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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 3 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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Hunky Nostradamus
Are you insinuating that I should be wearing clothing?!

You do what feels right to you, mr wolfy :3


Going to tonight's Barclay Center S4 preview as Asian GRRM. You too, can be cool like me

Bwahaha that's amazing! Did you get to meet GRRM?

Men can wear leggings!

I know, I'm sort of obsessed with them atm.


Why did Jamie reject milk of the poppy? Is it just cause he wants to endure pain so it makes him more of a man? Or is there something more to the flower we should know about
Why did Jamie reject milk of the poppy? Is it just cause he wants to endure pain so it makes him more of a man? Or is there something more to the flower we should know about

I watched that episode recently and was thinking about that same thing. I think it's because Jamie holds a lot of value in taking care of things himself, by his own code of what is 'proper'. Like when he was dueling Ned and one of the Lannister guards stuck a spear in Ned, Jamie knocks the guy out (or maybe even kills him? I forget).

I think that the milk of the poppy thing was another incident of that, like the thing to do would be to take the pain, not accept outside help.


Why did Jamie reject milk of the poppy? Is it just cause he wants to endure pain so it makes him more of a man? Or is there something more to the flower we should know about

I think he wanted to feel the pain as a "punishment" for fucking up and losing his hand. It was a part of the process of understanding what happened and moving on with his life.

He didn't want to be dulled during that moment.

Just imo.


Yeah I watched the commentary for that episode last night and the writer said they cut a line which said exactly that.
I like that we were all looking for something deep and meaningful about it when really he just didn't trust the crazy bastard not to cut off his arm lol

El Daniel

I like that we were all looking for something deep and meaningful about it when really he just didn't trust the crazy bastard not to cut off his arm lol

I remember reading the books after seeing the show and reading this thread about punishments and stuff and thinking:

"Oh, it's just that"

Makes sense though. No one cares about justice and punishment in times when someone stitches your new stump.
Gotta say, as great as the scenes with Jaime were, I never bought the idea that the guy who quite casually pushed a little boy to his death (even Cersei was appalled at this) is supposed to be the same guy who saved millions of people before and Brienne afterwards. That just doesn't track for me.
Gotta say, as great as the scenes with Jaime were, I never bought the idea that the guy who quite casually pushed a little boy to his death (even Cersei was appalled at this) is supposed to be the same guy who saved millions of people before and Brienne afterwards. That just doesn't track for me.

Why not though? He is undeniably a shithead for doing what he did to Bran. But he didn't do it just to be a dick, he did it for his own survival and the survival of his children.

That doesn't mean he can't recognize when someone like Aerys is about to do something horrible, and put a stop to it.



Bwahaha that's amazing! Did you get to meet GRRM?

GRRW was there. He chitchatted with Hodor, Sam, Arya and Shae (last one was an odd choice, I guess they ran out of fan favorite to meet the fans.) I wonder what actors they got for the west coast show.

Me and my wife skipped the stupid GOT rap session in the beginning and waited on line to sit on the throne.

They showed E1 after the chichat. Ep 1 spoilers:
The show ended with Arya getting needle back. The scenes was very satisfying.

Did they changed the Darrio actor? I remember he was alot more greasier last season. I refer that greasy little fuck more.


My dad just watched the Red Wedding for the first time a few minutes before this post. :lol He's upset. Said that everything was going so well and that he doesn't want to watch it anymore. He's currently watching episode 10 though :p


My dad just watched the Red Wedding for the first time a few minutes before this post. :lol He's upset. Said that everything was going so well and that he doesn't want to watch it anymore. He's currently watching episode 10 though :p

Was he watching a different show to us? lol

The Real Abed

A coworker started watching a few weeks ago and was done with season 1 and was talking about how much she loved the dogs (Direwolves) and about her dog and how much she loves dogs in general.

I felt bad not warning her about what was going to happen, but didn't spoil it for her.

Yesterday she told us how she finished the third season. Yep. Exactly what I expected. She took the dogs deaths really badly. Haha..

But at least she's warming up to the two characters she hated in season 1. Sansa and Tyrion. I knew she would. And like everyone else she looks forward to Jeoffery getting his comeuppance. (Hopefully I assume.)

I should rewatch the first three seasons to prepare for 4. I'm sure I missed a lot.


My dad just watched the Red Wedding for the first time a few minutes before this post. :lol He's upset. Said that everything was going so well and that he doesn't want to watch it anymore. He's currently watching episode 10 though :p

'Well' is relative. Damn good time to be a Lannister even though that'll probably change.
I love reading interviews with Dinklage, he seems incredibly genuine.
Always has been, throughout his career interviews have shone how insightful and kind he is. Never seem forced in any way to speak well about his opportunities and those around him.


Really Really Exciting Member!
I'm really hoping he finally bites it this season. It has to happen eventually, right?


Considering what has been happening so far with the Starks, it's a good assumption to believe that GRRM hates the good guys and loves the bad guys.

So the story will finish with every Starks heads on a plate, every attempts from the other clans to claim King's Landing failed(with the leaders bodies hanged/raped/decapitated/mutilated) while Joffrey remains the only true king(who also somehow managed to get the White Walkers to fight for his side). Oh, and Tyrion is also rotting in some prison with no windows and no food but dead rats. Oh, and Tywin also got to control Daenerys dragons because... reasons.


Considering what has been happening so far with the Starks, it's a good assumption to believe that GRRM hates the good guys and loves the bad guys.

So the story will finish with every Starks heads on a plate, every attempts from the other clans to claim King's Landing failed(with the leaders bodies hanged/raped/decapitated/mutilated) while Joffrey remains the only true king(who also somehow managed to get the White Walkers to fight for his side). Oh, and Tyrion is also rotting in some prison with no windows and no food but dead rats. Oh, and Tywin also got to control Daenerys dragons because... reasons.

Goddamnit. Why couldn't Ned have just cut a deal with Renly back in S1?



I'm really hoping he finally bites it this season. It has to happen eventually, right?



Some twisted part of me has grown quite fond of Joffrey the past two seasons. He's an inbred psychopathic shitbag, sure, but boy is he good at it. Every second he's on screen I'm transfixed. Gleeson deserves a ton of credit; lesser actors could have easily made the character come off as cartoonishly evil and unbelievable.

Some twisted part of me has grown quite fond of Joffrey the past two seasons. He's an inbred psychopathic shitbag, sure, but boy is he good at it. Every second he's on screen I'm transfixed. Gleeson deserves a ton of credit; lesser actors could have easily made the character come off as cartoonishly evil and unbelievable.

Definitely. He's one of the nicest actors I've ever met. Very down to earth.
Really? Part of me don't want to see his real side(interviews or whatever), it might just ruin the illusion that this kid's face deserve a beating.

Probably not. He's that good. There is a great video of him at Trinity College talking about the cult of celebrity and he's made it clear once he's done with this role, he wants to leave the world of acting behind. He's got a clear head on his shoulder which is refreshing. I get it. At the premiere, they had all of the actors stand up to be acknowledged and people at the premiere boo'd him. It's just strange that even experienced industry people can't help themselves.


HBO has been showing season 1. It's getting me so hyped, and I am surprised by how many little details I had missed or forgotten

RIP in peace Khal Drogo


some guy on imgur is compiling some easy to digest background info on westeros and the houses, all pre-show so no spoilers of course. might be good for people who aren't going to read the books yet and dont have access to the blu ray special features etc.

Vol 1 - The History of Westeros: http://imgur.com/gallery/njTUt
Vol 2 - House Targaryen: http://imgur.com/gallery/KIXTE
Vol 3 - House Stark: http://imgur.com/gallery/39Yzc
Vol 4 - House Lannister: http://imgur.com/gallery/5IY7a
Vol 5 - House Baratheon: http://imgur.com/gallery/AaZfa


I don't get HBO, so last week I got season 3 on DVD. Good lord that 2nd to last episode. I was not ready. I wish there were *some* way to watch the new season without HBO.



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