My prediction about the end of the series (Big post ahead ).
Makes sense and the pieces fit but I wouldn't be happy. overly convenient Interstellar-like ending.
My prediction about the end of the series (Big post ahead ).
I don't think they knew that, though. That's why he killed the drunk dude that was helping her - he'd tell eventually.
He did rebel against the crown for marrying Sansa to the Boltons instead of returning her to Cersei though.
Rhaegar was an asshole despising Elia, abandoning her and their children to run away with Lyanna, starting a war that killed millions.
Can't imagine Jon approving of that. He will probably refuse the Targaryen name.
Did the plot for season 8 leak yet? Because I'm trying to watch this YouTube video. And I don't know if there theories are based on spoilers.
Bran OK how is it possible that little crippler bran is the Night King?not only is he the night king but has his action affect the game of thrones history in a number of ways. There are numerous hints at this during the show so far :
- The kid that takes Bran to the 3 Eyed Raven and even 3 Eyed Raven himself have said numerous times that if bran stays too long in the past he might get stuck in it.
- There is a scene in which bran witness the creation of the Night King where after it he asks the first chidren who they were protecting themselfs and they answer From you
- The 3 Eyed Raven tell Bran in their first talk that he will never walk again but he will fly.
That doesn't simplify things that much on a production like this. As one example, take the scene of Dany and her entourage arriving at Dragonstone from episode 1 this season. When they land on the beach, that's a location in Spain. When they approach the gate, that's a constructed set in Belfast. When they move past the gate on the big rock walkway up to the castle, that's a different location in Spain. The throne room is another set in Belfast, and the map room is a separate set.
That's two countries and three sets for one scene. Then there's a bunch of digital effects on top of that.
a) when the first children say they were protecting themselves from Bran, they were referring to his people (humans), not Bran in a literal sense.
b) The 3 Eyed Raven is referring to his bird-sight ability. Also he very clearly does walk again as we have seen the Night King walking so that makes even less sense.
The only good thing about that huge Bran = NK post is that the time travel to Mad King (Burn them all [speaking to ghostly Bran]) actually might be a cool thing and something they'd do.
Rest seemed far fetched.
Also, NK is walking all over the place, in addition to being flown around, and not actually flying.
I have a question for everyone shouting fan service: Is it really fan service if this is the way GRRM intended for the story to end? Wouldn't this just be the progression of the story?
That's what I'm saying.
Jon may accept who he is, both Stark and Targaryen. Mirroring his chat with Theon.
But he won't accept his birthright. A lot of the Ned Stark callbacks in S7's finale make me believe that he'll ultimately carry on with the lie that he is his bastard son.
Whatever happens though, I think Jon Snow won't become King Aegon Targaryen.
People calling this fan service?
Read the past couple of pages. A lot of people are saying this season was garbage because it was pure fan service.
Count me as one of them.
There's a behind the scenes clip from the last ep, which I will spoiler in case you prefer not to watch those, but Issac (Bran) talks about finding out about Jon becoming heir to the iron throne and he's says something along the lines ofBran now not being sure what to do with the knowledge because just as everyone was joining forces to fight, this new info could tear that apart.
Count me as one of them.
"My name is Argon Targaryen, 6th of his name; the rightful king of the Andals and the first men; Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and protector of the realm. This is Drogon, you've seen him before Cersei. Bend the knee of I will burn your precious Red Keep to the ground."
Davos - "You knew him as Jon Snow"
For me, Jaime leaving KL once winter finally arrives is one of the best scenes in the entire series.
Everything about it is just amazing.
That doesn't make much sense in the view of the characters. The actors thought it was icky, but that degree of kindred intermarrying wouldn't be uncommon with royalty in Westeros.
That doesn't make much sense in the view of the characters. The actors thought it was icky, but that degree of kindred intermarrying wouldn't be uncommon with royalty in Westeros.
So, are you going to answer the question? Is it fan service if this is how the books end up finishing (yeah, right) up as well?
Eh, the show will always be judged like this as long as the source material doesn't exist.
If it was the same, it'll be the greatest thing since sliced bread because GRRM wrote it.
For me, Jaime leaving KL once winter finally arrives is one of the best scenes in the entire series.
Everything about it is just amazing.
Such a beautiful scene. They absolutely nailed the atmosphere of a dark, snowy, winter night.
This was the worst episode of the season, they have gone waay to far now into the fan service terriorty.
This season was the 2nd worst of the lot and now i only watch for the action. Fucking disgracful
And it was boring as fuck
Fan service after fan service
Rhaegar was an asshole refusing Elia, abandoning her and their children to run away with Lyanna, starting a war that killed millions.
Can't imagine Jon approving of that. He will probably refuse the Targaryen name.
I don't see how any of season 7 was fan service.
What would be funny is if most of the major plot points over the last seasons are GRRMs (and why wouldn't they be?), but he changes his final books to appease the folks who don't like the show now. The perfect beta test for him.
Did the plot for season 8 leak yet? Because I'm trying to watch this YouTube video. And I don't know if there theories are based on spoilers.
So, are you going to answer the question? Is it fan service if this is how the books end up finishing (yeah, right) as well?
I need a scene like this organised byRafikiBran.
Jon whispers back: "No."Ned shaped cloud to Jon: "Stop fucking your aunt!"
Nope.Has Howland Reed ever shown up in the show, aside from the flashbacks? Ever in present day?
Oh, I don't mind that it's not based on the books anymore, except insofar as now that they are far from book territory the quality has taken a sharp dip, so no I don't consider it 'fan fiction', which I think is what you mean. Fan service, though, yeah. This show has, possibly irrevocably, crossed the line from the character based anti-hero low fantasy medival brutal political intrigue show it was into a spectacle based pure hero high fantasy medieval soft-hitting dragons vs zombies show. I'll be here for the last 6 episodes but the direction this season went in was so much less interesting than where it could have gone.
I'll give a couple of points cos I was talking to my girlfriend about this last night, so most credit to her for the 2nd but:
- I was thinking during the quorom of Every Main Character, 'why are they meeting outside. cersei wouldn't agree to this as the venue, she knows daenerys has dragons and must be able to deduce the only reason she hasn't used them is because she doesn't want to kill a million innocent people, so why would she go to a remote spot outside of the city proper with open air oh wait it's because dany needs to make yet another heroic dragon entrance isn't i-there she is. i see.' Just one example of the sloppiness going on in service of spectacle. Undermined the scene, the staging was awkward - because it didn't really work, they just wanted Dany to ride in once again and we've seen this several times already this season alone.
- This is my girlfriend's - not enough throught was put into the character and political dynamics that could have provided the most amount of dramatic tension. Let's go back to when Jamie and Bronn survived the field of fire battle. Okay, they survived...and escaped to no dramatic effect at all? Shouldn't Jamie's stupid, heroic charge have had a consequence - how about this as a consequence: Jamie and Bronn are captured. Instead of killing a character introduced specifically only to kill him off (Dickon), but not cause too much doubt in Dany by killing a character we gave a shit about, have her burn Bronn instead. Tyrion's reservations become compounded as Dany takes Jamie hostage and uses HIM as leverage to force Cersei into a meeting - the wight plot, dumb as it was, can remain the same - but you instantly have an actual reason for Cersei to expose herself to danger the way she did in this episode. Likewise, you can have Jamie and Tyrion reconcile over 3 episodes instead of one truncated scene, and Jamie can be turned around to believe in the threat in the north and try to convince Cersei just as he did in this episodes, but so much more would be built into it.
Except they didn't do that. They just didn't do anything, instead.
Those are just two things, there are a lot of things wrong with this season. The core isn't solid anymore and while there are still good scenes in most episodes, there's a definite running on fumes feel, a definite 'just fucking throw dragons at them, the crowd likes that' tossed off feel.
And the music....This slow, ambient version of the main theme, with some synth, some choir. Amazing.
If I'm Cersei, I want to see the dragons. Therefore, I'll ask that she bring them. Dragon pit is the only location. Of all the things to nitpick about this is not it.
All I see is a butt pooping.
What would be funny is if most of the major plot points over the last seasons are GRRMs (and why wouldn't they be?), but he changes his final books to appease the folks who don't like the show now. The perfect beta test for him.
If I'm Cersei, I'm extremely suspicious of Daenerys (she actually says in this episode she doesn't trust her at all, so why would she trust a meeting?) and wanting to see dragons isn't enough of a reason to drag me out of the red keep where I could easily be torched in two seconds and she could just fly away, so no, this is a reason to nitpick and I think I identified why the scene was staged where it was pretty accurately.
Oh, I don't mind that it's not based on the books anymore, except insofar as now that they are far from book territory the quality has taken a sharp dip, so no I don't consider it 'fan fiction', which I think is what you mean. Fan service, though, yeah. This show has, possibly irrevocably, crossed the line from the character based anti-hero low fantasy medival brutal political intrigue show it was into a spectacle based pure hero high fantasy medieval soft-hitting dragons vs zombies show. I'll be here for the last 6 episodes but the direction this season went in was so much less interesting than where it could have gone.
I'll give a couple of points cos I was talking to my girlfriend about this last night, so most credit to her for the 2nd but:
- I was thinking during the quorom of Every Main Character, 'why are they meeting outside. cersei wouldn't agree to this as the venue, she knows daenerys has dragons and must be able to deduce the only reason she hasn't used them is because she doesn't want to kill a million innocent people, so why would she go to a remote spot outside of the city proper with open air oh wait it's because dany needs to make yet another heroic dragon entrance isn't i-there she is. i see.' Just one example of the sloppiness going on in service of spectacle. Undermined the scene, the staging was awkward - because it didn't really work, they just wanted Dany to ride in once again and we've seen this several times already this season alone.
- This is my girlfriend's - not enough throught was put into the character and political dynamics that could have provided the most amount of dramatic tension. Let's go back to when Jamie and Bronn survived the field of fire battle. Okay, they survived...and escaped to no dramatic effect at all? Shouldn't Jamie's stupid, heroic charge have had a consequence - how about this as a consequence: Jamie and Bronn are captured. Instead of killing a character introduced specifically only to kill him off (Dickon), but not cause too much doubt in Dany by killing a character we gave a shit about, have her burn Bronn instead. Tyrion's reservations become compounded as Dany takes Jamie hostage and uses HIM as leverage to force Cersei into a meeting - the wight plot, dumb as it was, can remain the same - but you instantly have an actual reason for Cersei to expose herself to danger the way she did in this episode, and a lot more meaningful pathos. Likewise, you can have Jamie and Tyrion reconcile over 3 episodes instead of one truncated scene, and Jamie can be turned around to believe in the threat in the north and try to convince Cersei just as he did in this episode, but so much more would be built into it because you would have seen the transition and gotten a lot of good character scenes between he and Tyrion, who would be dealing with the loss of his friend Bronn at the hands of the queen he has pledged himself to. Then the Varys scene where he and Tyrion talk about 'it's not me doing it' would actually have had some gravity.
Except they didn't do that. They just didn't do anything, instead. They shrugged that whole battle off, never addressed any of its consequences at all except Jamie saying 'we lost!!!!' and went north of the wall for probably the stupidest episode of the show.
Those are just two things, there are a lot of things wrong with this season. The core isn't solid anymore and while there are still good scenes in most episodes, there's a definite running on fumes feel, a definite 'just fucking throw dragons at them, the crowd likes that' tossed off feel.
Not yet.Has Howland Reed ever shown up in the show, aside from the flashbacks? Ever in present day?
Luckily he'll be valued up North as a commander who's proper experienced in warfare.