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Game Store Employees... please STOP doing this:


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Look we know that there are some things you have to do. You have to push add-on sales of strategy guides, and depending on the store you have to push magazines and/or discount cards... but for the love of f'n god will you STOP f'n taking it personally when someone returns a game YOU like?

I mean WTF it's like I insulted this kids' honor last night because I returned a game I was done with(Some games I know once I've finished them I have no interest in keeping them and/or ever playing them again... which isn't always the same thing for me) so that I could pick up Def Jam.... so I hand the kick the game and he's like....

"YOU'RE RETURNING THIS?!?!?!?!? BUT WHY?!?!?!?!?"

At the time I was looking in my wallet for my discount card, but when he said that I made it a point to stop, slowly look up and just stare at him. You know I'm not your friend, I'm not even your age, I'm too old for this fanboyish shit... finish the damn transaction and let me roll the f*ck out.

Sometimes they ask why just casually trying to make conversation while completing the transaction, and that's cool... but the whole wounded soul bit? Not cool.

Rant over.


where are you shopping that lets you return opened games? around here, all those places disappeared months/years ago.


Queen of Denmark
I completely agree.

DarienA said:
At the time I was looking in my wallet for my discount card, but when he said that I made it a point to stop, slowly look up and just stare at him. You know I'm not your friend, I'm not even your age, I'm too old for this fanboyish shit... finish the damn transaction and let me roll the f*ck out.
Haha...good job. I'll remember to do something similar to this the next time it happens to me.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
epmode said:
where are you shopping that lets you return opened games? around here, all those places disappeared months/years ago.

Sorry... I meant trade in, not return.


Chili Con Carnage!
DarienA said:
Sometimes they ask why just casually trying to make conversation while completing the transaction, and that's cool... but the whole wounded soul bit? Not cool.

You lost me when you suggested game store employees could be cool, just be glad he wasnt selling you anything you can catch a disease from.


Yeah, I got the same kind of shit when I traded in Halo for a reserve of Shin Megami Tensei.
"You're trading in the 'almighty Halo'? You better be reserving Halo 2."


GAF's Bob Woodward
Over here you can return a game within ten days, even if it's opened, for a full refund, no quibble. Though they do get to know you if you abuse it, and can blacklist people from availing of it.


Back when I wanted to buy Final Fantasy X (a year ago), the only copy that my local EB had in stock was used. "You don't want Final Fantasy X?" You'd've thought I just shot his dog.

What was worse than that was when, back in the day, gaming shops like EB used to have a Mac section. (Yes, believe it--it was true. Just three shelves, tops, but it was there.) I'd have conversations like this--

Solicitious EB employee, standing in my path as I enter: "Can I help you?"
Me: "I'm just going to your Mac section."
EB employee: (*snort* *heh* "Well, why are you going there? You know the Mac doesn't have any games. And the games it does have are better on a 386." *snort*)
Me: "Okay, then." [continues to Mac section, in back of store]
EB employee (unprompted): "Marathon is just a ripoff of Doom!"


Console Market Analyst
Darien, what game was it, if I can ask. Just so I can complete the picture.

And agreed on the rant. I don't mind the small talk if they continue to work, but if you're going to hold me hostage and demand an explanation, it's going to get ugly very fast.

I'm actually impressed you were collected enough to simply stare him down.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Wow, find it hard to believe the problem is so widespread. Their managers need to have a quick word in their ears. I used to work in a game store, and we NEVER treated customers like that, never second-guessed or questioned choices..we just did what we were asked to do. Now if we were asked for advice, or our opinion, that was a different story, but not like how you guys describe.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Goreomedy said:
Darien, what game was it, if I can ask. Just so I can complete the picture.

And agreed on the rant. I don't mind the small talk if they continue to work, but if you're going to hold me hostage and demand an explanation, it's going to get ugly very fast.

I'm actually impressed you were collected enough to simply stare him down.

Burnout 3. Now don't get me wrong Burnout 3 is great fun, awesome, etc.... but having completed it I know it's not the type of game I'm going to want to play again because I'm not the "must get the highest score" type of guy. Haven't been that way in years.

But you know it shouldn't matter what the game is. It's not like the store is losing anything by taking my trade in... hell they are going to make at least $15-$20 profit when they turn around and resell the damn thing.


Console Market Analyst
DarienA said:
But you know it shouldn't matter what the game is. It's not like the store is losing anything by taking my trade in... hell they are going to make at least $15-$20 profit when they turn around and resell the damn thing.

Yeah, that's what I was thinking. An older clerk would have been rubbing his hands together, not recoiling in horror.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
trippingmartian said:
My local EB is quite the opposite. They don't talk at all. You couldn't get an opinion out of their employees if you tried.

Do they all look like they hate their job? That's the only way I could imagine going in to a VG store and not being dragged into a conversation.

I use to love to go to browse the used section to see if I could score a good game, and then check to see what action figures they've got discounted, the missus and I are now collecting NBA and Matrix action figures and have them set up all in my game room.... yes I'm an old geek kid so deal. ;)


I had a guy try to sell me a Used Copy of Super Monkey Ball 2 shortly after the price drop. I had checked it, but they had a new copy, and it was only $5 more. $30 CDN to $25 CDN isn't enough to make me buy Used. So I went up.

Me: Yeah, I'm looking for Super Monkey Ball 2.
Clerk: Yeah, we've got that used I think.
Me: But there's a new copy there, right?
Clerk: Yeah, but with Used you have the same guarantee and it's like $10 cheaper.
Me: Actually, it's $5, and I'll take it new, please.

I'm sure the guy felt I was a complete jerk.
DarienA said:
Do they all look like they hate their job? That's the only way I could imagine going in to a VG store and not being dragged into a conversation.

I use to love to go to browse the used section to see if I could score a good game, and then check to see what action figures they've got discounted, the missus and I are now collecting NBA and Matrix action figures and have them set up all in my game room.... yes I'm an old geek kid so deal. ;)
I'm not sure what it is, but it's an uncomfortable silence. Occasionally I'll ask a throwaway question about a game and the most detailed response I'll get is "it's great" or alternatively, "it's going to be great". I don't really like the indifference, but it's the only specialized game store around here besides Microplay (shit store).


trippingmartian said:
I'm not sure what it is, but it's an uncomfortable silence. Occasionally I'll ask a throwaway question about a game and the most detailed response I'll get is "it's great" or alternatively, "it's going to be great". I don't really like the indifference, but it's the only specialized game store around here besides Microplay (shit store).

No, you should be grateful. The alternative is having a shelf-jockey who refuses to shut up.


I'm too old for this fanboyish shit...

Tell that to my former manager. That bastard, which all the employees loathed, was, to let him off easily and fail to mention countless other grievances, a biased xbox idiot. The classic: "Whaaaat? You're returning halo!?" is not foreign to these ears, no sir. ......

Having worked at gamestop for nearly 4 years (and suffering a tomb raider guide injury to the eye :D ) I'm far past the point of actually expressing my own opinion of games, unless the customer is someone i'm familiar with.

I generally offer responses based on what the general customer feedback has been, which will fall into "it's ok", "it's good", "i hear it's great", or "i haven't played it but customers say: such and such". I do this for two reaons:

Lengthy criticism is a waste on most customers. They usually can't follow or understand my views as my approach/subjectivity is not something they can identify with(or very rarely). Mainstream gamers play games for different reasons than we do and it's a barrier i'm frankly too impatient to overcome, nor do they pay me enough to relate.

The 2nd reason is everyone is going to judge games differently. Aside from the fact that my opinions on games is hardly the norm these days, when i use to reccomend games or talk one up the customer would occasionally come back and having not liked the product, give me flak for it. The other half would, of course, be just the opposite, i'd say such and such game was no good for various reasons, they'd buy it anyways, and come back to tell me how much they love it. Now, people would occasionally agree with me, but too bad.

I'd rather absolve myself of any responsibility, so i've adopted the method of giving blanket responses based on majority of customer opinion, which in practice has worked much better. Most of the other employees do the same.
I prefer asshole gamestore employees cause they dont talk to me unless they wanna talk me down, in which case I might ACTUALLY deserve it.

With the energetic gamer types they talk me down over stupid shit and rave about crap I dont wanna hear about cause they think they're being friendly


I don't return games often, so that's not much of a problem. But it seems that I run into confrontation in game stores anyway... maybe because I like to argue, but I dunno. The most recent one:

Guy: Can I help you?
Me: Yeah, do you guys have the Street Fighter Anniversary and Phantom Brave yet?
Guy: Tomorrow. Did you preorder?
Me: Nope.
Guy: Well, you might want to. They're both going to sell out tomorrow.
Me: Well, if they do, it's no big deal. I'm sure I'll find them anyway.
Guy: Where are you going to go tomorrow?
Me: What do you mean?
Guy: Where are you going to go that isn't going to sell out of these? These are the two biggest titles of the summer.
Me: (grinning) So everyone's going to sell out of these games in one day?
Guy: Yes, and we're not getting any more copies in, so you really need to preorder so you don't miss out.
Me: I'll take my chances and just look for them elsewhere, but I'll let you know how it goes.
Guy: Okay, but don't say I didn't try to help you out!

So two days go by, and I didn't even go look for anything, but I returned to the same game store.

Guy: Can I help you?
Me: Yeah, I want to buy that Street Fighter Collection and Phantom Brave.
Guy: (immediately remembering me) Did you preorder?
Me: Nope.
Guy: (turns and starts looking in the drawers behind him) Let me see if we have enough copies left.
Me: Well, if there's none in there, I'll take the ones off the wall, because I know you keep the discs for those behind the desk.
Guy: (pauses and doesn't turn around) Oh, I have some copies left.

He rings me up, I smile extra big and thank him, then when I get down to my work and open Phantom Brave, I see that he gave me the one with the soundtrack and stuff for the price of the regular. :)

Try to make me preorder stuff... that's a guarantee of nothing imo.
I trade in used games for store credit all the time at my local eb. It's easier for me to justify how much I spend on video games this way :D

The only comment I've ever got from the staff there was with the last trade in. I was trading in Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow to put the credit towards Burnout 3 and the guy behind the counter commented "Wow, that's the second highest trade-in I've seen (I got $38 CDN for it). The only game I've seen with a higher trade in is Ninja Gaiden which pretty much goes for what you buy it new at."

edit: wording
Virtually ever game employee I've come across seems to hate their jobs, hate people, and certain game in general.

But when they are "friendly" it comes off really fake and they try way too hard.

I used to be a sales person and it really is easy to be nice and give bits of advice but not be a total tool and jerk-off about things. When folks came into my store, I knew they were looking for an item, not a friend.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
jenov4 said:
You shoulda knocked over their magazine rack! :lol

I don't think they sell magazines there otherwise that would be a great idea. ;)
RevenantKioku said:
Yeah, I got the same kind of shit when I traded in Halo for a reserve of Shin Megami Tensei.
"You're trading in the 'almighty Halo'? You better be reserving Halo 2."

:lol :lol :lol


I prefer asshole gamestore employees cause they dont talk to me unless they wanna talk me down, in which case I might ACTUALLY deserve it.

Nice, i'll tell that to manager, a little support for the troops. Our store employees are 50% rank assholes. Actually, we spend lots of time making fun of people(not from some elitist game perspective either, we crack on people for anything). The redneck riveira provides lots of ammunition, for one thing. I actually have a pretty good story to tell, but i'll make a seperate thread. ;p


DarienA said:
Burnout 3. Now don't get me wrong Burnout 3 is great fun, awesome, etc.... but having completed it I know it's not the type of game I'm going to want to play again because I'm not the "must get the highest score" type of guy. Haven't been that way in years.

Wow, you traded in Burnout 3??!


works for Gamestop (lol)
I should preorder another Halo 2 copy, buy it, then return it the day next day just for kicks.

"Gaming-Age.com gave the game a C-. I want my $50 back"


Wario64 said:
I should preorder another Halo 2 copy, buy it, then return it the day next day just for kicks.

"Gaming-Age.com gave the game a C-. I want my $50 back"

Heh, I guarantee that the employees would be flabbergasted. :D


Chili Con Carnage!
Wario64 said:
I should preorder another Halo 2 copy, buy it, then return it the day next day just for kicks.

"Gaming-Age.com gave the game a C-. I want my $50 back"

:lol take a video camera when you do that


Wario64 said:
I should preorder another Halo 2 copy, buy it, then return it the day next day just for kicks.

"Gaming-Age.com gave the game a C-. I want my $50 back"
I'd buy that for a dollar!


I see where your comming from. When I returned Final Fantasy Tactis the clerk asked me why. I said I didn't like it and the battles annoyed the crap out of me. He told me I have no idea what I was talking to be and that I shouldn't be using my biased opinion to I can no way comprehend such a game.

I just asked for a manager. Haven't seen him ever since.
DarienA said:
Burnout 3. Now don't get me wrong Burnout 3 is great fun, awesome, etc.... but having completed it I know it's not the type of game I'm going to want to play again because I'm not the "must get the highest score" type of guy. Haven't been that way in years.
You traded in Burnout 3!?!?!?!?! You fucking idiot! [rolleyes]

Seriously though, making my treks to the local game store much more enjoyable means I usually need to become an asshole (what a stretch, eh) and act totally unapproachable. Makes my browsing experiences much less irritating because I'm not being nagged by judgmental employees.


Mr_Furious said:
You traded in Burnout 3!?!?!?!?! You fucking idiot! [rolleyes]

Seriously though, making my treks to the local game store much more enjoyable means I usually need to become an asshole (what a stretch, eh) and act totally unapproachable. Makes my browsing experiences much less irritating because I'm not being nagged by judgmental employees.

Of course, you know, because we never have to deal with judgmental customers...
Man, that "you're TRADING IN GAME X??????" shit gets old fast.

It was funny when I traded in Shenmue for Gauntlet Legends PS2 and the clerk almost had an aneuyrism. It didn't help that I said "isn't the point of trading games to turn shit titles like this into good ones?" Suggesting that Gauntlet Legends was vastly superior to Shenmue (which it is) literally rendered him incapable of speech, and he actually refused to check me out -- he had one of his flunkies do it instead while he sulked in the stock room. Best EBX experience EVER.

It's not so funny two years later when I go to trade in Doom 3 and the clerk can't stop gabbling about how I'm making the biggest mistake of my life. "You'll miss out on all the awesome mods!" he expostulates. "This is the game people upgrade their computers for" he rants. "You aren't gonna find a game even half as immersive!" he shrieks, near apoplexy. I mutter something about 1996-era level design and monster closets, but he ignores me, addressing the store at large with his ravings. Pretty embarrassing -- I guess that's karmic payback for taunting the Shenmue fanboy.
Soul4ger said:
Of course, you know, because we never have to deal with judgmental customers...
Being someone who's worked retail, I say this: "it's your job to deal with all type of customers." Employees don't have the right to make customers feel stupid or inferior and it boils down to being professional. I've had my fair share of bad experiences when I worked at EB or Software Etc. but I never came off as some elitist prick when someone's opinion differed from mine. I frequent different game stores weekly so my exposure to the various "judmental types" are pretty consistent.


Ante Up
Suggesting that Gauntlet Legends was vastly superior to Shenmue (which it is) literally rendered him incapable of speech, and he actually refused to check me out -- he had one of his flunkies do it instead while he sulked in the stock room.

W... T... F...?


Wario64 said:
I should preorder another Halo 2 copy, buy it, then return it the day next day just for kicks.

"Gaming-Age.com gave the game a C-. I want my $50 back"
Please don't tempt me.
I understand all of this. But if people ask me about some 'weird' game like Donky Konga, I'll say it's fun and that you should try. However, sometimes you can get clients which will tell you a certain game "sucks ass" and tries to convince you, which is basically a pain. I'll say something like "well it's not for everyone", but even that might be considered "offensive."


Wario64 said:
I should preorder another Halo 2 copy, buy it, then return it the day next day just for kicks.

"Gaming-Age.com gave the game a C-. I want my $50 back"
Be careful dude. G4 might quote that on Pulse. ;-) Is the joke old, yet?
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