Call it a hunch.
But enough about my back problems. Burb just reads to me like a guy trying to take control of the narrative. I'd rather not let him.
Just in general control the narrative, or in any specific direction?
What do you make of his vote on Wee? His vote was originally on Salva who would have lead if he'd kept it there. With the swap Salva, Wee and Kalor (latter had just claimed) were in a three way tie.
I mostly skimmed the thread at the time (was at work looking at my phone whenever I could), but the sudden turn against Wee came as a surprise to me. I remember being busy just before the deadline so I quickly skimmed those last few posts.As of now, in the direction of eliminating the commuter claim.
His vote was on Salva, yes, but as you mentioned, switching it turned things into a tie. And, if we believe the current claims, everyone on weemad except CzarTim and AbsolutBro (alignment currently unknown) was townie. Jumping in early on that would do wonders for Burb's townie cred later if wee ended up getting lynched.
I mean, this is still just me creating a story to fit my suspicions, but I think it's highly plausible.
Aegh, who to vote! I believe scrafty aswell as Kalor but ofc don't want to get lynched. : /
Then what are your thoughts on Salva
He is my bro but in the other hand him saying out loud that he dies not 'feel' like posted just felt strange .
------------------------This sudden surge of votes to Salva does feel odd though. Has Xam even voiced any opinions of salva before that vote?
How about moving the vote to Fireblend then? Wince it does not feel like weemad will be a lynch candidate.
Weemad has three votes right now, I haven't gave up on the thought they are lynched today just yet.
------------------------I don't know, killing Salva feels off to me. Even if he has not contributed much up to this point he does not feel like a scum candidate.
Well then
VOTE: weemadarthur
I just find it so weird that town is so eager to vote out people who VOTED for the scum player instead of suspecting the ones who didn't, Occam's razor and all that. Sure there is a chance there is a scum player hidden there, but come on.
Sorry for being a bit dense, bit how did you end up with Fire?That really just leaves the pool of people who have an unconfirmed alignment in that list at.... Fireblend lol
Hell, I believe it. Anyone for a last minute push for Fireblend?
That really just leaves the pool of people who have an unconfirmed alignment in that list at.... Fireblend lol
Hell, I believe it. Anyone for a last minute push for Fireblend?
Sorry for being a bit dense, bit how did you end up with Fire?
Look at the votes on Salva at the end:
The other three (ok at least Ouro and weemad, but i obviously wouldn't put myself out there) are confirmed alignment. That just leaves Fireblend.
Lets see:
-Bronx was cleaned by scrafty (RIP).
-Terras, Nin and Absolutbro voted at a crucial time to nail down weemad, without really knowing if I was town or not. This makes this 3 my top town player, aside cleaned
-I, SalvaPot, am still not clean. I really appreciate nin's trust in me, and if he somehow was able to check my alignment I'll rather him not reveal how. But knowing nin, I am sure he knows me enough to realize I am town, and it was not with the help of an action.
-Launch has the 1-shot scrambler claim.
-Kalor has the commuter claim.
I think the early vote of czar and burb on weemad also puts them in my nice list, specially burb. I still feel iffy about czar.
Let's try to tier the suspects:
Shiny Clean
02. Bronx-man [m] (Gossiper)
14. Salvapot [m] (Because dat me)
Masters of the hammer
15. Terrabyte20xx [m]
01. AbsolutBro [m]
10. Nin1000 [m]
Early voters
04. Burbeting [m]
06. CzarTim [m]
Switched at the very last minute as a symbolic gesture?
18. Xamtheking [m]
Didn't try to save weemad
17. Ty4on [m]
05. Camjo-Z [m]
09. LaunchpadMcQ [m]
Antagonizer, mentioned wanted to vote him but wanted to avoid a tie
08. Kalor [m]
Away, Neutral or indifferent at the moment
03. BananaSpacePrincess [f]
07. Fireblend [m]
11. Ourobolus [m]
12. RobotNinjaHornets [m]
13. Roytheone [m]
16. Timeaisis [m]
I think we should look into RNH, I am suspicious of the way weemad went out of his way to have Kalor unvote him. Seemed to me like he tried to avoid a teammate gaining traction.
Vote: RobotNinjaHornets
If I missed anything important, let me know.
Updated claim chart:
Claims so far:
Launchpad - Claims 1-shot table scrambler, power works during night, but command is sent during the day. Affects 1 table of Launch's choosing. Flavor is ScraftyDevil, power or alignment hasn't been proven yet.
Xamtheking - Claims 2-shot table scrambler, power works during day. Affects both tables. Flavor is SalvaPot, power is proven, alignment is not.
Bronx-man - Claims gossip chat host, affects the two people sitting next to him. Flavor is Burbeting, power is proven, alignment is most likely town due to Scrafty checking him N1.
Terrabyte - Claims motion detector, is informed if there is acitivity in the seats next to him, but won't know if someone is targeting, or is being targeted. So far power or alignment is not proven. Claims Roytheone as the flavor.
nin1000 - Claims the same power, Ultron as flavor. Power nor alignment isn't proven so far.
Kalor - Claims even night commuter. Xamtheking as flavor. Power nor alignment isn't proben.
Ourobolus - Claims drink giver, neutral survivor/cowlicker. Cabot as Flavor. Power confirmed, alignment is not.
Xamtheking & CzarTim claims being given a drink, n1 and n2 respectably. According to Ouro, these drinks simply serve as marks.
Roytheone & Ourobolus claim to have been doused, n1 and n2 respectably. Seems to be connected to an arsonist, but we don't know for sure.
People with no claim/has only soft claimed ordinary
01. AbsolutBro [m] - Likely Arsonist
03. BananaSpacePrincess [f]
04. Burbeting [m]
05. Camjo-Z [m]
06. CzarTim [m] - Likely Arsonist
07. Fireblend [m]
12. RobotNinjaHornets [m]
13. Roytheone [m]
14. Salvapot [m]
16. Timeaisis [m]
17. Ty4on [m]
Also as an aside, the people who even suggested I'd go awol as a tactic are assholes.
Which is to say I think either Launch is lying about his power, or Xam is scum with that power.I don't know why oreo was suggesting I am the reason fire didn't get a drink, but I am ordinary.
Also not entirely sure if I believe both Launch and Xam have those powers.
Did you receive a drink on N1?I'll be right back with some input, hopefully tomorrow morning!
Ah, didn't catch that. I haven't focused much on Fire after D1, but that is suspicious.Look at the votes on Salva at the end:
The other three (ok at least Ouro and weemad, but i obviously wouldn't put myself out there) are confirmed alignment. That just leaves Fireblend.
What about either Launch or Ouro lying? I find it a bit weird Ouro managed to hit one of his targets when Launch supposedly scrambled the table.I don't know why oreo was suggesting I am the reason fire didn't get a drink, but I am ordinary.
Also not entirely sure if I believe both Launch and Xam have those powers.
Ah, didn't catch that. I haven't focused much on Fire after D1, but that is suspicious.
What about either Launch or Ouro lying? I find it a bit weird Ouro managed to hit one of his targets when Launch supposedly scrambled the table.
I mean I got a drink, so oreo isn't lying about that. But yes, I think Launch may be lying, but I am not sure if I think he is scum.
I don't have an alternate survivor win condition. Either I get everyone before one side wins, or I don't.Unless oreo is lying about his win condition? He said he loses if he doesn't get everyone a drink but he may be lying so we dont lynch him at the end
I don't have an alternate survivor win condition. Either I get everyone before one side wins, or I don't.
I fully expect to get immolated any day now, so it may as well be a moot point here.I mean, so you claim![]()
I fully expect to get immolated any day now, so it may as well be a moot point here.
Yeah, I figured if and when I claimed I'd have to deal with that. I can't really "prove" it without directly quoting the PM or asking for mod confirmation (which, well, is a little against the rules), but it's simple to test - either I leave early, or I don't and lose. But based on how things are going I don't think I'll have to worry much about that.Honestly, if there wasn't an arsonist and you weren't doused, I would probably have pushed for a lynch of you in order to prevent another NX situation (only this time I would be at the bad side of it). But that is probably not really relevant anymore, and even if you are lying about not having a survivor win, you are at least 100 % invested in the arsonist hunt.
That said, I think this Kalor vote is hilarious and transparent. Killing him is literally doing the dirty work of both mafia and arsonist. He claimed commuter, which means he's the one role neither of them are going to want to touch since he could easily be lying about which day he picked - or heck, just be totally lying and be something even worse for non-townies. What better way to eliminate the unknown threat than by lynching?
And so, I am updating my MAFIA RADAR to remove ouro and nin (whose claim I believe) and adding Burbeting, who apparently moved N1 (sup killer) and who I suspect is pushing Kalor as the lynch because he knows he can probably get away with it. You and Fireblend are my TOP NUMERO UNO SUSPECTS
I realized upon rereading that this part of my post:Also as an aside, the people who even suggested I'd go awol as a tactic are assholes.
sounds like I am accusing you of just that. I want to apologize, that wasnt what I meant. I was arguing the idea that being low activity doesnt hurt someone in an earlier post, and while my brain bridged the gap my posts did not. Sorry dude.but yeah, I am totally more suspicious and going afk is totally not what someone whose role seems to function during the night phase only would do.
FWIW, while I have certainly gone for Fireblend D1 & D2, I have softened considerably on him this day phase. Not enough to NOT vote for him, mind. Im not 100% convinced hes town or anything.Fireblend is the other guy on my MAFIA RADAR so if people wanna go for him I'm game.
Welcome! One thing to keep in mind is the day phase ends later today(IRL today), so no worries if you dont get caught up in time!Hey all!
I am glad to be part of the game, and join you all fine folks~
I'll be reading the thread and most importantly the most recent posts.
Thanks all~
I'll be right back with some input, hopefully tomorrow morning!
The only reason Ive gone hard on you is because our suspect pool is very limited, IF we operate under certain assumptions.Also sorry to be a disappointment, but I'm not the arsonist. However, I don't actually think ab is either. He's going hard on me so if he were the arso, he either expects to win tonight or is risking being the obvious lynch choice tomorrow.
I am not entirely sure he's town though, I realized yesterday I had no read on him, so I was hoping to put some pressure on him today. Not confident enough for a vote though.
see above.Which is to say I think either Launch is lying about his power, or Xam is scum with that power.
This is true.AB claimed Ordinary.
I mean I got a drink, so oreo isn't lying about that. But yes, I think Launch may be lying, but I am not sure if I think he is scum.
As of now, in the direction of eliminating the commuter claim.
His vote was on Salva, yes, but as you mentioned, switching it turned things into a tie. And, if we believe the current claims, everyone on weemad except CzarTim and AbsolutBro (alignment currently unknown) was townie. Jumping in early on that would do wonders for Burb's townie cred later if wee ended up getting lynched.
I mean, this is still just me creating a story to fit my suspicions, but I think it's highly plausible.
Or you know, roy is the arso and withheld night one to claim.
Could also have been role blocked.It's possible, although it would mean that 3 people would claim being doused without ignition happening (possible even 4). Would Arsonist waste one night from reaching their win condition?
It was almost for sure Salva until nin's plea for innocence. To be honest, I thought Nin and Salva were lovers so I backed out because of that....
Did scum fail to save Wee because:
-They didn't see it coming (was the case for me, but I was a bit busy and she were tied for a while)
-Didn't want to stand out and mass on Salva (Wee's vote came really late)
-Another scum was on the chopping block (Wee kept pushing for a Scrafty lynch)
-Too meny scum were AFK and couldn't save her
Those who were active back then, how likely did a Wee lynch seem in those last few hours and minutes? It seemed to go Scrafty, Kalor and then maybe Salva when I look at the votes in retrospect.
Should've asked this yesterday when Nin were here -_-
what does that have to do with this gameIt was almost for sure Salva until nin's plea for innocence. To be honest, I thought Nin and Salva were lovers so I backed out because of that.
what does that have to do with this game
Launch: If you had a more powerful role and were hiding behind a one shot claim? I just don't understand why town would have the ability to mess with tables in two different ways.
Ok, I'd like to know how people intend to vote. AB and Kalor already claimed, so there shouldn't be any last minute bullshit... right?
Hmm that's actually pretty believable, but it hinges on whether my ability worked or not. If mafia knew my ability didn't exist as I'd described it, they would have killed me because I was hiding something else. They know it happened the way I said it did, though.
But again, giving me too much credit here.