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Game Store Employees... please STOP doing this:


Once (last time I bought from ebgames), I wanted to buy a NEW copy of Legaia 2 : Duel Saga.
The clerck just reached in a closet under the counter and got a big case, opened it and took the dvd from a folder like there was nothing funny about it. Then he told be to give him the game box from the shelf and just tried to put the disc in the game box.... ! Then I asked to see the DVD (I was already fuming inside but just wanted to confirm what I knew was true).

As you have already guessed, there was scratches on the disc. Not to many and only surfaces ones but they where there nonetheless. When I asked why they tried to sell me some used game for the price of a new game, the clerk responded that it was a normality for ebgames to sell the last (shelf demonstration) copy like this.

Now, the rest I was told by a friend who is a member of this forum and I invite him to comment. He said I became completely red and talked so intensely and strongly to the clerk, he just couldn't respond and took a slight step backward as like a child you just put in the corner for steeling is first cookie.

I bought the game from an other independant and very nice gameshop for double the price just for the principle. To hell ebgames, I will never ever come back, no mather the deal you can cook up your steeler ass !
2 weeks after Metroid Prime came out, I finished it and went to eb to trade it in. The clerk looked absolutely SHOCKED and said "You're trading that in? What's wrong? Are you ok?" I love the insinuation that there's something mentally wrong with me for trading in a game that a clerk likes. :D
honestly, if someone at an EB's/gamestop said something to me like that, i'd probably tell them to fuck off and ask to speak to a manager. What fuckin business is it of theirs why im returning any particular game. If i return anything to any other store, anything from a pair of shoes, to a fucking shirt, i woulnd't expect a reaction like that from the counter jockey, even if they were some 15 year old kid. These places should probably try to hire someone who is NOT a huge videogame dork to work for them.


Mareg said:
Once (last time I bought from ebgames), I wanted to buy a NEW copy of Legaia 2 : Duel Saga.
The clerck just reached in a closet under the counter and got a big case, opened it and took the dvd from a folder like there was nothing funny about it. Then he told be to give him the game box from the shelf and just tried to put the disc in the game box.... ! Then I asked to see the DVD (I was already fuming inside but just wanted to confirm what I knew was true).

As you have already guessed, there was scratches on the disc. Not to many and only surfaces ones but they where there nonetheless. When I asked why they tried to sell me some used game for the price of a new game, the clerk responded that it was a normality for ebgames to sell the last (shelf demonstration) copy like this.

Now, the rest I was told by a friend who is a member of this forum and I invite him to comment. He said I became completely red and talked so intensely and strongly to the clerk, he just couldn't respond and took a slight step backward as like a child you just put in the corner for steeling is first cookie.

I bought the game from an other independant and very nice gameshop for double the price just for the principle. To hell ebgames, I will never ever come back, no mather the deal you can cook up your steeler ass !

I always laugh when a customer like you throws a fit. Yeah I know it sucks you got the wall copy but that is life, being a short time employee but a long time patron of EBgames that is just how things work out. Can't expect them to put out the real games on the shelf (shop lifter's dream come true) and making up demo boxes is not feasible for a small store with such a high turn over rate.

My advice is to worry about bigger things other than if your game was in it's original shrink wrap or not.


0G M3mbeR
Any other game other then Burnout 3 and I would agree with you.

Besides, why do people trade in games that are less then 2 week old? Do you guys like wasting money?
signet said:
I always laugh when a customer like you throws a fit. Yeah I know it sucks you got the wall copy but that is life, being a short time employee but a long time patron of EBgames that is just how things work out. Can't expect them to put out the real games on the shelf (shop lifter's dream come true) and making up demo boxes is not feasible for a small store with such a high turn over rate.

My advice is to worry about bigger things other than if your game was in it's original shrink wrap or not.
You're a prime example of what's wrong with these EB/GS stores. Look at the other stores that offer games for examples on how to sell unopened product. Also, maybe we wouldn't have a problem buying opened games if A) you asses actually took care of the discs to prevent damaging them and B) don't put fucking stickers directly on the boxes and put them directly on the wire shelf where shelfwear becomes inevitable.

We've already had this discussion a billion times over on GAF but it never fails to have some ass come on to provoke people who may have a problem with these lame policies that only EB/GS enforce. It's not "life" outside of EB/GS.
One time I was trading something in, and the clerk was all like, "Whoa, why you trading this in? Its soo good!", so I took him outside and cubstomped him. Fool deserved it. j/k

I think the only time I ever asked a customer why he's trading in a game is when I was interested in buying said game and wanted to know if it was really short. Hope he wasn't personally offended.

When folks came into my store, I knew they were looking for an item, not a friend.

Don't you just love the people that are? There were some kids who'd come into my store and you can tell they were just waiting to start a conversation. There was one kid like this who kicked ass, he brought in the MP2 for me to try out when I told him that I hadn't gotten mine yet. I didn't ask him or anything.


Mr_Furious said:
You're a prime example of what's wrong with these EB/GS stores. Look at the other stores that offer games for examples on how to sell unopened product. Also, maybe we wouldn't have a problem buying opened games if A) you asses actually took care of the discs to prevent damaging them and B) don't put fucking stickers directly on the boxes and put them directly on the wire shelf where shelfwear becomes inevitable.

We've already had this discussion a billion times over on GAF but it never fails to have some ass come on to provoke people who may have a problem with these lame policies that only EB/GS enforce. It's not "life" outside of EB/GS.

Some of us "asses" agree that the policies suck. I am just not prepared to loose my job over it, best way to make a change is stop shopping there. You vote with your money and as long as most of the populous does not care neither with corporate.


Mr_Furious said:
You're a prime example of what's wrong with these EB/GS stores. Look at the other stores that offer games for examples on how to sell unopened product. Also, maybe we wouldn't have a problem buying opened games if A) you asses actually took care of the discs to prevent damaging them and B) don't put fucking stickers directly on the boxes and put them directly on the wire shelf where shelfwear becomes inevitable.

We've already had this discussion a billion times over on GAF but it never fails to have some ass come on to provoke people who may have a problem with these lame policies that only EB/GS enforce. It's not "life" outside of EB/GS.

Thx for your comment Furious, these people just don't give a shuit about people taking care of their games. I swear I will never ever set foot in an ebgames store again and I buy more then 10 games a month. Amazon.ca are getting my $$$ at the moment. Screw you Ebgames !
signet said:
Some of us "asses" agree that the policies suck. I am just not prepared to loose my job over it, best way to make a change is stop shopping there. You vote with your money and as long as most of the populous does not care neither with corporate.
Okay, now you're just not making sense. First you laugh at the customers that throw a fit over the risk of receiving damaged products and now you're saying you actually think that EB's policies suck? I'd think you'd be sympathetic and understanding to these customers then. Not laugh at them. Losing your job isn't even relevant here(that is unless a customer complains about your bad attitude towards them wanted sealed copies only). BTW, I do take much more of my business elsewhere for the exact reasons being discussed in this thread.


Mareg said:
I buy more then 10 games a month. Amazon.ca are getting my $$$ at the moment. Screw you Ebgames !

see he has got the right idea...


Hey if you preorder you won't get a wall copy, maybe you could take a few mins a week before a game comes out and lay a fiver on it. I mean if it matters so much to you.


signet said:
Hey if you preorder you won't get a wall copy, maybe you could take a few mins a week before a game comes out and lay a fiver on it. I mean if it matters so much to you.

I don't have to go out of my way to slap down $5 to get an unopened copy at other stores. Fuck that. EB and GS are last resorts for me, and if they're gonna give me an opened copy, fuckers are giving me a discount or they're not getting my business. And I've always gotten a discount.


works for Gamestop (lol)
That's why I get all my games from Best Buy or Circuit City. Plus they let me price match, something that not all EB stores do (my local EB doesn't). And I also have a longer period to get a refund instead of 1 or 2 weeks. And if another store has the same game on sale, I can get it price matched within 30 days

EB and Gamestop are my last resorts as well
EB around here is by far the most reliable in regards to getting releases in when they are supposed to and making them available. Best Buy has given me so many problems in that regard. It also helps I pretty much know most of the regular employees in all of the EBs around here. Customer loyalty pays off with time.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
signet said:
Hey if you preorder you won't get a wall copy, maybe you could take a few mins a week before a game comes out and lay a fiver on it. I mean if it matters so much to you.

Why so during the weekly phone meetings (if EB does the game thing Gamestop does), and the daily corporate emails your store can look because it has X # of preorders vs. some other store in your group?

Fuck that.
signet said:
Hey if you preorder you won't get a wall copy, maybe you could take a few mins a week before a game comes out and lay a fiver on it. I mean if it matters so much to you.
Uh, how do you place a preorder on a game that's already out? That's what I thought. Give it a rest, EB zealot.
Ninja Scooter said:
honestly, if someone at an EB's/gamestop said something to me like that, i'd probably tell them to fuck off and ask to speak to a manager. What fuckin business is it of theirs why im returning any particular game. If i return anything to any other store, anything from a pair of shoes, to a fucking shirt, i woulnd't expect a reaction like that from the counter jockey, even if they were some 15 year old kid. These places should probably try to hire someone who is NOT a huge videogame dork to work for them.

From my, experience it's the managers that are the biggest assholes. The employees are simply following suit.

As for the bullshit that signet is spewing, I have to agree with everyone's responses. And like everyone else...

Wario64 said:
EB and Gamestop are my last resorts as well


signet said:
My advice is to worry about bigger things other than if your game was in it's original shrink wrap or not.

I'd prefer not to think about whether or not some previous customer or employee has seasoned that particular "new" copy with his own special blend, if you catch my drift. But I "voted" with my dollar a long time ago, I don't shop at EB or Gamestop unless I'm looking for used stuff, since that's what they seem most interested in selling anyway, whether I ask for it or not.

If I absolutely, positively need it on release day, FYE usually comes through. Maybe, if Jedimike's thread is any indication, I'll give GameCrazy a spin as well. EB and Gamestop can go screw themselves, I remember when they used to be genuinely nice places to shop. (Hell, I remember when EB used to sell computers.)
I used to retrun games alot cuase they sucked. I think once I was questioned why, I just said "Cause it SUCKS" and ranted about how much it sucked. I think the clerk was sorry he asked.

I also got away with it when they first started no open returns, I just anrgily said "I want to return this game...cause it SUCKS" and it worked. Yet when I went to go return my first GBSP cause of a big glowing spot on it I had to arguee it was there with the clerk.

Me: "I'd like to exchange this GBSP cuase theres a dead pixel or some WHITE spec on the screen...it annoying"
(looks at the GBSP with it off, turns it on with no game, puts a game in that has a mostly WHITE title screen)
Clerk: "I don't see a spec"
Me: "thats cause it's a white spec and your looking at a white screen"
Clerk: "No"
Me: <sigh> "Fine let me show you then" (takes the GBSP and takes Puzzle Fighter out of my pocket puts it in turns it on)
Clerk: "ummm"
Me:"Right there...you don't see that?"
Clerk: snatches the GBSP and hands me a new one, then walks away

oh and my most recent one....I bought MM:Collection, it was the display copy, I got home and noticed it's scratched. The next day on my lunch break I got to exchange it at a closer Planet X

Me: "Hey I got this at the Gamestop in Hackensack, it was the last copy and it's scratched I just want to exchange it."
Clerk: "Ok lemme see if we have any in" (looks) nope...sorry about that"
Me: "Ok, no problem. Can I exchange it for the Gamecube version then?
(now things take a turn from "Sure we'll exchange it" to "What are you trying to pull")
<Clerk goes to the manager, he tells him to test it first>
Manager: "If it works then we're not taking it back"
Me:"It works but it's scratched what if something later in the game is messed up?"
Clerk: "Thier just tiny scratches"
Manager: "He's gonna test it for you"
(at this point I gave up and already thought about going to another gamestop on the way home from work)
<he tests it with the sound off on a kisok, jumps up twice in guts man stage and apprently it works fine for the entire game>

I went to another Gamestop where I'm familiar with the manager, before I could fihsin "I got this display copy in Hackensack and its scratched" The manager handed me a new one and told me to have a nice day.
FortNinety said:
From my, experience it's the managers that are the biggest assholes. The employees are simply following suit.

you are probably right. Oh well, i stopped shopping at Gamestop/EB's long ago. I mean, it was cool back when i was a kid (a store...full of VIDEOGAMES!?!?!) but now there is really no advantage at all. Hell, i don't really like going to the mall as it is, so if i need a new game, i'll just stop off at Best Buy or something.

aoi tsuki

This thread reminds me of when i went to KB Toys a few weeks ago to get a red carrying case for my fire SP.

Clerk 1: Can I get something for you sir?
Me: Yeah, i'll take that red Gameboy Advance SP case.
Clerk 1: Umm... you sure? It's red.
Me: Yeah, i have a fire SP.
Clerk 1: We've got black and gray cases too.
Me: Yeah, i'll take the red.
Clerk 2: Wow, it's... red.
Me: Should go well with my fire red SP then.
Clerk 2: Sure you want the red case? It's kinda... you know. We've got the black one for the same price.
Me: Look, guys. i have a fire SP. i don't have a lot of red things, so it should stand out when it's covered in crap in my bedroom. i'll take the red.

Situations like that make me glad i'm not dependant on brick and mortar stores for my purchases. There's just too many stores filled with clerks that are too socially inept to realize that a)just because my opinion (which i can validate) differs doesn't make me an idiot or b)i'm not a social skill test dummy and just because we have a common interest in games i don't care to hear about their other views, experiences, etc. Even worse is when the clerk has no references before the Playstation, yet they're the fucking authority in games. Which brings me to...


On a positive note, i went to EB Tuesday night about twenty minutes before close to preorder my DS. There was a really knowledgeable clerk there who i talked to for the duration of my visit. i informed him of the Nintendo conferences, the solid $150 DS price and November 21st launch and we traded game retail war stories for a few minutes after close. It's been a while since i've been able to geek out with a game store clerk. Hopefully he'll be around for the DS launch.


I just don't understand why so many people want to be friends with people who work at video game stores.

I'm serious. What is the big appeal? So many posts read like 14 year old girls with high school crushes. HE REMEMBERS MY NAME!!!


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
The local Gamestop has some pretty cool employees - when I went to reserve SO3, the dude was talking to me about playing the original SO, and how he was halfway through playing TOS. He recognizes me as the guy who loves the SO and Tales series every time I come in.

The Funcoland employees seem to be pretty by-the-books, don't start useless conversation, even though they don't really have any idea about half the games I'm talking about (the clerk looked at me clueless when I mentioned stuff like Katamari Damacy or Gradius V)... though when I reserved Shadow Hearts 2, the guy told me that he heard Shin Megami Tensei was good (surprised he even pronounced the name right).

EB has screwed me over with shelf copies far too many times for me to go back there... which is a shame, since EB used to always be my favorite store and I was a loyal customer of theirs for years.
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