They are walking, and they weren't immediately ordered back. Tyrion even says in episode 4 that they could order the unsullied to march on kings landing meaning they were still at the rock.
again, why can't they fast travel?
They are walking, and they weren't immediately ordered back. Tyrion even says in episode 4 that they could order the unsullied to march on kings landing meaning they were still at the rock.
? but it's not like Ramsay can read Jon's mind and know that the Knights would be there. It's not like Jon's knowing of the Knights arriving would make them arrive any faster. Jon's tactics and instructions would simply be different to his men.i see it as if jon had knew about the knights of the vale, he would have waited for they to arrive so make a plan including them.
this would prompt ramsay to just stay in winterfell and hold a siege.
Who cares what Theon's own people think? They ain't shit either. They get mad at Theon for leaving her sister well all those motherfuckers fled too didn't they? At least Theon put up a fight as long as he could. He was slaying left and right.Lol Theon's own people think he ain't shit why would anyone want him on a mission like that?
thank youThat's exactly when. They pushed the boats out to the water. I'm pretty sure I recognized a few of them.
But yeah. I was being sarcastic. I think Theon should have joined the squad heading north. He's a capable fighter.
sameI don't think that's happening soon since I don't think anyone is interested in a rescue mission.
or, photoshop was a mistake.Art was a mistake.
LULJorah Lord of House Friendzone,
Yep. I already had it spoiled that Tormund and Jon finally have a steamy lovemaking scene.
Oh, crap.
"The reason I am never specific about dates and distances is precisely so that people won't sit down and do this sort of thing.
My suggestion would be to put away the ruler and the stopwatch, and just enjoy the story."
The timelines between the various storylines dont necessarily line up within a given episode. For instance, the Northern Tour Jon and Sansa embark on would probably take a couple weeks, but Aryas storyline over the past few episodes only spans a few days. We realized a while ago that if we tied ourselves in knots trying to make all the story days line up between all the characters the momentum would suffer.
Jorah Lord of Friendzone
i want the story in an episode to not feel rushed. the whole episode could've been better if the transitions and scenes were longer and more fleshed out.The travel time thing is just such a weird nitpick. I just don't understand what the complainers want instead. You want to watch people sitting down, staring off into space and waiting for their boat to sail the seas for weeks?
again, why can't they fast travel?
Can't fast travel while in combat.
Jorah Lord of House Friendzone,
The travel time thing is just such a weird nitpick. I just don't understand what the complainers want instead. You want to watch people sitting down, staring off into space and waiting for their boat to sail the seas for weeks?
It's obvious, Nameless made an amazing post but sadly everyone will ignore it because they need shit to complain about.
It's obvious, Nameless made an amazing post but sadly everyone will ignore it because they need shit to complain about.
3 years ago, everyone dying is such bad writing, it was interesting a first, now it's just predictable. Today, everyone has plot armor, why bother watching when we already know how its going to end.
That little example can be applied to just about every aspect of the show. Including teleportation. There was teleporting in the first few episodes of the entire series but no one cared, now people are suggesting the final season be fucking rewritten! lol.
Everyone talking about Jorah and and they're all sleeping on Davos Mr. Steal Yo Girl.
Or maybe they disagree?
"The reason I am never specific about dates and distances is precisely so that people won't sit down and do this sort of thing.
My suggestion would be to put away the ruler and the stopwatch, and just enjoy the story."
What did Nameless say? I missed his post
Every sword needs a sheath, aye.Jorah Lord of House Friendzone,
huh?Funny guy.
Jorah Lord of House Friendzone,
again, why can't they fast travel?
House Friendzone? Making fun of Jorah's house?
I suggested that everyone will probably ignore the post by Nameless, so I thought you were just fucking about, like huh, which post? Trying to be funny and shit, lol.
Here. It's the biggest post on this short page.
Not even the half of it, that sudden recast of Danny Devito as the Night King caught me completely off guard
.Night King has a scene where he makes Jon Snow pay the troll toll.
Disagree with GRRM? Did you miss this part of his post.
Or did you just not read his post like I suggested was going to happen?
Funny guy.
He was involved in slave trade in Westeros which is illegal.Someone wanna remind me why Jorah was exiled again?
Someone wanna remind me why Jorah was exiled again?
He was involved in slave trade in Westeros which is illegal.
He was involved in slave trade in Westeros which is illegal.
Notice Tormund gave no lip to her about being a Mormont
Someone wanna remind me why Jorah was exiled again?
He was involved in slave trade in Westeros which is illegal.
Sorry, thought you were referring another post, but I still don't agree with what you followed up with regarding the complaining.
Everyone is keeping up with the thread and watching at their own pace, so there's no point being fed up with people who are trickling in to leave a complaint. It's not just the pacing/teleportation, but it's the writing, which plays into the issues with teleportation.
Jamie's cliffhanger is a good example of this. It's completely dropped, nothing is followed up on, and the character fast forwards to King's Landing, never to have the cliffhanger mentioned by Tyrion.
It's fast and expects the viewers to imply the conversations/developments themselves.
Also, are you comparing GRRM's quote, for the books, to the show? If so, that excuse works for the books, but not the show
Thank you. Every time I see the whining, I keep thinking "we had a few seasons that spelled out the logistics of travel and battle encampments. We get it."Catching up on the last few pages and surprise. More travel/"teleportation" debate.
FWIW here's how GRRM approaches distance and travel(PM for the link since it contains source material info):
And here's show writer Bryan Cogman on how plotlines are juggled:
Keep in mind GRRM isn't even operating in a medium with strict time, budgetary, and production limitations. So while a scene with Jon and company on the ship en route to Eastwatch would've been nice, it's also an entire 'thing' they would've had to light, shoot, develop set resources & effects for etc... and for what, really? After 7 seasons everyone should be able to approximate the passage of time without having their hand held.
There are valid complaints to be made on the pacing/writing front - Several scenes have glossed over interactions the story has been building towards for seasons. While others feature charters conveniently keeping quiet about certain information to further the plot. This whole teleportation thing is just silly, and a weird hill some are choosing to die on with 8 episodes left ever. Spoiler alert. If they bother to show the journey at this stage something important will happen. See the Loot Train Attack.
This thread is like the bet episode of Seinfeld and we're all seeing who can go the longest without being spoiled.
This thread is like the bet episode of Seinfeld and we're all seeing who can go the longest without being spoiled.
was it like this last year?
four whole episodes leaked? not just the script? goddamnNo, but S5 was pretty bad when eps 1-4 leaked.
four whole episodes leaked? not just the script? goddamn
Damn! I think I hate him now. That completely changes my view on him lol.
that may not be as bad as the actual script leaking like it did for this season I guess.Yup, and all at once, before the season even began.
not a huge fan of the term, but it's useful since its meaning makes it easy to apply the term in places where you talk about it."shipping" is a really stupid word and y'all need to stop!
House Friendzone? Making fun of Jorah's house?
i think she is pregnant forreal but will have a miscarriage/stillbirth.Was watching Double Toasted and they were talking about Cersei's pregnancy. I am almost 100% certain she is never going to give birth, and will use the unborn child as a hostage to force Jaime to do something, and eventually kill it. She is just going to use it to manipulate him.
What is her relation to Jorah, anyway?
Was watching Double Toasted and they were talking about Cersei's pregnancy. I am almost 100% certain she is never going to give birth, and will use the unborn child as a hostage to force Jaime to do something, and eventually kill it. She is just going to use it to manipulate him.
wouldn't she need a red priest for dark magicI can see her sacrificing the unborn child for blood magic or something.