*lots and lots of series spoilers*
They could also move some plot points from before that to afterwards. Or bring in some AFFC/DWD stuff into season 4. No season will be sparse.
*lots and lots of series spoilers*
I really enjoyed the ep, this one will be great to rewatch when the blu-ray hits. It probably couldn't be done because of budget reasons, but I kind of missed [CoK]That was one of the most memorable moments in CoK, too bad it couldn't be done.Tyrion doing the jump and run over the shipwrecks. That was also where he got the cut right?
Also please always put the relevant book before the spoiler. Which book is Plasmid's spoiler from?
Storm of Swords
Beaten...AMIR0X -_- !!
It's gone from 62 to 64 and now to 70 minutes. By Friday we'll get reports of a three-hour long finale.
It's gone from 62 to 64 and now to 70 minutes. By Friday we'll get reports of a three-hour long finale.
why didn't you make it past?
from the synopsis...
(ASOS book spoiler):I'm going to be pissed if Brienne cuts off Jaime's hand
I've seen a few people post that and I really don't see them changing how it happens in the show. The only change I can see happening is [ASoS]from the synopsis...
(ASOS book spoiler):I'm going to be pissed if Brienne cuts off Jaime's hand
It's gone from 62 to 64 and now to 70 minutes. By Friday we'll get reports of a three-hour long finale.
I'm about 10 chapters into AFFC and I can't (yet) understand why it's got such a poor reputation.
Does the majority of the book end up focusing on new characters? Is it perfectly fine, but just a big downturn after the eventful ASOS? Was it the long wait after ASOS that heightened expectations? Please try and answer superficially....
And sorry for talking about it in this thread, but people are much more careful here.
First time I fell asleep, second time as well. I just... never got around to the book again. For all this time. That chapter man, it's cursed. I know, there's no excuse for this. This summer I finally have a decent vacation and I'll hopefully read the damn thing. It's a miracle I haven't been spoiled on anything yet.
I'm about 10 chapters into AFFC and I can't (yet) understand why it's got such a poor reputation.
Does the majority of the book end up focusing on new characters? Is it perfectly fine, but just a big downturn after the eventful ASOS? Was it the long wait after ASOS that heightened expectations? Please try and answer superficially....
And sorry for talking about it in this thread, but people are much more careful here.
Congratulations to Sky Atlantic for doing show trailers over the end credits
Amazing episode in general, I just wish there were no advert breaks - it really killed the pace.
I'm about 10 chapters into AFFC and I can't (yet) understand why it's got such a poor reputation.
Does the majority of the book end up focusing on new characters? Is it perfectly fine, but just a big downturn after the eventful ASOS? Was it the long wait after ASOS that heightened expectations? Please try and answer superficially....
And sorry for talking about it in this thread, but people are much more careful here.
Knowing FFC's reception beforehand, I didn't expect that much from it. But I loved it! [no real FFC spoilers]It's completely different from SoS, but it still has everything I love the series for, even though a few storylines are disappointing. It's a great book. Reason for the disappointed fans is probably what you mentioned, I think it's a great entry in the series.
What the hell? You guys have ads? What a shame.
I haven't read the books, but I assume they changed the wildfire bit for the tv show? I thought it was amazing regardless.
This is good to hear, I just started AFFC.
Congratulations to Sky Atlantic for doing show trailers over the end credits
Amazing episode in general, I just wish there were no advert breaks - it really killed the pace.
Run time is listed as 64 minutes on HBO. The time slot is 70 minutes however, VEEP starts at 10:10, so I think that's why they listed it as 70 minutes.
If the actual run time is 70 minutes that would be awesome, but I think it's 64.
Yeah, I've been hesitant to start AFFC because of some of the remarks I've read but I'll probably start this week and take it slow and hope the paperback for ADwD is out really soon. Any date on that?This is good to hear, I just started AFFC.
It was already posted on the same page as your post.Wait! We need the gif where Clegane chops a dude in half from the shoulder. That shit was hilarious.
Wait! We need the gif where Clegane chops a dude in half from the shoulder. That shit was hilarious.
They're never going to top this episode. It was bloody amazing, was on the edge of my seat the whole time. Definitely the best moment on tv in years.
They need to stop with the Mortal Kombat fatalities.
You can show someone being cut down without watching their body parts turn to pudding in the middle of the air.
It just looks silly.
Oh I think they'll top it big time, if GRRM writes the episodes he should be writing.
It was very sneaky of them to put this one right before cutting to the attack on Tyrion, making us think his face is about to fall off the same way.