Game Of Thrones Season 1-5 : Episodes A,B,C,D "Fuck You HBO...nothing happened during these episodes , its just filler stuff !!"
Game Of Thrones Season 7 : Episodes E,F,G : "Fuck You HBO... Everything is being rushed !! "
Welcome to the Internet in 2017...sad but true
Game Of Thrones Season 1-5 : Episodes A,B,C,D "Fuck You HBO...nothing happened during these episodes , its just filler stuff !!"
Game Of Thrones Season 7 : Episodes E,F,G : "Fuck You HBO... Everything is being rushed !! "
Welcome to the Internet in 2017...sad but true
It's the end game so I don't mind the tempo. Every relevant character has been developed sufficiently.Game Of Thrones Season 1-5 : Episodes A,B,C,D "Fuck You HBO...nothing happened during these episodes , its just filler stuff !!"
Game Of Thrones Season 7 : Episodes E,F,G : "Fuck You HBO... Everything is being rushed !! "
Welcome to the Internet in 2017...sad but true
Game Of Thrones Season 1-5 : Episodes A,B,C,D "Fuck You HBO...nothing happened during these episodes , its just filler stuff !!"
Game Of Thrones Season 7 : Episodes E,F,G : "Fuck You HBO... Everything is being rushed !! "
Welcome to the Internet in 2017...sad but true
My reaction whenever someone died
Umm, you do realise that pacing being poor either way is not good right?Game Of Thrones Season 1-5 : Episodes A,B,C,D "Fuck You HBO...nothing happened during these episodes , its just filler stuff !!"
Game Of Thrones Season 7 : Episodes E,F,G : "Fuck You HBO... Everything is being rushed !! "
Welcome to the Internet in 2017...sad but true
Which is why it's frustrating. We get 7 interesting developed characters joined together from disparate storylines spanning 6 seasons and we get two 'I knew your dad' conversations and a few other small conversations and then we are into the action. I mean Jorah was cured of an almost incurable disease by Jon's best friend, and it isn't mentioned at all.It's the end game so I don't mind the tempo. Every relevant character has been developed sufficiently.
I don't think anybody but Bran knows.Does Cersei know about Jon's parentage?
Does Cersei know about Jon's parentage?
I don't think anybody but Bran knows.
Yeah, that makes sense. I'm not sure why I thought Cersei could know.So far as we know, the only people with concrete knowledge are Bran and Little Sam. Littlefinger suspects - he knew Lyanna was actually in love with Rhaegar, and that Ned's not the kind of man to father a bastard. I very much doubt that he ever talked about it with her.
Is Meera's dad alive? He should technically know.I don't think anybody but Bran knows.
Actually this does raise a good point (although not intentionally) that Qyburn's Scorpion will come in quite handy against the Wight Dragon. I'd imagine a spear of Dragonglass would be needed (as I'm assuming the ice spear is to dragons what dragonglass is to Wight Walkers, but that could be inaccurate) but at least they aren't totally unprepared (or simply relying on dragons) for that.I'm betting 10$ that in season eights Lannisters and Jon plus his gang will have formed an alliance, will fight the NK, Sam popped up from somewhere, made a speer of Dragonstone and Bron will kill the zombie-dragon with exactly that.
The Night King is going to use the dragon that got turned to burn a hole in the Wall, isn't he?
oh shit
is that possible
Is Meera's dad alive? He should technically know.
Why the fuck does the Night King suddenly need to touch for bringing the dead back? Dude has zeros swagger just like the damn writers.
I want to see Viserion annihilate Castle Black first before he does anything to the wall.
I want to see Viserion annihilate Castle Black first before he does anything to the wall.
Will the dragon even breathe fire, given fire tends to be the wight's worst enemy?
Ice breathing dragon...?
This is going to be even better than Iceman and Pyro's showdown in X-Men 3: The Last Stand!![]()
Can't cross the Wall.
So uh, why couldn't Benjen have ridden on the horse with Jon Snow? They just felt like killing him off for no reason?
One of the many issues I had with this last episode.
So far as we know, the only people with concrete knowledge are Bran and Little Sam. Littlefinger suspects - he knew Lyanna was actually in love with Rhaegar, and that Ned's not the kind of man to father a bastard. I very much doubt that he ever talked about it with her.
It's a shame that all the characters now have plot armour to an extent. It sucks seeing your favourites go but it did add dread to every close moment. I suppose now with all the major players well and truly established, and no new characters really introduced and fleshed out in the last season or two, there's no one left to feed to the hounds.
I do hope we get some unexpected bits yet though.
How is the captured wight crossing the wall?
Yeah it's a crap joke, especially cos I just remembered that the book Gilly was reading only mentioned Rhaegar and Lyana's marriage, not their child.Gilly's baby? Is this a joke I'm missing?
Can we have a mid season spin off where Clegane and Tormund are just riffing off at each other in a pub?
How is the captured wight crossing the wall?
How is the captured wight crossing the wall?
This is beautifully put and nails the problem with this season.It's the diminishing returns. When Daenerys first rode her dragons and showed off the power she actually has, it was impressive, intimidating and even pretty heroic. Now, it's becomes expected, formulaic and actually kind of embarrassing and corny. The show cannot just continue with her rushing in to save the day anymore, because it is played out and the fans, and the critics, are turning against the show.
The time discrepancies, etc, are people misarticulating the problem that the show has become simplistic. They are writing bluntly towards spectacle. That's what has changed - character depth and in-world realism is being sacrificed for simplistic heroism and typical high fantasy melodrama. Heroic moments happened before, but they were part of a larger story. Now, spectacle has become the primary attraction and the lack of intelligence applied to how that is acheived is dragging the entire show and world down.
How is the captured wight crossing the wall?