Kit has really evolved in this season. His acting was on point for the character he is potraying. Fucking awesome.
You think they kept some extra Stark banners in the back just in case?I had a huge grin at this scene!
how soon they forget.
how soon they forget.
how soon they forget.
Nah...hey Robin let me tell you a story about who killed your mom.Sansa and Jon are about to get rekt.
I had a huge grin at this scene!
i dont think sansa know this, but yeah, he was the reason she got raped every night
I loved that, too. Though if I wanted to be snarky, I'd point out how strange it was for them to gather up all the Bolton sigils into a pile underneath the last one they took down and then put their own up as if they knew they were filming it at that specific angle.
You think they kept some extra Stark banners in the back just in case?
He literally led her back to where she started and indirectly caused the death of her entire family along the way.He's the reason she went to KL in the first place. He's the reason she didn't marry Joff. He's the reason she didn't marry Loras. He's the reason she escaped KL(as a fugitive). He's the reason she went to the Boltons, and he's the reason she defeated the Boltons. So yeah, directly or indirectly he's influenced the direction of her life for years now.
I loved that, too. Though if I wanted to be snarky, I'd point out how strange it was for them to gather up all the Bolton sigils into a pile underneath the last one they took down and then put their own up as if they knew they were filming it at that specific angle.
Neither of them know who he really is and what he's done, which is a dangerous place for both of them to be.I kinda feel like Littlefinger won't betray Sansa or Jon, I just don't see what he has to gain from it.
Neither of them know who he really is and what he's done, which is a dangerous place for both of them to be.
He'll betray anyone who gets in the way of his plans and schemes.I kinda feel like Littlefinger won't betray Sansa or Jon, I just don't see what he has to gain from it.
Nah...hey Robin let me tell you a story about who killed your mom.
Littlefinger out of the picture.
He'll betray anyone who gets in the way of his plans and schemes.
Cast of Kings has always had a more negative bent, which is fine, but when you start to yadda yadda passed most of the episodes, ignoring bits that might color certain complaints differently to spend chunks of the podcast nitpicking it doesn't make for a good listen. Joanna constantly resorting to snarky reductive cracks at D&D every time there's something she doesn't like has been particularly disappointing. I like her, but she's been coming off as the typical butt-hurt book reader most of the season.
I kinda feel like Littlefinger won't betray Sansa or Jon, I just don't see what he has to gain from it.
Every seasons has had stinkers. Season 5 was my least favorite season but had (IMO) the best episode of GoT. I've given up on ranking seasons, I just rank episodes now.
Well with Jon, who knows, is he a threat to little finger or can he help him. With the rumored connection between Jon and Dany, and little finger potentially knowing about it, Jon may be a powerful connection.Indeed, he has fucked a lot of people over but he doesn't just betray for shits and giggles, he always does it for a reason and I don't see why he would now.
I used to listen to Cast of Kings in the first 4 seasons I think and just listened to episode 9 for the first time since there. Awful. Dumb nitpicking is dumb.Sounds like you should switch to Game of Owns.
if we see dorne again i hope that weird woman (oberyn's ex) will stop being so dumb :x
Honestly Sansa probably just didn't tell Jon because she doesn't know how much she can, or should, trust Little Finger. So she probably doesn't know how much her brother, and army, should trust him either. There wasn't much room to gamble in this scenario, so she ultimately took it into her own hands.
I think it was much more an emotional decision on her part than anything calculative.
Cant be mad at Rickon. Poor kid was destined to die as soon as the Umbers brought him over to Ramsay. I was actually expecting one of those burning flayed men during the battle to be Rickons body.
A second of the seven kingdoms where he has more influence than the crown.
Killing people for power and revenge isn't dumb. It's the whole show.
She's as dumb as Cersei. Revenge for revenge, can't wait the right moment, and don't thinka bout the consequences.
Cast of Kings this season:
David Chen: So Joanna Robinson, what did you think of this episode?
Joanna: Ahhhhh...*laugh at how bad the episode was*...WELLLLLL
To me, the starks seem like the strongest house right now. I mean, no house is really in a strong position in westeros (let's leave Dany out of it), but the Starks seem like the only house on the rise. Littlefinger would be dumb not to side with the Starks, since they clearly hold the upper hand right now.
Not to sound like a dick but I don't understand what you mean.
Ultimately, though, plot developments should work from both a Doylist and a Watsonian perspective, and that's where this twist fails for me. In fact, it's becoming something of a trend this season: From Dorne to Braavos, Game of Thrones has been making the plot tail wag the character dog all year long. It's not just Arya Stark who needs to keep practicing her needle-work: As Thrones enters its final seasons, the stitches are starting to show more than ever.
Here's the thing: These are not compatible scenarios. Either Sansa planned Littlefinger's late arrival in which case she's responsible for the carnage and for recovering Winterfell, or she didn't and gets no credit for the victory. She just got lucky. I worry I really do that Game of Thrones, by eliding the horrific compromises she'd have had to make offscreen to make this work, is awkwardly trying to make her virtuous and a great planner, a feminist powerhouse who might still be a force for good. The Battle of the Bastards made that structurally impossible. I hope they see that. I hope they don't try to make her both.
1. She wasnt sure they were actually coming. This is the least Game of Thrones-y option. Sansa never received a return raven, so she didnt want to get Jons hopes up or have to explain her complicated relationship with Petyr Baelish.
2. Sansa is making a play, as Littlefinger suggested she do. Until the battle, she had no army, only her sworn sword Brienne, who wasnt around at the moment. That made her vulnerable. By withholding information about the Vale knights, she weakens Jons Wildling power base. And, if her half brother should happen to perish in the fight, joining Rickon Stark in the great big godswood in the sky, so much the better. Consolidating her hold on the North would be that much easier. In the books, Robin Arryn displays an attachment to Sansa thats best described as a crush. If that carries over to the show, she could leverage Robins feelings to push Littlefinger out of the picture.
This analysis is thematically congruent with the shows overall tenor of scheming, betrayal, and murder most foul. But it also goes against everything we know about Sansa as a character. And it requires her to be absolutely sure that the Vale knights were on the way. Theres a third option that may be the most likely:
3. The show didnt accurately gauge how Sansas secrecy would track in the larger context of the battle. People die on Game of Thrones all the time; maybe the showrunners had become so inured to carnage and were so eager to portray Sansa as an independent figure that the deaths of thousands of nameless Stark loyalists didnt register as being TOTALLY HER FUCKING FAULT. Like, Sansa really got several thousand dudes killed because she didnt say Lets just chill for 15 minutes, I texted somebody to Jon.
.... Hopefully we get our answers then (next week).
I don't think anything needs cleared up. It's pretty straight forward lol*snip*
I think we can all agree that the discussion between Jon and Sansa (hopefully it happens) will be of utmost importance to clear things up.
The Red Wedding video was linked to that one so I just watched it. Holy shit has he gotten better since then. He was barely excited!
What is? lolI don't think anything needs cleared up. It's pretty straight forward lol
It is known. Might be his best one yet.The Ozzy review is amazing.
Closest we got was disbelief and frustration when LF showed up, and a hint of panic when Jon kept blocking his arrows point blank.While I enjoyed seeing Ramsey die screaming, I would have liked to see one other thing first: To see fear in his eyes, just once. Would have been nice.