That's a great point too.Also, Dragonfire does nothing to the NK, he walked through it.
That's a great point too.Also, Dragonfire does nothing to the NK, he walked through it.
Yo, my mind is blown.
The Night King must've been a Greenseer, he must've.
Every attack he's done so far went perfect for him. Hardhome? 3ER's cave? Including this one.
Everything was well planned and executed almost perfectly. Now I'm convinced he waited for Bran to "visit" him and his army before branding him and destroying the cave.
I'm even more convinced after looking at that WW and his squad of Wights marching with 1 of them not even belonging to the group. It was a plant.
Then you have the spears and chains, getting himself a dragon.
Plus, I'm not sure of this yet because I'll have to revisit episode 5.
But when Bran warged those ravens and went North of the Wall,I'm almost certain that the area where they were at was the same cliff they led Jon and the squad into.
What a weird coincidence that everyone """"predicted"""" that the dragon would be killed and resurrected by the Whitewalkers.
Yeah. Sam hated his dad, but we don't know if he and his brothers were at least on good terms or not.Same, but only because I kind of liked him and wanted Randyl to die for being shitty to Sam.
No he did not.I definitely agree with that. Dickon didn't deserve to burn.
And giant chains.
The Night King knew what would happen because he is BRAN.
GoT is at a point where its too big for people to accept criticisms on the show. Happens when you have a strong history of home-run award winning episodes. bound to happen.
Yeah, you know it's funny, there was a Yahoo article that somehow "predicted" exactly every moment of the ice dragon transformation. Hell they even called which dragon specifically got killed.
Man, must have just been a lucky prediction!!
What a weird coincidence that everyone """"predicted"""" that the dragon would be killed and resurrected by the Whitewalkers.
They clearly telegraphed that there was at least one of them needed to hold the other wights off while the rest boarded.
To be fair we don't know how much time passed between the battle and them coming back with the chains.
I feel like people need Spongebob time cards for this show.
the last thing she was thinking bout were the scars though
Also, Dragonfire does nothing to the NK, he walked through it.
The Night King is The Architect. This is the 7th cycle of the Games. All will be revealed to Jon in the last episode.
no I understood that even when viserys died but I was saying "Oh My" in a very different connotation![]()
It's always so bizarre every week watching people's reactions in the real world and how everyone thinks the show just keeps getting better / viewers keep rising.
Then you come in the threads here and you would think the show has gotten terrible. It's a night and day difference
How much time has passed for the raven to hit Dragonstone and Dany arriving like the Eagles in LOTR?
I'm not that bothered, just wondering if there's an explanation.
Yeah the "ice dragon" was the only thing I got spoiled about this season, and only because some idiot here posted a fanmade poster featuring an ice dragon.
Yeah, you know it's funny, there was a Yahoo article that somehow "predicted" exactly every moment of the ice dragon transformation. Hell they even called which dragon specifically got killed.
Man, must have just been a lucky prediction!!
I never complain about time travel, don't put me in the same pool as those who do.
Those are still some big ass chains to have in the middle of nowhere. Regardless of time, would you expect him to keep chains like that around even back in his ice castle?
Where his catapults and ships at while we're at it?
Whats with the wights at Hardhome they were unstoppable and fast as shit but here their slow as walkers from the walking dead.
Damn that's quick, lol.I think its implied maybe 12 hours? It was afternoon, they fell asleep, and they woke up in the morning. All of that happened before the dragons showed up. It's plausible.
Game of Thrones broke it's own suspension of disbelief
How this this so hard to grasp?
It has it's own in universe rules, extremely similar to our own, except with some magic abilities.
This is such a stupid counter point that we should turn our brains off during the show, it's Walking Dead levels of defense.
All of this Arya hate is really bothering. I guess Little Finger has shills on GAF.
No he did not.
In other news, I'm sure the northern lords will gladly rally behind their new dragon queen.
Oh Jon, get ready for another "Traitor" sign to be posted upon your arrival to Winterfell.
(I'm still glad he figuratively bent the knee though, don't get me wrong)
soooo was tyrion right when he advised dany to do nothing?
She lost her baby but I think something like that was necessary for her to understand the risks. Wasn't this whole plan Tyrion's idea anyway?soooo was tyrion right when he advised dany to do nothing?
In other news, I'm sure the northern lords will gladly rally behind their new dragon queen.
Oh Jon...get ready for another "Traitor" sign to be posted upon your arrival to Winterfell.
(I'm still glad he figuratively bent the knee though, don't get me wrong)
Oh, that's the damn truth. I refuse to look at any "theory" stuff that's posted at this point. Thankfully, you're right about the dragon stuff not being too shocking - I've been telling my buddies that the ice dragon is coming since season 4 lol.Anything on the news are just spoilers in the guise of predictions.
Although a few people called the dragon stuff a while ago. It wasn't that shocking really.
Just one step closer to my home grown theory of using Scorpion and melting down the valyrian steel swords to make bolts to kill zombie dragon!
Whats with the wights at Hardhome they were unstoppable and fast as shit but here their slow as walkers from the walking dead.
But the dragon got killed by it's flame on sack being pierced... So if that got punctured it couldn't make flames even as a zombie. Unless now it some how shoots ice.
"It makes no sense, how did he even get the chains to pull the dragons out of the water!?11!"
Yes. It makes no sense. How DID the frozen zombie king find chains to pull a dragon out of the water? /s
What's worse is Jon fighting off the White Walkers was absolutely unneeded. Benjen picks him up less than five minutes later and off he goes. They could have had the same exact scene with the dragon lance bullshit play out except with Jon on Drogon's back. So they made Jon an idiot for zero reason.
It's shit writing.