How does any woman control any man?
That's how I think she's doing it anyway.
By the OP's rules:
Oh thanks. Do you think Lord Baelish has a crush on Sansa? It's obvious he sees her mother in her? And that under the guise of saving her from Joffrey, he'll get her to marry him? That girl even told Shea watch out for her from him.
I didn't remember the guy at the very end. He sort of came out of nowhere. I don't think Jorah, who obviously loves Daenarys, was too happy about her getting a much better protector and one who can actually help her get the iron throne, not just keep lying no?
As for the white walkers, if the Lord Commander and the Nights Watch knew they were back, and that they've been eating that guys sons, why did Ned Stark behead that guy in the first episode? I mean did the nights watch always know they were back?
Coming from the walking dead, I'm starting to hate the convenience factor in the show. I mean come on, throw the good guys a freaking bone here. They're getting screwed left and right. Winterfell is burned, bran and rickon are off to the wall but Jon is now with Mance Rayder, Robb and Catelyn come to Harrenhal just a few days after Arya left. It's like everything keeps going bad for the good guys. Imagine how choked Catelyn will be when she hears Winterfell is burned and her kids possibly dead.
And where is theon? I hope he redeems himself. His own men knocked him out to take him back to Pyke. When he gets there, I hope he realizes his father was a piece of shit and that Ned Stark was the better man. He'll run away and because the starks hate him and his own men, he'll be a mercenary or something and vow to try and find bran and rickon. Hopefully he comes across Arya and can redeem himself by taking care of her.
Also where the hell are all these Eastern cities coming from? I thought the Dothraki were the most powerful, but then you had Qarth and these Spartan type soldiers in the new city. Meaning why wouldn't Viserys have married his sister to one of these people who control a better army than some people on horses?