Because that would let the viewer know as wellYeah, I'm thinking you guys are right. It does seem like she was contemplating some things, but why not let her 2 trusted followers know?
Because that would let the viewer know as welllol.
She seemed to understand some of the native tongue there as well? When she left the trader with Missandei she understood what she said. If so she probably can't wait to kill the trader lol.
It was done so well too. Really felt like one of those situations where you just know the translator isn't translating everything, since the person might talk for a minute and the translator just says one line haha.I will sorta be sad to see the slaver go. His insults were hilarious.
Holy shit at that ending.
And I love the music that plays when Melisandre and Stannis are together. So creepy.
Yeah, I'm thinking you guys are right. It does seem like she was contemplating some things, but why not let her 2 trusted followers know?
The dragon will just spit hot fire through whatever they use to imprison him, how does this slave master think he can control a dragon
Bite down on a rag or bite down on my fiiiiiiiiiiist had me and my people laughing for a good few minutes. That might have been the best delivery in media ever.
Slave guy is definitely going to get burnt up next episode, I hope he at least has a good death line.
Cant she just take over island with her new army and get her dragon back though? Its not like she had any trouble doing that in Quarth with much less.
Edit: what are the odds she knew that assholes language and just played dumb to get more info and know his true nature?
Finally placed Kraznys (the guy who runs the Unsullied), he's from Deadwood. God that was bothering me.
Poor Jamie. All he ever enjoyed was combat.
Wasn't the guy who kept on missing the boat and got chewed out by Rob Catlyn's brother Edmure?
God damn, Westeros is the rapiest place on Earth. Such a grimdark episode.
- I will hate if Jon has to battle his former brothers or at least allow their slaughter during the raid
- What's up with Craster? It feels a bit odd to return to him after S2. He seemed like a minor character who only exists to show how awful is living beyond the Wall.
- I loved Robb GRILLING that dumb Tully nobleman for going on his own and not thinking about the big picture. Dude got scalped for good. Robb's no longer a boy, but a king. Damn fine acting, too.
- Dany is SO NOT giving away one of her dragons. They are her children and she vowed to protect them at all costs. She's clearly keeping her cards close to her chest. Something tells me SPECULATION AHEAD:
there's a chance that slavemaster is going to end like the witch doctor from S1 or the Undying in S2. I kind of hope that's not the case, though, you can only roast so many enemies without turning it into a trope.- No more Hot Pie? NOOOOOOOOOOO. At least Gendry will stick around. I like him and he's cool with Arya.
- That bit about the Inn where Arya and the rest of the brotherhood were... was that the place where the Hound killed that young boy for being with Arya when Joffrey got bit? Oh God, I so want Nymeria (SP?) to return all grown up and thirsty for Southern blood.
- Melisandre is... I don't know what to make of her. Did she just demand the life of one of Stannis' children? I'm not cool with this. And why would another magic assassin deplete Stannis' life? He didn't seem in poor health at all.
- Talissa playfully terrorizing those Lannister kids was amazing. God, I love her so much.
- Theon's bizarre rescue... DEEP SPECULATION AHEAD
I'm so lost right now.Little bastard? Ruh-roh, is that Roose's bastard? Why did he kill his men then? If that's the case, is he acting on his own? And what the fuck is his play about?- Little Finger only provides the finests broads. I said got damn.
- POD THE PONY. This needs to be a thing.
- I was feeling really, really bad for Brienne through the whole time. Something tells me that Jaime was right and she had a very rough life before becoming a knight.
- This show also highlights the importance or knowing your place. Jaime had managed to keep Brienne safe when he tried to exploit his captor's avarice. He didn't count with the fact that some people are actually bound by honour instead of coin. I actually liked that bit about Jaime uttering his father's name to vanquish all his troubles. You are not in King's Landing anymore, bru... Privilege can only help you for so long.
- I honestly thought Jaime was about to get raped, then spared, then... holy shit. A bit of a brass move considering he's a valious prisoner, isn't? I actually gasped when I saw Jamie lifting his stump and his face of incredulity. The second swordsman of Westeros is no more... and just because he ran his mouth off. Damn.
- Jaime's scene serves an actual narrative purpose: after so many people being safe and sound for so long, his punishment serves to remind the audience that nobody is safe in this show. Sure, he's still alive... but that was fucked up.
- That song at the end was the worst thing in GoT history. What the hell.
Ending music aside, that was an excellent episode. Maybe one of the show's best.
Edit: Oh wow, the preview kind of answers my doubts aboutI'd recommend to skip it if you had the same questions or read my post.Theon's rescue and Craster's purpose.
True but I don't know what the slave master can even do in a double cross. If he tries to turn the slaves on her before the deal is done, it's bad for business and she still has the dragons. The second they close that deal and the mindless obedient slaves are hers, he is fucked.I actually think Dany and the slave master will both try to double-cross the other one. You'd have to incredible naive to believe that either of them will honor their word
Question: So Bron is officially a knight now right? Does that mean he has some land or noble claim now. Seems pointless to make him a knight if he just stays as a sell sword for Tyrion so I'm wondering if that's going to go anywhere.
Shame, but still great for a mercenary. I was hoping he would start working his way into high society at King's landing just for the laughs.After Blackwater Bronn is a knight but not a landed knight. It's an honor but doesn't seem to have a ton of actual benefit.
Dumb Tully nobleman? You mean Edmure Tully, Robb's uncle and lord paramount of the Riverlands? Who just scored a victory against one of the most fearsome warriors in Westeros?
True but I don't know what the slave master can even do in a double cross. If he tries to turn the slaves on her before the deal is done, it's bad for business and she still has the dragons. The second they close that deal and the mindless obedient slaves are hers, he is fucked.
No, the younger dummy who lost 208 men to regain a mill and left the Mountain escape.
Question: So Bron is officially a knight now right? Does that mean he has some land or noble claim now. Seems pointless to make him a knight if he just stays as a sell sword for Tyrion so I'm wondering if that's going to go anywhere.
I actually think Dany and the slave master will both try to double-cross the other one. You'd have to incredible naive to believe that either of them will honor their word
the Tully nobleman constantly missing the funeral boat with his bow was fucking hilarious.
I said to my wife even before he started "whenever I see scenes like this the archer never misses. Man that would be amazing if ...."
and then he wiffed.
Then he wiffed again, lol.
Man we got Caesar and Brutus, now all we need is Vorenus and Pullo
Little Finger would be pretty pissed off if he found out that his whores refused payment ...
so did I get this right, is Melissandre going to look for other men with king's blood now to produce more shadow babies?
[*]I loved Robb GRILLING that dumb Tully nobleman for going on his own and not thinking about the big picture. Dude got scalped for good. Robb's no longer a boy, but a king. Damn fine acting, too.
Did they not make it obvious that this was Catelyn's brother? He wasn't just any Nobleman.
She mentions that the flames require a sacrifice of the blood of kings, so draw your own conclusions.
I know the writers have to include lots of characters to give episodes variety, but I hope they don't shy away from Blackwater style episodes where it's all in one place.
My main gripe with the show at the moment is that each character's story is too fragmented. We got what, 1-2 minutes of Jon Snow this week.
Whereas they could have had a 5-10 segment with Jon.
I just get settled into a scene and then it changes.