/ZDF.de/heute-show/2942714/5989212/b77111/heute-show.html

And yes i nearly forgot, that "wetten Dass" will be continued. But i don´t know many, that are looking forward to the new moderator Markus Lanz.

Wait, they're changing the host? Why? That seems incredibly stupid and offputting...

Also, can anyone tell me what behendigkeit means? It's in a book I'm reading and I can't seem to find a definition online.


Wait, they're changing the host? Why? That seems incredibly stupid and offputting...

Also, can anyone tell me what behendigkeit means? It's in a book I'm reading and I can't seem to find a definition online.

cause Gottschalk did it for yeeeeeeeeeeeears (´87 til 2011)... he was the synonym for this show.

and to answer your question.


Behändigkeit meint im weitesten Sinne das Tempo einer Person . ( the "speed" of (hand)movement of a person if i would try to translate it into english)
Wenn du deinen Job jahrelang, tagtäglich ausübst, bist du behändig in der Ausübung = Zügiges Arbeiten ^^.
Herrje! ich hab schon wieder einige Fragen, freut ihr euch?

"might as well.." also , dieser Ausdruck kommt mir immer noch stets ins Gehirn, und ich kann es gar nicht übersetzen oder was ähnliches finden. Ich nehme an, ihr wisst wo's lang geht damit, aber wenn nicht: "might as well" kommt vor wenn man unterwegs oder mittendrin des Handelns einer Sache, und was anderes kann gleichzeitig oder gleich danach leicht erledigt werden:

- Da die Mülltone neben dem Wascheraum ist, you might as well wasch deine Wäsche.

- Da wir heut in die Stadt gehen, might as well unsere Kaufbeutel mitbringen und bei Edeka einkaufen

Auch: We might as well not even go, da es regnet so heftig
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