Thanks to everyone who voted! We were supposed to have a netmeeting this weekend to discuss the next step of the game. I will be at TGS from today until monday afternoon, so there will be no netmeeting this weekend.
Instead, if the team could choose a project lead for Neogaf the Neogame (seeing as I will be heading up Last Alarm), that would be excellent.
Once a project lead is decided upon, we will allocate teams at the next netmeeting, which is set to be the sunday after this one. Since I feel a voice meeting would be best (if possible), please try to dig out a microphone if you have one. If a voice meeting is not possible we will hold a regular IRC meeting.
In the meantime, just enjoy TGS, and I will see you all at the netmeeting next sunday!
Everyone, please remember that we have a development blog to keep everyone updated on the game's progress: Please make sure to check it as often as possible, as it will become the most important resource for those who do not idle in the gafgame IRC channel.
Please also try to visit the IRC channel often, as it is where we will be having meetings.