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Game of Thrones |OT| When you play a Game of Telltale you win or break it


Telltale games are always comes out with graphic issues and low frame rate but seriously I don't think the save issue is their fault. The problem you are talking about is happen only on X1 version. There are more games with the same problem on X1. I am not 100% sure this is the TT problem.

Here is the source

That source doesn't say anything about it being an XB1 problem instead of a Telltale problem. I'm not convinced - I think this falls squarely on the shoulders of Telltale, and they should be responsible for fixing this bug. But I don't think they are sufficiently motivated to do so, which is a real shame.

This is not a good video game company - they don't respect their customers.

edit: Last Uchiha, are you referring to comment#1 on the article? "Fuck me a broken and glitched game on the xbox one? surely not? wish my cock was as long as the list of broken games that get released" I've had minor problems with some games but nothing to suggest there's an XB1 epidemic. Unfortunately my cock is longer than the list of broken games I've encountered. :p
Great. The previously on doesn't match my choices.

I'm playing the Xbox One version.

I really should stop buying Telltale games.

Yeah, I have the wrong Sentinel and not agreeing to come to a bargain with Tyrian, help for the wood.

I'm on hold until a patch comes out.


Anyone else getting a lot of double dialogue? They say the same thing twice in quick succession it's really ruining the second episode for me.


you speak so well
Anyone else getting a lot of double dialogue? They say the same thing twice in quick succession it's really ruining the second episode for me.

I got this during the "Next time on Game of Thrones" at the end but never during the main game.


Anyone else getting a lot of double dialogue? They say the same thing twice in quick succession it's really ruining the second episode for me.

I got it during the "Previously" and "Next time" scenes a bunch of times. (Those ran HORRIBLY. Worst thing I've ever seen in a Telltale game.) Didn't happen during the actual game though. Playing on PC.
Graphics issues aside (because a lot has been written about that), this game feels so uninspired.

Maybe it's because every once in awhile they're like, "LOOK, IT'S JON SNOW!!" or "YOU'RE TALKING WITH TYRION, WOW!" that really dampens the experience for me. It feels cheap. Their adaptation of The Walking Dead was fantastic, start to finish, because it didn't rely on these types of things.

The game lacks a certain gravitas, as well. I know part of the fun of Game of Thrones, and ASoIaF, is the political games, but it doesn't feel like much is happening. And when it does, it's the same stuff. OH BOY, HERE COME THE WHITEHILLS! Or, SHOULD I ASK MARGAERY FOR A FAVOR!?

I think I've split my decision both times and it feels like I'm just playing the game on autopilot.

So, as a big time GoT and ASoIaF fan, I'm disappointed with episodes 1 and 2 so far. It feels like a less competent team (both technical and from a writing perspective) is handling this series.
Am i the only person who's had no technical problems and is really enjoying the game?
Also the texture work on the characters looks ace.


Graphics issues aside (because a lot has been written about that), this game feels so uninspired.

Maybe it's because every once in awhile they're like, "LOOK, IT'S JON SNOW!!" or "YOU'RE TALKING WITH TYRION, WOW!" that really dampens the experience for me. It feels cheap. Their adaptation of The Walking Dead was fantastic, start to finish, because it didn't rely on these types of things.

The game lacks a certain gravitas, as well. I know part of the fun of Game of Thrones, and ASoIaF, is the political games, but it doesn't feel like much is happening. And when it does, it's the same stuff. OH BOY, HERE COME THE WHITEHILLS! Or, SHOULD I ASK MARGAERY FOR A FAVOR!?

I think I've split my decision both times and it feels like I'm just playing the game on autopilot.

So, as a big time GoT and ASoIaF fan, I'm disappointed with episodes 1 and 2 so far. It feels like a less competent team (both technical and from a writing perspective) is handling this series.


"Margaery will remember that". Now please shut up and answer the way we intended you to -_-
Seriously, I don't feel like the decisions I make matter at all in this game


Finally played this on Steam.

Well, it's another TellTale title. The opening looks like shite (I would have preferred they just use a low quality .mov file of the real opening), the TellTale artstyle really doesn't translate GoT well and stuttering/model adjustments/blurry textures abound.

That said, I still like playing these games and just started Ep. 2 now.

And the voice acting is solid.


Finally got around to playing this, and I'm a bit surprised by the negative responses to be honest. Surely by now people now what kind of games Telltale makes - most of the enjoyment in the actual "game" part comes from choosing how you relate to all the different characters by the choices you make - not necessarily getting a completely different story each time you play. That would be neat, but out of the range of what Telltale does with their budget. I think that doesn't automatically discredit everything the experience does give you.

Granted, I never really got the technical difficulties in any of their titles a lot of people seem to get, but I always stick with the PC versions. Those always seem pretty stable.

I like the artstyle actually, it's miles better than previous attempts of Telltale to go for a photorealistic style (which they did in the CSI games and Jurassic Park, and it just didn't work there). There's a lot of charm to it. I guess I just like being in that world, and the writing and voice acting is all pretty good. Really enjoying this, although I think Borderlands is the better title of the two currently running titles. I prefer comedy Telltale to drama Telltale, and Borderlands does a lot of really fun stuff to mix up the gameplay. Didn't expect this before I played them, because I really dig the TV-version of GoT and I can't stand the writing in the earlier Borderlands games, but there you have it.

Still, this is all good fun, and I can heartily recommend this game to Telltale/GoT-fans. The PC-version at least.


There was a tweet earlier today (somehow deleted now) about a "certain stormborn lady" visiting the Telltale Games studio today.

The thumbnail picture showed Emilia Clarke with a few others. I think this pretty much confirms that she'll voice Daenerys in episode 6 (since there was doubt about her voicing Dany due to filming Terminator Genisys etc due to the time they did the voice work).
I assume they're doing episode 6 story content now since that's probably the time Dany shows up (the episode preview picture has her in it).

//EDIT: Found the tweet: https://twitter.com/lauraperusco/status/575333861204303872


These long breaks in between make me forget all about the game. That is until I see this OT bumped back up and then check to see if the episode is out.


Hopefully episode 3 won't look like complete crap. Last time I played ep 2, every character had this ugly outline.

With regards to the story, I kind of wish they wouldn't be so attached to the books. I get the feeling that Telltale made their story just so that each of the protagonist would interact in some way with that protagonists from the book.


Any expected timetable for episode 3?

Trailer is coming out on monday so I assume the episode hits tuesday March 31st. Their emphasis on "VERY" soon could mean this tuesday though.

I'd love them to release the episode the day after the trailer but I don't see it happening. I mean did they ever do that before? It was always a week after the trailer at the earliest AFAIK.


Trailer is coming out on monday so I assume the episode hits tuesday March 31st. Their emphasis on "VERY" soon could mean this tuesday though.

I'd love them to release the episode the day after the trailer but I don't see it happening. I mean did they ever do that before? It was always a week after the trailer at the earliest AFAIK.
It's happened before. Heck, I think before we always got trailers before episodes, an episode would sometimes just randomly come out with no announcement whatsoever.


So the episode does indeed come out tomorrow for PC & PS3/PS4. Quite a surprise I have to say.

Will most likely get to play it on Wednesday or Thursday because my week is pretty packed as is in terms of work and university.


Awesome! Didnt expect it this early. I have the week off so this is a godsend :)
Hope this doesnt have decission issues again...


Any impressions of the third episode?

Just finished it (could manage to sneak in some time for this) and it is pretty good. It overall felt way longer than the other 2 episodes (the chapters were pretty long) and had some interesting interactive elements.

It's also reached the point where it spoils season 4 so you better watch season 4 before you play the new episode.
It doesn't top the 2nd Tales from the Borderlands episode though (that might just be the fact that they can't go over the top with their storytelling).

Now off we go and wait for episode 4 in may.. ?


Just finished it (could manage to sneak in some time for this) and it is pretty good. It overall felt way longer than the other 2 episodes (the chapters were pretty long) and had some interesting interactive elements.

It's also reached the point where it spoils season 4 so you better watch season 4 before you play the new episode.
It doesn't top the 2nd Tales from the Borderlands episode though (that might just be the fact that they can't go over the top with their storytelling).

Now off we go and wait for episode 4 in may.. ?

Just finished it and thought it was crap except for the ending. The level of writing and conflicts they put you in are just laughable and the game really is just "well look at what HBO licensed Game of Thrones character from the hit TV show you run into this episode." Also, the fact that they aren't even trying to even give you the illusion of choice anymore is great.

-Why is this gutter rat talking to me I left him to die? Too bad, he knows how to "handle himself" against a trained Lannister guard in full armor...
-But, I never agreed to get into business with Tyrion he approached me! It doesn't fucking matter you were seen with him, fuck you.
-I told the Bolton guy I didn't want to fight him! I even restrained myself from striking him and only hit him in the arm, I didn't even finish him off!! IT DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER HE DIES, geez when are you going to learn. You're not in control here.

mr stroke

Decent episode, felt like a set up for ep 4 though. Not much going on other than a couple later parts.

Longest episode so far, took me about 3 1/2 hours


Haha I kicked that fucker off the wall, so satisfying
hope there's no important ramifications for that :)

Took me about 2 hours total, not sure why it was taking others so long.

My results:

Saved Beskha
Obeyed Margaery and avoided Tyrion
gave Britt a quick death
stood up to Gryff WHitehill
kept the Ironwood Decree

What I don't get is I feel like I missed a section with the Ironwood Decree. So I go through all the trouble of getting it then run into a room at the end and I'm given a choice to burn it or not? Is it because Tyrion is toxic or did I actually miss something here.

edit: removed guess the spoiler didn't quote well. Sorry the game isn't reacting how you wanted. The illusion of choice is enough to make it fun for me!


This game comes with all the weight of "helplessness" from Game of Thrones without any of the catharsis or resolving satisfaction. It's just an annoyance to play guessing how I will be completely screwed next.

A genuine part of the Game of Thrones experience, yes, but only a part. That's what this series isn't getting and why it isn't enjoyable to play.


Game of Thrones cathartic moments are few and far between in the show.

The show's going on for what's soon to be five seasons, giving time to better flesh out politics, characters and tensions making those few moments very powerful and largely worth the wait.

The Telltale series doesn't have this luxury, it'd be wiser to take those opportunities when they can rather than build to what would likely become one or two underwhelming resolutions otherwise from aping the show's pacing.
Just finished act 1 of episode 3, man it's always entertaining with Asher and Beshka isn't it lol, great opening again. I'm loving this game.
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