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GAF spricht Deutsch, zumindest hier drinnen...

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Neo Member
Good times.

Alfred jodokus quack is such a great series.
They touched on so many important social issues!
Very fond memories of that show, probably the best german children's tv (or is it originally from the Netherlands)

Yeah, great series. I remember watching it as a small kid and one episode made me cry, I didnt even knew why back than. Should look for the episode and find out, i think it was something with a girl-duck.

@Alpha-Bromega: Sagen mir gar nichts, ich höre außer Beginner, Fettes Brot und Fanta4 aber eh kaum Deutschrap.

Absolute Beginner.. those were the days. I still can rap-along almost every track from Bambule. Eins Zwo was awesome as well. Those were the dominant days of northern rap. Sadly those days are long gone.
"Du bist dumm!"

"So sehr nun auch wieder nicht"

anscheinend ist das "Gestelle" dieses Phrases ein Ausdruck, oder? Als ich es erst gelesen habe, musste ich zig mal hingucken, denn es besteht aus nichts anders als Adverbien und für mich hat kaum eine Bedeutung.

was soll so ein "So X auch wieder nicht" heißen? wie kann ich es selber benutzen?

Ja @Patrick sie taugen mir, aber nicht dermaßen dass ich ihre Alben sofort kaufen wollte. So ist es eben mit deutschem Rap im weiteren Sinn -_-


"Du bist dumm!"

"So sehr nun auch wieder nicht"

anscheinend ist das "Gestelle" dieses Phrases ein Ausdruck, oder? Als ich es erst gelesen habe, musste ich zig mal hingucken, denn es besteht aus nichts anders als Adverbien und für mich hat kaum eine Bedeutung.

was soll so ein "So X auch wieder nicht" heißen? wie kann ich es selber benutzen?

Ja @Patrick sie taugen mir, aber nicht dermaßen dass ich ihre Alben sofort kaufen wollte. So ist es eben mit deutschem Rap im weiteren Sinn -_-

"Gott ist das Chilli scharf geworden !" oder " Verdammt, es ist zu warm/schwül heute". "Ganz schön teuer!"
" So sehr nun auch wieder nicht " .. im Sinne von : Nun übertreib aber nicht. ( Don´t exaggerate)


Neo Member
You guys need to listen to Fünf Sterne Deluxe:



I liked them back then. And I guess they are perfect for learning the language, because they speak German in quite a proper and clean way.

how could i forget. this album is my fave of the whole golden era of german rap. the text is pure gold, i needed months to get all the wordplays. I really think this is the craziest and most cleverly written rapsong ever made in germany http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6u-PKoeD_o
Ist Bushido ein popular Rapper in Deutschland? Eine Freundin von mir hat ihn empfohlen. Er ist nicht schlecht aber Deutsch Rap klingt noch ein bisschen komisch für mich aber ich weiß Amerikanisch Rap ist nicht viel besser. :p


Ist Bushido ein popular Rapper in Deutschland? Eine Freundin von mir hat ihn empfohlen. Er ist nicht schlecht aber Deutsch Rap klingt noch ein bisschen komisch für mich aber ich weiß Amerikanisch Rap ist nicht viel besser. :p

Super popular, but it's not considered the most quality stuff. Kids love him though. If you'ld rather listen to De La Soul than 50 Cent you should check the stuff posted so far (Eins Zwo, Absolute Beginner, Fettes Brot etc.).

Talking about it, I am just watching Besson's Taxi, Taxi and beforehand they showed Masive Töne with "2 Mille". I loved it back then but in retrospect it's pretty bad, huh?
Super popular, but it's not considered the most quality stuff. Kids love him though. If you'ld rather listen to De La Soul than 50 Cent you should check the stuff posted so far (Eins Zwo, Absolute Beginner, Fettes Brot etc.).

Talking about it, I am just watching Besson's Taxi, Taxi and beforehand they showed Masive Töne with "2 Mille". I loved it back then but in retrospect it's pretty bad, huh?

:lol I can't help but notice the one guy looks like Malcolm from Malcolm in the middle when it pans quickly. I'll have to listen to them then, I saw links on previous pages I just haven't watched them all. I sent my friend a youtube video and the background music was Sonnenbank flavour by Bushido and she was telling me how she likes him and some songs of his so I was curious. I wasn't expecting her to know it since it was the just instrumental and I didn't even know it was an actual song.

Edit: :lol All I can think of is Malcolm while watching it.


:lol I can't help but notice the one guy looks like Malcolm from Malcolm in the middle when it pans quickly. I'll have to listen to them then, I saw links on previous pages I just haven't watched them all. I sent my friend a youtube video and the background music was Sonnenbank flavour by Bushido and she was telling me how she likes him and some songs of his so I was curious. I wasn't expecting her to know it since it was the just instrumental and I didn't even know it was an actual song.

Edit: :lol All I can think of is Malcolm while watching it.

LOL, now that you say it! Sonnenbank Flavour is the single Bushido song I like. I have to admit though, I never really checked his work out. Maybe I am not doing him justice. I really like Kool Savas and Sido though. Especially Sido get's or used to get a lot of crap by kinda more "distinguished" enthusiasts but I think he is fun.Oh, and explicit material, provided one understands German obviously :D


Yeah Bushido got some great songs. There's actually a massive difference between the Aggro Berlin Bushido from 10 years ago and his more recent mainstream work. Of his recent stuff "Alles wird gut", "Zeiten ändern sich", "Für immer Jung", "Jenny", "Alles Verloren", "Janine", "Berlin", and "Denk an mich" are all pretty awesome. And I'm guessing i'm still missing a couple...

The other stuff from his label isnt that bad either, one of my favorite songs: Kay One - Ein guter Tag (clickable)


I am just skipping through old videos from the 90s on YouTube and Jeez were they amateurish.
I loved Rödelheim Hartreim Projekt eg and it's atrocious.

Anyone remembers J-Luv? "Weil Du mich liebst" is kinda like a pet peeve for me and my brother. It's decent and the vid has "something" (it looks like an Army of Lovers video which is quite original for Rapper). Anyway, I think he had potential. I know he did go on making music and was kinda celebrated in the Frankfurt area but he never really made it.
Seems to me like Kool Savas more or less started that "nasal/angry rap" style, which seems like a substitute for a deep voice (like it's common for black ppl. to have) because you gotta sound tough in da "ghetto" while rapping about bitches and hoes and killing ppl - shit like that doesn't even sound genuine in Germany...
At the same time the lyrics became dumber and dumber with each new artist.
Aand around that time I stopped listening to (German) rap/hiphop, lol

One of the last songs I liked:
Torch - Wir Waren Mal Stars


oh wait, that shit's hilarious :D

Mc Fitti - 30 Grad
But only because of that video..


the piano man
apropos Musik, ich verstehe es einfach nicht warum muß man sich den Scheißsong " I only miss you when you are breathing" täglich, ein Mal pro Stunde seit etwa 3 Monaten hier in Deutschland anhören wenn man das Radio anmacht.

rufen wirklich Leute an damit man das spielt oder sind es Plattenfirmen die dafür bezahlen? langsam reicht es schon.

Andere hits kamen und gingen, wie die aus dem MDNA Album und das eine Lied bleibt da wie unberührt.

ich höre mir lieber "There she goes", das kommt aber seltener vor.....

wo ich nicht entschieden bin ist bei dem " An Tagen wie diesen" Song, manchmal finde ich den Text doof, manchmal mag ich doch den sound..


Confirmed Asshole
If I listen to the radio, it's either Jazz or Classic. I don't understand why you'd bother with Pop. That shit is fucking broken on the radio, and has been for at least a decade. You will get the Top Ten in a loop of sorts, with the occasional surprise thrown in. You don't need to deal with that though, really.
Yeah Bushido got some great songs. There's actually a massive difference between the Aggro Berlin Bushido from 10 years ago and his more recent mainstream work. Of his recent stuff "Alles wird gut", "Zeiten ändern sich", "Für immer Jung", "Jenny", "Alles Verloren", "Janine", "Berlin", and "Denk an mich" are all pretty awesome. And I'm guessing i'm still missing a couple...

The other stuff from his label isnt that bad either, one of my favorite songs: Kay One - Ein guter Tag (clickable)

are you 14?


apropos Musik, ich verstehe es einfach nicht warum muß man sich den Scheißsong " I only miss you when you are breathing" täglich, ein Mal pro Stunde seit etwa 3 Monaten hier in Deutschland anhören wenn man das Radio anmacht.

rufen wirklich Leute an damit man das spielt oder sind es Plattenfirmen die dafür bezahlen? langsam reicht es schon.

Andere hits kamen und gingen, wie die aus dem MDNA Album und das eine Lied bleibt da wie unberührt.

ich höre mir lieber "There she goes", das kommt aber seltener vor.....

wo ich nicht entschieden bin ist bei dem " An Tagen wie diesen" Song, manchmal finde ich den Text doof, manchmal mag ich doch den sound..

Yeah, Radio is hopeless. Only station I can listen to is Radio Eins in Berlin. The rest is garbage. Worst offenders I know are back home in Niedersachsen. Genesis, Bon jovi and the occasional "hit von Heute" being the spice girls "viva forever" or something alike. No wonder germany struggles so hard to produce any worthwhile pop artist.

When I am driving and cannot plug my iPhone I find myself with my left hand resting on the console to skip through channels constantly. It's that bad.


Yeah, Radio is hopeless. Only station I can listen to is Radio Eins in Berlin. The rest is garbage. Worst offenders I know are back home in Niedersachsen. Genesis, Bon jovi and the occasional "hit von Heute" being the spice girls "viva forever" or something alike. No wonder germany struggles so hard to produce any worthwhile pop artist.

When I am driving and cannot plug my iPhone I find myself with my left hand resting on the console to skip through channels constantly. It's that bad.

People need to listen more to the Campusradio stations. Shameless plug for the radio I work for: http://ctdasradio.de/


Yeah, Radio is hopeless. Only station I can listen to is Radio Eins in Berlin. The rest is garbage. Worst offenders I know are back home in Niedersachsen. Genesis, Bon jovi and the occasional "hit von Heute" being the spice girls "viva forever" or something alike. No wonder germany struggles so hard to produce any worthwhile pop artist.

Genesis happens to be quite nice if you know what kind of music they're really capable of, namely progressive rock (which is ultimately overlooked by radio stations, they usually play the late 70s/80s songs by Genesis).

But yeah, radio sucks. Back in the day, they used to play new stuff that was actually new – today songs are said to be "new" when the single/album is already available for at least a month. q(-_-)p


People need to listen more to the Campusradio stations. Shameless plug for the radio I work for: http://ctdasradio.de/

haha.. cheers, fellow collegue http://soundcloud.com/campusradio-kiel
what do you do there? id be interested to see how you guys run things compared to us here.

Sounds interesting. Just listening to Booya's stream and I am really digging it. AnGer (sorry) Xater, the page was empty?

I'd like to know how campus radios work. I mean, I have a faint idea, but yeah.


Neo Member
Sounds interesting. Just listening to Booya's stream and I am really digging it. AnGer, the page was empty?

I'd like to know how campus radios work. I mean, I have a faint idea, but yeah.

It all comes down to the energy every one wants to put into it. Obviously thers no real money coming in (with a few exceptions). I started a year ago and im head of the music departmenet now, where we meet every week. Everyone brings new/old music with him and we listen through it and decide if we want to add it to our pool. The music departement than choses the music for the shows to play with the exceptions of the shows people in the music departement host themself.
We have a news department that meets three times a week to collect and record local uni related news (you can hear those two times during each show).
There is an online department that is in charge of our homepage and if the staff is big enough (currently it is small as hell) we have also a lot of bits about anything of interest.
Anything else is a bonus that can become something of a bigger hobby. The guy who is currently in charge of Campusradio (it is obviously pretty changeable because a lot of staff changes from semester to semester due to more stress at the uni or finishing up their studies etc.) organized a club evening for us at a small venue with no pay but for us it was one of the most things we could do. We started spinning under the campusradio a year ago and it turned now into something bigger:
I was searching for interesting guests and found two girls from berlin that specialize on scandinavian music (nordic by nature). I invited them on the day they were spinning at an awesome local club and we did a collab-show together. During the show i met the guy who runs the club, talked to him a bit and basically explained him what i just wrote here. The girls talked to him afterwards ( i think ) and he offered us to try out a new clubnight in his club. We put in a lot of energy the last couple of weeks, designed posters ( http://foxbird.de/kram/indieWelleEntwurf.jpg ) and took them all over campus. The great thing is the support the club did us. They basically printed thousands of flyer and posters for us, which is a pretty awesome thing of them to do. The party was two days ago and it was a big success. This is basically one of my biggest dreams come true and it shows me what awesome stuff can happen if one puts some energy into a project.
We also host other projects like something called Powerpoint-Karaoke, where we present, host and organize the whole deal. Other projects include now stuff like being in charge of the music and presenting Poetry Slams and slowly it even goes into coming up projects by the city or big cultural organisation that want to hire us as presenters and music guys.
Only sad thing is that everything can be totally different in one years time because, and i guess this applies to all campusradios, the staff always changes.
LOL, now that you say it! Sonnenbank Flavour is the single Bushido song I like. I have to admit though, I never really checked his work out. Maybe I am not doing him justice. I really like Kool Savas and Sido though. Especially Sido get's or used to get a lot of crap by kinda more "distinguished" enthusiasts but I think he is fun.Oh, and explicit material, provided one understands German obviously :D

Haha, does Sonnenbank have a second meaning? Doesn't it mean like a tanning bed?


the piano man
Sobald der zweite Tor kam, ging die Verbindung weg... verdammte Seite, jetzt weiss ich nicht mehr was gerade passiert.

what do you mean with "sound" ? sound was o.k all the time.


the piano man
Ya, it is now but I was watching before and it wasn't working either. :(

the connection was unstable but I managed to watch the majority of it, sorry to hear yuo missed it.

germany wasn't playing that well, anyway. The team seemed a bit off, not necesarily bad, but you know how they call "ugly football"
the connection was unstable but I managed to watch the majority of it, sorry to hear yuo missed it.

germany wasn't playing that well, anyway. The team seemed a bit off, not necesarily bad, but you know how they call "ugly football"

I got to see it, it's just the announcing was in english since I'm in the US and I just wish I could hear german games in german for once. I don't know what that site's problem is. I can't even watch the recap videos on it. It has the 1 with the circle like it's loading and then that disappears and stays black.



Say what you want about him - it's one of the best German rap albums of all time


Confirmed Asshole
I got to see it, it's just the announcing was in english since I'm in the US and I just wish I could hear german games in german for once. I don't know what that site's problem is. I can't even watch the recap videos on it. It has the 1 with the circle like it's loading and then that disappears and stays black.

Oh if you're in the US, you can't watch stuff on that site because of legal reasons. Welcome to what it feels like to click on YT links from US dudes. (It's pretty much bullshit)


the piano man
Oh if you're in the US, you can't watch stuff on that site because of legal reasons. Welcome to what it feels like to click on YT links from US dudes. (It's pretty much bullshit)

I hate watching youtube in Germany with a passion, every single fucking song is banned or censored.

why won't the GEMA give the fucking green light to official videos from their interpreters?

I am sure lady gaga with her ladygagaVEVO account would love us people in Germany to watch her videos, but we can't because some random institute or organization doesn't want us too.

absolute bullshit.


Confirmed Asshole
I hate watching youtube in Germany with a passion, every single fucking song is banned or censored.

why won't the GEMA give the fucking green light to official videos from their interpreters?

I am sure lady gaga with her ladygagaVEVO account would love us people in Germany to watch her videos, but we can't because some random institute or organization doesn't want us too.

absolute bullshit.

Well, it's a legitimate complaint from the GEMA when they do not get ad revenue when the contract with the artist specifically mentions that, and it's a legal contract, which is what's going on under the hood.
However, straight-out blocking videos, instructing publishers to block videos, instructing artists to block videos, blocking videos on bullshit claims, all that is just bullying and atrocious. YT should really sue the fuckers, together with the artists. But the artists of course don't want to upset the GEMA because of said contracts.
The thing is, in Germany, either you're 100% indie with the related issues when it comes to distribution and legal power, or you actively sustain a national monopoly. It's seriously fucked.
Oh if you're in the US, you can't watch stuff on that site because of legal reasons. Welcome to what it feels like to click on YT links from US dudes. (It's pretty much bullshit)

Ya, but I was using a vpn thing for Germany which has worked for other sites that's why I'm surprised it didn't work for that. And ya, you must have missed my bitching in here about gema while I was still living in Germany. :p


Confirmed Asshole
Ya, but I was using a vpn thing for Germany which has worked for other sites that's why I'm surprised it didn't work for that. And ya, you must have missed my bitching in here about gema while I was still living in Germany. :p

VPN doesn't gel well with streaming in general. And the stream was dodgy as it is. So that's probably what's been breaking things for you then - accumulated timeouts resulting in a non-continuous packet stream, which is a rejection scenario in most Flash players.
VPN doesn't gel well with streaming in general. And the stream was dodgy as it is. So that's probably what's been breaking things for you then - accumulated timeouts resulting in a non-continuous packet stream, which is a rejection scenario in most Flash players.

Ah, gotcha. Are games like that broadcast on main channels? I wonder if it would have been on the zattoo site I use for stream stuff from germany. That's supposedly the state owned channels or something from what I was told. I didn't think of checking.
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