I have one question for you, what would the lord of light do?
Tie Gendry naked to a bed and set a kid on fire?
I have one question for you, what would the lord of light do?
Though technically it didn't become "undead" until after it had already crossed the wall, so maybe it was set-up like a time bomb using magic. Though, that magic still shouldn't be in effect once it hits the wall.
You know what, let's just go with plot hole.
I did not take a look at the leaks, but still was hoping for a zombie dragon. I first got the idea when seeing the primary promo poster for this season showing off one of the dragons chilling on the wall. All you need is some imagination!
I find it hard to believe that people are giving even a slight consideration to the Bran is the Night King theory. It's the dumbest thing I've heard in reference to this show.
I never once got the impression that season 1-4 was just filler or moved too slow.
Season 7 is just ridiculous. I don't agree with the idea that "it's coming to an end and so therefore you have to throw away good pacing". It's dumb. And it's inconsistent with both the series in general and also the rest of the pacing for this season: Euron was everywhere in the first couple of episodes and then just disappeared; we've ignored the sand snakes; we ignored Yara; we ignored Greyworm and the unsullied.
And then we have just dumb, dumb fucking storylines. The whole plan to capture the wight and bring it to Cersei is just really bad, like they needed a highlight for the season, but didn't want to plan out the details. It would've even been better if they sent the wight to the Maesters, and try to work that angle against Cersei. In fact, the whole situation could be resolved in a day if Dany just attacks King's Landing - it's a problem they created for themselves that could still be fixed really easily. And then Theon just disappears after Dany returns, even though he said he wanted to talk to her about his sister. And then there are a million scenes of dialogue they just ignored: Gendry being with Arya for a year, Sam healing Jorah, Jon working with Aemmon, the Hound being with Arya for a really long time, etc. Like why does Gendry care so much about two men (his dad and Ned) who he never really knew, but doesn't tell Jon that Arya was a good friend? This is a bad season.
Edit: I think the last episode was well handled though, even if the plan itself was a mistake.
It was undead, Sam remarked how it was strange how the bodies didn't smell and weren't decomposing.
There wasn't a promo poster of that.
I thought this "theory" was about Bran(don) the Builder, after which current day Bran is named. Still wouldn't make sense but at least it is not as wild as the timetravel theories.
I never once got the impression that season 1-4 was just filler or moved too slow.
Season 7 is just ridiculous. I don't agree with the idea that "it's coming to an end and so therefore you have to throw away good pacing". It's dumb. And it's inconsistent with both the series in general and also the rest of the pacing for this season: Euron was everywhere in the first couple of episodes and then just disappeared; we've ignored the sand snakes; we ignored Yara; we ignored Greyworm and the unsullied.
And then we have just dumb, dumb fucking storylines. The whole plan to capture the wight and bring it to Cersei is just really bad, like they needed a highlight for the season, but didn't want to plan out the details. It would've even been better if they sent the wight to the Maesters, and try to work that angle against Cersei. In fact, the whole situation could be resolved in a day if Dany just attacks King's Landing - it's a problem they created for themselves that could still be fixed really easily. And then Theon just disappears after Dany returns, even though he said he wanted to talk to her about his sister. And then there are a million scenes of dialogue they just ignored: Gendry being with Arya for a year, Sam healing Jorah, Jon working with Aemmon, the Hound being with Arya for a really long time, etc. Like why does Gendry care so much about two men (his dad and Ned) who he never really knew, but doesn't tell Jon that Arya was a good friend for the better part of like 2 seasons? This is a bad season.
Edit: I think the last episode was well handled though, even if the plan itself was a mistake.
That's fair and actually when you put it that way, I see the merit in it. That's specifically not what Tyrion had in mind, but I can kind of let it slide.The one reason I sorta give the plan a pass is that it's not just Cersei they're presenting the wight to, they want basically everyone they can grab with any power at that meeting. If all of the Lords that still support Cersei see the wight, it's a lot different than if she's the only one that does. The whole point was to make it impossible for her to ignore, and if her supporters suddenly see proof of what's coming, she would have a hard time arguing that it's ignorable.
S 1-4 weren't too slow, but consider the difference in the story. A ton of characters have been removed from the show, way fewer have been introduced along the way, and many storyline as starting to fold unto eachother. Euron is not an important character that should be getting tons of character development, more than anything he's just a wildcard that was designed to throw a wrench into Dany's plans to overtake KL. We've ignored the sand snakes because they're boring and dead. We've ignored Yara because she's likely dead or being tortured. We've ignored Greyworm because he's boring as fuck and there's not much drama to be found in the unsullied holding Casterly Rock.I never once got the impression that season 1-4 was just filler or moved too slow.
Season 7 is just ridiculous. I don't agree with the idea that "it's coming to an end and so therefore you have to throw away good pacing". It's dumb. And it's inconsistent with both the series in general and also the rest of the pacing for this season: Euron was everywhere in the first couple of episodes and then just disappeared; we've ignored the sand snakes; we ignored Yara; we ignored Greyworm and the unsullied.
The maesters don't fucking care and Cersei certainly wouldn't listen to them. Have you paid any attention at all to Cersei's character these last 7 seasons?I
And then we have just dumb, dumb fucking storylines. The whole plan to capture the wight and bring it to Cersei is just really bad, like they needed a highlight for the season, but didn't want to plan out the details. It would've even been better if they sent the wight to the Maesters, and try to work that angle against Cersei. In fact, the whole situation could be resolved in a day if Dany just attacks King's Landing - it's a problem they created for themselves that could still be fixed really easily.
While I agree with some of that, sadly some stuff has to be sacrificed to get this level of action and visuals. They don't have unlimited time and budget. Gendry saying "hey I met your sister years ago, she was cool" and Jon going "ok" wouldn't add much. Would Dany know who Aemon was or care that Jon met him? What's The Hound gonna say about Arya? "I was going to sell her"? I'm not sure it's necessary to have a lot of time spent on basically telling the viewers "hey remember that these characters have a connection from seasons prior".And then Theon just disappears after Dany returns, even though he said he wanted to talk to her about his sister. And then there are a million scenes of dialogue they just ignored: Gendry being with Arya for a year, Sam healing Jorah, Jon working with Aemmon, the Hound being with Arya for a really long time, etc. This is a bad season.
Next ep:
Btw. what about that rumor ofnext ep? Where do people get that from?seeing the wedding of Regar and Lyanna
Btw. what about that rumor of
The maesters don't fucking care and Cersei certainly wouldn't listen to them. Have you paid any attention at all to Cersei's character these last 7 seasons?
Dany "just attacking" KL has been adressed many times. She doesn't want to be a ruler that burns down cities. Not to mention Qyburn's scorpions could wreak havoc against her dragons unless she has massive ground support, support which she in large part lost when Euron took out the Greyjoy fleet and the Tyrell/Dorne alliance, with the north being focused on the WW threat.
I don't think so. That's why we have so many dumb side-by-side comparisons about how much the Night King looks like Bran.
I never once got the impression that season 1-4 was just filler or moved too slow.
Season 7 is just ridiculous. I don't agree with the idea that "it's coming to an end and so therefore you have to throw away good pacing". It's dumb. And it's inconsistent with both the series in general and also the rest of the pacing for this season: Euron was everywhere in the first couple of episodes and then just disappeared; we've ignored the sand snakes; we ignored Yara; we ignored Greyworm and the unsullied.
And then we have just dumb, dumb fucking storylines. The whole plan to capture the wight and bring it to Cersei is just really bad, like they needed a highlight for the season, but didn't want to plan out the details. It would've even been better if they sent the wight to the Maesters, and try to work that angle against Cersei. In fact, the whole situation could be resolved in a day if Dany just attacks King's Landing - it's a problem they created for themselves that could still be fixed really easily. And then Theon just disappears after Dany returns, even though he said he wanted to talk to her about his sister. And then there are a million scenes of dialogue they just ignored: Gendry being with Arya for a year, Sam healing Jorah, Jon working with Aemmon, the Hound being with Arya for a really long time, etc. Like why does Gendry care so much about two men (his dad and Ned) who he never really knew, but doesn't tell Jon that Arya was a good friend for the better part of like 2 seasons? This is a bad season.
Edit: I think the last episode was well handled though, even if the plan itself was a mistake.
Is the last episode gonna be a long one again?
Is the last episode gonna be a long one again?
Google told me it is 81 minutes long.
It was undead, Sam remarked how it was strange how the bodies didn't smell and weren't decomposing.
Is the last episode gonna be a long one again?
I don't know, at what point does a corpse become undead? They seem to be brainless creatures that are beyond the ability to pretend to be dead until the right moment to strike.
Ok. Like I said it in other threads, last scene from the season: The Night King riding Viserion spiting some sort of magic fire melting the wall. The army of the dead walking towards south and Dani and Jon having sex, because this season is a fan fiction.
I never once got the impression that season 1-4 was just filler or moved too slow.
Was this posted? Is this shopped?
They had already been 'touched' or raised, bodies don't just rise up of their own accord.
Was this posted? Is this shopped?
That is so funny, somebody else mentioned that to me and I havent got a clue what theyre talking about, he said in an interview with Insider. I can say that there was no intention for that to be the case.
Interviewer Kim Renfro suggested that Longclaw was slightly frosted over, and when Jon emerged from the lake, it was splashed with water and washed away the frost, and Taylor seemed to agree.
I think thats a very good theory and Im gonna go with that one until I look at it more closely and see if I can figure out whats going on, he said. But I spoke to somebody earlier and he was convinced it was a really loaded symbolic moment of Longclaw.
Was this posted? Is this shopped?
Was this posted? Is this shopped?
That was a great review.
Lost it at "Spare Pricks". I gotta start using that.
It appears to be real. I think maybe the eyes are just holes and we can see Jon on the other side.
Was this posted? Is this shopped?
More details from EW on this season:TVbtN said:”Game of Thrones" came down a little from the previous week's series highs but was still the biggest thing on TV Sunday by far. It drew a 4.7 in adults 18-49 (vs. 5.0 the prior week) and 10.24 million viewers (down from 10.72 million).
If you include repeats and streaming, ”Beyond the Wall" is already up to 14.2 million viewers across all platforms. And GoT episodes from earlier in this season are averaging around 29 million viewers once all forms of viewing are counted — and that's only in the United States; the show is a major hit overseas as well.
There wasn't a promo poster of that.
- 10.2M viewers for the first run airing on Sunday, which is the 2nd highest ever for a GoT episode
More details from EW on this season:
10M in one night AND the episode leaked a full week ahead of it airing. Incredible!
this happened with a previous episode too.
Did it ever come up whether Jon should have offered Longclaw to Lyanna Mormont?