Only just caught on that Miguel Sapochnik did Hardhome as well. Guy's got a knack for this shit.
He's doing the finale too.
He also did the episode where Bad Pussy showed us her tits last season. The man has good taste.
Only just caught on that Miguel Sapochnik did Hardhome as well. Guy's got a knack for this shit.
He's doing the finale too.
BingoTelling Jon that LF might be coming wouldn't have saved Rickon. Knowing how Ramsay works doesn't make her an asshole.
He also did the episode where Bad Pussy showed us her tits last season. The man has good taste.
Uhu. I'm not surprised if the post battle discussion between Jon and Sansa is something like
Jon: Wtf, why didn't you tell me about reinforcements from the Vale! Too many wildlings died needlessly because you held that information back!
Sansa: I'm the fucking ruler of winterfell, don't fucking question my decisions,
Not zig-zagging has to be done of the most inane complaints I've seen.
Just because a very scared young body doesn't sit at a keyboard, having watched bluray versions of Apocalypto and Prometheus and calmly plan out how he's going to run from a crazy psychopath he's been imprisoned under when half his family is dead, his carer is dead, his wolf is dead and the first family he's seen in years standing in front of him and he's told to just run (without looking back to see what the fuck Ramsay is doing and also bearing in mind he's missing most of his shots), what would any normal person do?
I'll tell you, they would just run in a straight line.
That sounds more like something that narcissistic lunatic Dany would say. Sansa doesn't seem too power hungry.
Not zig-zagging has to be done of the most inane complaints I've seen.
Just because a very scared young body doesn't sit at a keyboard, having watched bluray versions of Apocalypto and Prometheus and calmly plan out how he's going to run from a crazy psychopath he's been imprisoned under when half his family is dead, his carer is dead, his wolf is dead and the first family he's seen in years standing in front of him and he's told to just run (without looking back to see what the fuck Ramsay is doing and also bearing in mind he's missing most of his shots), what would any normal person do?
I'll tell you, they would just run in a straight line.
The podcast with David Chen? I think it's as good as ever. I thought all of Joanna's criticisms of this episode were completely valid. I agreed with her 100%.
It's a silly point of criticism for sure.I completely agree. Also, Ramsey was toying with him missing his shots, giving him a false sense of hope that he wasn't a good shot and could make it. He sees Jon rushing on a horse and gambles on running straight to get there as fast as possible. The plan was also to lure Jon out, even with a zigzag, I guess Ramsey could wait for the moment where they get close to each other, the paths of Jon and Rickon would have to meet at some point in the run. Or Ramsey sees Rickon zigzag and makes all his archers shoot. I don't think it can compare to prometheus where it's a thing rolling, here you have a person that observes and can adjust accordingly.
Also, I don't get what the criticism is aimed at? Do people think it's a plot hole? Bad writing? Is it really that unbelievable that a kid would just run for his life straight ahead? The stupidity of Starks? It's seems like a knee-jerk reaction because people where thrown out of their suspension of disbelief.
He also did the episode where Bad Pussy showed us her tits last season. The man has good taste.
The keyboard warriors are probably the most likely ones on GotGAF to run in a straight line.Not zig-zagging has to be done of the most inane complaints I've seen.
Just because a very scared young body doesn't sit at a keyboard, having watched bluray versions of Apocalypto and Prometheus and calmly plan out how he's going to run from a crazy psychopath he's been imprisoned under when half his family is dead, his carer is dead, his wolf is dead and the first family he's seen in years standing in front of him and he's told to just run (without looking back to see what the fuck Ramsay is doing and also bearing in mind he's missing most of his shots), what would any normal person do?
I'll tell you, they would just run in a straight line.
The keyboard warriors are probably the most likely ones on GotGAF to run in a straight line.
You still don't make any sense.That's not how this works. How should they be able to come exactly at such a small time window at a specific time like in your plan without staying at the sidelines watching the battle, which they of course could not do since they would be seen that way. The only way something like this works is to know when the battle starts, which they knew, and stay as far away as they need to to that Ramseys people don't realize it. Than make sure that you ride there and arrive at a time the battle is in full motion. And hope they haven't all died till then.
Also if your plan would have to rely on some strategy made before the battle, your plan would have been basically ruined the moment Ramsey came out with Rickon. Every plan with movement of there troops etc they had before was ruined when Jon ran for Rickon. And it this case would probably also had affected the reinforcements.
You still don't make any sense.
The battle was about to start anyway, and Jon had in this case no hope of backup.
Things could have been quite different had he known, and they could have coordinated at a specific time of day, and with relay scouts relaying the state of battle. You know, like any major battle counting on surprise reinforcements in history?
In fact, not knowing his situation wasn't as desperate as he thought might have compelled him not to make a desperate move.
But it's all semantics. The fact is that Sansa could have saved hundreds if not thousands of lives by making her move known, but she chose not to in spite of Jon clearly asking: "What should we wait for?"
Sansa was either Stupid, or Evil, and I hope it will be fully addressed next week in a Jon/ Sansa conversation. I know that if I was Tormund I wou ld want to take her head off once it is made clear that LF wasn't just passing by on a morning stroll and decided to give a hand.
If the 2500 Wildlings + Giant + misc of Jon had joined the 4000+ mounted lances would have trounced the 4000 soldiers + 2000 mounted lances of Ramsay.
Think about it... Wun Wun might still be alive.
He also did the episode where Bad Pussy showed us her tits last season. The man has good taste.
Nailed it. The actual act of withholding the information, putting her brother's life in jeopardy and those of his army, are what makes her an asshole. We're all putting way too much logic into her decisions and why she did it. What really matters is that she held back important information from Jon. Her brother. Who is fighting this battle for HER. And she repays him by treating him like a pawn on a chessboard.Telling Jon that LF might be coming wouldn't have saved Rickon. Knowing how Ramsay works doesn't make her an asshole.
Since we're ranking I'd probably do:
1. S4/S6
Now season 5 is a weird one cus the first bit of the season is probably below season 1 but the later half is up there with season 3.
This season had two of the worst episodes in the series. If not rate it top two IMO.
Wonder if we will see Dorne before the end of this season. Its amazing how fast and abrupt they abandon that story line this season after its first showing. Would really like to know why and what happened.
Dorne will be in the finale 👌Wonder if we will see Dorne before the end of this season. Its amazing how fast and abrupt they abandon that story line this season after its first showing. Would really like to know why and what happened.
Wonder if we will see Dorne before the end of this season. Its amazing how fast and abrupt they abandon that story line this season after its first showing. Would really like to know why and what happened.
He didn't see them coming anyway, which suggests he was holed up in WF waiting for Jon to arrive.If Ramsey has seen a more substantial force waiting for him, he would have just retreated to the castle and let them try to seige it, which he knew they couldnt. The only way they had a chance was to make him fight and play to his over confidence. I dont subscribe to the theory Sansa was trying to get Jon killed, I do however believe she is willing to sacrifice pieces on the board to achieve her goals, that includes Jon (though her smile when she sees him alive makes me believe shes glad he lived).
I dont believe she knew Little Finger would show up either, I think she hoped, but didnt know.
Wonder if we will see Dorne before the end of this season. Its amazing how fast and abrupt they abandon that story line this season after its first showing. Would really like to know why and what happened during production.
That sounds more like something that narcissistic lunatic Dany would say. Sansa doesn't seem too power hungry.
Team #zigzag
Or hide behind one of those burning flayed men hanging on big wooden X's until Jon reaches you on his horse.
He didn't see them coming anyway, which suggests he was holed up in WF waiting for Jon to arrive.
So logically you keep the Vale knights just out of sight, in the neighboring forest (you know, where Stannis died), and relay infos via courser/ scouts.
For the Nth time, it DOESN'T MATTER if she didn't know if he was coming because
1) she had no reason to doubt he would, he offered his help to start with
2) even with doubt, Jon would have waited 1 or 2 days with that info, which then would have given LF time to join forces and coordinate (he arrived within the next 12h).
Man the Cast of Kings podcast has really gone down the shitter this season. Real shame.
Theorycrafting not supported by events in the show,-and- certainly not part of Sansa's reasoning.3) In the time spent waiting, Bolton Scouts notice the Knights of the Vale. Not wanting a fair fight, Ramsay goes and sits in his castle with his army. Siege begins, winter comes, Jon loses.
? My point IS supported by events in the show.Thank you for the brutal takedown of your own nonsense.
Theorycrafting not supported by events in the show,-and- certainly not part of Sansa's reasoning.
Was about to say something similar lolThank you for the brutal takedown of your own nonsense.
Exactly.Jon Snow's blunder had nothing to do with strategy. It was a purely emotional decision to save, as far as he knows, his last living brother. I really wish I could access GAF in an alternate universe where Jon just sat there and did nothing while his brother was executed as no doubt there would be even more blowback.
Considering they say you can defend Winterfell with 500 while He 12 times that amount, it would not have went well for Jon & Littlefinger.Who knows what kind of siege defense Ramsay would've had, if he had to sit in Winterfell. So we'll never know how that would've turned out if he saw the Vale coming (or saw them with Jon, had Jon waited a few more days).
Rickon could've been paraded around WF, "let go" then killed anyway.
- Theon, S2E07500 men can hold Winterfell against 10,000
Roose even told Ramsay not to get ahead of himself because he won 1 battle. Ramsay ignored him and then stabbed him.
Umbers just wanted to kill Wildlings so he didn't give a crap what strategy they were going to do.
So, the foretelling of Ramsay's tatics was layed out in front of us. If it were roose, the fight would have went differently and jon would have lost.
Also, Re-watching "The Gift"Meli prophecy was interesting. Her confidence was so high. Ffwd to the last episode, even with the WIN, she still isn't sure of herself. I applaud all of the actors. My goodness. Love this show so much.
Team #zigzag
Or hide behind one of those burning flayed men hanging on big wooden X's until Jon reaches you on his horse.
It's not that she doesn't care for Jon, it's that she doesn't trust him fully. Otherwise why lie about how she learned of the Blackfish's survival and retaking of Riverland? Again why would she withhold the information in regards to the Knight's of the Vale? Even if you were to accept that she wasn't entirely convinced LF would show up (which I personally do not believe due to what LF told her when they met), that's still information that could help Jon.
I've also seen people say that perhaps she didn't want Jon to get the Knight's of the Vale caught up in his war plans, that she clearly felt were destined to failure. Which again goes to show that she wasn't entirely convinced that Jon was doing the right thing. Also, the fact that she rides in alongside LF tells me that she:
a) was certain that the Knight's of the Vale were coming (which would explain her "you will die tomorrow Lord Bolton" remarks to Ramsay).
b) was in some form of communication with LF. When LF and Sansa last spoke in person, it was near the wall. How would LF know to ride to Winterfell at haste, and how would Sansa know where to meet up with him.
If the above is true, then sitting on that information while knowing as she says that "Ramsay is the one who lies the traps," is pretty freaking weird isn't it? What other reason but to not hurt her chances at victory would compel her to let Jon go headlong into a doomed situation? Remember, Sansa is quite adamant that Rickon will die, and he does. She is also absolutely sure that Jon is being baited into a trap, which is exactly what happens. So why would she keep mum that help is on the way? Even if we accept that she may have not known whether LF would arrive, there's still a maybe chance that he does. Why keep that information a secret?
Honestly Sansa probably just didn't tell Jon because she doesn't know how much she can, or should, trust Little Finger. So she probably doesn't know how much her brother, and army, should trust him either. There wasn't much room to gamble in this scenario, so she ultimately took it into her own hands.
I think it was much more an emotional decision on her part than anything calculative.
Emilia's acting is fine this season, as well as last season actually. Her worst performance is, bar none, season 4.I'm honestly still not a fan of either Jon or Dany as characters. They've never been near the best characters on the show to me and it's kind disappointing that they have such a big focus now. Also doesn't help that Emilia Clarke's acting boils down to having a smug face and saying every line as dramatically as possible.