Ok I'm on board if either Artie Lange or Charles Barkley get to voice Longclaw.
Samuel L. Jackson
Bran wargs into Bran and becomes Bran.
They way how fast things are going.. I doubt the entire season 8 [FTFY] will be all about defeating the NK army. Probably the first 4 episodesthen Jon beats them then episodes 5 - 6 will be characters closing their story..
Anyway.. If episode 7 gets leaked I'll be watching it. Even if its 180p. Im' not risking getting spoiled.
Guys did anyone notice that SurrenderDorothy posted almost immediately after we spoke about Bran warging
I think Bran might be warging SurrenderDorothy
They way how fast things are going.. I doubt the entire season 7 will be all about defeating the NK army. Probably the first 4 episodesthen Jon beats them then episodes 5 - 6 will be characters closing their story.. Who ends up with who, Thormund gets to be a family man. Sansa marries Tyrion. Bran chilling with his VR. Wall and WInterfell will be rebuilt. And make Viserion work for it. 7 kingdomes is great again... Then some tournament that will start another cascade of fucked up shit. Probably where we will see clegane bowl. Jorah beats Jon. Jon returns longclaw but this time Jorah accepts. Still Jorah and Dany be pals tho.
Anyway.. If episode 7 gets leaked I'll be watching it. Even if its 180p. Im' not risking getting spoiled.
Idk if this website is legit or not, but the mountain was accused of physical, and sexual assault.
Edit:I'm not sure wether to keep this here or move it?
well... in a show where they don't care about showing death, they certainly did their best not doing it for the waif
so in my mind they did it for a reason
the thing that bothers me is arya was injured... yet back in the hall of faces she was walking perfectly
Idk if this website is legit or not, but the mountain was accused of physical, and sexual assault.
Edit:I'm not sure wether to keep this here or move it?
Nah, he is the third version.Wasn't he recast the first time for being a tremendous prick?
No. I think by now we know there's no conspiracy theory. Stannis does off screen. Same with Elaria and her daughter.
Wasn't he recast the first time for being a tremendous prick?
First Mountain was recast because the actor left to do the Hobbit movies.
To be promptly replaced with a CGI version of his character in the Hobbit movies.
No. I think by now we know there's no conspiracy theory. Stannis does off screen. Same with Elaria and her daughter.
Cersei was the NK all along. Wake up, sheeple.
the mistake you're making is assuming that's the waif's face. it could be anyone. hair does not line up.
arya had needle when she was in the hall of faces... when she says "I am arya stark of winterfell and I am going home". we think it's cool she's sticking to the maaaannn and saying fuck it. but in reality it's the waif... being truly no one.
Cersei was the NK all along. Wake up, sheeple.
Everytime people abbreviate Night King I just read it as North Korea.
There is so much evidence of it, though.
It's even more in your face than R+L=J
Nymeria would've torn Waif to shreds. Also she wouldn't have known how to access or navigate the Winterfell crypts, or the countless references to the past Arya's made since getting back.
Here's another hint... in the fight between Brienne and Arya, Brienne asks who taught her how to do that... she said no one.
Except that's not true. The Waif was who was teaching her how to fight. She was not No One. Unless of course she's referring to herself in the third person because she is now no one. (The Waif)
The game of faces is always being played. If you're caught in a lie, you're not who you are trying to be. You mix lies with truths. So the inconsistencies with conversations between Arya and Sansa could also be another clue. The complete who cares shit with hot pie.
I think the face on the wall may be Lady Crane's. Waif kills Arya, takes Crane's face to Hall of Faces therefore completing Arya's mission... and ultimately becoming Arya. No One.
Did Bran warg
All Faceless Men are No One.Here's another hint... in the fight between Brienne and Arya, Brienne asks who taught her how to do that... she said no one.
Except that's not true. The Waif was who was teaching her how to fight. She was not No One. Unless of course she's referring to herself in the third person because she is now no one. (The Waif)
The game of faces is always being played. If you're caught in a lie, you're not who you are trying to be. You mix lies with truths. So the inconsistencies with conversations between Arya and Sansa could also be another clue. The complete who cares shit with hot pie.
I think the face on the wall may be Lady Crane's. Waif kills Arya, takes Crane's face to Hall of Faces therefore completing Arya's mission... and ultimately becoming Arya. No One.
Bran warged into Bran and jumped out that window. Jaime is innocent. It's OK to root for him!
This thread is absolutely hilarious right now.
Please, keep it up.
I like how we're all ripping the plan and just assuming the worst from Cersei. What if she's all like "oh my bad. Yeah, looks pretty serious. Let bygones be bygones as we move on together to collaborate and protect the dear innocent people we rule over from this oncoming doom that is bigger than any individual desire I may have."
Tyrion redeemed.
Especially considering that conversation she had with Jamie after he got back from the loot train massacre.
All Faceless Men are No One.
It's going to be so much worse after the season is over.
It's going to be so much worse after the season is over.
It's going to be so much worse after the season is over.
The wife and I started rewatching from the beginning and when Jon Snow first sees a wight at the wall, he throws a lantern at it but burns his hand. Kind of goes against the whole Targarian Blood thing, I guess they could just retcon it or ignore it in other ways...
The speed increase this season is only a foreshadowing of how fast things will move next season. They'll beat the Night King episode 1 of season 8, we find out Dany can have kids after all and gets a son she calls Raeghar. The Series finale will be an ultimate battle between King Raeghar and Tywin Jr., Cersei's son that Varys brought back to Essos after the Lannister were all killed by the Stargaryans. Turns out Baby Sam was supposed to become the Night King's successor and the Night King wargued into him before getting killed. Bran thinks it's beautiful. The end of the world is near and old Littlefinger tells Sansa: "You know Sansa, This really was the game of thrones" - End Credit