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Game Informer has released a God of War Ragnarok Combat Preview


Flashless at the Golden Globes
I'm genuinely curious what some really think next-gen is supposed to look like.
Sometimes when I see someone say a game doesn't look next-gen, I look outside and think to myself. Wtf is this person on, it looks better than real life.

I mean, how much more realistic and detailed can you make these scenes look?




There is no doubt that games will get more realistic looking. But by how much?
really? have you seen any of the CG God of War ads? Does this look as good as them?

Have you ever been in the Next Gen Graphical Fidelity I expect from next gen thread? Take a stroll in there to see what next gen consoles are capable of. See what Unity engine is doing with realtime character models and lion fur and hair rendering. See what UE4 devs were doing in 2019 creating photorealistic environments without the need of Nanite.

These character models dont even look as realistic as TLOU2 or Death Stranding's character models and those are last gen games. There is a lot of room for improvement. You will be surprised when you see a true next gen game from SSM in a few years. Probably even in their September showcase seeing as how their new IP has been in dev for 4 years.




It seems like the people so obsessed with graphics forgot that Elden Ring exists (and the critical and commercial success that it had).

If SSM are prioritising gameplay/puzzles/level design over trying to make a really pretty cross gen game -- they're absolutely making the right call.


Gold Member
really? have you seen any of the CG God of War ads? Does this look as good as them?

Have you ever been in the Next Gen Graphical Fidelity I expect from next gen thread? Take a stroll in there to see what next gen consoles are capable of. See what Unity engine is doing with realtime character models and lion fur and hair rendering. See what UE4 devs were doing in 2019 creating photorealistic environments without the need of Nanite.

These character models dont even look as realistic as TLOU2 or Death Stranding's character models and those are last gen games. There is a lot of room for improvement. You will be surprised when you see a true next gen game from SSM in a few years. Probably even in their September showcase seeing as how their new IP has been in dev for 4 years.




Yeah that post is extremely bizzarre.

Like dude the final objective of vg graphic is too look as good as real life or at least on par with AAA movie cg quality like star wars and you think this stuff that barely looks better than a game made for a 2013 cheap hardware is the endgame??

Fucking lmao, call pixar and tell em that they wasted the last 20 years of their life because they didn't had a ps4 :lollipop_grinning_sweat:
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The gameplay changes they have described in the interview dont seem to be significant. They are minor iterations I'd expect from a sequel 2 years in the making. This sequel has taken more than 4.5 years, basically as long as the original reboot did. For games that long in development and span generations, I expect bigger changes. See Uncharted 3 to Uncharted 4, TLOU to TLOU2. Cory himself said that games are taking longer to make which is why he wanted to finish the story in 2 games instead of making it a trilogy. Well, that doesnt mean you have to settle for the same combat.

I also think messing with an already perfect combat system by tweaking things instead of overhauling the combat system with entirely new movests, weapons and abilities doesnt always work. See Ascension which simply turned its combat into a bizarre convoluted mess, and also HFW which needlessly tweaked existing systems and ended up with a less fun version of HZD. This is the problem with making 40 hour games. You cant just throw out a brand new combat system after just one game, but by making the games 40 hours or 4x longer than they were before, you've risked the combat feeling samey. GOW's combat didnt star feeling samey until GOW3 but we were only around 20 hours into the franchise. With the reboot, we've already been playing this combat for 40 hours. Though having new enemies might help keep it from feeling too samey. Didnt help for HFW, but SSM are better game designers.

The more I play TLOU2, the more I appreciate it. It's a game that didnt just use the new tech to improve the combat systems, but also completely enhanced the overall level design. So many of the levels are huge and sandboxish, they dont ever feel like small arena battles. I am surprised I ever disliked playing the game because of pacing issues. While GOW's combat system was as perfect as they come, it felt a bit rigid and tanky at times. The lack of hermes boots from 3 really limited mobility which i guess was by design. Still, I think TLOU2 increases mobility without sacrificing the grounded feel by the way of its motion matching systems, and new animations. I guess I expect ALL sony studios to borrow the motion matching tech from ND after the E3 2018 demo. GOW2 was just starting dev, they couldve used it knowing the damn sequel was going to take 4 years anyway.

I dunno. Playing HFW and Elden Ring back to back and and struggling to shake the samey feeling really made me feel bored playing those games, and I dont want the same to happen to probably the only game im looking forward to play this year. I really hope they give you the Thor hammer right at the start and let you at least fly around the combat arenas with it.


Returnal is doing some cool things with destruction and lighting, but the game overall does not look as good as GOW Ragnorak. The first two levels have this great thick atmosphere, but by level 3 it's all gone. Levels 4-6 feel relatively last gen.

Level 4 which is rebuilt from Level 1 but under different lighting conditions shows this. It looks ugly and all the changed was removed the thick layer of fog and changed the lighting. Game feels very uneven. The snowy level 5 doesnt look as good as the desert level either and the particle effects dont save it from looking mediocre at best. GOW's environments make it feel far more punchy.
Ragnarök looks flat here when it comes to light and shadows, and it’s static, too many hard surfaces or something, I honestly don’t see where it looks good. Maybe the textures are highres but I can’t see that here so 🤷‍♂️
I know it’ll play well though and that’s what’s important.

I do agree that Returnal is uneven but generally speaking I like it a ton, Housemarque are doing so many cool things, doesn’t look like a UE4 game imo. I actually thought level 4 was cool, it really looks like it’s further into the future, I like it. Water level is nice in it’s own way, lots of cool effects there, I like it.


really? have you seen any of the CG God of War ads? Does this look as good as them?

Have you ever been in the Next Gen Graphical Fidelity I expect from next gen thread? Take a stroll in there to see what next gen consoles are capable of. See what Unity engine is doing with realtime character models and lion fur and hair rendering. See what UE4 devs were doing in 2019 creating photorealistic environments without the need of Nanite.

These character models dont even look as realistic as TLOU2 or Death Stranding's character models and those are last gen games. There is a lot of room for improvement. You will be surprised when you see a true next gen game from SSM in a few years. Probably even in their September showcase seeing as how their new IP has been in dev for 4 years.




If you read my entire post, you would realize in meant in general.
What does it take to be call next-gen if games like the TLOU already look so realistic?


Can't wait to crawl through caves, climb meaningless cliffs, squeeze through gaps, ride elevators, having boat rides for hundrets of times because of PS4s' HDD and its' streaming issues. Next to boy, most annoying part of GoW 2018.
Well fortunately these slow moments will still include Mimir and Kratos telling stories, so it's not like they serve no purpose other than hiding loading screens. Too many games out there try to tell these same stories during combat where you aren't really listening or they just put these stories into wall of texts that no one bothers to read.

2018 game is one of the few games out there where you actually care what the NPCs has to say, so I'm all up for story time again.
I'm 100% on board for Egypt if true.
Me too, Angerboda could be the "key" to this theory. Then it would ground this character in the world of GoW and make it believable, not politically correct.

But even if I'm wrong it does not change nothing, wasn't Kratos supposed to be covered in ashes because of the curse? So yeah, no pressure here nor am I butthurt by this character's skin color.

Plus we saw on mural in GoW 2018 that Egyptian pantheon exists and GoW 2018 was supposed to be originally set in Egyptian- not Norse mythology. So I think there's some possibility for this pantheon to be next. Angerboda theory just fits really nice with this tbh. Fingers crossed.
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If you read my entire post, you would realize in meant in general.
What does it take to be call next-gen if games like the TLOU already look so realistic?
- Increased environment interactivity
- Increased AI fidelity/behavior
- Better Physics
- Remove static/baked in lighting with ray tracing
- More Polygons (environments, nanite looks to solve this)
- Zero load times

Mostly, I think character models are there. I would like to see further improvements with how clothing and accessories interact with the nude model. Instead of something pre-defined/animated, a more dynamic approach would be welcomed.


If you read my entire post, you would realize in meant in general.
What does it take to be call next-gen if games like the TLOU already look so realistic?
Improved lighting, shadowing, effects, higher resolution textures and better assets during gameplay.

Cutscenes look wonderful for most PS4 titles. But gameplay often is lacking in comparison.
Well the graphics still don’t look mind blowing, which I hoped from ssm considering their track record. But it’ll be a good game I’m sure - artistically I prefer it to horizon. Nowhere near the level of Elden ring artistically but nothing is
Me too, Angerboda could be the "key" to this theory. Then it would ground this character in the world of GoW and make it believable, not politically correct.

But even if I'm wrong it does not change nothing, wasn't Kratos supposed to be covered in ashes because of the curse? So yeah, no pressure here nor am I butthurt by this character's skin color.

Plus we saw on mural in GoW 2018 that Egyptian pantheon exists and GoW 2018 was supposed to be originally set in Egyptian- not Norse mythology. So I think there's some possibility for this pantheon to be next. Angerboda theory just fits really nice with this tbh. Fingers crossed.
This would be my dream game if true
This would be my dream game if true
Well, it's just my wishful thinking that it will all somehow click and set a stage for next installment of Kratos and Atreus story after the Norse saga will conclude, as Angerboda said we will get our answers soon enough 🤔

She has so much potential as character to take next part to Egypt and have her as connection to Norse and Egyptian pantheons.

Can't wait to play Ragnarok in November and find out myself if I am right.

After finally I gave AC: Origins a chance all those years that this game is out I'm convinced that Egyptian setting could be 🔥

Why I am even thinking about this "theory" is this:

Eye of Horus (Egypt), Omega (Greece), Hidari Gomon (Japan) and Triskelion (Celtic) and Norse in the middle.


And we had a few noddes in Tyr's vault - I mean Atreus is literally walking around with Egyptian hat, lmao

Plus early artwork of GoW 2018 with Egyptian setting:
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Gold Member
I'm genuinely curious what some really think next-gen is supposed to look like.
Sometimes when I see someone say a game doesn't look next-gen, I look outside and think to myself. Wtf is this person on, it looks better than real life.

I mean, how much more realistic and detailed can you make these scenes look?




There is no doubt that games will get more realistic looking. But by how much?

It looks great, but there's just something about how it's rendered it that looks very PS4 gen. Maybe it's the shaders and materials. It just looks like it firmly belongs in that generation. Which is true for 99% of games released this gen so far. R&C might be the only game I've played so far that didn't make me feel that way.
We should be seeing a meaty gameplay trailer instead of these random clips that, if I'm being honest, aren't the most flattering.

I'm thinking a state of play should hit this thursday.
E3 2016 section like of gameplay would be nice on SoP for Ragnarok. But I wouldn't hold my breath for any new story trailer tbh.
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This prob is the worst preview i’ve ever seen for a big franchise. SMH. Its not GI fault tho. Sony gave them nothing to work with.


Gold Journalism
really? have you seen any of the CG God of War ads? Does this look as good as them?

Have you ever been in the Next Gen Graphical Fidelity I expect from next gen thread? Take a stroll in there to see what next gen consoles are capable of. See what Unity engine is doing with realtime character models and lion fur and hair rendering. See what UE4 devs were doing in 2019 creating photorealistic environments without the need of Nanite.

These character models dont even look as realistic as TLOU2 or Death Stranding's character models and those are last gen games. There is a lot of room for improvement. You will be surprised when you see a true next gen game from SSM in a few years. Probably even in their September showcase seeing as how their new IP has been in dev for 4 years.




No offense, but it's stupid to put that lion tech demo gif to compare it with an actual game.

Is this lion gif a proper video game with mechanics, AI computation, and NPCs? Is there ANY game that looks like this as of now?

The answer is a resounding no. Horizon Forbidden West and God of War look like the BEST looking games out there, other than Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart and Demon's Souls. All of these games are coming from PlayStation Studios. Sony is the only one carrying that beacon, yet you guys criticize them for nothing.

It's not like any other company is releasing better-looking next-gen games. If there are, please share those footage.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
No offense, but it's stupid to put that lion tech demo gif to compare it with an actual game.

Is this lion gif a proper video game with mechanics, AI computation, and NPCs? Is there ANY game that looks like this as of now?

The answer is a resounding no. Horizon Forbidden West and God of War look like the BEST looking games out there, other than Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart and Demon's Souls. All of these games are coming from PlayStation Studios. Sony is the only one carrying that beacon, yet you guys criticize them for nothing.

It's not like any other company is releasing better-looking next-gen games. If there are, please share those footage.
Learn to read. The guy couldn’t imagine how games could look more realistic than gow. It doesn’t matter that everyone has phoned in this generation. There is a lot of room for improvement which is precisely what my fucking gifs show.

I swear people can’t follow a simple discussion in this forum.
I'm genuinely curious what some really think next-gen is supposed to look like.
Sometimes when I see someone say a game doesn't look next-gen, I look outside and think to myself. Wtf is this person on, it looks better than real life.

I mean, how much more realistic and detailed can you make these scenes look?




There is no doubt that games will get more realistic looking. But by how much?
Advances need to come in gameplay, physics, destructible environments and AI. Graphics in big budget AAA games are pretty good these days but we’ve still got the basic gameplay feel of the PS3 era. Aside from a few exceptions, most games are just more detailed and better looking evolutionary versions of what started coming out in the late 2000s.


Maybe they'll add jumping to this game.

I mean scaling back gameplay in the 2018 game, from the GoW original trilogy, but then slowly add that stuff back in is a recipe for success. Maybe by the time the next game comes out, we'll have 50% of the gameplay from the original GoW trilogy.

I don't get the critics with the combat of the first game, I liked it a lot and thought it was the best thing out of that game.

It might not be DMC style like the previous ones, but you still had lots of options when going for combos or special attacks. And impacting enemies felt great.

Glad to read the are working on enemy variety, that was a weak spot of the previous game imo.

Original GoW trilogy combat was nothing like DMC. The latter is/was vastly superior combat wise.
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So it's just some random journous that will tell us what they feel about the game, like i should care.

Where is the gameplay Sony? what happened to those awesome dedicated state play?
Most people do the same thing with Content Creators on YouTube. They hang on every word they say good or bad long as it fits there narrative.


Looks as good as you can make a cross gen title , right up there with Forza Horizon 5. But it deserved a PS5 only version .. so yeah cross gen is taking its toll.


Gold Journalism
Learn to read. The guy couldn’t imagine how games could look more realistic than gow. It doesn’t matter that everyone has phoned in this generation. There is a lot of room for improvement which is precisely what my fucking gifs show.

I swear people can’t follow a simple discussion in this forum.
Please take your own advice.

Show me the games that look more realistic than GOW or HFW or other PlayStation Studios games. This lion GIF you shared is NOT a game.
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Gold Journalism
Maybe they'll add jumping to this game.

I mean scaling back gameplay in the 2018 game, from the GoW original trilogy, but then slowly add that stuff back in is a recipe for success. Maybe by the time the next game comes out, we'll have 50% of the gameplay from the original GoW trilogy.

Original GoW trilogy combat was nothing like DMC. The latter is/was vastly superior combat wise.
I think the idea is that Kratos is now older, weary, less agile, and fights more like a tank. That's why we don't have a jump button.

I understand that it limited verticality and scale, but if that is indeed the reason, it makes sense to me. The combat also feels weightier and more heavy, which is something I appreciate the most in any game. Too many games have floaty combat, and that just feels wrong.


I don't know why, but I'm not excited for this game at all.
Yep that goes for me too. But I can figure out what the reason is. I thought GoW 2018 was quite ok / good, but not comparable to its great predecessors. Everything seemed strictly according to Sony's recent success formula and was overloaded. The story was so secondary that I was glad to have reached the end and finally be able to turn it off. I strongly expect that the new GoW will not be scaled back, on the contrary, it will probably be much more extensive. What sounds good on paper, already leads me to signs of fatigue and I can not imagine sitting for dozens of hours spellbound in front of this game. Same with HFW, I stopped playing after 20 hours because it's just too much for me. The gameplay is in contrast to the story. Save the world and so but still have to waste so much time in the world, with nonsense to get the skill points.
I really praise the "less is sometimes more" slogan.

I hope of course that my forecast, namely that we will simply see more of the same, just much more bloated, does not apply to the new GoW and I sit on the edge of the sofa excited from beginning to end, but I doubt it.

John Wick

No offense, but it's stupid to put that lion tech demo gif to compare it with an actual game.

Is this lion gif a proper video game with mechanics, AI computation, and NPCs? Is there ANY game that looks like this as of now?

The answer is a resounding no. Horizon Forbidden West and God of War look like the BEST looking games out there, other than Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart and Demon's Souls. All of these games are coming from PlayStation Studios. Sony is the only one carrying that beacon, yet you guys criticize them for nothing.

It's not like any other company is releasing better-looking next-gen games. If there are, please share those footage.
Not to mention that we haven't even seen the finished product yet people are quick to judge.


Yep that goes for me too. But I can figure out what the reason is. I thought GoW 2018 was quite ok / good, but not comparable to its great predecessors. Everything seemed strictly according to Sony's recent success formula and was overloaded. The story was so secondary that I was glad to have reached the end and finally be able to turn it off. I strongly expect that the new GoW will not be scaled back, on the contrary, it will probably be much more extensive. What sounds good on paper, already leads me to signs of fatigue and I can not imagine sitting for dozens of hours spellbound in front of this game. Same with HFW, I stopped playing after 20 hours because it's just too much for me. The gameplay is in contrast to the story. Save the world and so but still have to waste so much time in the world, with nonsense to get the skill points.
I really praise the "less is sometimes more" slogan.

I hope of course that my forecast, namely that we will simply see more of the same, just much more bloated, does not apply to the new GoW and I sit on the edge of the sofa excited from beginning to end, but I doubt it.

See, I adored the first one. Platinum'd it. Thought the big moments were so stunning, loved the exploration.

And I know I'll sound like a homer for saying this, but being a newish (January) Xbox owner, Gamepass has opened up for me a world of gameplay rather than narrative driven-titles. While I love the gameplay in most Sony big hitters, I find myself now looking for gameplay experiences rather than narrative ones.

It's why I picked up Hollow Knight again and just lost myself and why I've been on Cyberpunk's final mission for three weeks. And why I'm not stoked about Ragnarok.

At least this is my hypothesis.
Watching people criticizing this game while jerking off to Elden Ring is...interesting. The expectations for PlayStation exclusive are truly in a league of their own at this point i see.

I'm sorry but imagine criticizing this game's visuals for looking close to the previous one when God of War 2018 still looks better than 99% of all games out there released in 2022, lmao.

I look at the footage released for Ragnarok and...how many games out there can compete in terms of visuals? RDR2? TLOU2? Anything else?

In fact, i see videos like these:

And this game might actually surpass those 2 i just mentioned. Seriously the level of detail, lighting, water...this is all top notch.

Plus from the pictures just released there's a huge increase in volumetric lighting, effects, particles, etc that weren't present in the previous one.

I mean anyone who's a big fan of the game, including myself, do we really give a shit about how good the game looks?

Yeah it would have been cool to get some next-gen visuals but this game is a day one purchase because of its characters and story, nothing else.


Report me if I continue to console war

this is an ok comparison.

with games like Ragnarok, forbidden west and Forza horizon 5.

We are seeing the last of the ps4/x1 games so they are maxing out the hardware and development technologies.

Running on PS5/XSX pushes them further like the upper end of PC gaming.
But... These are not current gen visuals.they are made around last gen tech, but they have turned out so well because graphics engines are very scalable.

i still don't know what to expect from games built for the current gens, I suspect though environmental detail to be increased with more geometry, better textures and other technologies increased or added. Particle effects and smoke effects will improve.
in TLOUp1 some scenes look like stylised photos, there's so much detail packed in, I think this is a hint of what to expect of current gen, cerny did talk about environment and streaming from SSD, so I suspect there to be some truth to that.

i don't expect some really crazy particles, fluid simulation and really advanced character rendering that we see in tech demos, unfortunately.

but these are my guesses and I'm not to confident about how things will turn out.


I hope the low-level grunts isn't as tanky as the first game, it took too long to kill the simple mobs.


Where is this from? Looks like fan made.
We only have concept art leak of odin and it looks nothing like this. And It kind of looks like the statue.

You could be right as he's not presented with the others.

It is believed that Mímir is Odin's Uncle.
If GOW follows that, it's a possibility he will look like Mímir.

On the basis of Hávamál 140 – where Odin learns nine magic songs from the unnamed brother of his mother Bestla – some scholars have theorized that Bestla's brother may in fact be Mímir, who would then be Odin's maternal uncle. This also means that Mimir's father would be Bölþorn.

Also, Mímir doesn't have horns like in GOW as far as I know.

Looked up the source of that concept art and it's Dusk Golem. How credible is he with GOW leaks?
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I'm genuinely curious what some really think next-gen is supposed to look like.
Sometimes when I see someone say a game doesn't look next-gen, I look outside and think to myself. Wtf is this person on, it looks better than real life.

I mean, how much more realistic and detailed can you make these scenes look?




There is no doubt that games will get more realistic looking. But by how much?

Texture work and everything else is alright. It's the lighting where we need to see big improvements and that will take lots of time and processing horsepower to get right.


*Refreshes biennially
I'll be there day one but let's face it this is the most underwhelming generation ever in terms of graphical gains (so far).


GAF's Pleasant Genius
I'll be there day one but let's face it this is the most underwhelming generation ever in terms of graphical gains (so far).
Devs are still not making enough next generation only games and to notice graphical gains it takes consoles greater and greater performance increases (which it takes longer and longer for hardware manufacturers to deliver it and/or at higher costs and power consumption). Consoles are also not becoming large as big tower PC’s or costing similar amounts of money (they are more limited than those are).

Also, you are jumping from Xbox One X and PS 4 Pro, not the launch models, so well yes the jump is even shorter and less impactful.
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